Review Board Ticket #4991: See #4990 for rbtools - display output of p4 fstat 'headType' (which is P4 filetype)

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Shubha Ramani

31.1.2023 klo 18.04.2031.1.2023
vastaanottaja Shubha Ramani,
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New ticket #4991 by shubhar

For Beanbag, Inc. Review Board

See #4990 for rbtools - display output of p4 fstat 'headType' (which is P4 filetype)

What version are you running?


What's the URL of the page this enhancement relates to, if any?


Describe the enhancement and the motivation for it.

We would like filetypes to be displayed along with the diff'd files. The

motivation is that people often check-in files with the wrong filetypes,

which causes havoc in production.

What operating system are you using? What browser?

Windows, usually Chrome, sometimes Edge

Please provide any additional information below.

New Priority:Medium Type:Enhancement
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