My new 26" wheeled drop bar Atlantis

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Nov 13, 2020, 5:02:28 PM11/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I am just about done putting this together and am really excited. I purchased a 50cm frame from the garage sale section this summer. It is a little smaller than what they would recommend for my 84 PBH, but given the long top tube and my plan to use drop bars I felt pretty confident it would work. I was attracted to the 26" wheeled Atlantis as such long running model and I was interested in running the excellent 2.3" rat trap pass tires. The other new thing I did was modify my TRP RRL levers to be used with V-brakes. The strange shape of the lever allows an additional set of holes to be drilled doubling the lever arm - it works great. I am still experimenting with the stem lengths, but wanted to share my project.

David Person

Nov 13, 2020, 5:09:15 PM11/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I like the gold bling on the Rene Herse cranks.


Nov 13, 2020, 6:14:47 PM11/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
That's a clever trick with the TRP levers. I have a set waiting in the wings for a future build that I had resigned to using cantilevers with but I'll keep that in mind when the day comes. I don't know that I would trust myself to risk damaging such a nice pair of levers, but I'll certainly consider it lol. Glad to hear it's working well for you.

Lovely bike by the way. I'm a big fan of the 26'' Atlantis as well.

Madison, WI


Nov 13, 2020, 8:13:33 PM11/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Those are not Rene Herse cranks. They look like these but different..

Dave, what are they?


Nov 13, 2020, 8:15:48 PM11/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

David Person

Nov 13, 2020, 8:17:00 PM11/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I believe you are correct, Igor.  

Patrick Moore

Nov 13, 2020, 8:35:21 PM11/13/20
to rbw-owners-bunch
Nice Atlantis, and thanks for sharing the tip about the brake lever modification I'll keep that in mind if I swap out my cantis for Vs.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 10:02 AM <> wrote:
I am just about done putting this together and am really excited. I purchased a 50cm frame from the garage sale section this summer. It is a little smaller than what they would recommend for my 84 PBH, but given the long top tube and my plan to use drop bars I felt pretty confident it would work. I was attracted to the 26" wheeled Atlantis as such long running model and I was interested in running the excellent 2.3" rat trap pass tires. The other new thing I did was modify my TRP RRL levers to be used with V-brakes. The strange shape of the lever allows an additional set of holes to be drilled doubling the lever arm - it works great. I am still experimenting with the stem lengths, but wanted to share my project.

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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Philip Williamson

Nov 14, 2020, 2:54:42 AM11/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

I saw your lever hack and said, “O dude!” California born and bred here. 
That’s a great addition to the bike tinkering knowledge base. I’m pretty sure I’ll use that in the mid to near future. I’d be honored to send you a free Bike Tinkers Union patch and sticker set for that idea. 
Pick what you want, and let me know:

Santa Rosa, CA
On Friday, November 13, 2020 at 9:02:28 AM UTC-8 wrote:

Bill Lindsay

Nov 14, 2020, 4:16:14 PM11/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I agree with Phil

That is a seriously useful brakelever hack. I don't have a bike for that hack, but I might do it anyway so I'll be ready next time the opportunity arises.  Definitely patch-worthy!

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Collin A

Nov 14, 2020, 5:19:48 PM11/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Brilliant hack, how much material did you have to remove while drilling? Just a good old fashioned cordless drill get the job done?

Also, beautiful bike. Looks like a super fun and capable ride, enjoy!

Collin in Sacramento

On Friday, November 13, 2020 at 9:02:28 AM UTC-8 wrote:

David Person

Nov 14, 2020, 5:20:34 PM11/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Followed your link to your Esty store.  Great patches.  Order a couple of Bike Tinkers Union patches.

On Friday, November 13, 2020 at 6:54:42 PM UTC-8 Philip Williamson wrote:

Daniel M

Nov 17, 2020, 3:47:59 PM11/17/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Wow. I've been looking at my TRP levers and thinking they would be easy to modify to long pull by doing exactly what you've done. I've been perfectly happy with the Tektro RL 520, but the TRPs have a really nice shape so I think this may be the route I take with my MB-1 that has been converted to drop bars and is awaiting further conversion to V-brakes.

This is why I still read bike forums obsessively!

Daniel M
Berkeley, CA


Nov 17, 2020, 4:46:25 PM11/17/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

Since there has been so much appreciation for your TRP lever hack here, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing your method with us? Did you just use a cordless drill for the hole? Any trick to moving the anchor stop to its new hole?

Madison, WI

Nov 19, 2020, 2:09:42 AM11/19/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yes, the crankset is the Andel 3-pin dressed up with some gold anno bits. I was also nervous about drilling the TRP levers, so I bought a cheap set of knockoff Lixada levers to practice on first as a “proof-of-concept”. 


Nov 19, 2020, 2:09:42 AM11/19/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

Looks like a really fun ride! What color are you going to use for the bars?

Nov 19, 2020, 2:10:18 AM11/19/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
The brake lever hack It is literally 2 holes drilled with a cordless drill. I didn’t even take the levers apart. The part to worry about is where to drill and what size holes to make. You need to remove a circlip to remove the barrel shaped cable stop. There are 2 bushings, one for each side, that determine the required hole sizes. The larger hole has to be positioned so that the bushing and circlip can be reinstalled in the new location, and there isn’t much room. It is a little fiddly to then install the cables, but it’s doable. If there is enough interest I could try to create an illustrated guide.

Nov 19, 2020, 2:12:43 AM11/19/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Ray-
Yes, I used a simple cordless drill (no tricks, as it is pretty straightforward). Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any specific questions. Thanks,

Nov 24, 2020, 9:01:28 PM11/24/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Stephen
I wrapped with a black cloth tape for now, but I am still trying different stem lengths. I tried what I had in my box and 80mm was too short and 120mm was too long. I will have to look for a 100mm.
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