Now this sounds like great fun! Keep us informed. I did only a little bit of cross-country skiiing while in Kebec, but I enjoyed it immensely, and IME it is the non-cycling equivalent of cycling. I actually bought a pair of cheap LL Bean XC skis after I moved here to ABQ, but we get ski-able snow only about once every 3 years, so I exploited their (then) return when you like policy.
Speaking of which, tangent, but not wholly irrelevant: Early Feb, 1991, I was roped as the cyclist into a very, very amateur team doing the Mt Taylor Quad -- their other cyclist had dropped out. We were competing -- get this -- against 1 man, a wholly superior athlete (*), who would do the ~15 mile bike leg up Mount Taylor, ~5 mile run, ~ 2 mile XC ski, and ~1 mile snowshoe, repeat on the return, alone. I recall wearing lycra shorts and a poly-wool LS jersey, and naught else -- temps about freezing.
I forget if we won or lost -- wouldn't surprise me if we lost; but I was never so cold in my life while waiting for the return leg down the mountain.
(*) Bob Rosebrough, Gallup, NM; he is Google-able. 6'4" of athletic prowress. Anecdote of his early racing career: regional cycling race, the roadies are bunched at the front. They hear a heavy whirring sound, and look back. There is Bob on a 25" mountain bike with knobbies gaining on them. They say "Oh, no!" He won the race.