Emil S. wrote in post #1115716:
> I hope you have gone through this :
https://rvm.io/rvm/install . System
> wide RVM will let you use the same installation for all users on the
> system. But I've seen many junior devs screw up their dev environment by
> trying a system wide RVM installation but didn't follow the instructions
> correctly. Single user installations look safer and less error prone to
> me. I like to have Single User RVM installations on my systems because I
> am
> more comfortable when I'm not sudo-ing too often :)
I agree. Dev environments can be a very personal thing. For example I
prefer rbenv over RVM.
That being said, if you're the only user of the dev machine then I see
no advantage of a system-wide install at all. Plus, I wouldn't want to
have to deal with another developer coming along and screwing up my dev
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