Problem upgrading from 2.5.16

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G Law

Apr 22, 2024, 5:05:03 PMApr 22
to Review Board Community
Hello all,

I am tryin to upgrade from 2.5.16 on a CentOS 7 machine to anything on RHEL8.  Ultimately my only option is to upgrade in place on the CentOS 7 box. I've been trying to do the upgrade on a VM clone and have been so far unsuccessful.

I had various issues going straight to 4.0 (where I could switch to python 3) so tried to see if I could try jumping to 3 first.

When using easy-install to upgrade to 3.0 I got an error when hitting the browser which said I needed to use the same way to upgrade as I did to install.  The install was done via rpm, and I can't find any other rpms other than 2.5.17.  Reviewboard does not officially support rpms.

When I tried again, I once again found errors unless I did the following order.

easy_install -U reviewboard==3.0.26

easy_install -U reviewboard==3.0.1

rb-site --version

Shhh... Review Board is taking a nap.

You hit a HTTP 500 error, which means something might be wrong. If this is a temporary outage, Review Board should wake up soon.

Or maybe you've found a bug. If so, good job! Please report it to your admins. They'll be able to help you out.



# rb-site --version

rb-site 3.0.1

Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug  4 2017, 00:39:18)

[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)]

Installed to /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ReviewBoard-3.0.1-py2.7.egg/reviewboard



Doing a pip install there was no reviewboard in site-packages, not really sure where it went.  There is only one version of python installed at this time.

Does anyone know what the issue could be, and how to get around this?

Thank you!

David Trowbridge

Apr 22, 2024, 5:08:31 PMApr 22
The "taking a nap" error means that Review Board is crashing somewhere. Can you check the reviewboard and web server logs for errors?

I'd definitely suggest just going straight from your original version to your target version (preferably 6). Doing upgrades to intermediate versions is not necessary and just adds additional places where errors can occur.


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G Law

Apr 23, 2024, 2:13:07 PMApr 23
to Review Board Community
Thanks for the suggestion.   I'll look at logs.   I was trying to go to 4, but when seeing issues, tried something more conservative.  Bumping 2.5.16 to 6 means I'd have to switch to python 3.   When I tried upgrading to 4 I found an issue where it was conflicting between using 2 and 3.   Perhaps I was doing something wrong?


David Trowbridge

Apr 23, 2024, 2:17:17 PMApr 23
You definitely need to make sure that everything is using the same Python version. In particular, if you're using something like Apache, you need to make sure that your mod_wsgi is built with the same Python version as everything that is installed.

Moving to Python 3 is definitely annoying, but I'd highly recommend it--Python 2 has not received any security updates in over 4 years.


G Law

Apr 23, 2024, 2:42:30 PMApr 23
to Review Board Community
Great thank you.  I found that adding an upgraded python while doing the ugprade confuses the upgrade and python 3 scripts were failing running referencing python2.7/site-packages.   Also upgrading to python3 breaks 2.5.16.   So, upgrade python3 and reviewboard will pull 2.5.16 into a working new version?   

You're not wrong, it's way overdue. We have to upgrade mysql and the linux version as well.  It's a big mess.

Thanks again!

David Trowbridge

Apr 23, 2024, 2:51:30 PMApr 23
Since you have to upgrade the world, you may find it easiest to set up a completely new system with a brand new install of Review Board. Once you've verified that everything is set up correctly, you can replace the database and site directory with the ones from your old server, and run rb-site upgrade to migrate the database schema to the latest.


G Law

Apr 23, 2024, 3:01:24 PMApr 23
to Review Board Community
Ah nice, I'll try that thanks!  I tried copying same version to same version on new server, which didn't go well.
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