Re: [Rails] Re: Deep Nesting Help

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Ariel Juodziukynas

Sep 26, 2019, 4:25:03 PM9/26/19
I'm not sure I understand what's the problem, where exactly do you have doubts?

I'd suggest you first refactor that super ugly nested loops and ifs:
- remove the unnecesarry if's
    DdCategory.all.each do |category|
      # If the Category is active, build it
      if category.is_active?

can't you handle that is_active? with a scope?

- the blocks for category.dd_items and subcategory.dd_items looks almost the same, I think you can reuse some code there

- move complex logic to other methods to clean that up, like:

                    item.dd_subitems.each do |subitem|
                      newitem.dd_detail_subitems.create!(dd_detail_item_id:, title: subitem.title, has_check: subitem.has_check, has_value: subitem.has_value, has_note: subitem.has_note, item_check: subitem.item_check, item_value: subitem.item_value, item_note: subitem.item_note)

could be a method on newitem like "add_subitem_from(subitem)" that does that create but you'll have less clutter to simplify your logic to understand it better

El jue., 26 sept. 2019 a las 16:01, John Sanderbeck (<>) escribió:

Another thing to note is I am also only doing an Edit of the data as the records already have been created and are not allowed to be destroyed.


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Ariel Juodziukynas

Sep 26, 2019, 10:06:50 PM9/26/19
But what's the actual problem? you say you have some problem but you just pasted code with no indication on where to look. Do you have a render error? do you have the view rendering ok but when you submit it it does not do what you want? if it does not do what you want, what's the excepted vs the actual behaviour?

El jue., 26 sept. 2019 a las 22:24, John Sanderbeck (<>) escribió:
I agree I can clean up the build but the problem I am having is in the form, not the models...

I need to structure the nested form and I can't seem to figure out the rails syntax...

Just experimenting, and currently, this is the closest I have gotten to what I am trying to do...

  <% @dd_detail.dd_detail_categories.each do |category| %>
    <div class="lunch_order_list_class"><%= category.title.titleize %></div>
    <%= f.fields_for :dd_detail_items do |item| %>
        <%= item.label :title %>
        <%= item.check_box :item_check %>
        <%= item.text_field :item_value %>
        <%= item.text_area :note %>
      <%= item.fields_for :dd_detail_subitems do |subitem| %>
          <%= subitem.label :title %>
          <%= subitem.check_box :item_check %>
          <%= subitem.text_field :item_value %>
          <%= subitem.text_area :note %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <%= f.fields_for :dd_detail_subcategories do |subcategory| %>
      <%= subcategory.label :title %><br/>
      <%= subcategory.fields_for :dd_detail_items do |item| %>
          <%= item.label :title %>
          <%= item.check_box :item_check %>
          <%= item.text_field :item_value %>
          <%= item.text_area :note %>
        <%= item.fields_for :dd_detail_subitems do |subitem| %>
            <%= subitem.label :title %>
            <%= subitem.check_box :item_check %>
            <%= subitem.text_field :item_value %>
            <%= subitem.text_area :note %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

On Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 4:25:03 PM UTC-4, Ariel Juodziukynas wrote:
I'm not sure I understand what's the problem, where exactly do you have doubts?

I'd suggest you first refactor that super ugly nested loops and ifs:
- remove the unnecesarry if's
    DdCategory.all.each do |category|
      # If the Category is active, build it
      if category.is_active?

can't you handle that is_active? with a scope?

- the blocks for category.dd_items and subcategory.dd_items looks almost the same, I think you can reuse some code there

- move complex logic to other methods to clean that up, like:

                    item.dd_subitems.each do |subitem|
                      newitem.dd_detail_subitems.create!(dd_detail_item_id:, title: subitem.title, has_check: subitem.has_check, has_value: subitem.has_value, has_note: subitem.has_note, item_check: subitem.item_check, item_value: subitem.item_value, item_note: subitem.item_note)

could be a method on newitem like "add_subitem_from(subitem)" that does that create but you'll have less clutter to simplify your logic to understand it better

El jue., 26 sept. 2019 a las 16:01, John Sanderbeck (<>) escribió:

Another thing to note is I am also only doing an Edit of the data as the records already have been created and are not allowed to be destroyed.


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