Roaduno - Are you buying one?

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Doug H.

Jun 23, 2024, 8:59:43 PM6/23/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The Roaduno sale begins Thursday June 27th noon Pacific time. Who is planning to buy one? Will you buy a frameset to build up or a complete? Color preference?

I'm curious as to the demand for this bike. It's not JUST a single speed which I think is cool. And, cool is good in my lingo. What do you all think of the stock components?

Let's talk Roaduno!!



Jun 24, 2024, 1:15:44 AM6/24/24

Silver. Frame and fork.

Build ready to go!

On Jun 23, 2024, at 1:59 PM, Doug H. <> wrote:

The Roaduno sale begins Thursday June 27th noon Pacific time. Who is planning to buy one? Will you buy a frameset to build up or a complete? Color preference?

I'm curious as to the demand for this bike. It's not JUST a single speed which I think is cool. And, cool is good in my lingo. What do you all think of the stock components?

Let's talk Roaduno!!


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Adam in Indiana

Jun 24, 2024, 2:35:29 AM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Strongly leaning toward one… Complete, probably mustard.

tio ryan

Jun 24, 2024, 1:42:42 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I am very much considering a 47.5 complete and I'm assuming that size will be a 650b wheel. Currently deciding between silver or mustard, but I wouldn't be mad at purple either. My first bmx bike as a kid was purple. I plan to run it single-speed, but take comfort in knowing it can easily transform into a 3x1 and I'm sure I'll give that a try sometime down the road. However, a single-speed Riv is what I desire the most since I don't really need gears on my daily commute and find them distracting when commuting with my platypus. 

I like that the completes will come with choco bars, as I don't have a set of those yet and they're the ideal swept back city-bar according to my good friend who rides them (I'm team albatross atm).

-tio "where did I stash my spare blue lug shifter boss cover" ryan 

Brian Forsee

Jun 24, 2024, 2:15:14 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've gone back and forth on the Roaduno. The majority of my bikes are set up single speed when I first heard about it I was enamored. My enthusiasm waned when I heard it would be more of a homer SS vs a clem SS (I think the very first info was talking tire sizes in the 55 range?). Then the photos of the products bikes started coming in. Woo baby! What a nice looking bike. And that purple! I think the roaduno would be a great city commuter bike. However,  I don't think I'll buy one. Maybe I will regret it. But the 45c no fender clearance just isn't quite enough for me for a bike with such high versatility potential. Could i ride 45c tires on singletrack? Sure. Would I have as much fun as i would on a 55c tire? I personally would not.


Bill Lindsay

Jun 24, 2024, 2:34:39 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I took the 3x1 inspiration to do a 3x1 Rivendell build on a Romulus.  I rode that bike up Mount Diablo this month and it's becoming a favorite bike in my large stable. Here's a photo of the bike at the summit:

I feel like I'm exactly in between a 54.5 and a 58.  The 58 has the Reach, but very high Stack.  The 54.5 has a more reasonable Stack, but it's short on the Reach.  The build concept would influence the size.  I could run a 54.5 with drops and a long stem.  I could run a 58 with a low stem and low rise flat bars.  

I confess that Will tempted me with the statement "at least one maniac will put a Regina 5-speed freewheel on theirs.  I am a big fan of multi-gear 120mm OLD builds, so now I feel like I've been challenged.  Ha ha.  I'll think on it some more when the product page comes out.  

One of the visual concepts I've got bouncing in my head would be the silver color with absolutely every single thing on the build SILVER.  Light grey grips, tires, saddle.  100% silver components.  Not a single speck of black.  I think grey rubber tires would have tan sidewalls, so that would be the only other color.  That could look really good.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA


Jun 24, 2024, 3:22:36 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I was so excited about this bike when it was initially in the planning stages about 2 years ago. I was psyched about a true Rivendell singlespeed that would take wide-ish tires and have that smooth geometry. Was in communication with Will and Grant, got confirmation of 650b, 120 rear spacing, cantilever posts... Started buying parts (Surly hubs, Velocity rims, Paul Mini-motos and levers...)

Then things started getting weird. Derailleur hanger (Not my ideal but I could live with it) Single downtube shifter boss (I love DT shifters, but not on a singlespeed.) But they finally lost me at "Long-reach sidepull." I truly don't understand the thinking in that decision; it feels like a cost and/or labor saving decision and it really disappointed me.

I hope for Riv's sake that I'm wrong, but it feels like a bike designed for an audience of about 10 people.

So no, I was all in, but no longer.

Mike M

Joe Bernard

Jun 24, 2024, 3:34:27 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

I love the monochrome idea. I remember a Specialized Allez back in the day in silver with the grey-ish silver 105 group, grey bar tape and saddle. It was sweet! 

Joe Bernard 
Clearlake CA 

Bill Lindsay

Jun 24, 2024, 3:56:55 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Two comments:  

1. If you're close-by enough, go ride the demo bike(s) when they are built.  That will probably confirm your current path, but maybe it'll surprise you.  There really has never been a bike exactly like this, even if it has turned into something that doesn't match your vision of what you wanted

2.  With the $1750 you've "saved" you can probably get your perfect thing built to fit those nice parts!  If you do, I hope you'll show it off

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA


Jun 24, 2024, 4:25:29 PM6/24/24
To Bill’s all silver idea: I’m going very, very black with mine.

Originally I wanted all black everything, to make the silver pop and because I figured most people would do a silver-leaning build.

But have had to make some concessions along the way, due to availability and deals too good to ignore.

I’d post the photo I took of the build kit, but don’t want to ruin the reveal before the bike is even in hand!

On Jun 24, 2024, at 7:34 AM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

I took the 3x1 inspiration to do a 3x1 Rivendell build on a Romulus.  I rode that bike up Mount Diablo this month and it's becoming a favorite bike in my large stable. Here's a photo of the bike at the summit:
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Richard Rose

Jun 24, 2024, 4:43:11 PM6/24/24
Bill Lindsay, are you basing the geo numbers on the Homer? Interesting that Riv are planning a pre sale in three days without any published photos of actual production frames/bikes/colors or geometry.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2024, at 10:34 AM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

I took the 3x1 inspiration to do a 3x1 Rivendell build on a Romulus.  I rode that bike up Mount Diablo this month and it's becoming a favorite bike in my large stable. Here's a photo of the bike at the summit:

Adam in Indiana

Jun 24, 2024, 5:10:53 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Was there an email or blog announcement for the Roaduno presale? I didn’t even know it was starting this Thursday, but figured I had just missed the email or accidentally deleted it.

tio ryan

Jun 24, 2024, 5:41:41 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Adam, it sounds like you may have been unsubscribed from the email list. I was too and had to sign up again with an alternate email address to receive them. 

The last two newsletters talk about the Roaduno.


Jun 24, 2024, 5:58:46 PM6/24/24
Richard, this is from Will's latest email about the Roadunos.

It's not on the size chart yet, but the Homer is almost exactly the same geometry,


Bill Lindsay

Jun 24, 2024, 6:00:33 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

"I’m going very, very black with mine"

The kids call that "murdered out".  I look forward to seeing it.  

BL in EC

Edwin W

Jun 24, 2024, 6:33:32 PM6/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Like Bill, I feel like am exactly in between sizes, for me 58 and 61.5. I will build a bike with a frameset and parts I mostly have. 

For those who are between sizes: what are some of the things you are thinking about?

For me:
  • I will be riding single speed or fixed
  • For a bar: I will probably get a bar like the MAP ahearne. 
  • for a stem, I might get a slightly longer one for the 58, a slightly shorter for the 61.5

I will be interested to hear everyone's thought process. 


T s

Jun 25, 2024, 2:04:02 PM6/25/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I was very interested when it was going to be a burly canti frame, I am a single speed enthusiast and already have two bikes that would overlap with the Roaduno (custom ant set up as a 2x1 and Frank Jones Sr, was looking for one that could offer something differen

Laing Conley

Jun 25, 2024, 3:51:44 PM6/25/24
Purple, 54.5 frame. Silver parts from the stash, maybe old Campagnolo Nuovo Record or Tipo or Sansin HF hubs, NOS Stronglight/Spidel 93 crankset. Maybe manual 2 speed - Double freewheel and double crank, 3 tooth difference on each to keep the wheel in the same location. Fattest tires that fit. VO Klunker handlebars on Nitto Faceplater stem? Wide Nitto Wavies?

I actually have an NOS 5 speed Regina Oro freewheel and NOS Campagnolo Rally derailleur in the parts stash - Nah - I love the looks of a single speed.

Delray Beach, FL

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Ken Yokanovich

Jun 25, 2024, 6:38:02 PM6/25/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'd go with a Mustard complete and make any changes once I rode it a bit. If I were to get one, but like Mike M pointed out a few posts back:  You lost me at "Long-reach sidepull."  I used to have a Quickbeam that I REALLY enjoyed with cantilever brakes and I have a Frank Jones now that I love.  I think I will hold out for the next batch of Appaloosas, depending on when my Roadeo is done.

Dave S

Jun 26, 2024, 2:03:01 PM6/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

Richard Rose

Jun 26, 2024, 3:58:00 PM6/26/24
No pics of the Silver?
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On Jun 26, 2024, at 10:03 AM, Dave S <> wrote:

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Joe Bernard

Jun 26, 2024, 4:50:41 PM6/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Will says on Instagram that they're building up a silver and posting pics today. 

Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA

Jun 26, 2024, 9:46:21 PM6/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here it is!

Screen Shot 2024-06-26 at 5.44.57 PM.png

Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA

Jun 26, 2024, 9:50:10 PM6/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
And I agree about the missing canti option. With the upcoming V-brake I would have bit the bullet on a silver one myself. 


Richard Rose

Jun 26, 2024, 10:19:26 PM6/26/24
Question to the group; anyone ever bought a bike solely for the downtube graphics? Riv nailed it with this Roaduno at least in my book. I do particularly like it on the silver but all three look good to me.
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On Jun 26, 2024, at 5:50 PM, Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA <> wrote:

And I agree about the missing canti option. With the upcoming V-brake I would have bit the bullet on a silver one myself. 


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Bill Lindsay

Jun 26, 2024, 10:54:00 PM6/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The down tube graphics are exceptional.  I agree the purple "1" on the silver pops.  I'm hooked on the Saint Jump stickers.  

I bought two different R05C0 8U883 bikes because of the rocket headbadge.  The Rosco Bubbe Road that I owned is available from CMR right now, and I endorse it.  

I half want to convince one of you frame set buyers to get a complete instead so I can grab the parts kit.  I want a set of the svelte new Silver cranks (in 173) and the Saint Jump wheels are great too.  If you are in the East Bay hand-off range and want to do something, let me know.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Bill Lindsay

Jun 27, 2024, 12:06:56 AM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
New Email Newsletter all about the Roaduno is out.  So, based on my above "offer", if you plan to buy a 58 or a 61.5 frame set, think about getting the complete instead and letting me in on the parts.  The price delta is $650.  My offer is $700 plus my personal expert labor in helping you pull your complete together.  You'll get the frame a hair cheaper.  I only want to do this if it's local, so we don't have to ship things around.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Doug H.

Jun 27, 2024, 12:05:40 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
As much as I enjoy single speed riding I don't plan to buy a Roaduno today. I think the Silver with all black components would be so nice. Good luck to all who plan to buy! Keep your fingers on your keyboard.

Edwin W

Jun 27, 2024, 1:12:50 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

That is an awesome offer! I wish I still lived in Berkeley... I would love to do that.

Sadly (for this reason) in Nashville,


Richard Rose

Jun 27, 2024, 1:36:58 PM6/27/24
I have thought I’d like all three color options - and I do. But dang that silver kills.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2024, at 6:54 PM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

The down tube graphics are exceptional.  I agree the purple "1" on the silver pops.  I'm hooked on the Saint Jump stickers.  


Jun 27, 2024, 1:39:50 PM6/27/24
I don’t think I’d have been upset if I’d had to get the  Purple one tho.

The complete in that colour that Riv posted looks really nice, I think.

Might just be because it’s my size!

Good luck today anyone that’s going for one!

On Jun 27, 2024, at 6:36 AM, Richard Rose <> wrote:

I have thought I’d like all three color options - and I do. But dang that silver kills.

tio ryan

Jun 27, 2024, 1:45:32 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I blocked off 30 mins on my work calendar "Busy, 3pm". 

-tio "you only need one" ryan 


Jun 27, 2024, 7:13:50 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
One 54.5 in Ana Purple complete ordered. I decided that I like the high flange hubs on the wheelset and the new crankset so I ordered a complete instead of a frameset.

Delray Beach FL

Bill Lindsay

Jun 27, 2024, 8:25:35 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
They appear to be moving, but it's not a total frenzy like some other releases in the past.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

tio ryan

Jun 27, 2024, 8:41:15 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Didn't realize until placing my order (47.5 silver complete) that there weren't any 47.5 frames available. 

47.5 complete in silver was sold out immediately after I got my order in. 


Jon Dukeman

Jun 27, 2024, 8:50:58 PM6/27/24
Go to the riv info page click on dealers.
One of those dealers might have what you are looking for or have one being delivered .

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Edwin W

Jun 27, 2024, 9:02:52 PM6/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I wonder how many they ordered of each iteration - with three colors and 5 sizes of frames and five sizes of completes, that could be up to something like 150 bikes (frames and completes) if they got 5 of each iteration listed, or 300 if they got 10. Or something in between if they mixed and matched.

I hope they sell a lot and fill up their coffers!

61.5 purple frame,


Richard Rose

Jun 27, 2024, 10:37:19 PM6/27/24
Curious about the numbers too. I know vendors are all different but remember reading about Black Mountain difficulties due to minimum orders - something like 30 of each size / color? It put him - Black Mountain - in jeopardy. They made it work with single frame colors & fewer sizes.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 27, 2024, at 5:02 PM, Edwin W <> wrote:

I wonder how many they ordered of each iteration - with three colors and 5 sizes of frames and five sizes of completes, that could be up to something like 150 bikes (frames and completes) if they got 5 of each iteration listed, or 300 if they got 10. Or something in between if they mixed and matched.
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Eric Daume

Jun 27, 2024, 11:25:00 PM6/27/24
I agree on this. I love single speeds, and the 3x1 flexibility looks fun, and the 61.5m profile looks just right for me, but those long reach brakes are a deal breaker for me. I've built bikes with them in the past, and their stopping power in the wet is inadequate for me. Maybe the Riv guys never ride across a section of wet grass and then need to stop for a road crossing, but I have, and had some scares with these brakes.

in Plain City, OH, wondering how they use those brakes in hills

On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 5:50 PM Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA <> wrote:
And I agree about the missing canti option. With the upcoming V-brake I would have bit the bullet on a silver one myself. 


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Jun 28, 2024, 1:13:07 AM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Another Riv that excited me until the inexplicable change to sidepulls.

I think I know why Riv has done this twice now but damn it is annoying.

Bill Lindsay

Jun 28, 2024, 1:51:07 AM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
It's clear lots of people wanted a single speed Appaloosa or a single speed Hunqapillar.  It's natural for those people to be sad that Rivendell offered a single speed A. Homer Hilsen instead. Those who wanted a single speed A Homer Hilsen are presumably pleased.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

T s

Jun 28, 2024, 11:14:51 AM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
For sure, I was in the hunq camp, but I get why a slightly lighter weight option makes sense.  I would have been happy with a SS Hillborne as canti’s would have allowed for just a little bit more tire/fender clearance, I was still tempted when I saw that 650b was the wheel size for my size frame as that’d be different than what I have, but the LR brakes kill it for me. 

Mathias Steiner

Jun 28, 2024, 12:57:44 PM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm going to write it down to see if I'm the only one who thinks the following:

(i) I'm glad the Tektro 559s are available. Even with the pads all the way down, they allow "OK" braking even with the factory pads. I'm not sure I'd be happy if I lived where it's hilly.

(ii) Fenders are problematic because the 559s provide obstacles much lower than the brake bridge/fork crown.
Notably, there's a spring sticking down; the silver Roaduno pictures show that clearly.

(iii) Braking is better with Cantis, much better with V brakes. Overall I prefer cantilever, for the versatility.

Richard Rose

Jun 28, 2024, 1:37:02 PM6/28/24
Is the Paul Racer not an option on these bikes?
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On Jun 28, 2024, at 8:57 AM, Mathias Steiner <> wrote:

I'm going to write it down to see if I'm the only one who thinks the following:
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Jun 28, 2024, 1:51:24 PM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
A Paul Racer (or other centerpull) could be used on a RoadUno (or Homer, Roadini, etc.), you'd just need to add cable hangers at the headset/stem and seat binder bolt.

My primary road bike is a Malocchio with 559s and fenders. I also have a Pescadero with maxed out GC610 centerpulls. I've had these bikes setup with the same fenders, wheels, and tires (moved most of the parts from the Pescadero to the Malocchio frame when I got it). Breaking performance between the two setups seems about the same to me and has been perfectly adequate even when caught in a downpour on the 559s, but (1) I'm fairly light and live in an area with rolling hills and (2) the 559s are not maxed out on the front of the Malocchio.

Riv says the RoadUno takes 46mm without a fender and 43mm with - maybe they haven't actually set one up with 43s and 559s but that doesn't sound problematic to me and my experience with 559s and fenders hasn't been problematic.

I like the RoadUno and am looking forward to seeing the builds, but am not planning on getting one. My RoadUno proxy is a Handsome Devil with 38s, fenders, and cantilevers, built up this spring and soon to be converted to 3x1. It also brakes fine.


Jun 28, 2024, 1:56:14 PM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hmm... I live somewhere hilly (Vermont) and ride my roadini on everything granted the pads on the 559s on the roadini are high in the slot nd i swapped out for Kool Stops.  Not arguing that they are the most powerful brakes ever but they seem to do the job.



Jun 28, 2024, 3:01:28 PM6/28/24

Oh, it definitely is!

And was one of my very first (and easy) decisions when I began planning and collecting for my build.

Admittedly, they work best when direct mounted, but I’ve never felt they lacked for braking power running as center mounts instead. Especially not on road.

They’re also one of the suggestions Riv makes for brake options on the Uno frame set page.

I do understand how they might be a financial concern for people tho - they’re not exactly cheap!

Although they do tend to come up on the secondhand market often.

On Jun 28, 2024, at 6:56 AM, <> wrote:

Hmm... I live somewhere hilly (Vermont) and ride my roadini on everything granted the pads on the 559s on the roadini are high in the slot nd i swapped out for Kool Stops.  Not arguing that they are the most powerful brakes ever but they seem to do the job.

J Schwartz

Jun 28, 2024, 3:42:06 PM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Did RBW say if they were upgrading the stock pads on those Yokozuna brakes?
The 559's with decent pads have worked totally fine for me.

Mike Rossi

Jun 28, 2024, 3:56:31 PM6/28/24
Tektro 559”s clear SKS 50mm fenders just fine.
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On Jun 28, 2024, at 11:42 AM, J Schwartz <> wrote:

Did RBW say if they were upgrading the stock pads on those Yokozuna brakes?

Mike Packard

Jun 28, 2024, 6:52:49 PM6/28/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The brakes on the completes are not exactly Tektro 559. From :

Brakes: Sidepulls, long reach. Brand is Yokuzuna. They're cold-forged and excellent, and are nearly identical to Tektro 559 (57-73mm brake reach)


Adam in Indiana

Jun 29, 2024, 2:04:41 AM6/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I’ve been riding 559’s for years on a roady single speed, and have never had problems or complaints with them. Anecdotal, I know, but just thought I’d throw in a few words in their favor. I would have been happy with cantis on the Roaduno as well, but not if it meant an Appaloosa or Hunqua frame…I wanted the lighter “every-road” frame.

tio ryan

Jun 29, 2024, 1:35:36 PM6/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I woke up this morning thinking about gear ratios -- crunching numbers on BikeCalc and referencing the previous single-speeds I've enjoyed throughout the years. Things of note about the 'uno: 
  • An in-the-box COMPLETE comes with a 38t big ring and a 26t small ring and a 16t cog on a flip-flop hub
The stock gear ratio on a 43mm tire equates to 62 gear inches, since mine will have 650b wheels. That's going to be too small, since I'm used to 69 gear inches on my Kuwahara and I pedaled 73 gear inches for many years on my IRO (it's not very hilly here). I'm also not into the chainguard aesthetic and the stock rings are not the best-looking on their own. I want my drivetrain to look clean, that's something I appreciate about a singlespeed bicycle. 

Here's where I'm at currently. I'm in possession of a 18t eno fw with wear (from my iro) and stock is 16t. If the math is correct and I'm seeking a ratio in the 69-73 zone:

with stock freewheel (16t)
42t = 69
43t = 71
44t = 72 

with my freewheel (18t)
47t = 69
48t = 70
49t = 72

Searching eBay, there aren't a lot of options for good looking 110bcd rings. I currently have my eye on a 42t salsa and a 48t sugino ring. I don't know much about em, but the willow chainrings look really sweet. What's the story on those? I'd love one for my roaduno, in the off-chance someone on the list has a 110bcd willow chainring in 42/43t or 47/48t in their parts bin. 

As I'm writing this, I'm realizing the stock chain will likely be too short once I get a bigger ring :\ 

-tio "one is all you need" ryan 

Richard Rose

Jun 29, 2024, 6:38:17 PM6/29/24
Oh this is going to be good!
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On Jun 28, 2024, at 11:01 AM, P W <> wrote:

Bill Lindsay

Jun 29, 2024, 9:57:24 PM6/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The OP anticipated a buying frenzy, but that clearly hasn't happened in week 1 of the pre-sale.  I hope that turns out to be a good thing, and gives people the chance to really think about it and decide calmly rather than panic-buying with a huge fear of missing out.  Now that the real Geo-Chart is out, the 54.5 Roaduno looks a lot better to me than the 54.5 Hilsen had looked.  Still, if you wanted to give me one for free, the one I'd pick would probably be a Silver 58 Complete.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 5:05:40 AM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:
As much as I enjoy single speed riding I don't plan to buy a Roaduno today. I think the Silver with all black components would be so nice. Good luck to all who plan to buy! Keep your fingers on your keyboard.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 8:06:56 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
New Email Newsletter all about the Roaduno is out.  So, based on my above "offer", if you plan to buy a 58 or a 61.5 frame set, think about getting the complete instead and letting me in on the parts.  The price delta is $650.  My offer is $700 plus my personal expert labor in helping you pull your complete together.  You'll get the frame a hair cheaper.  I only want to do this if it's local, so we don't have to ship things around.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 3:54:00 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
The down tube graphics are exceptional.  I agree the purple "1" on the silver pops.  I'm hooked on the Saint Jump stickers.  

I bought two different R05C0 8U883 bikes because of the rocket headbadge.  The Rosco Bubbe Road that I owned is available from CMR right now, and I endorse it.  

I half want to convince one of you frame set buyers to get a complete instead so I can grab the parts kit.  I want a set of the svelte new Silver cranks (in 173) and the Saint Jump wheels are great too.  If you are in the East Bay hand-off range and want to do something, let me know.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 3:19:26 PM UTC-7 wrote:
Question to the group; anyone ever bought a bike solely for the downtube graphics? Riv nailed it with this Roaduno at least in my book. I do particularly like it on the silver but all three look good to me.
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On Jun 26, 2024, at 5:50 PM, Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA <> wrote:

And I agree about the missing canti option. With the upcoming V-brake I would have bit the bullet on a silver one myself. 


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Jun 30, 2024, 4:41:48 PM6/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Why the recommendation to not ride it fixed by Grant? "Too risky." lol.


Bill Lindsay

Jun 30, 2024, 4:56:22 PM6/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The risk is pedal strike.  The RoadUno has a low BB height.  Riding fixed forces the rider to pedal through corners, so the risk of pedal strike is real.  A optiomized fixed city bike might have a higher BB.  If you know how to steer at speed without leaning, you can mitigate that risk.  Go for it if you are into it.  It's a manageable risk.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

J Schwartz

Jun 30, 2024, 5:07:24 PM6/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Does anyone know if the Roaduno (completes) have a plastic cable guide installed under the bottom bracket?

Bill Lindsay

Jul 12, 2024, 3:40:14 PM7/12/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Two weeks ago I offered money and labor in exchange for all the parts from a complete Large Roaduno so that you could get the frame set for below-retail.  Nobody took me up on that, and I'm now withdrawing the offer....because I went ahead and bought a 58 Complete.  So, I've got the parts kit I was looking for, and it comes with a frame set.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA


Jul 12, 2024, 5:21:10 PM7/12/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here we go! Can't wait to see Bill's take on the 'Uno.

jared in SC, CA


Jul 12, 2024, 5:23:34 PM7/12/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
In a moment of list-inspired weakness, I went for a Roaduno frameset, potentially to replace my Milwaukee Cycles single-speed that’ll fit a 30mm tire max without fenders (I really like riding single speed and wouldn’t mind doing it in the rain!). What I haven’t been able to figure out is the possible ship date of frames/bikes. Anyone have an idea?


Neal Lerner
Brookline MA


Jul 12, 2024, 5:26:45 PM7/12/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm curious to see what Bill will do with it....what color?

Bill Lindsay

Jul 12, 2024, 6:26:28 PM7/12/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I chose the Silver.  

I'm sold on the entire build concept, so mine will have a stock silhouette.  I am on the tall end of the PBH range for a 54.5 and on the short end of the PBH range for the 58, so I chose the 58 and I'll keep the stock choco bars.  I'll slam the faceplater stem, and if that's still too high I'll run something else.  Slammed is always a cool look.  I will run eggplant Newbaums on the reach part of the bars, and likely some thin purple MTB grips, like Wolf Tooth Karv, or maybe a lock-on variant.  I recently picked up a used Fizik Arione saddle in metallic silver, so I'll throw that on to start.  I have a black B-17 that could go on there instead.  

I'll keep the stock chainrings on the new Silver cranks, and I'll pick a front derailleur from my box, with a DT shifter from my shifter holdings.  I'll probably start out with the stock 16T freewheel, and will use my already modified Suntour XC Pro Short cage rear Der as the tensioner.  It's already modified to support a DOS/ENO freewheel: I turn the barrel adjuster and it moves to the other cog.  If I use that feature I'll have my choice between a 16/19 or a 20/22 that I have on-hand.  

I've got a few different flat pedals on-hand but will probably snatch the Crust/MKS Sylvan Gordito off another bike in the stable.  I'll run a Nitto Campee 27F rack + basket assembly.  My teal Swift Sugarloaf bag will clash, so that will be the required bit of WABISABI.  Add a couple King Cages and I'm all set.  If the complete comes with a kickstand I'll run it.  I already have the stubby version of the Affinity ratcheting 15mm wrench, so I'm set there.  

I will endeavor to be the first Riv Customer to ride their RoadUno to the summit of Mount Diablo.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA


Jul 12, 2024, 10:56:03 PM7/12/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I was going to buy a frame and ended up with a complete bike - purple 54.5. I like the crank and the wheels (slotted high flange hubs).

I am going to make a no shift two speed. Was it the Riv Simpleone that had a similar setup? I have a WI 16-19 rear freewheel and an MCS 35 tooth chainring. I will remove the 26 and the chainguard from the crank, move the 38 to the outer position and install the 35 at the inner position. That gives me two gears that use the same chain length so the wheel/brake position should be the same after manually loosening the rear hub and repositioning the chain. Two South Florida gears -> 38-16 (66") for riding with the wind and 35-19 (51") for riding against the wind, preserving the simple appearance of a single speed.

I have Grip Monarch pedals with wings (and pins) - Panda - silver body with black outers (I do have some purple Deity TMACs though). Saddle will be a Brooks B68 (black or honey). The green accent levers will exchanged for the all silver Tektro Mountain levers on my green Rosco Bubbe V1 (green and purple just seems weird to me). The headset will be replaced with a NeedL BlastR as I do on almost all of my bikes. Bars will initially be VO Klunkers (nickel plated) on either the original or 135mm Nitto Faceplater stem (short legs, long torso). OGK finger groove grips. Seatpost will be replaced with a Nitto S83.

I do have some yellow brake housing hanging on the wall....

Laing Conley
Delray Beach FL


Jul 13, 2024, 12:40:35 AM7/13/24
Well, if we’re all talking builds now…


Plus Rene Herse black walls, Paul Racers, and some kind of basket/rack setup.

A few either/or and gearing decisions still to make, but otherwise: a “murdered out” early 90s MTB-inspired double-speed road bike.

On Jul 12, 2024, at 3:56 PM, lconley <> wrote:

I was going to buy a frame and ended up with a complete bike - purple 54.5. I like the crank and the wheels (slotted high flange hubs).

Bill Lindsay

Jul 13, 2024, 1:59:24 AM7/13/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Lots of either/ors in that picture.  

Two cranksets
Two seat posts
Two saddles
Four bottle cages
Mismatched skewers and bolt on wheels 
Sidepull brakes shown and Paul brakes promised

You really should buy two!

BL in EC


Jul 13, 2024, 2:41:01 AM7/13/24
Hahaha. Well, that’s what happens when you pull out everything black that you like from the parts bins for options!

Silver cages in case the silver hubs feel lonely on their own.

Skewers went elsewhere!

Paul brakes and tires were included in a prior post.

No clue what I’m thinking pulling the Hite-Rite but I guess you never know!

I never know for sure until I sling everything on…

On Jul 12, 2024, at 6:59 PM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

Lots of either/ors in that picture.  

Bill Lindsay

Jul 14, 2024, 5:48:13 AM7/14/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
"What I haven’t been able to figure out is the possible ship date of frames/bikes. Anyone have an idea?"

Well...I asked Will, and he said the boat is on the water and that August 10 is a good guess.  Pick up the phone and give him a call if you want to hear it from him/them.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA


Jul 14, 2024, 11:31:14 PM7/14/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Ah, excellent. Thanks, Bill.


Aug 2, 2024, 1:44:32 AM8/2/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Well, it's been an exciting couple weeks for me. New Bike Day x2! - and peripherally Roaduno related.

As I've stated elsewhere, I was psyched a couple years ago about what I thought was the original vision for the Roaduno. I was looking forward to a purpose-built Rivendell single-speed with 120 rear spacing, 650b wheels, cantilever brakes, and spacing for wide-ish tires. I was saving money and collecting parts.
 But we all know how the design morphed, and while the Roaduno is an interesting bike for sure, it's no longer the bike I want.

I started looking towards the Crust Lightning Bolt single speed, and the Crust Florida Man, and was even thinking about getting both.

Then a couple weeks ago, someone on the ibob list posted a Black Mountain Cycles rim-brake Monstercross frame/fork/headset in my size for a great price, and while it's not a singlespeed, it could easily be one and shares a lot of similarities with the Florida Man (but in 700c). Plus, I have a Black Mountain rim-brake road (no longer in production) and last year sold my Black Mountain Road+ when I built up my Ritchey Outback Breakaway, because I knew I'd probably never ride it with the Ritchey in the stable. I've communicated a lot with Mike Varley, am a fan of the bikes and his aesthetic, and have a couple friends who own a Monstercross. AND the frame was the same color, and has the same Pacenti fork crown, as my wrecked Ocean Air Cycles Rambler - the bike I've put the most miles on and with which I've had my most epic adventures. So, I bought it, I built it up, and it is an absolute blast to ride. I built it up with pretty much all parts I already had. Currently set up as a 1 x 10 with Microshift Sword, but I plan to create a second cockpit with brake cables I can swap out with a Separate wheelset to run it Singlespeed.

And last week someone else posted on the ibob list that they had a Quickbeam in my size (!) that they were planning on selling as F/F/H, but were putting out feelers to see if anyone was interested in the complete bike. Not willing to ship, but if interested party was in northern Oregon, could make arrangements. Turns out the owner lives 2 miles from me. Only asking $200 more for complete bike, including Sugino crankset, Paul canti brakes, Compass tires, Maes Parallel bars, and White Industries Dos Uno freewheel, and Nitto 32F front rack. My test ride lasted about one wide-grinned minute before we completed the transaction. What a fun bike!

Pics of both below.

Mike M

On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 1:59:43 PM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:
The Roaduno sale begins Thursday June 27th noon Pacific time. Who is planning to buy one? Will you buy a frameset to build up or a complete? Color preference?

I'm curious as to the demand for this bike. It's not JUST a single speed which I think is cool. And, cool is good in my lingo. What do you all think of the stock components?

Let's talk Roaduno!!


Bill Lindsay

Aug 2, 2024, 12:32:41 PM8/2/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Those are two very cool bikes.  I currently own one of each.  The Roaduno is definitely a much different bike than either of those two, which is why I'm getting one.  Enjoy them!  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Bill Lindsay

Aug 3, 2024, 8:46:05 PM8/3/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
...and now the Roadunos are in Oakland!  (according to Will's email)

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA


Aug 3, 2024, 9:04:43 PM8/3/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
just in time for your September summit of Mount Diablo

Bill Lindsay

Aug 3, 2024, 9:06:56 PM8/3/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
"just in time for your September summit of Mount Diablo"

bet on it.  The question is: will my Roaduno be a 2-speed, a 4-speed, a 6-speed, or maybe even a 14-speed?  

BL in EC

Bill Lindsay

Sep 30, 2024, 10:38:05 PM9/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Cute.  Very nice selection of parts.  -BUT- I'd change two things:

1. I think that front rack is the best possible front rack.  Install it in the lower tabs behind the axle and you'll be able to get it a little closer to level.  
2. The photo of the front brake setup makes it look pretty wonky.  Like the center pull yoke is all tilted and then you adjusted the spring tension around that tilted yoke.  I'd give that a good look and re-do that setup.  

Enthusiastic APPROVE.  Do you like it?

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Chris Halasz

Sep 30, 2024, 11:05:51 PM9/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

Spectacular (and what Bill said)! 

Still trying to convince myself that I need a Roaduno, your build and Bill's are compelling! 


Sep 30, 2024, 11:11:50 PM9/30/24
Good eye Bill!

(I’d expect no less).

Rack is placed there ONLY while we wait for the eyelet tap from Will! For some reason a bunch of the production frames came without that eyelet threaded on the NDS.

The brake caliper was a tiny bit wonky, you’re right, and was immediately corrected after the first ride, which was after these photos were taken.

Kyle didn’t want me getting any dirt on the frame before he’d shot it!

As for how I like it…

…I love it!


On Sep 30, 2024, at 3:38 PM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

Cute.  Very nice selection of parts.  -BUT- I'd change two things:


Oct 9, 2024, 7:33:54 PM10/9/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Previously in this thread I said I was not planning on buying a Roaduno. In another thread I said that if I was to get one I'd lean towards the 58. I was wrong on both counts and have a 54.5 silver frame on the way. NBD post to follow (at some point).

So far I've seen Roadunos from Bill L, Edwin W, Laing C, Mark V, Neal L, and Philip W. Did I miss any?



Oct 9, 2024, 9:10:45 PM10/9/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I got my 54.5 silver today. I have swapped the brake levers for some SS6, and I will be getting rid of the stem it came with and going with a longer/lower Nitto tallux


Oct 9, 2024, 10:04:09 PM10/9/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Basic, boring photo- swapped for a long Tallux (unfortunately 26.0mm clamp so need to use a shim, no big deal, just a bit fiddly..), Grip Monarch pedals, Dia Compe SS-6 levers and some cork grips. Turbo saddle from parts bin, but probably will also swap this for something else soon

Jeremy Till

Oct 9, 2024, 10:50:09 PM10/9/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

Can I ask what bars those are? They look like Wavies but with a longer grip area?

Jeremy Till
Sacramento, CA


Oct 10, 2024, 12:38:04 AM10/10/24
It’s actually my trade secret…

They’re just Wavies with bar extensions.

On Oct 9, 2024, at 3:50 PM, Jeremy Till <> wrote:

Message has been deleted

J Schwartz

Oct 10, 2024, 4:35:03 AM10/10/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 8:56:50 PM UTC-4 tio ryan wrote:
Obsessed with my 47.5 after bumping the gear ratio to 42/16 (acs paws fw) 

Recently added purple newbaums to the bars & kickstand. Got my first flat last week -- a pleasant experience patching it, and I still made it to work early :) 

This is the perfect bike for me. Here's a photo from my commute earlier:
soma rack with a racer basket. bit colorful -- wouldn't mind a black/reflective bungee 


tio ryan

Oct 10, 2024, 11:33:53 AM10/10/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Not sure if my photo was working on my first post, so trying again. 

Obsessed with my 47.5 after bumping the gear ratio to 42/16 (acs paws fw) 

Recently added purple newbaums to the bars & kickstand. Got my first flat last week -- a pleasant experience patching it, and I still made it to work early :) 

This is the perfect bike for me. Here's a photo from my commute yesterday:
soma rack with a racer basket. bit colorful -- wouldn't mind a black/reflective bungee 


Edwin W

Oct 10, 2024, 2:02:39 PM10/10/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Where I am right now:
Bullmoose bars
Racer basket
Fixed gear

Adding dynamo lighting


Paul Richardson

Oct 10, 2024, 4:29:41 PM10/10/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
she's hardly ready for a photoshoot, but the 64cm dunos are grossly underrepresented, so here's mine in its liminal state.  feels goooooood to be riding fixed again!

takoma park, md.


Oct 11, 2024, 2:38:14 AM10/11/24
I've been hoping someone would post some photos of a 64cm, thanks Paul!

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esoterica etc

Oct 11, 2024, 6:38:17 PM10/11/24

As it seems the Gravelking is the default tire for the Roaduno, I think it would be the bee's knees for someone with the silver frame to mount some purple Gravelkings on their ride. Heck, I think they'd even look good on a purple frame. Who's gonna be the first to try?


Kailua, HI

On Oct 10, 2024, at 16:38, Danny <> wrote:


Oct 30, 2024, 2:37:03 PM10/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
In the process of building up my 54.5cm frame I noticed this on the underside the BB shell (not that there was any doubt which model the Roaduno descended from):

I noticed BIll's 58cm doesn't seem to be stamped the same:

A little curious if it's a frame size difference, a complete vs frame difference (seems unlikely), or just a random thing (like which bin the shell was grabbed from).



Oct 31, 2024, 1:41:55 AM10/31/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The lugs change through the sizing range because the angles of the chainstay/seatpost/downtubes change (very slightly) through the size ranges. Another genius move from Riv early on with the changing wheel sizes through the size range limits how dramatic this change is. So not so much random bins of lugs but specific angle requirements.

Paul Richardson

Dec 13, 2024, 2:46:59 PM12/13/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
i initially thought i was going to offset the color of the frame with maybe some orange or even pink grips, and never once did i think i'd mount up tires that aren't the end, though, the pull of the purple was just too strong!!!  

am i the first to try, mark?!

takoma park, md.

J-D Bamford

Dec 13, 2024, 3:03:01 PM12/13/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Purple grips look great on it. Purple tires… the recipe is getting quite rich!

I’m eager to hear how that Paul Racer works out on the front with such a long cable drop from the hanger. Any issues with vibration, or any qualms generally? I have a Roadini coming in a matter of weeks and I’m literally second guessing every day whether to do Racers or trad sidepull calipers. I can afford the sexy racers, but hear remarks about how a long centerpull/canti cable is less than ideal. Thanks for any feedback.

Steven Sweedler

Dec 13, 2024, 3:14:58 PM12/13/24
consider a fork mounted brake stop, it eliminates fork judder. 

Steven Sweedler
Plymouth, New Hampshire

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Paul Richardson

Dec 13, 2024, 4:01:30 PM12/13/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
it was this picture of a rb-1 that pushed me over the edge on the purple rubber.  i saw this red-on-red and just had to try purple-on-purple.  seeing is believing.

i don't have issues with the brake setup.  feels great.  stops great.  i do love 559s, though, and in a lot of ways prefer them over centerpulls.  can't go wrong either way i'd say.




Dec 13, 2024, 5:38:24 PM12/13/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I love this color coordination, but as someone that also trys to keep color coordinated, know that these tires are limited run!  so stock up if you want to keep it going.  I think I saw someone on the radavist marketplace selling 6 purple tires (so 3 pair) because they switched from a purple them to red!  
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