Can't say "Hello World"

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Сергей Чевычелов

2016年12月24日 03:07:192016/12/24
收件人 Ruby on Rails: Talk
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to step through Rails Guide and stuck at step 4.3. I've created my first controller and action, run the server and get the following error message.
Can someone help with this? And i also appreciate if you give me some source to learn Ruby on Rails. Thanks!

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Hassan Schroeder

2016年12月24日 13:34:162016/12/24
收件人 rubyonrails-talk
On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Сергей Чевычелов
<> wrote:

> I'm trying to step through Rails Guide and stuck at step 4.3. I've created my first controller and action, run the server and get the following error message.
> Can someone help with this?

It would help if you

1) provided a link to the "step 4.3" you referenced

2) copy and paste the error message so it can be run through
Google translate or equivalent

3) specify the versions of Ruby and Rails you're using

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

Ad Rienks

2016年12月25日 07:28:112016/12/25
收件人 Ruby on Rails: Talk

You created a controller and action, but did you create a view? Without a view you can't see anything. I guess you see the Rails default screen.
Learn Rails through this free tutorial: The first few chapters lead you to create a "Hello World" example.

Op zaterdag 24 december 2016 09:07:19 UTC+1 schreef Сергей Чевычелов:

Colin Law

2016年12月25日 08:04:242016/12/25
收件人 Ruby on Rails: Talk
On 25 December 2016 at 12:28, Ad Rienks <> wrote:

You created a controller and action, but did you create a view? Without a view you can't see anything. I guess you see the Rails default screen.
Learn Rails through this free tutorial: The first few chapters lead you to create a "Hello World" example.

+1 for (which is free to use online)


Scott Jacobsen

2016年12月25日 11:32:522016/12/25
收件人 Ruby on Rails: Talk
My best guess since it is an execjs error is you don't have a javascript runtime installed. Be sure you have one of the execjs supported runtimes installed.

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Ad Rienks

2016年12月26日 03:01:512016/12/26
收件人 Ruby on Rails: Talk
Which is your development environment? Operation System? The comes with a link to Cloud 9 ( In the provided online environment (which is free for personal use) everything can be set up to run Rails, the way you need.


Op zondag 25 december 2016 14:04:24 UTC+1 schreef Colin Law:
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