ISO Brooklyn Riv Bike 'Gang'

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Jan 22, 2022, 3:25:01 AM1/22/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi all, my name is Minh and i'm on the lookout for other Brooklyn Riv'sters, maybe we can start a gang, and by gang i mean a bunch of slow riders that will use our age, wisdom and sharply appointed bikes to intimidate the go-fast riders in Prospect Park.  

In all seriousness, i've got a Quickbeam here that i am desperately trying to justify keeping in this cramped Park Slope apartment.  Something that would go a long way towards that is to get out and ride with like-minded folks.   Maybe when it gets warmer we can do a ride out of town?  I know i've seen a sharply dressed Riv Mixte riding thru the park, if you see me on my QB--you'll know its me from the over the top accessories, please say hi!

If this is interesting please reply here, i'll collect names and we can start a local mini thread? 

On a related note have a small pile of bike parts that i'm not likely to use that i'd like to donate, if anyone is aware of a co-op that is open taking donations, please let me know!

Jan 22, 2022, 3:38:44 AM1/22/22
Hi Minh, I’m not from NY so unfortunately can’t join your gang but I sure would enjoy if you posted some pics of your “over the top” Quickbeam! I’m a fan of ogling Quickbeams and your description is so fun.
Best of luck finding your people! 

On Jan 21, 2022, at 19:25, Minh <> wrote:

Hi all, my name is Minh and i'm on the lookout for other Brooklyn Riv'sters, maybe we can start a gang, and by gang i mean a bunch of slow riders that will use our age, wisdom and sharply appointed bikes to intimidate the go-fast riders in Prospect Park.  

In all seriousness, i've got a Quickbeam here that i am desperately trying to justify keeping in this cramped Park Slope apartment.  Something that would go a long way towards that is to get out and ride with like-minded folks.   Maybe when it gets warmer we can do a ride out of town?  I know i've seen a sharply dressed Riv Mixte riding thru the park, if you see me on my QB--you'll know its me from the over the top accessories, please say hi!

If this is interesting please reply here, i'll collect names and we can start a local mini thread? 

On a related note have a small pile of bike parts that i'm not likely to use that i'd like to donate, if anyone is aware of a co-op that is open taking donations, please let me know!

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Austin Plocher

Jan 22, 2022, 2:22:49 PM1/22/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I ride prospect park on my roadini often, would be happy to link up!

Jan 22, 2022, 10:20:35 PM1/22/22
BikeSnob owns two Rivs and rides around NYC. If I ever get back out there I’d likely bring my Brompton.

Robert Tilley
San Diego, CA

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 21, 2022, at 7:25 PM, Minh <> wrote:

Hi all, my name is Minh and i'm on the lookout for other Brooklyn Riv'sters, maybe we can start a gang, and by gang i mean a bunch of slow riders that will use our age, wisdom and sharply appointed bikes to intimidate the go-fast riders in Prospect Park.  

In all seriousness, i've got a Quickbeam here that i am desperately trying to justify keeping in this cramped Park Slope apartment.  Something that would go a long way towards that is to get out and ride with like-minded folks.   Maybe when it gets warmer we can do a ride out of town?  I know i've seen a sharply dressed Riv Mixte riding thru the park, if you see me on my QB--you'll know its me from the over the top accessories, please say hi!

If this is interesting please reply here, i'll collect names and we can start a local mini thread? 

On a related note have a small pile of bike parts that i'm not likely to use that i'd like to donate, if anyone is aware of a co-op that is open taking donations, please let me know!


Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Jan 23, 2022, 12:41:51 AM1/23/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Cold rubber is fast rubber, let's shred! (says the guy with two kids and a job that burns the present daylight hours away)
I'd like to do a ride that started with a ferry across the river to Jersey City, winding our way up to the George Washington bridge. From there we could head north over the Hudson bridge to the Bronx, then weave our way down the Harlem River and East river, crossing every bridge we can. Every crossing possible might be fun? Or something less ridiculous would be fine, if you're into that sort of thing...
Shirley Chisholm gravel grinder! (or hoagies, heros, subs, whatevs)
-Kai, of Williamsburg East and a sloppily dressed Mixte, among others

alan lavine

Jan 23, 2022, 11:56:01 AM1/23/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

Hi Minh,
I'm on the UWS in Manhattan and I'd be happy to join you.A few years ago I organized a meet up at a beer garden in Greenpoint. Only a handful of us came but fun. Would love to repeat when the warm weather comes.Actually, for those fully vaccinated and comfortable eating in restaurants, I suppose we could meet even now.

Patch T

Jan 23, 2022, 4:28:17 PM1/23/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm in, and know a few folks not on this list who would love to ride too.

Kai, both routes sound fun.

Anyone riding during winter? I am! I went out yesterday and about to go again today on my newly rebuilt Quickbeam. Photos and report to come, separately.

not of Williamsburg East, but on the very eastern edge of eastern Williamsburg...

Benjamin L. Kelley

Jan 23, 2022, 5:43:33 PM1/23/22
I'm not in Brooklyn any longer but lived in Greenpoint from 2018 to 2020.
I always saw lots of Rivs in Greenpoint and Williamsburg.   There's a guy with an orange QB that lives on Eagle, Don't recall his name. But we talked a few times riding down Franklin.  I lived Huron and it was always funny that there were two orange QBs with honjo fenders just a couple blocks from each other.
There's also a late middle aged fellow that had a AHH that frequeuented Ovenly that I ran across occasionally, I believe he had other Rivs too.
I say I'd see at least one Riv a week on Kent/Franklin/West or going over the Pulaski.
Sorry I can't point you towards any specific people, but Williamsburg and Greenpoint are pretty Riv thick.

718 Cycles in Park Slope used to stock Rivs but not sure they do any more.  Joe is pretty friendly you might stop in and if hes not busy chat him up and see if he can point you towards anyone.

--ben in KC, Kansas City, formerly Kings County

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Jan 23, 2022, 11:11:40 PM1/23/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I cannot do any riding with the group on a regular basis, seeing that I live about 90 miles south in Philadelphia, but if the group comes over to the NJ side for a ride or part of ride, I'd join you.  It's always nice meeting like minded people.

Kai, I love your Roscoe mixte, and especially your homemade weaved basket.  That is art to my eyes. 


On Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 7:41:51 PM UTC-5 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY wrote:

Chase Granoff

Jan 24, 2022, 4:29:45 PM1/24/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Keep me posted if some rides get organized, for sure interested. I am in Bed Stuy with a Clem L and a Sam. Sounds fun! Chase

Adam Smith

Jan 25, 2022, 2:29:41 PM1/25/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Also interested! Also in Bed Stuy with my Joe Appaloosa!


Apr 14, 2022, 4:32:07 PM4/14/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
hey all, sorry for letting this post sleep, now that weather is warming up i'm building up courage to commute to work!   here's the list of folks that responded (hope this is ok, you all posted publicly above):

Adam / BedStuy / Joe Appaloosa
Chase / BedStuy / Clem L & Sam
Patch / E. Wiliamsburg / Quickbeam
Alan / UWS /
Kai / E. Williamsburg / Mixte + (bargain) Ram!
Austin / ** / Roadini
Minh / Park Slope / Quickbeam

Now that weather is warming up, anyone want to start arranging/proposing rides, i dunno if it needs to be super formal.  As far as organizing methods, any votes?  keep it in this post, create a sub-group?   private email list?    

And for any new folks that didnt see this originally, feel free to jump in, we are not trying to replace the group, but trying to create a smaller thread for hyper-local stuff like rides, parts swap etc.  

weather is breaking so lets get out there!  maybe Kai will bring that new Ram!

Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Apr 14, 2022, 7:15:05 PM4/14/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
It’s too hot now, we’ve missed our one day of comfort…😩
-Kai (on the clem of late, as rosco’s brake track has worn out. Ram’s in the spa)


Apr 15, 2022, 1:52:43 PM4/15/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

I've just moved up to brooklyn with a ram, would love to get in on rides and to connect with riders here. Maybe its best to get a ride organized through this thread first and then figure out a good way to keep connected? I'm up for anything from that big bridge route kai suggested way back to just doing a lap around prospect park. I rode out to forest park yesterday while the weather was nice.


Michael Morrissey

Apr 16, 2022, 3:39:21 AM4/16/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

I'd be in for a ride. I'm on the UWS and I have an Appaloosa.



Apr 16, 2022, 12:52:17 PM4/16/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Good morning

I'd like to get in on this as well.
Murray Hill // Clem H


Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Apr 16, 2022, 9:39:11 PM4/16/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

Here’s an idea- a meet up at the Kissena Velodrome and some cruising around the trails that surround it. Would be fun to get in some races with baskets and saddlesacks flying around. Plus, Queens is neutral territory for the Brooklyn and Manhattan gangs.


Apr 17, 2022, 9:39:59 PM4/17/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'd be up for the velodrome, but it sure looks like its a ways out there. who else is up for it?


Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY)

Apr 18, 2022, 1:39:10 PM4/18/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Is there a date? I'd be up for something soon-ish but away camping and biking in the Gunks this weekend. 

One super chill Brooklyn/Queens ride is like is down Bedford Ave to Sheepshead Bay and then over the bridge to Fort Tilden. There are a few trails through there and semi-private beaches all around. Could pick up lunch en route at Roll N Roaster ;-) 


Apr 18, 2022, 2:34:31 PM4/18/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
We're still organizing so anything is up for discussion.  i've done the ride down to Ft Tilden, its not too bad even tho there are no bike lanes along Bedford.  Roll n Roaster gives you a free water if you wear your helmet inside :)

in a few weeks once weather and places open up, we could keep riding pass ft tilden into town.

i like the velodrome idea, but we should plan that for later in the summer and make it big cross group thing, like Battle of the Boroughs

as far as getting things going sooner, my proposal would be to keep things light and loosely organized, so if folks have something planned e.g. "riding to brighton beach this weekend for kachapuri anyone wanna come." 

alan lavine

Apr 18, 2022, 10:34:51 PM4/18/22
For me also, Kissena is a bit out of the way, but I would make it if everyone else could.
Another option is just an informal meet up, say at a beer garden in Brooklyn, before we organize a ride.


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Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY)

Apr 19, 2022, 2:12:13 PM4/19/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Always up for meeting up for a beer! That's easy. 

Also, Minh - there is a bike lane all the way down Bedford from Eastern Parkway to where it ends at Emmons. And then the Jamaica Bay Greenway around to Floyd Bennett and across the Marine Parkway Bridge. 

alan lavine

Apr 20, 2022, 1:42:14 AM4/20/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Is anyone available tomorrow to meet at the Spritzenhaus 33 in Greenpoint? Say 4 or 5ish?


Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY)

Apr 20, 2022, 1:56:07 PM4/20/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
This week is no good for me as I'm on kid pickup duty in the afternoons/evenings. Possibly one afternoon/evening next week, though.

Coincidentally, I ran into two separate Riv riders in Williamsburg yesterday. Joe, who said he isn't on this Group, was on an orange Cheviot headed to Ridgewood. And while we were stopped chatting, someone on an orange Sam passed up. Wasn't Chase, but maybe someone else in the Google Group? Anyway, kinda neat seeing more and more Rivs around NYC. 

alan lavine

Apr 20, 2022, 2:06:32 PM4/20/22


Apr 20, 2022, 2:11:35 PM4/20/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Tonight is no good for me either, but I could probably make it next week or another day.


Alan LaVine

Apr 20, 2022, 3:30:13 PM4/20/22
Yeah, sorry for the short notice, but I’m in the area anyway on Wednesdays so I thought I’d ask.
Let’s all think about next Wednesday.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 20, 2022, at 10:11 AM, Stephen <> wrote:

Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Apr 21, 2022, 3:11:51 AM4/21/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

Currently in Beantown, next Wednesday may work, but I’m coming from Uptown. 6pm? Brown bags at the top of the Williamsburg Bridge? 
Alan, what year was the last beerhall meet up? Sunnyside Chris was there on a righteous Bruce Gordon if I recall.. Maybe I can get my new old Ram rolling, and Alan, bring the new Cheviot? 

alan lavine

Apr 21, 2022, 11:18:42 AM4/21/22
Sure, we can do later on Wednesday. The last meetup was about 3 years ago, I think. Maybe more. We were just a handful, and in fact I’ve bought and sold a few small items with a couple of them…don’t me ask names! We could each bring a mental list of things we want to either buy or sell, could be fun.

Working on the Cheviot. See you next week! Come one come all.

Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY)

Apr 21, 2022, 1:52:31 PM4/21/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I could probably do next Wednesday. Alan, let me know if you need a wheelset for the new Chev. I have a fairly new Alex Adventurer 2 set with a Shimano dynamo up front and Deore on the rear. Currently just sitting in the closet. Handbuilt by Honey Wheels in Brooklyn. 


Apr 21, 2022, 3:18:02 PM4/21/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Wed are bad for me with other obligations, but will keep an eye out.  I did finally get my Quickbeam in shape for bike to office today!    to all the smart alecks, yeah, yeah, thats NJ in the background.   We should definately plan a trip down to Ft Tilden/Rockaway for a little later in the spring.  

Oh and Justin brings up a good point, Swap Meet?  


Alex Bitterman

Apr 21, 2022, 3:54:57 PM4/21/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi all,

I'd love to join for some rides! I'm on the UWS with a Clem H  (and a new Homer that's currently with my dad but will be here soon). Kissena sounds like a good starting point.


John Entwistle

Apr 21, 2022, 3:55:10 PM4/21/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'll be staying in Brooklyn (Bushwick) from August-September, I'd be happy to meet up for some rides while I'm in town.
Message has been deleted

Jakob B

Apr 21, 2022, 3:55:55 PM4/21/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Brooklyn Riv riders. I just moved here from San Francisco 3 weeks ago, game for some rides! Looks like one is in the works next Wednesday, 27th? 

Jake/ Mustard Clem H/ Crown Heights

alan lavine

Apr 26, 2022, 12:27:46 PM4/26/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Good Morning All,
I'm hoping that tomorrow will be better for some of you, at least. I suggest meeting at the Spritzen House, 33 Nassau st, Greenpoint, around 5-6 pm. Not sure where a good ride would be in late afternoon NYC traffic, but we can discuss ideas for future rides depending on when folks are available. I'm thinking tomorrow as meet and greet thing...the beer and sausage selection is excellent. 
I also think it would be fun to bring a list, written or mental, of parts/bikes wanting to sell/exchange/give away/etc. We all have stuff lying around waiting for a better life. For me, its drop bars.

Let's see a show of hands!

Alan UWS

Michael Morrissey

Apr 26, 2022, 1:50:34 PM4/26/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

I'm in! I've been trying to go for west side bike path rides every afternoon. 

I'll ride over from the UWS.


Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Apr 26, 2022, 3:04:46 PM4/26/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Might be a little late, coming from the dentist, hopefully not numb, maybe with drop bars...


Apr 26, 2022, 3:41:40 PM4/26/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm in for the meetup, looking forward to it!



Apr 26, 2022, 5:36:50 PM4/26/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
 (sorry if this is a double send).  

hey all,

i'm sad to miss this get together, sounds like there is a decent number!   as far as organizing, i'd propose a sheet like this, where people can add their names and links to parts swap, etc. we can also use it as a shared calendar for activities.

if you wanna test it, here's the link to the form

alan lavine

Apr 28, 2022, 11:15:45 AM4/28/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
We had a nice meet up yesterday at the Spritzenhaus (gotta love that name): Kai, Michael, Stephan and me, all on Rivendells from various eras.
To all New Yorkers....anyone interested in sharing some rental space to set up as a workshop? My guest bedroom is becoming overrun with stuff. Could be in Brooklyn, upper Manhattan....just need easy access via bike. I'm envisioning a bike shop like atmosphere, work bench with vise (Yeh), shared tools and spare parts. Small frig with libations, used couch for a nap, etc.

Anyone else have this pipe dream? Or a lead on some space?


Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY)

Apr 28, 2022, 2:06:18 PM4/28/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
hey all, sorry I missed it. i had an ankle injury late last week and still kind of recovering. i should be back to normal by next week.

love the idea of a shared workshop space! does anyone else subscribe to the Listings Project? They often have art/studio spaces listed. I can take a look and see if there's anything viable. price/cost is probably going to be an issue but maybe there's something out there. 

alan lavine

Apr 28, 2022, 3:09:01 PM4/28/22
I am not familiar with it but will subscribe.


Apr 28, 2022, 3:21:15 PM4/28/22
to RBW Owners Bunch

Was glad to meet you yesterday Alan, Michael and Kai. I'd be interested in being a part of a shared workspace, its something I've thought about since moving up. I'm subscribed to the listings project too, i haven't looked at the workspace listings but I bet there might be something that could work there. Budget is a constraint of course. Can't say for certain what I can manage till my feet find their stride up here, but count me interested.


Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Apr 28, 2022, 5:09:42 PM4/28/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
There's this- but it lacks the home base feel that would be nice in a rental. Much cheaper though...

alan lavine

Apr 29, 2022, 10:54:16 AM4/29/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I appreciate all leads and ideas. On the listings project, mentioned above, there are some spaces in LIC, an area I hadn't thought about.
This may be an unreasonable question right now, until we have something specific to consider, but does anyone have an idea of how much they would be able/willing to contribute to this? It might help in limiting the options. VERY rough ballpark figure, of course, with no obligations at all.

Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY)

Apr 29, 2022, 12:32:06 PM4/29/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
LIC would work for me. $100 per month per person? I'd prob be willing to go higher depending on the space, how many other people join, etc. 


Jun 2, 2022, 7:58:13 PM6/2/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
hey all bringing this to the top.  i have a free weekend 18th-19th, so proposing a ride down to Far Rockaway, anyone else around want to join?  Ride down, stop at Fort for pictures, get some tacos or other beach food.   could do Sat or Sunday, or even Monday if you have the day off!

Alan LaVine

Jun 2, 2022, 8:20:28 PM6/2/22
I will be out of town but would love to another time. Never did that ride!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 2, 2022, at 3:58 PM, Minh <> wrote:

hey all bringing this to the top.  i have a free weekend 18th-19th, so proposing a ride down to Far Rockaway, anyone else around want to join?  Ride down, stop at Fort for pictures, get some tacos or other beach food.   could do Sat or Sunday, or even Monday if you have the day off!

Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Jun 2, 2022, 10:35:21 PM6/2/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Forts and friends! <—ft. Tilden awhile back, with the good graffiti 
That’s an always fun trip, when you thinking to start? I’d be able to do a later in the day ride, leaving after 2:30ish?, but with so much to see out there, I would understand if that were too late a start

Justin Kennedy

Jun 3, 2022, 1:07:44 AM6/3/22
I would love to join. Let me check the calendar and get back to you guys. Later preferable for me too, Kai. 

Patch T

Jun 3, 2022, 12:00:07 PM6/3/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I might be out of town. If I'm not out of town, I'd love to join!

E. Wburg

jeffrey kane

Jun 3, 2022, 2:47:33 PM6/3/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Same as Patch - but yeah, would love to join so will circle back if I can make it.

Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Jun 8, 2022, 4:48:29 PM6/8/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
With kids in the mix, I always consider planning grownup activities a long shot, so I'm not to be planned around...
But that Saturday has become a no go (skate date with my younger, music performance for my older). Sunday is tentatively wide open though!
aside from ride planning, if anyone wants some braze-ons cooked to their frames, I'm looking for some practice (I've even got braze-ons!)

Justin Kennedy

Jun 8, 2022, 5:12:47 PM6/8/22
I could probably do Sunday. Kai, can we ride your tandem? ;-)


Justin Kennedy

Jun 8, 2022, 5:19:06 PM6/8/22
Just realized that Sunday is Father's Day, so probably no go for me.... 


Jun 8, 2022, 6:57:55 PM6/8/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
oof Justin, good catch.  Saturday is out for me too, but i could do Sunday and prefer on the early-ish side, hopefull that leaves things open enough for other activities later in the day.  I'll leave that option up for further discussion over the next week or so and we can try and lock it in next week? 

Brendan McLaughlin

Jun 13, 2022, 12:54:25 AM6/13/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hello Minh and the rest of the gang!

I'm in South Slope with a Clem H and would love to meet up for a ride some time! I'm out of town 6/18 and 6/19 but would love to do a ride on another weekend this Summer. Thanks for getting this going!


Todd Ferguson

Jun 15, 2022, 2:57:50 AM6/15/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi folks-

I'm Todd from Ditmas Park. I commute daily to midtown along Kent on my Atlantis but would love to cruise around with like minded folks on some weekend mornings. I did have the pleasure of bumping into Kai once on his Mountain Mixte and riding down first avenue with him. Would love to meet the rest of you!


Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Jun 17, 2022, 9:06:07 PM6/17/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
No tandemming with Justin for Father's day = Bummer
Probably better as I'm an iffy captain at best... (Tandem is on the sale block anyhows (know anybody?))
And Hello Todd of Ditmas!
I still hope there can be a big ride, but Father's day has put a damper on my ability to step away from the fam for a few hours on Sunday. Father's day, and a huge slice through the tread and sidewall of my new 33's on the Ram, and the Rosco in pieces on the floor, and and and...  excuses I know.
I still want to have that brazing party in my yard, the one where we add weird bits to odd spots on your bikes while drinking beers and trampolining. 
Let's party!

Justin Kennedy

Jun 18, 2022, 3:49:44 PM6/18/22
Late notice but a few folks are meeting at Grand Army Plaza at 1p today to pedal around the park and then get tacos and beer. Meet behind the farmers market near the entrance to the park. HMU - 347-325-2640

Todd Ferguson

Jun 18, 2022, 11:06:59 PM6/18/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
Aaah sorry not to see this. I was tooling around the park from 11-Noon!  Kai I saw you on your Hubbuhubbuh on Friday at Vanderbilt and Fulton at about 6pm. Gave a wave! I was on a RB-1 so a little bit in stealth mode. Brazing party sounds great!

Alan LaVine

Jun 19, 2022, 9:36:22 AM6/19/22
Hate to miss this…have fun 🤩 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 19, 2022, at 12:07 AM, Todd Ferguson <> wrote:

Aaah sorry not to see this. I was tooling around the park from 11-Noon!  Kai I saw you on your Hubbuhubbuh on Friday at Vanderbilt and Fulton at about 6pm. Gave a wave! I was on a RB-1 so a little bit in stealth mode. Brazing party sounds great!

Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Jun 19, 2022, 11:05:27 PM6/19/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
I only wish I was cruising Vanderbilt on the tandem! Haven’t had it out in about a year😩😭. Need to make a for sale post, but if anyone local can come up with $2500 for a cliffhangered SON hubbed orange beauty of a big tandem (Silver cranks, the works!…), let me know

Lee T

Jul 7, 2022, 6:26:58 AM7/7/22
to RBW Owners Bunch
If this happens again, I'd be down to join. I live in Ditmas Park and ride most days in Prospect Park. My partner lives in Greenpoint and I commute back and forth  to there (oy!) so can meetup wherever.
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