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Filipo V

Oct 15, 2016, 6:43:28 PM10/15/16
to SabreDAV Discussion
Hi everyone,

I'm running Win7 and installed XAMPP, went through the baikal install and successfully installed it to C:\xampp\htdocs\baikal and went through the web interface steps as usual. Then I successfully created a user which has a calendar called default.

However I get stuck when I try to add my own calendar on Thunderbird by doing 'http://localhost/calendars/bob/default", the calendar entry on the UI just appears unticked and greyed out.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help?


Evert Pot

Oct 18, 2016, 8:31:22 PM10/18/16
to SabreDAV Discussion
Hi Filipo,

The url is never really in this format for baikal:


Usually it's something like:


To verify if that's correct, try opening it in a browser first. If you're getting an authentication window and you can log in and see some information, it's a good indicator it's the right address.


Filipo V

Oct 19, 2016, 4:01:44 PM10/19/16
to SabreDAV Discussion
Wow that is amazing, thank you so so much Evert.

Now I don't have to rely on the cloud as all my tasks and events are local!

2016年10月19日水曜日 1時31分22秒 UTC+1 Evert Pot:
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