Great Blue Homers

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Bill Lindsay

Nov 23, 2021, 8:19:25 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
The Homer Sale is live, 15 minutes in and all sizes are still available.  There are 25 in 58cm, which is the size I think I'd buy if I wanted a fancy albastache country bike.  Are you buying one?

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Sofie C

Nov 23, 2021, 8:28:50 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm so tempted. But with the updated pbh chart, I think I'm just short of fitting smallest size. Good thing I have my platy and clem on the way...

Ben Mihovk

Nov 23, 2021, 8:29:30 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Only 21 61.5cm Homers left...I would get one of those if I were buying.

Funny story (to me, anyway). My Atlantis purchase last August started with me calling Rivendell about when the next Homers would be in (these are those next Homers). The Atlantis has worked out perfectly as my commuter, carry-stuff bike and I wanted something lighter/zippier for "spirited" riding (to borrow a Jan Heine word). I saved up my money over the summer and had enough stashed to buy a Homer frame in this release. I was going to pay for prep and stash the frame in my basement over the winter while I picked up components a few at a time. I was really looking forward to the project when a PERFECT older Sam Hillborne popped up on eBay within driving distance of me at the end of October. I got it and I love it. I'm a little sad that I'm not taking part in the Homer sale today, but I know that my Sam is really a bit of a better fit in a lot of ways. 

Ben in Omaha 

Bill Lindsay

Nov 23, 2021, 8:29:53 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Quoted from the page:  

"Framesets include an FSA Duron 1" threaded headset, a 27.2mm seat post, and 110mm square-taper bottom bracket.

New for 2021, downtube shifter bosses. "

27.2mm seatposts will give the handwringers one fewer thing to handwring over.  Downtube shifter bosses is HOT.  

BL in EC


Nov 23, 2021, 8:56:03 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm at a point in life where if a stock frame isn't exactly what I'm looking for then I pass, so on this I pass.


Nov 23, 2021, 9:26:11 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
What updated charts, I just see the 2019.  


Nov 23, 2021, 9:29:23 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I see the one they posted with the frame, basically the same as 2019.  

Ben Mihovk

Nov 23, 2021, 9:33:28 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Good news...the place on the website where the charts has been cleared of charts and says...

"We're working on this - what we had was hopelessly outdated.  Call us with questions at 800-345-3918.


It'll be nice to see some updated charts. 

Eric Marth

Nov 23, 2021, 9:56:18 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
J Stern -- Look at the image gallery on the Homer page. Has a photo of a big geo chart written on cardboard. 

Eric Marth

Nov 23, 2021, 9:59:36 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
This sale is a heck of a lot different than the Platy and Appaloosa releases. It's been two hours and there are frames available in every size! 

If anyone goes in on a Homer grab you some of these US-made brass barrel adjusters for your downtube cable stops:

Calvin Yolo

Nov 23, 2021, 10:27:44 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I just bought a 51cm. Now to think on the build. I have a 5700 Shimano 105 groupset laying around. Anyone see any Homers with a 10 speed road groupset? 


Nov 23, 2021, 11:24:12 PM11/23/21
I saw it after Eric and it basically looks like the 2919 specs.  Same standover, same chainstay.  I am tempted but not quite ready as the Bleriot may be a better compliment to my Hillborne.   

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Nov 24, 2021, 12:21:51 AM11/24/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Oooops, 2019 specs.  

Drew Henson

Nov 25, 2021, 12:26:32 AM11/25/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Does anyone know why one might sell a perfectly fine 58cm homer with 650b tires (bought almost 3 years ago) and get one of these new 54.5cm with 700c tires and downtube bosses? 

Ok, I admit it, it's me. I have a 58 cm, 650b'd homer. My pbh is 87,  the 58 is just a tad long for me if I want to run noodles but it is an otherwise ideal commuter with chaco bars. But I am for some reason very tempted by the newer frame. 

John G.

Nov 29, 2021, 4:18:39 PM11/29/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I ended up deciding to buy a Homer complete. Crashed my wet-weather bike last Monday and separated my shoulder. Took it as a sign that I need fatter tires and more stable handling. I have an 90 pbh and I'm going with a 58, which surprised me, since I would've been a 61.5 last time. Worried it'll be too small, but I trust Riv. I'm thinking about albastaches or drops, but I do intend to take this on longer event rides, so I want to be sure the bars work for that. I have mustaches on my Quickbeam and I love them for rides up to 40-50 miles.

I've never actually bought a complete from Riv, so I'm excited about the spec'ing process. Send ideas! Dyads or A23s? Albastaches or Noodles? Which crank? 


Nov 29, 2021, 4:43:50 PM11/29/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Send ideas! Dyads or A23s? - Neither - Quills are lighter and take a wider tire and are supposed to be stronger than A23s.


Ben Mihovk

Nov 29, 2021, 4:48:57 PM11/29/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yay! I loved the process of doing my complete through Rivendell. I let them know what kind of riding, where I lived, etc... and they did the rest. My knowledge about gearing and components was pretty limited (and still is), so I let them take the wheel and just mentioned a few personal preferences. 

On sizing, I'd trust them completely. The Atlantis they built for me is a 59 and my PBH would have worked for a 62. I'm showing more seat post than I would prefer...but with the 13cm stem, I'm plenty stretched out (and even have my saddle all the way forward) and comfy as can be. I think the 62 with a shorter stem would have worked, but the standover would have been uncomfortable. I have a 62cm Hillborne and the standover is tighter than I would want for my daily commute.

I'm loving both my Rivs and am firmly in the "I'll never buy another bike again unless something happens to one of these" mentalities. But...if I ever do buy a new Rivendell, I would 100% have them do the build again. Loved the process. 

Ben in Omaha

John Bokman

Nov 30, 2021, 1:10:51 AM11/30/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I love my quills, but one thing I don't love is that mounting tires is frustrating! Dyads, no problem.
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Nov 30, 2021, 4:53:01 PM11/30/21
to RBW Owners Bunch

Have you considered Pacenti Brevet? I also pre-ordered homer and Rich recommended them to me. I am going to set it up tubeless with 48 mm RH Oracle Ridge. 

Matt Beecher

Nov 30, 2021, 5:10:53 PM11/30/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have wheels with both of those rims.  I vastly prefer Atlas, if you can source them.  The A23 is my go-to rim if I want tires in the 33mm or less range.  I like Atlas for bigger rims, but I find I generally don't exceed 38mm for anything.  

I don't really like my Dyad rims, but that might just be my aesthetic opinion casting an overall negative view of them.  

I have some Pacenti rims, but I bet they are the old ones that had a failure issue.  So far, they are still going strong and I like them well enough.  

Best regards,
Matt B in Oswego, IL

On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 10:18:39 AM UTC-6 John G. wrote:

Weston Hein

Nov 30, 2021, 8:25:10 PM11/30/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've read a couple of people planning to run 48mm Oracle Ridge on the incoming Homers. Do you all have input from Riv that the new frames will fit this tire? I ask because that would definitely make the new frames more tempting.

My experience trying to run the 48mm Oracle Ridge (tubeless on Quills) on my girlfriends 2020 canti Hillborne was the fork was too narrow to clear the knobs. The inside tang on the fork crown rubbed with out of saddle climbing and the overall axle to crown up front and brake bridge in the back were not high enough for sufficient clearance. It looks like Sam and Homers use the same crown so curiosity has me wondering.

deepak atreya

Nov 30, 2021, 8:35:16 PM11/30/21
Will from riv said it will fit with Pacenti Brevet which has internal width of 19 mm , the actual measured width of tire would be less than 48 . I also had contacted one of the guys who had homer with 50 mm cazedero on sale here ( unfortunately I missed it ) . He was also running them on pacenti brevet and had actual tire width measure at 47.5 . So I guess even older mit frame would fit large tires depending on internal width of rim . 
The ability to run 48 mm tires really sealed the deal for me and for my weight (155 lbs) it would pretty much get as close to “one bike to do it all “ as possible ( I am hoping :-) ). 

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