A Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte

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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Sep 30, 2019, 3:48:21 AM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
A Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte

Ever since the sketch and the mention of a 25th Rivendell Anniversary Mixte on the Blahg, I have been waiting like a kid on Christmas. The bikes I love are the mixtes/step-throughs and what an honor that a mixte was going to be the bike representing Rivendell Bicycle Works on their 25th. Since then, I’ve haunted the Blug and the Blahg, checking my traps for any hint of the rumored mixte coming to life. The fancy lugs, the Rivendell decal, the wispy, light ovalized tubes, the “One Bike To Rule Them All” decal I was jockeying to get Rivendell to place in some secret spot on the frame...I can’t forget about it.

In a recent e-newlsetter, the AM was mentioned but then seemingly tabled. It’s inconceivable to me that this project may not happen. The lugs have been designed, and they look to have a hummingbird cut into the lugwork. And there’s no bird I love better than a hummingbird.

I was discussing (despairing) online with friends from the List and one of them said, “Why don’t you just get this in a custom? They might even make those lugs for you.”

I am not a custom kind of gal. I love the stock Rivendells I have in my garage. But if the only way I can get an Anniversary Mixte is to make it out of a custom, well, there’s an idea.

A Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte.

Grant is 65. The Gallup bike and the Longbolts bike are ahead of the AM in the queue. The lug maker is going out of business. It could be a very long time before the AM is in production. If ever.

I can’t be the only one whose heart was set on having this bike. Would anyone else want a Genuine Pretend Anniversary Mixte? Would it be over the top if I ordered it as a custom? Would anyone else do the same? Would we have a batch of them ordered? And if so, can I choose the color? RICH RED WITH SPARKLES AND CREAM ACCENTS. Jewel-toned, like a hummingbird.

This might be impossible. Too expensive, maybe Rivendell won’t agree to it, maybe it’s a bad idea - but I’d at least like to explore it. Reply if you have thoughts about it. This is fun, even if it turns out to be a pipe dream.


Sep 30, 2019, 8:39:00 AM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

Seems I'm all out of "practical advice" .......

Questioning and reasoning and rationalizing is like pretending your Doggie present in the room, isn't present , and pretending-scheming-plotting how to make Doggie become present.   All silly of course as Doogie is present the whole time .... never missing in the first place..  All the planning and scheming in the world can't/won't make Doggie appear as Doggie is always present. 

Mark Roland

Sep 30, 2019, 11:00:11 AM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

“Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know. Close your mouth, block off your senses, blunt your sharpness, untie your knots, soften your glare, settle your dust. This is the primal identity" Lao Tzu


Sep 30, 2019, 1:39:37 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
This is my wife's Riv mixte. It has 650B wheels and clearance for 42-44mm tires with fenders. Sometimes you have to look backwards for the "prize". Riv made this bike 15 years ago. It is still leading edge. 


Matt Beecher

Sep 30, 2019, 2:11:45 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
What size are you? Isn’t there a nice, nos Glorius out east? I’m thinking it was in Boston.

If it fit me, I would be very tempted and it would be significantly cheaper than a custom.

Best regards,
Matt in Oswego, IL


Sep 30, 2019, 2:15:24 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, have you considered getting one of your frames painted exactly the colors you want? That $350 would at least allow you to see how badly (or not) you need to pay literally 10x more for a custom the same color. I can vouch for Rick Stefani’s paint jobs. He repainted my Roadini and it looks great!


Joe Bernard

Sep 30, 2019, 2:33:33 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah is gauging interest in the bike Grant presented with the swoopy double toptubes and that lug that may have a hummingbird in it. Yes, I want one.

Leah Peterson

Sep 30, 2019, 3:24:26 PM9/30/19
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Yes, what Joe says is correct. I’m not asking about new paint or an old model, I’m asking who’s interested in the rumored upcoming project Rivendell tempted us with.

So, two people interested so far!

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> On Sep 30, 2019, at 7:33 AM, Joe Bernard <joer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Leah is gauging interest in the bike Grant presented with the swoopy double toptubes and that lug that may have a hummingbird in it. Yes, I want one.
> --
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Brian Campbell

Sep 30, 2019, 3:36:17 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Sell the Riv's that would be dupilcate, apply the funds to the custom and make it your main, if not only bike. FWIW, I had a pretty serious vintage bike collection 9 full bikes, many frames and many parts. Like many folks, I just kept constructing the same bike over & over because it was what I liked and represented how I rode. It took a lot of time energy and money keeping it all going.

I sold all of it in 2013 and bought an Hilsen. I saved my self a lot time, maintenance and mental energy by down sizing. I rode more and spent less time online searching and hunting for more "stuff". It was my only real bike until just recently when I got the final Riv Legolas.

I set the Legolas up to be light and simple. It is a very different animal that the Hilsen. Both are practical, can be configured in a number of different ways for future "twidling" if need be. 

Having a limited set of choices , in this case two, seems to heighten the enjoyment of each. Having too many choice made me dissatisfied. I say do it and don't look back.

Eric Daume

Sep 30, 2019, 4:08:05 PM9/30/19
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Brian is my new idol. 

I’m in the same loop. I keep on building up:

- 29er steel hardtails
- 700c versatile cross type bikes
- sometimes an old UJB (or UAB if it’s an old Trek)

I have a dream to focus and downsize to just two, maybe my Jones for mountain biking and something else for running around town. But then what do I do when I get an urge to ride fixed gear? And so it goes.

But this town bike would more likely be a Bike Friday than a swoopy humming-Riv, so I’m sorry for the digression!

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Sep 30, 2019, 4:19:26 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yes and no...

Riv has had a big mixte offer.

The Glorius => became the Foy => became the Cheviot => became the Clem L. From a coverage perspective, just about everyone who wants a mixte, over the last 15 years has been covered. Plus, each iteration has been further budgetized which suggests the market is thin.  

You could go custom. But I suggest the collector's route might be satisfying. The Glorius/Saluki I bought for my wife this spring is utterly amazing. It's Toyo. I don't think you can find a better road mixte... even custom. It's got all the knowledge Grant had for the Saluki/Hilson series of Country Bikes, which is significant, with a huge throw down for over-the-top construction details. 

If I was going to throw $$$ at a Riv today, I be scouring the list for a 51 Appaloosa, not a mixte.  We have a 55 (too big for me, but works for my son). It's the best bike I've ever seen. And I have a beautiful Toyo era Atlantis. My second choice would be a Clem L. There's no reason for Riv to do an anniversary mixte when they have the most distilled design for an all-rounder step thru possible for $1650. 


Good luck with your venture. :-)

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 10:24:26 AM UTC-5, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Yes, what Joe says is correct. I’m not asking about new paint or an old model, I’m asking who’s interested in the rumored upcoming project Rivendell tempted us with.

So, two people interested so far!

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 30, 2019, at 7:33 AM, Joe Bernard <joer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Leah is gauging interest in the bike Grant presented with the swoopy double toptubes and that lug that may have a hummingbird in it. Yes, I want one.
> --
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Joe Bernard

Sep 30, 2019, 4:32:55 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
"There's no reason for Riv to do an anniversary mixte when they have the most distilled design for an all-rounder step thru possible for $1650."

If there was "no reason" then the bike never would have been proposed. The Clem L is a budget bike with very stout welded tubes, which is nothing like the light and airy (and more expensive) Anniversary Mixte envisioned. I don't think it's already been made by Riv, the Glorius/Wilbury is a different bike.

In the end maybe The Hummingbird can be produced as a one-off full custom - I suggested this in another convo myself - but that's not the point of this thread. I would like to see it as a limited production model if at all possible.


Sep 30, 2019, 4:54:41 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, like you the idea of giving up on the Anniversary Mixte & having a custom built has been brewing in the back of my mind.
But that's a big chunk of stuff to bite off!
I have bought 3 bikes in the last 18 months, so I think I'll sit back and take the wait & see approach for now.
I am reaching a point where I don't want to buy/build any more bikes. The Anniversary special was going to be the last bike I bought for myself, intended to last until they start throwing dirt on my face (however far from now that might be), if the Anniversary bike doesn't happen I've long been an admirer of Curtis Inglis & Retrotec; maybe I'd just him build me a custom?


Sep 30, 2019, 4:59:45 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
The Glorius we have takes 48 mm fenders and 42-44 mm 650B tires. Its design is not different than a drop tube Hilson. It is light and responsive. What would RIv do to improve it? I guess they could fuss with the wheel base to get to 55mm tires. But unless you weigh over 200 pounds, what is the point of that? And you will never see Glorious lug work again ==> which is why I suggested to  Leah in the first place. 

I disagree that the Clem L is a budget bike. I know Riv promotes the budget deal, but when you look at the frame, it has everything.... multiple barrel braizes for racking, it has the Appaloosa fork, it has the fancy Riv drop outs, it has the long chain stays, and the build group is rather nice.  If it is 12 ounces heavier per frame than a Foy so what? It is significantly more robust. 

I guess I don't get the "light and airy" point of view. Once you have fat rubber and fenders you have the cat by the tail. Whether a bike weighs x pounds or x + 2 pounds isn't a game changer for getting up a hill.

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Sep 30, 2019, 5:39:40 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Joe I am not arguing with you. We are both Riv fans and we both have several Riv bikes. 

Leah posted a wish for a very special Riv mixte. I get that. We have several mixtes in the garage. I've ridden one for years. My point was to suggest if Riv was not going forward with an Anniversary Mixte she might want to consider a Glorius. My wife has one and it is both functional, takes wide tires, and visually beautiful, given the extremely fancy lugs and paint. Leah seemed to have beauty on her mind with the Hummingbird comments. 

That's it. It's a suggestion.  

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 12:24:44 PM UTC-5, Joe Bernard wrote:
The Glorius you have is not the bike this thread is about.

Brian Campbell

Sep 30, 2019, 5:47:37 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

The old Trek 710's etal are what got me started down the slippery bike slope! I still get the that "feeling" when I see one locally and for relatively cheap and have to go ride my hilsen to steady my nerves!
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Sep 30, 2019, 7:03:33 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
OK Will. Just let me know when you’re ready for your 51 Appaloosa!


Sep 30, 2019, 7:07:34 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
What makes the Anniversary Mixte special is that it is an actual Mixte with twin top tubes. As far as I know, this would be a first for a non-custom Rivendell. I have a Betty Foy (now claimed by my wife - she loves the hearts in the lugs and the paint), a Clementine, a Roscoe Bubbe Medium Mountain Mixte, and am waiting on the Roscoe Baby and not one of them is an actual Mixte.
I guess ordering a Riv Custom Mixte would be an option if the Anniversary Mixte never comes to fruition, but waiting for a custom is not fun. My Rivendell Custom frame has been built (~1 year) and is awaiting paint (~ 6 more months). Like another Florida boy once said "waiting is the hardest part".

formerly from Gainesville, FL, soon to be from Delray Beach, FL

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Sep 30, 2019, 7:30:17 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Brian, I know of what you speak. Too many choices breeds dissatisfaction. Maybe because it’s overwhelming? From 2012-2019 I had only one bike, the Betty, and I was happy. Since its inception, Rivendell changed several things in their philosophy, and I became desirous. Those Cheviots arrived on the scene not 2 months after I had my Betty. There they were, with those fun decals and cream head tubes and limousine-type rides and the cool sheep head badges...I have some of what I was missing now in my Clementine, but it lacks some of the beauty and litheness of the Betty Foy. I want both sets of qualities in my last bike from them. If I could have that bike, I would only need one bike and I could just relax about all this. Ha!

I have 2 bikes and am in turmoil about how I would love this one best if it just had THAT. And I end up wanting One Bike To Rule Them All. I want it step-through so it’s ready for me when I’m an old lady. I want it to be strong but not overkill, rigged with racks that can carry heavy loads so I never have to worry as I strap an Amazon parcel onto the rack. I want it to have room for fat tires and the comfort of long chainstays and I want to feel safe on it and know that it will last. I want it to be lovely - fancy lugs and gorgeous paint and all the details like cream accents and decals that say clever and meaningful things.

I want a step-through that is SMART *and* BEAUTIFUL. And I was hoping it was going to be that proposed Anniversary Mixte. But maybe Brian is right. Get the custom and don’t look back. This is a lot to think about.


Sep 30, 2019, 7:34:29 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thing is the Glorious & Wilbury are not readily available & rarely come available used in the ~53 size range. The last time one popped up here it was gone before I could make a run at it.
So, getting one basically means "Custom" @ this point.

Leah Peterson

Sep 30, 2019, 7:41:33 PM9/30/19
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Masmojo, I knew I’d hear from you. I remember you being excited about that mixte. I don’t know your age, but but I’m under 40 and I feel like you - I just want a forever bike to take me through the rest of my life. I don’t want to keep obsessing about details and what I wish the bike did and didn’t have. I just want to ride it. 

This woman - I think I might be a version of her someday: 


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On Sep 30, 2019, at 9:54 AM, masmojo <mas...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Leah, like you the idea of giving up on the Anniversary Mixte & having a custom built has been brewing in the back of my mind.

But that's a big chunk of stuff to bite off!
I have bought 3 bikes in the last 18 months, so I think I'll sit back and take the wait & see approach for now.
I am reaching a point where I  don't want to buy/build any more bikes. The Anniversary special was going to be the last bike I bought for myself, intended to last until they start throwing dirt on my face (however far from now that might be), if the Anniversary bike doesn't happen I've long been an admirer of Curtis Inglis & Retrotec; maybe I'd just him build me a custom?

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Leah Peterson

Sep 30, 2019, 7:52:31 PM9/30/19
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I do see your points here, but I wonder if the mixte market is truly thin, or if it’s alive and well and that is why so many versions have been offered. I remember Grant saying something on the Blug or Blagh about how well the Cheviots were selling and that it was a surprise. He discontinued the Clem H but still offers that Clem L. I think there’s more of a market all the time - men are coming around to mixtes!

In my own family, my BIL had lost his bike to theft and he wanted a replacement. He wasn’t a Rivendell fan at the time but he ended up coming to them because he sought a mixte and Rivendell were the only people making a mixte in his size. He got a Clem L and is happy as a gopher in new dirt because he can load up his racks to towering heights and when he has to dismount, he won’t tear his dress pants swinging a leg over that darn top tube. My Dad is next in line for a Clem L as he nearly tips over trying to swing his mile-long legs over his top tube. (He’s 6’3.”) 

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On Sep 30, 2019, at 9:19 AM, Will <waller....@gmail.com> wrote:

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Dorothy C

Sep 30, 2019, 8:23:41 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
In the San Fernando valley of LA, a big benefit I find to a step through is that if I get stuck at the pavement loop triggered traffic signals, I can quickly hop off the bike, put it on the kickstand and dash over and press the beg button. I wouldn’t be in the market for the Anniversary mixte, though as I already have a Cheviot and I just got a 45 Clem frame to rebuild my old 700c hybrid


Sep 30, 2019, 9:06:43 PM9/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, 57 & the bike garage is past capacity! Some things I don't use much or that are duplicates will hafta go!

The Mixte would have slotted nicely in between my Clementine/cruisers/mountain bikes & the Atlantis/Bombora/roadish bikes.
Although, it might be too close in execution/set up to my Rawland Drakkar, but that's a bridge I'll cross if it ever becomes necessary! 😜
I just want to get back down to not jacking with the bike quiver all the time. More time riding & less wrenching.
Trying to move to quality over quantity.

Ann L

Oct 1, 2019, 12:15:31 AM10/1/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
An absolutely beautiful bike.

Ann L

Oct 1, 2019, 12:19:16 AM10/1/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
If it comes in a dark, rich, red with sparkles and cream accents with those beautiful lugs, I am in ;)

Leah Peterson

Oct 1, 2019, 1:30:27 AM10/1/19
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Ann, wouldn’t it be fabulous?! This bike will look great on you.

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On Sep 30, 2019, at 5:19 PM, 'Ann L' via RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

If it comes in a dark, rich, red with sparkles and cream accents with those beautiful lugs, I am in ;)

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Mark Roland

Oct 1, 2019, 1:38:00 AM10/1/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
I think all the models you mention with extra seat stays going to the rear dropout are considered "actual" mixtes. (See Sheldon Brown*:.) I've always been curious about the etymology of this word as used to describe bicycles. In most translations, it is used in the sense of "unisex" or co-educational. Also dual purpose or hybrid, or combined. The English words "dual" , "twin" and "double" all translate as "double" in French. I guess you could translate it as a "mix of two steel tubes" but almost all uses of mixte, or the French phrase "structure mixte" refer to the mixing of two different things--concrete and cement, passengers and cargo, boys and girls. A cuisinière mixte can use two different fuels.

Years ago I came across a taxonomy chart of bicycle frame styles. I can no longer find it. But I do recall the mixte being defined as Sheldon does, the three seat stays, with two top tube variants, the single and double. A bike with the top tube angled toward the rear dropouts but with no extra seat stays was called, I believe, a Ladies Sport frame. Of course this definition would tend to negate the notion that "mixte" refers to  a unisex coed style. So who knows. I'm going with "mixte' became a popular way for the public (mostly in France) to refer to this style of frame that could easily be ridden by both sexes, and that is what it became.  But one known known is that a Clem L is a step through, and a mixte is not, anniversary edition or otherwise.

Speaking of custom mixtes, Lovely Bicycle/aka Veloria/aka Constance's old Royal mixte has been for sale on eBay for some time. Not a Leah approved colorway, however. Also  different geo than a Rivendel mixte.

* A style of lady's frame in which the "top tube" consists of a pair of small diameter tubes running more-or-less straight from the upper head lug, past the seat tube, and on to the rear fork ends. A mixte frame thus has 3 sets of rear stays, instead of the usual two. A variant on the mixte uses a single, full sized top tube running from the upper head tube to the seat tube, but retains the middle set of stays. A lady's type bike that lacks the middle pair of stays is not a mixte.

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 3:07:34 PM UTC-4, lconley wrote:
What makes the Anniversary Mixte special is that it is an actual Mixte with twin top tubes. As far as I know, this would be a first for a non-custom Rivendell. I have a Betty Foy (now claimed by my wife - she loves the hearts in the lugs and the paint), a Clementine, a Roscoe Bubbe Medium Mountain Mixte, and am waiting on the Roscoe Baby and not one of them is an actual Mixte.

Joe Bernard

Oct 1, 2019, 2:05:51 AM10/1/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Gosh I miss Velouria. I don't think I ever knew her real name.

jeffrey kane

Oct 1, 2019, 2:17:31 AM10/1/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
wowza, that is a special rig at a completely reasonable price (!)


Oct 1, 2019, 2:25:18 PM10/1/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hummingbird lugs? I’d be in for that. Maybe I need to hold off on the Cheviot purchase to see if this sees the light of day.
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