I am running jruby (1.7.3) & rails 2.3.17 application whose apis are exposed to outside app. When I add "config.threadsafe!" in my development.rb/production.rb & hit lot many api requests in a second then I am getting following errors randomly for some of the api requests:
Does newer jruby version solves this issue? But my application does not support jruby > 1.7.3.
Also even if I add the affecting method in below synchronize block then also it is not synchronizing that method. Note : I have added "config.threadsafe!" in my development.rb & production.rb
semaphore = Mutex.new
thread = Thread.new {
semaphore.synchronize {
#affecting code/method
But if I remove "config.threadsafe!" from my development.rb/production.rb & hit huge number of requests I am not getting any error but this time performance is impacted.
Is there any solution to remove these errors without affecting the performance?