To My Platypus People!

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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Jan 3, 2021, 11:32:59 PM1/3/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
4AFE365B-C68C-46F4-A214-CAF3AF3A5949.jpegIt’s going to be your turn! It’s finally 2021 and January is the month of the mixte, or so the Riv site says. I’m really excited to see everyone’s new bikes and how each one is set up. Did anyone get a Platypus voucher for a Christmas present? Or maybe no excuse was necessary - you’re just getting it. What do you have in mind for your new bike? Commuter? Adventure bike? Rambler? Errands? 

You’re in for such a treat. The bike is light, fun, gorgeous, and very capable. I can’t wait to hear your news and see your photos. If you’re on Instagram, Rivendell has an official hashtag for us to use: #rbwplatypus. 

Happy New Year!

Mark Roland

Jan 4, 2021, 10:59:01 AM1/4/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I never get tired of looking at this bicycle. I wish I was one of the folks gathering parts parts for an upcoming Platypus build (those would be your platyparts, of course) but 2021 will be the year I finish the existing build experiments in my queue and start to make some brutal downsizing decisions, and the Platypus would just not be unredundant enough to justify itself in the lineup. Plus I'm tapped after three Hillibikes coming on line in 2020, which were funded in part from an influx of unexpected bike slush fund cash.

Having announced that lofty goal, one of the frames in my to do list is a Schwinn Le Tour mixte. This will be my 5th such project with this model. I picked up a complete 1977 Le Tour II in Violet over the Thanksgiving holiday as my Platybee (a bike that wants to be a Platypus). It is currently stripped down and waiting for me to see what is in the parts box. I just recently came into possession of a nice Mavic/Campy wheel set for it; going from 27" to 700c on these allows for 35mm tires to fit, though this sounds darn skinny these days. Maybe out of solidarity I will start the build when the Platypus frames arrive. I look forward to seeing the new bikes take shape (with just a tinge of jealousy in my soul).

Leah Peterson

Jan 4, 2021, 4:28:16 PM1/4/21
Yes, you must build your Platybee in solidarity with Platypus owners country-wide. I think we need a new thread when the Platypuses land, and it should be titled, Platypuses on Parade.

Yes, you are king of the Hillibikes. And your collection is comprised of the most colorful and fun bicycles. They have no rivals! 

I hope we get a newsletter from Rivendell soon that gives us a date for the Platypus pre-order. I think those bikes are going to disappear within a couple hours of launch.

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 4, 2021, at 2:59 AM, Mark Roland <> wrote:

I never get tired of looking at this bicycle. I wish I was one of the folks gathering parts parts for an upcoming Platypus build (those would be your platyparts, of course) but 2021 will be the year I finish the existing build experiments in my queue and start to make some brutal downsizing decisions, and the Platypus would just not be unredundant enough to justify itself in the lineup. Plus I'm tapped after three Hillibikes coming on line in 2020, which were funded in part from an influx of unexpected bike slush fund cash.

Having announced that lofty goal, one of the frames in my to do list is a Schwinn Le Tour mixte. This will be my 5th such project with this model. I picked up a complete 1977 Le Tour II in Violet over the Thanksgiving holiday as my Platybee (a bike that wants to be a Platypus). It is currently stripped down and waiting for me to see what is in the parts box. I just recently came into possession of a nice Mavic/Campy wheel set for it; going from 27" to 700c on these allows for 35mm tires to fit, though this sounds darn skinny these days. Maybe out of solidarity I will start the build when the Platypus frames arrive. I look forward to seeing the new bikes take shape (with just a tinge of jealousy in my soul).


On Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 6:32:59 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
4AFE365B-C68C-46F4-A214-CAF3AF3A5949.jpegIt’s going to be your turn! It’s finally 2021 and January is the month of the mixte, or so the Riv site says. I’m really excited to see everyone’s new bikes and how each one is set up. Did anyone get a Platypus voucher for a Christmas present? Or maybe no excuse was necessary - you’re just getting it. What do you have in mind for your new bike? Commuter? Adventure bike? Rambler? Errands? 

You’re in for such a treat. The bike is light, fun, gorgeous, and very capable. I can’t wait to hear your news and see your photos. If you’re on Instagram, Rivendell has an official hashtag for us to use: #rbwplatypus. 

Happy New Year!

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Jan 8, 2021, 9:26:13 PM1/8/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm looking forward to getting my Platty in the mermaid blue, and Analog cycles will be building it up for me.  I haven't gotten to any of the specifics, but seeing all the colorful, personalized bikes on the board, especially from Leah and Mark, I'm going to move away a little from the classic looks that I like so much into more fun colors.  

We can buy many already packaged anodized parts, for just a few dollars more than the standard silver versions.  So, I'll be getting some color in the spoke nipples and cap, perhaps chain ring bolts, headset spacer, headlight.  If you saw the Riv story on Instagram a few weeks ago of the blue EduluxII light on the blue Homer, that was mine (a local Riv-loving but not Riv dealer, Keystone Bikes installed that), and the blue vs silver was just $15.   I love the look!

I have a black saddle and pedals and the white and black grips that BBDD has.  I'll be getting silver rack, fenders, and a kickstand, because all of those make the bike so darn practical, along with its mixte style.  I'll probably be selling my beloved Joe Appaloosa, because I don't need three bikes.


Tom Wyland

Jan 20, 2021, 5:18:26 PM1/20/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
So the website has been updated for Feb '21 now. Anyone heard about timing? 

Chris in NZ

Jan 20, 2021, 9:43:56 PM1/20/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
From Will’s email on the 19 December:

“We'll get the container of Sams and Platypus in late January, but they'll be up on the site early February.”

I think the website has just been updated to show when they’ll be available to order.

Leah Peterson

Jan 20, 2021, 11:35:52 PM1/20/21
I saw the February Platypus ETA and I was so disappointed. Gosh, do you think will get them before Valentine’s Day?

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On Jan 20, 2021, at 1:44 PM, Chris in NZ <> wrote:

From Will’s email on the 19 December:
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Jan 21, 2021, 12:28:15 AM1/21/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I"m disappointed, but not surprised.  I'm hoping to get mine Mermaid Blue by springtime in the east, and if I love it as much as BBDD, it will be my retirement bike.

I'm working out the last details with Analog Cycles this week, so they can start ordering parts.  The plan is already-anodized pops of blue wherever we can (dyno light, nipples, caps, perhaps ring bolts, head spacers, whatever I can get).  Parts will be mostly silver.  1x11 drive train.  Tubeless with Gravel King tires (I forget model).  I bought a pair of Losco bars from Joe and if they don't rise high enough for me, then I have Albatross.

If we work it right, parts and frame will get there around the same time in Vermont. 

I'm looking forward to hearing what you're planning and to see the built up bikes!


Joseph Willms

Jan 22, 2021, 3:58:24 PM1/22/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
When I spoke with Vince recently, he said they'd be available as soon as they arrive, and are expected early to mid February. 

Leah Peterson

Jan 22, 2021, 11:21:56 PM1/22/21

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On Jan 22, 2021, at 7:58 AM, Joseph Willms <> wrote:

Joe Bernard

Jan 23, 2021, 1:37:11 AM1/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I know there isn't much to be done about it but I sure we wish these new bikes to get in the shop and out the door while the bike boom is still booming. That's cash in the RBW pocket! 

Joe Bernard 

Ray Evans

Jan 23, 2021, 1:39:35 AM1/23/21
I gave up and bought a Handsome She-Devil step through on sale. 

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Jan 23, 2021, 5:44:35 AM1/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Your Platypus build plan sounds perfect! Pops of blue...just what I would do too! Now I know we’re #RivSisters. Will you have the frame shipped to Analog for the build?


Leah Peterson

Jan 23, 2021, 3:43:23 PM1/23/21
#RivSister Joyce, so good to hear from you. Are you holding out for one of these tardy Platypuses on The Unicorn? Mermaid blue for you?

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> On Jan 22, 2021, at 9:44 PM, JAS <> wrote:
> Roberta,
> Your Platypus build plan sounds perfect! Pops of blue...just what I would do too! Now I know we’re #RivSisters. Will you have the frame shipped to Analog for the build?
> —Joyce
> --
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Jan 23, 2021, 6:21:25 PM1/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, you bet I want a Platypus! After reading your review of the sprightly ride, I’m in. Mermaid blue/green, while not what I was expecting, is certainly the best choice of the two. I would have preferred the RivBlue, but maybe Roberta’s idea of anodized pops of blue will satisfy me. Blue just makes me feel good. While I don’t really need another bicycle, this might lead me to sell one. What?!!! Now, let’s not be hasty. I’ll think it over carefully. Meanwhile, it’s fun to anticipate a Platypus.

Sounds like I should start working with my LBS and Rivendell to get some parts ordered. I’m going to check back and find your parts list from Analog; I think it will be excellent guidance.



Leah Peterson

Jan 23, 2021, 6:30:33 PM1/23/21
Joyce, good heavens, YES, mermaid will be smashing and you have long wanted a blue bike. I agree - get the ball rolling on the parts. I’ve been seeing some of the shops that I follow on IG mentioning that they are already very busy and that parts/frames are going to be (or are) scarce. They predict a continuation of the bike boom we saw in 2020 - great news. And I remember Rivendell said something in a recent newsletter that parts are scarce and they would have to disappoint hoarders.

You will absolutely love the Platy. It’s light and quick and you will want for nothing. I would give this bike a 99/100; it only gets docked that one point because I love the step-through of my Clem. If you’re gonna sell a bike, don’t let it be your Clementine because I want to twin with you, and isn’t that a good enough reason? 😬 Every day I ride the Platy I think, “This. This is the bike I always wanted.” It reminds me of my old Betty Foy, but it’s better. Longer chainstays, but not obscenely long. The Clem feels WAY longer than this bike. (I have 55 Platy and 52 Clementine, if anyone is wondering.)

Anyway, here’s a photo of the Platy with its 700 c wheels; I think it looks fantastic with the big wheels. Like hoop skirts from women’s fashion back in the day.


Jan 23, 2021, 6:55:32 PM1/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Ray, I bought a She - Devil about three years ago as a shopper and lockup bike because it was a mixte.   It’s pretty nice for a sub $1000 bike, isn’t it?   Just put a B67 on mine that I bought from a list member.  It also has rack, basket and fenders.  I hope you’re enjoying yours. 

Joyce, I’m glad to be part of #RivSisters, a group of very special people . I bought my first Riv, Joe A., from James when he was in MD and I didn’t know anything about bikes. He treated me so well. Riv is shipping the frame to Analog, so I’ll be guaranteed a frame ( remember that the Sam H sold out in three hours a few months ago). He and Candice suggested Platy builds.  They also suggested more colorful options, but I like the more monochromatic / understated look for now.  When it’s done I’ll drive to VT from my mothers house (1/2 way there) to get it and will spend a day there riding around. 

I was on the fence for awhile, but Leah’s most fun light and breezy rides and reviews pushed me over the edge. If this is I'm expecting, it might be my last bike.


Joe Bernard

Jan 23, 2021, 7:25:37 PM1/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
More Rivs with Analog ano stuff! This is becoming quite the thing, I just ordered a bunch of it for my new-to-me blue Susie..Leah's blinged out Clem and Platy were the inspirations. Does this make me an honorary #RivSister?? #RivBro! 😁


Jan 25, 2021, 5:55:40 PM1/25/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yes, I think if I do get a Platypus it will be my "retirement bike" as well.
I've been selling off bikes 4 (soon to be 5) in the last 5-6 months and I still have more to go!
one down side of having too many bikes is maintaining them all; I typically have at least 2 bikes with tires slowly losing air or just plain flat tires. No bueno!!
My titanium Crust Evasion really covers almost all my needs, as close to a 1 bike quiver as I've ever had, But a mixte with a basket would be handy sometimes and would merely be an upgrade to my Clementine. something a little lighter & quicker!

The sooner they get here the better, but I am keeping busy with other things so . . . . . .  

Ray Evans

Jan 25, 2021, 6:31:28 PM1/25/21
Roberta, yes the "She-Devil" (in matte anthracite it looks more like a "He-Devil" to me) really does seem like a fine bike for the cost, plus it was in stock !!! and I wanted to try this style of frame for my 70 yr old body. I'm going to put Tosco bars on it to get a little more up and back, but otherwise I think I am fine with it "off the rack." Easy folks to deal with, too, at Handsome Cycles. I read in an interview that their geometries were inspired by Grant's designs at Bridgestone and Riv.

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Jared Wilson

Jan 26, 2021, 6:53:56 PM1/26/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I heard rumors of early February, holidays got the supply chain running a bit slow.

Jared Wilson

Jan 28, 2021, 9:21:24 PM1/28/21
to RBW Owners Bunch

Apologies, my membership took a while to clear so my previous post is obsolete

Jared, patiently waiting for late February, in Santa Cruz

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Jan 29, 2021, 1:00:33 AM1/29/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Today there was mention of the Platys in the email newsletter from Will. No pre-order for the Platys, just for the Sams. Hurry, hurry when they go live! I think they’ll be gone.

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Feb 10, 2021, 2:26:58 PM2/10/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I noticed that Rivendell wrote up a new product description for their Platypus. “...the most beautiful bike in our line” - if that doesn’t make you want to buy one, I just don’t know what will. (Also, I winged the grammar in that sentence, woah...) 

Small town North Dakota doesn’t know about Rivendell. Or any bikes, really. When my parents visited Rivendell with me in 2018, Mom fell in love with a light sage Cheviot, so she bought it. Mom’s next-door neighbors just happen to be bike people, but they don’t presently own bikes. They are about my parents’ age, early 60s and they once rode coast to coast, a trip they remember fondly. Mom’s Chev was exactly Linda’s size, and Linda tried it out and loved it. When Mom left for a couple weeks this fall, Linda confessed she had taken the Cheviot and had been out riding it (in ND this somehow does not qualify as stealing 😂). She fell hard for that little Chev, and as a result, she’s getting a Platypus. She says it’s the first time she’s been excited about a bike in 30 years! She’s getting the blue. What a thrill it will be to show up this summer and pose with her for pics of our Platys. I know so few people in my “real life” who have Rivs, so what a gift.


Feb 10, 2021, 2:33:25 PM2/10/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I saw on instagram that Blue Lug got a shipment of Platypi in within the last few days. Excited to see what they do with them as well as all of you.



Feb 10, 2021, 2:46:12 PM2/10/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I live in Florida and have never seen a Rivendell in Florida that I didn't own at one time. I gave my wife my Betty Foy and gave one of my sisters my Roadini. 
I never saw another Rivendell in Washington State when I worked there for 28 months over 3 years a while back.
The only other Rivendells that I have seen were in South Carolina in 2019 for the 25th anniversary ride and at Rivendell Headquarters a year or two before that (while I was working in Washington State - I was close enough to make the pilgrimage).
I am not as successful at conversions as BBDD.


Ray Varella

Feb 10, 2021, 9:42:44 PM2/10/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Is the rear spacing on the Platypus 135mm or 130mm?

Thank you 

Joe Bernard

Feb 10, 2021, 9:42:48 PM2/10/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
"When Mom left for a couple weeks this fall, Linda confessed she had taken the Cheviot and had been out riding it (in ND this somehow does not qualify as stealing 😂)."

I love this part of the story. The North is a different world!

Leah Peterson

Feb 13, 2021, 3:30:20 AM2/13/21
I’m thinking this is the lime-olive...

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On Feb 10, 2021, at 1:42 PM, Joe Bernard <> wrote:

"When Mom left for a couple weeks this fall, Linda confessed she had taken the Cheviot and had been out riding it (in ND this somehow does not qualify as stealing 😂)."
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Joe Bernard

Feb 13, 2021, 3:57:58 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
WOW. That looks amazing!!! 💚🫒

Mark Roland

Feb 13, 2021, 4:06:09 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Legnano green. Yeah, amazing is right. I. Do. Not. Need. This. Bike. But maybe I should get it for when my son gets older...

Joe Bernard

Feb 13, 2021, 4:08:16 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
So this is the silvery blue? They both look green to me. Like green and GREEN. 

Leah Peterson

Feb 13, 2021, 4:17:54 AM2/13/21
No, I see silvery blue in that second pic. 

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On Feb 12, 2021, at 8:08 PM, Joe Bernard <> wrote:

So this is the silvery blue? They both look green to me. Like green and GREEN. 
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Mark Roland

Feb 13, 2021, 4:25:20 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
It can be hard to judge from a non-product photo on the internet, but it does have a green cast to my eye. Almost looks like my circa 1969 Rollfast stingray, which I've always thought of as sea foam green. Which apparently covers a broad palette. It's in there somewhere....


Feb 13, 2021, 5:27:25 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Both colors are nice, but that green is special! Mark, that green would look right at home with your other colorful bikes.
Roberta (getting the mermaid blue but love the green )

Leah Peterson

Feb 13, 2021, 5:27:56 AM2/13/21

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On Feb 12, 2021, at 8:08 PM, Joe Bernard <> wrote:

So this is the silvery blue? They both look green to me. Like green and GREEN. 
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Joe Bernard

Feb 13, 2021, 5:38:37 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Ok the Bliver is going to be a chameleon bike for sure: Too green for ya? Wait 5 minutes, now it's blue! 💙💚

Joe Bernard

Feb 13, 2021, 6:00:29 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch

That mermaid blue is so pretty! As I alluded to in my "chameleon" comment the first couple pics I saw seemed green, then the last ones Leah posted definitely show the blue. I'll bet it's going to keep color-shifting in the sun like her Raspberry Metallic Platy does and will be spectacular. I can't wait to see it!


Feb 13, 2021, 10:34:29 AM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Electric Chartreuse.

Tesla's Tint.

Mendel's Pea.

My mom is a graphic artist and looked forward to Pantone's annual color trend announcements like Christmas, often having arrived at the same opinion months previously in her work. As a kid I'd look at the stories in the magazines while chewing my corn flakes much more interested in the names themselves. 

Andy Cheatham


Feb 13, 2021, 12:39:44 PM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I wrote “getting the mermaid blue but love the green”


I should have written “love and getting the mermaid blue. Love the green, too.”  

I already ordered my bike from Analog Cycles, but even I didn’t and had to choose today, I’d still choose the Mermaid blue. It’s lovely!!! Rivendell chooses colors well. 


Mark Roland

Feb 13, 2021, 1:05:06 PM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I see "Only available in stores" on that screen shot. So all the dealers now have the Platypus? Do we yet know when Rivendell will release their cache other than "late February?" (I am guessing they will be gone within the hour).


Feb 13, 2021, 1:20:03 PM2/13/21
That’s from Blue Lug in Japan. Because of their proximity, they get their shipment directly from the builder.  I got that information somewhere on Riv’s website or an email or something...

My impression is that they haven’t landed at HQ yet. 


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On Feb 13, 2021, at 8:05 AM, Mark Roland <> wrote:

I see "Only available in stores" on that screen shot. So all the dealers now have the Platypus? Do we yet know when Rivendell will release their cache other than "late February?" (I am guessing they will be gone within the hour).

Anthony Coffin

Feb 13, 2021, 9:21:10 PM2/13/21
Will called attention to the fact that the new "bilver" looked green to his eye. He said one of the other staffers (I forget who) called it mermaid, which seems more appropriate to me. I am basing my judgment on the color samples from the email and Platypus page. The lighting is definitely not great in those Bluelug pics.

St Louis

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Mark Roland

Feb 13, 2021, 10:29:44 PM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I believe "mermaid" and my aforementioned "sea foam green" are in fact the exact same identical color!
Whatever that may be.

Paul M

Feb 13, 2021, 11:55:17 PM2/13/21
to RBW Owners Bunch

Jason Fuller

Feb 14, 2021, 1:44:23 AM2/14/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Agree with others that the "blue silver" is as green as it is blue. It lands squarely between the two, to my eyes - and I LOVE it. I'm actually kind of interested in it as an option if I ever paint the Bombadil (due to corrosion concerns) 

Joe Bernard

Feb 14, 2021, 2:10:11 AM2/14/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
And it's even worse for me because I'm a little colorblind with the blue-ish greens and green-ish blues. If I owned that bike and someone asked me if it was blue or green the answer would be SURE! 😂

Addison Wilhite

Feb 14, 2021, 10:47:25 AM2/14/21
I always think of sea foam green as coming from the guitar world.  Is it green or blue?  :) 

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Mark Roland

Feb 14, 2021, 6:11:20 PM2/14/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
It's somewhere in here:

sea foam green.JPG

Joel Stern

Feb 15, 2021, 1:33:21 AM2/15/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
A custom color offered by Fender in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s.  They used the DuPont paint that GM was using on their cars. 

On Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 5:47:25 AM UTC-5 Addison wrote:


Feb 17, 2021, 11:47:48 PM2/17/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
What about the Clem L feels longer than the Platy? Does it seem like you have to reach further to get to the bars on the Clem L? I am looking for a step through for my wife and trying to figure out the best sizing for her since she has longer arms. Thanks!
On Saturday, January 23, 2021 at 12:30:33 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Joyce, good heavens, YES, mermaid will be smashing and you have long wanted a blue bike. I agree - get the ball rolling on the parts. I’ve been seeing some of the shops that I follow on IG mentioning that they are already very busy and that parts/frames are going to be (or are) scarce. They predict a continuation of the bike boom we saw in 2020 - great news. And I remember Rivendell said something in a recent newsletter that parts are scarce and they would have to disappoint hoarders.

You will absolutely love the Platy. It’s light and quick and you will want for nothing. I would give this bike a 99/100; it only gets docked that one point because I love the step-through of my Clem. If you’re gonna sell a bike, don’t let it be your Clementine because I want to twin with you, and isn’t that a good enough reason? 😬 Every day I ride the Platy I think, “This. This is the bike I always wanted.” It reminds me of my old Betty Foy, but it’s better. Longer chainstays, but not obscenely long. The Clem feels WAY longer than this bike. (I have 55 Platy and 52 Clementine, if anyone is wondering.)

Anyway, here’s a photo of the Platy with its 700 c wheels; I think it looks fantastic with the big wheels. Like hoop skirts from women’s fashion back in the day.

Leah Peterson

Feb 18, 2021, 12:22:30 AM2/18/21
Oh, that Clem is WAY longer. Platy is 47.25 inch WB, Clem is 52!!!! I had to get a really short-reach stem to make the Clem fit me right. (I think there’s a thread called Stem Chronicles or something like that...)The Clem doesn’t turn like the Platy does, but it is luxurious and wonderful. I love my Clem; I wouldn’t be without it, but the Platy is my favorite.


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On Feb 17, 2021, at 3:47 PM, N H <> wrote:

What about the Clem L feels longer than the Platy? Does it seem like you have to reach further to get to the bars on the Clem L? I am looking for a step through for my wife and trying to figure out the best sizing for her since she has longer arms. Thanks!
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Feb 19, 2021, 8:00:46 PM2/19/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
And, now, I see that the Platypus page says ETA of “mid-March!”
David Lipsky
On Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 3:32:59 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
4AFE365B-C68C-46F4-A214-CAF3AF3A5949.jpegIt’s going to be your turn! It’s finally 2021 and January is the month of the mixte, or so the Riv site says. I’m really excited to see everyone’s new bikes and how each one is set up. Did anyone get a Platypus voucher for a Christmas present? Or maybe no excuse was necessary - you’re just getting it. What do you have in mind for your new bike? Commuter? Adventure bike? Rambler? Errands? 

You’re in for such a treat. The bike is light, fun, gorgeous, and very capable. I can’t wait to hear your news and see your photos. If you’re on Instagram, Rivendell has an official hashtag for us to use: #rbwplatypus. 

Happy New Year!

Jared Wilson

Feb 19, 2021, 8:26:20 PM2/19/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Sigh is right, David.

Spoke with Vince yesterday, he did indeed say mid-March ETA.

Hopefully that gives more people time to get funds together to help support an amazing company and get a killer bike in the process.

Leah Peterson

Feb 19, 2021, 9:30:40 PM2/19/21
Jared, did Vince say why? 

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On Feb 19, 2021, at 12:26 PM, Jared Wilson <> wrote:

Sigh is right, David.
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Jared Wilson

Feb 19, 2021, 9:48:16 PM2/19/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
If I understood correctly it has to do with unusual weather and shipping containers at the port, a lack of "parking spaces" more or less?


Feb 20, 2021, 12:45:51 AM2/20/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Will sent out an email a little over an hour ago detailing items back in stock, things of interest and goings on at RBW. 
He included this comment:
"Our next batch [of Sams], coming on the YM Unicorn with the Platypus frames is delayed 17 days because of bad weather and 'berth congestion'."


Feb 21, 2021, 1:55:40 PM2/21/21
to RBW Owners Bunch

For those wanting to keep tabs on the shipment:


Feb 22, 2021, 6:27:50 PM2/22/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
New bluelug shop tour video shows the limolive frame:

Michael Baquerizo

Feb 23, 2021, 6:08:37 AM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
As a product person - it's wild that Blue Lug is getting these frames and releasing them into the wild before Riv has a chance to. I know how laissez faire Grant is and all, but still wild. 

Jason Fuller

Feb 23, 2021, 6:17:55 AM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
to be fair, Blue Lug exceeds any North American bike shop for cool factor - look at that foursome!!  What even is that blue frameset below the Platy?!

Joe Bernard

Feb 23, 2021, 7:11:30 AM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Frank Jones Senõr, a singlespeed Blue Lug asked Grant to do. 

Tom Wyland

Feb 23, 2021, 12:17:11 PM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I would have plunked down a deposit last fall for one of these, but if I’m not in front of my computer for the right hour next month I may miss grabbing the inventory they ordered.  That also seems wrong. There are technology mechanisms like Kickstarter and pre-Sales that are designed for this purpose.


Feb 23, 2021, 2:48:03 PM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Some more blue lug content. Noticed they posted a Platypus album to their Flickr:


Leah Peterson

Feb 23, 2021, 3:28:42 PM2/23/21
This one’s my favorite. Showcases the color well; it’s like looking into sunlit water....

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On Feb 23, 2021, at 6:48 AM, Ray <> wrote:

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Leah Peterson

Feb 23, 2021, 5:08:14 PM2/23/21
Ray, SO glad you posted that. I screen shot several of those pics. My mom’s neighbor is ordering a 50 cm in blue and she can see what hers will look like now! 

ALSO: Today the Unicorn lists itself as in port at LA!!!! They’re here!!!!

And because I saw this, and because of the correlation of Unicorn and Platypus, I got this pin for my Saddlesack for my Platy:

Let the madness begin!

Sent from my iPad
On Feb 23, 2021, at 6:48 AM, Ray <> wrote:


Mark Roland

Feb 23, 2021, 5:16:00 PM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Rivendell used to do presales, not so much with bicycles any more. I would imagine there may have been some issues for the company to do presales--maybe too many people backing out? Who knows, but  a lot of small batch companies are doing it this way, from bag makers to niche manufacturers like Crust and Black Mountain Cycles. So it's probably the fairest way and maybe the only way they can do it and still remain viable. And if they are not viable, nobody gets one. Frustrating, but they do give a decent heads-up, better than scheduling an appointment with the cable guy.

Ride for Fun

Feb 23, 2021, 5:16:12 PM2/23/21
From Taiwan to Japan is a lot faster & easier than to the US.  

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Joe Bernard

Feb 23, 2021, 8:11:24 PM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
How the heck did you find a Unicorn Platypus pin?? You need to send that pic to Grant, he'll be over the moon!

Leah Peterson

Feb 23, 2021, 9:37:28 PM2/23/21
I got Grant a more manly version. And I’m having cards made with my bikes on them, and under each photo is a cycling quote. I quoted him! So, when those come, I’ll send his PlatyPin along with it. It’s made in France from pewter! I’m glad he doesn’t read the List - don’t any of you squeal.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 23, 2021, at 12:11 PM, Joe Bernard <> wrote:

How the heck did you find a Unicorn Platypus pin?? You need to send that pic to Grant, he'll be over the moon!

Joe Bernard

Feb 23, 2021, 9:41:10 PM2/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
"don’t any of you squeal"

I know nothing! Which is true just in general! 🤪

Leah Peterson

Feb 24, 2021, 8:43:45 PM2/24/21
You know what I want to know? What happens next. 

It seems to me that with this Platypus we have been let in on the secret workings of things at Rivendell. I haven’t been around as long as many of you, but I don’t remember being let behind the scenes like we have been with this model. 

We started with the drawings of the Anniversary Mixte, which then morphed into a “fancy Cheviot” which then became the Platypus. It was an interesting evolution, and fun to speculate over. Until this bike, I didn’t know what color tubes were, but Will is holding them in the sunlight in Blilver and Limolive on the product page and now we know how Rivendell judges color samples. We were provided the tracking for the cargo ship, the Unicorn, so we could watch the bikes’ arrival to American shores. what happens next?

The ship is “at anchor” near LA. Does it have to sit out in the harbor until it takes its turn at the dock? Who fetches the cargo? UPS? How long does it take for cargo to make its way to Walnut Creek? And when it arrives, how soon can it be sorted and sent out to PlatyPeople? 


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On Feb 23, 2021, at 9:16 AM, Ride for Fun <> wrote:


Feb 24, 2021, 9:20:49 PM2/24/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I’d guess they get a container load of boxed frames (including Hillbornes?) and UPS only picks them up from Walnut Creek one-by-one, after they’ve been checked or prepped or built into bikes. That will take a while, dependent on the number of frames and staffing constraints.
It might also be that the Unicorn sails up the CA coast to dock at the Port of Oakland and their container gets taken off there and goes the short distance to Walnut Creek on the back of a tractor trailer truck.

David Lipsky

Ray Varella

Feb 25, 2021, 4:26:26 AM2/25/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
What happens next is dependent on a multitude of factors. 
If everything on the container is Riva’s, they will receive a sealed container. 
How soon is hard to say. 
The ports are still very backed up. 
When a ship is up to the dock to be unloaded there are cranes and huge forklifts involved in unloading and staging containers. 
Everything on the manifest is catalogued and it’s location is marked. 
Different cargo has different priorities, some based on whether people will die without it or whether a premium was paid to give it priority. 
Since this ship is in L.A. I’m assuming it is at the port of Long Beach, that’s the busiest port on the west coast. 
We also don’t know if that container will be dispatched by truck from L.A. or get put on a rail car. 

If it gets dispatched by truck then Rivendell or their agent will make arrangements for it to be picked up. 
I don’t go to Long Beach but I’m near the Port of Oakland often enough to know that on any given day there are hundreds upon hundreds of trucks lined up to pick up containers and that doesn’t include the companies who have their own fleet working out of the terminal. 
The rail yards aren’t quite as congested and they turn containers around a bit faster but it still has to get processed through the port and clear customs before it gets put on a rail. 

UPS has their own rail yard in Richmond/San Pablo but I would seriously doubt that a container originating in Taiwan would be handled by them but I don’t know anything about Riv’s operation, just general freight. 

At some point someone will likely deliver a container to Walnut Creek. There’s no loading dock there so my guess is they do a live hand offload and the driver either gets to back into their little obstacle course or he/she will get to back out when they are done. 

In addition to the ports being backed up, their are tens of thousands of trailers of freight waiting to move around the country. Weather has stalled tons of shipments and there is a nationwide shortage of drivers. 

When they tell you it’s their best guess, that’s exactly what it is. 


Nathan F

Feb 25, 2021, 5:41:25 AM2/25/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
What handlebars are people thinking of running? I'm between quite a few at the moment and am having trouble making up my mind: Albatross, Billie, Osprey, Granola, Ahearne, Jones Bend, phew, that's a lot. 

I thought to look at Cheviot builds for inspiration, but it seems like 95% of those frames ended up with albatross bars (including my partners!).

All I know is I'm not a Bosco person. 


Feb 25, 2021, 10:22:43 AM2/25/21
to RBW Owners Bunch

I guess this is the modern version of what I experienced after going all in for an orange Rambouillet. I had a hard date (May 5, 2002) in Yorktown, VA where I was meeting three others to ride across the country. We'd planned for about a year and as I got serious, so did my concern for the fit of my Bridgestone RB--1 and days of 8-12 hour riding.

I sought Grant's insight for fit advice and  possibly a custom but the Riv queue was longer. than my calendar. He mentioned a bike about to join to the Atlantis as a stock model with some French audax design inspiration that addressed some of my fit issues and sounded right for my needs. I bought in on a complete build and began the test of patience as I called for updates and learned about bare frame shipments, checking and prepping for paint, the whole finishing process in bulk and arrival of such finished stock to a small business who manually preps and builds bikes to then ship to paid customers. 

This up front example of a new model information frees up the phones and the pandemic constrained personnel doing the work at Rivendell. I can't imagine the amount of effort necessary to keep all of us up to date, mindfully informed and satisfied with the clarity that they insist upon for everything else they are doing. I would think that each inquiring phone call would be almost as detail requisite as each actual sale and the energy that could be building bikes and physically moving endeavors forward would pale to their interest in meeting they concerned customers' questions about incoming goods. 

I had great assistance from Grant et al when I chose my Rambouillet, I think I used an inordinate amount of their time following up on the process prior to it shipping to me painted, prepped and ready to ride. I think this has been a nice information forward process throughout.

Andy Cheatham


Feb 26, 2021, 3:16:49 AM2/26/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I called Rivendell today, Grant answered the phone and I expressed my sincere desire to get a Platypus and my worry that I’d miss out.  I asked how I could make sure I got one and then this happened.....he took my credit card info right then and there for a frame of the size and color I want.  YES!  Blue/green (sea foam green?), size 55cm.  Happy birthday to me!  I won’t be riding it until long after my birthday, but it will always be my birthday bike.

So if you’re like me and can’t wait to get this process rolling, make the call with your credit card in hand.  Grant said it helps to demonstrate some bit of angst about making sure to get a frame (which apparently I did in my opening comments to him).  You don’t have to beg, just show your interest.  Good luck!

#RivSisters Forever!

Patrick Moore

Feb 26, 2021, 3:26:27 AM2/26/21
to rbw-owners-bunch
Money talks!

I'll be very interested to see a sea-foam Platypus juxtaposed with the beautiful red of Leah's. We look forward to photos.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 8:16 PM JAS <> wrote:
I called Rivendell today, Grant answered the phone and I expressed my sincere desire to get a Platypus and my worry that I’d miss out.  I asked how I could make sure I got one and then this happened.....he took my credit card info right then and there for a frame of the size and color I want.  YES!  Blue/green (sea foam green?), size 55cm.  Happy birthday to me!  I won’t be riding it until long after my birthday, but it will always be my birthday bike.

So if you’re like me and can’t wait to get this process rolling, make the call with your credit card in hand.  Grant said it helps to demonstrate some bit of angst about making sure to get a frame (which apparently I did in my opening comments to him).  You don’t have to beg, just show your interest.  Good luck!

#RivSisters Forever!


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Leah Peterson

Feb 26, 2021, 3:28:47 AM2/26/21
Though they will neither be as stunning nor elegant as the Monocog. 🤣🤣🤣

Joyce! How exciting! I really cannot contain myself over here. #RIVSISTERS!!!!!!

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On Feb 25, 2021, at 7:26 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:

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Patrick Moore

Feb 26, 2021, 3:37:39 AM2/26/21
to rbw-owners-bunch
My Monocog is butt-ugly, and all my protestations otherwise were in jest. It's a wonderful bike, and (IMO) "Rivendellian" in being simple, steel, rugged, comfortable, and just plain fun for "riding around," but it's purely utilitarian, and all its beauty is in the ride. For the sort of riding it's meant for, nice paint would be a waste.

Really, in a few months I hope we can see another photo portfolio of Joyce's sea-foam Platypus. 

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Joe Bernard

Feb 26, 2021, 3:39:36 AM2/26/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
As much as I'd love a nice Platypus, I'm holding out for the Monocog pre-order.

Feb 26, 2021, 3:41:17 AM2/26/21
As someone who actually is shopping for a 26” wheeled Monocog I can tell you, it would be easier for me to find a Rivendell to buy and turn into a singlespeed mountain bike!

On Feb 25, 2021, at 19:39, Joe Bernard <> wrote:

As much as I'd love a nice Platypus, I'm holding out for the Monocog pre-order. 
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Patrick Moore

Feb 26, 2021, 4:07:48 AM2/26/21
to rbw-owners-bunch
Is there such a beast as a 26"-wheel Monocog? I thought they were all 700C. 

Patrick Moore, who daydreams about a Clem with 3"-wide, 31"-tall WTB Rangers*.

* Aside: That Matthews custom dirt road bike: I had it built for 700C X 60s with fenders, and 650B X 75s. But it won't take 700C X 70 mm wide, 30 1/2" tall WTB Rangers, alas and alack. So it's on the block.

Kate Gilson

Feb 26, 2021, 3:12:52 PM2/26/21
#RivSisters are multiplying!!!! This is going to be fun

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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Feb 26, 2021, 3:43:39 PM2/26/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yes! Kate is right - so fun! I’m so fond of you ladies, and we’ve never even “met.” Doesn’t matter!

Joyce - I got so excited over your bike news that I missed the fact that your Mermaid Platy is your birthday bike - is it your birthday today, because we might not just be #RivSisters, we might be #RivTWINS!

Ride for Fun

Feb 26, 2021, 7:24:53 PM2/26/21
I tried that for my Sam, Will would not do it so I found one of the previous production year at a shop.  And to think how many Rivendells I have purchased.  Good luck, glad it worked out.  Not sure I would have posted it though.  

Leah Peterson

Feb 27, 2021, 8:58:21 PM2/27/21
Here’s something fun. Analog Cycles anodized some parts for my Platypus and they just shipped them. They kindly sent these artistic photos while I wait. All the pretties for the Platy.

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On Feb 26, 2021, at 7:12 AM, 'Kate Gilson' via RBW Owners Bunch <> wrote:

Patrick Moore

Feb 27, 2021, 9:18:37 PM2/27/21
to rbw-owners-bunch
Man, that is indeed custom bling! The color anodizing, as color anodizing, reminds me of the early '90s, tho' your colors are much more tasteful. 

May I be crass and ask how much Analogue charged for this work?

Patrick Moore, who owned bright purple rims and bright blue something; might have been cantilever brakes.

David Person

Feb 28, 2021, 1:28:01 AM2/28/21
to RBW Owners Bunch


Feb 28, 2021, 1:54:42 AM2/28/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
That is some serious jewelry! I'm looking forward to your finished Platy.
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Feb 28, 2021, 2:44:21 AM2/28/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Awesome anodizing!  Those parts are going to look so good on the raspberry Platy!  Nothing but beauty in your world.

I’d love it if we were RivTwins, but alas, my birthday isn’t until March 4th.  We are both Pisces however.  


On Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 6:14:41 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose

The Rose - Bette Midler

Because the parts are rose and she's getting them in the spring and it made me think of that song. So there ya go! 

Max S

Mar 1, 2021, 7:44:18 PM3/1/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Congrats, Joyce! 

I inquired by phone this morning if I could just pay for one now, but was told that there ain't no such possibility until the frames are actually there "in a couple of weeks." I didn't press the issue. 

If anyone's got a Mustard Clem L in 52cm size to get rid of, ping me. 

- Max "I thought I had good phone manners, but..." in A2 

Joe Bernard

Mar 1, 2021, 8:45:47 PM3/1/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Oops. I suspect that cat's outta the bag (I need to look up the origins of that phrase) and they've shut down the unofficial pre-order pipeline. "The phone won't stop ringing!" 

Tom Wyland

Mar 1, 2021, 8:53:36 PM3/1/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yeah, I called too and was told to wait.  Maybe we should just create a google dock and see if our intended purchase quantities exceed their supply.  I'm hoping I'm the only one who wants a 55 Limeolive :)


Tom Wyland

Mar 1, 2021, 9:05:22 PM3/1/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
OK, I did a thing.   Add your name/size to the list if you'd like.  How many people on this thread are buying?

Leah Peterson

Mar 1, 2021, 9:09:41 PM3/1/21
The excitement over this mixte is dizzying. I love it. And I love the sign up sheet. So cool!

I don’t ever remember this kind of anticipation for a new model! Am I biased?

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On Mar 1, 2021, at 1:05 PM, Tom Wyland <> wrote:

OK, I did a thing.   Add your name/size to the list if you'd like.  How many people on this thread are buying?
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Jason Fuller

Mar 1, 2021, 9:15:50 PM3/1/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
I think just letting everyone purchase via the website when they go live is the fairest option, so I support Riv in that decision, even though unfortunately the timing isn't going to work for everyone.  Hopefully they respond to the demand with a second batch ASAP for those who miss out, though!  Pre-orders would be really nice, but I don't think they work as well in reality as they seem like they would, since there are so many unknowns until the frames arrive and they don't want to have frustrated preorder-ers, even if it helps cashflow.
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