Error in I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)

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Peter Mueller

Jun 29, 2024, 4:19:57 PM6/29/24
to sage-devel
R.<a, b> = GF(2)[]
L = [a^2+a, b^2+b]
I = ideal(L)
V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)

raises a `ValueError: positive-dimensional ideal`, which of course is nonsense. Exporting the system to an msolve-readable file and using msolve directly (with the -P 2 flag) returns the correct result.

So this does not seem to be an msolve bug, but probably a Sage error in parsing the msolve output. (My system msolve has version 0.6.6-1, but the same happened with 0.6.5).

My SageMath version is 10.4.rc1. With Sage 10.3,  this examples raises a `NotImplementedError: characteristic 2 too small`.

So it seems that for the time being, one has to write one's own interface to msolve :-(

-- Peter Mueller

Marc Mezzarobba

Jun 30, 2024, 7:04:28 AM6/30/24
'Peter Mueller' via sage-devel wrote:
> R.<a, b> = GF(2)[]
> L = [a^2+a, b^2+b]
> I = ideal(L)
> V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
> raises a `ValueError: positive-dimensional ideal`, which of course is
> nonsense. Exporting the system to an msolve-readable file and using
> msolve directly (with the -P 2 flag) returns the correct result.

What exact command are you using to run msolve, and what does your input
file contain? On my system:

~$ cat /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
~$ msolve -P 2 -f /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
[1, 3, -1, []]:


Peter Mueller

Jun 30, 2024, 7:53:25 AM6/30/24
to sage-devel
msolve apparently ignores the last line of the input file if it does not end with a newline character. If one adds it, then it yields the correct result. The doc of msolve ("2 Input file format") probably should be clearer about that.
I guess that in your snippet, you manually typed the `enter` key after the `cat` command in the console.

-- Peter Mueller

Marc Mezzarobba

Jun 30, 2024, 10:27:25 AM6/30/24
'Peter Mueller' via sage-devel wrote:
> I guess that in your snippet, you manually typed the `enter` key after
> the `cat` command in the console.

Hmm, no, there is a newline at the end:

~$ hexdump -c /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
0000000 a , b \n 2 \n a ^ 2 + a , \n b ^ 2
0000010 + b \n


Peter Mueller

Jun 30, 2024, 11:08:56 AM6/30/24
to sage-devel
OK, it apparently was a bug of the previous version of msolve: For `msolve -P 2 -f` with msolve 0.6.5-2 yields the wrong result claiming that the dimension is positive, no matter whether ends with a newline character or or not, while msolve 0.6.6-1 yields the correct result in both cases. Still, from within Sage, I get the wrong result. So I guess I need to force Sage to use the system msolve rather the one which Sage built during installation.

-- Peter Mueller

Dima Pasechnik

Jun 30, 2024, 2:29:10 PM6/30/24
On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 12:08 PM 'Peter Mueller' via sage-devel
<> wrote:
> OK, it apparently was a bug of the previous version of msolve: For `msolve -P 2 -f` with msolve 0.6.5-2 yields the wrong result claiming that the dimension is positive, no matter whether ends with a newline character or or not, while msolve 0.6.6-1 yields the correct result in both cases. Still, from within Sage, I get the wrong result. So I guess I need to force Sage to use the system msolve rather the one which Sage built during installation.

Yes. For the time being you can symlink local/bin/msolve to your system msolve


rm local/bin/msolve
ln -s `which msolve` local/bin/msolve

We need to work on
to fix this properly

> -- Peter Mueller
> Marc Mezzarobba schrieb am Sonntag, 30. Juni 2024 um 12:27:25 UTC+2:
>> 'Peter Mueller' via sage-devel wrote:
>> > I guess that in your snippet, you manually typed the `enter` key after
>> > the `cat` command in the console.
>> Hmm, no, there is a newline at the end:
>> ~$ hexdump -c /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
>> 0000000 a , b \n 2 \n a ^ 2 + a , \n b ^ 2
>> 0000010 + b \n
>> 0000013
>> --
>> Marc
> --
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Dima Pasechnik

Jun 30, 2024, 9:17:43 PM6/30/24
to, Marc Mezzarobba
Hi Marc,

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 8:04 AM Marc Mezzarobba <> wrote:
> 'Peter Mueller' via sage-devel wrote:
> > R.<a, b> = GF(2)[]
> > L = [a^2+a, b^2+b]
> > I = ideal(L)
> > V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
> >
> > raises a `ValueError: positive-dimensional ideal`, which of course is
> > nonsense. Exporting the system to an msolve-readable file and using
> > msolve directly (with the -P 2 flag) returns the correct result.

with an up to date
(latest msolve
commit a286a83057b3ac2dab5b660af92b1412d66ecf9b (HEAD, origin/master,
Merge: dd6a447 f109dd5
Author: ederc <>
Date: Fri Jun 28 22:12:17 2024 +0200)

I am getting "NotImplementedError"

sage: R.<a, b> = GF(2)[]
....: L = [a^2+a, b^2+b]
....: I = ideal(L)
....: V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 4
2 L = [a**Integer(2)+a, b**Integer(2)+b]
3 I = ideal(L)
----> 4 V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
File /mnt/opt/Sage/sage-dev/src/sage/rings/polynomial/,
in variety(ideal, ring, proof)
278 # Criterion suggested by Mohab Safey El Din to avoid cases where there
279 # is no rational parameterization or where the one returned by msolve
280 # has a significant probability of being incorrect.
281 if deg >= char > 0 or 0 < char <= 2**17 and deg !=
--> 282 raise NotImplementedError(f"characteristic {char} too small")
283 den = to_poly(den)

So this is due to "0 < char <= 2**17 and deg !=" - added
by you - which does not make sense to me.
Is this "Criterion" no longer applicable?

> What exact command are you using to run msolve, and what does your input
> file contain? On my system:
> ~$ cat /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
> a,b
> 2
> a^2+a,
> b^2+b
> ~$ msolve -P 2 -f /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
> [1, 3, -1, []]:

I am getting the following output:
[0, [2,
['a', 'b', 'A'],
[1, 1]],

Marc Mezzarobba

Jul 1, 2024, 6:16:41 AM7/1/24
Hi Dima,

Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> So this is due to "0 < char <= 2**17 and deg !=" - added
> by you - which does not make sense to me.
> Is this "Criterion" no longer applicable?

I don't know. This criterion was suggested to me by Mohab after I
complained that msolve -P 1 often returned nonsense in small
characteristic. (As far as I understand, there is always a tiny
probability that the output is incorrect, but at the time and in this
case the probability was not small at all.) I know the developers have
made many improvements since, but I don't know if this particular issue
is solved or not.


Dima Pasechnik

Jul 2, 2024, 7:48:41 PM7/2/24
Given that on the input we discuss that answers returned by msolve don't make sense,
we should leave it in place.

IMHO msolve tries to find a univariate representation for the solutions, and so it needs a big field to work in - and I don't even know whether there any pitfalls with this approach for char>0.
(or char = 2, often the most pathological case)

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