Re: [RBW] Digest for - 14 updates in 6 topics

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Feb 13, 2022, 9:23:17 PM2/13/22
Anybody have a pair of Nitto R model bottle cages they want to sell? Bought another Rivendell today and need a couple.

From: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2022 8:49 AM
To: Digest recipients <>
Subject: [RBW] Digest for - 14 updates in 6 topics
John Rinker <>: Feb 12 07:51PM -0800

You paint a lovely picture of your ride, brendanoid! To me, the crux of the
matter is here: "When the crunching and the pedaling and the euphoria of no
thoughts at all..." In my experience, the 'no thoughts' is more about
letting the thoughts come and go as I pedal along and open my attention to
my surroundings. Riding a bicycle seems to provide the right balance of
flow and attention that makes the focus on my breath and the non-attachment
to my thoughts somewhat easier...sometimes.
"...yet the zen can still be gotten even here." I agree, Phillip. There's
no place like the present, no matter where that may be. I ride in similar
environments here in Yokohama (minus homeless encampments). No matter the
place, pedaling along, paying attention to my breathing, and encouraging an
awareness of my surroundings is an enjoyable part of my riding experience.
"Traditional expounders of the Zen form of Buddhism describe something a
little more rigorous than a couple of scholars shooting the breeze." For
sure, Patrick. I'm not exactly sure of the nature of Watts' and Blyth's
conversation, 'shooting the breeze' was my own interpretation. I just loved
that bicycles and Zen came into it. Tradition can be illuminating and it
can be calcifying. Certainly, rigor is demanded in scholarship and the
definition of terms like 'suffering', 'death', 'ego' and 'non-pre-existing
results' require it. (If only the neo-Platonists had bicycles!) But, I am
of the mind that perhaps, 'lightly' can offer another way in which to
approach the practice (rather than the scholarship) of being attentive to
the distinction between our thoughts arising from experience and our
experience itself.
I do enjoy many activities that give me the space to try and notice these
things, but I do enjoy riding a bicycle most of all.
On Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 3:21:17 AM UTC+9 Patrick Moore wrote:
Erik <>: Feb 12 11:07PM -0800

An interesting thread. I've been involved with Zen practice for a long
time. I'm fortunate to live the greater Bay Area, one of the places where
Soto Zen first took root in America back in the 1950s and 60s as the Beat
generation started attending services at local Japanese temples in pursuit
of new experiences. Between San Francisco Zen Center and all of the other
temples and practices centers that branched off over the years around here,
we have a lot of teachers and places to practice. I've been a student at
Sonoma Mountain Zen Center for many years now and have spent a lot of time
sitting on a cushion and staring at the wall inside the zendo.
A fundamental concept in Zen practice is that there is no distinction
between sitting (zazen) and other activities. Zazen is just one way to
bring your attention to the present moment. A big part of the practice is
that you approach and engage with every activity with the same energy as
you do your sitting practice and that whatever you are doing should be done
fully and completely. When you sit, you sit. When you walk, you walk.
When you rake, you rake, When you ride a bike, you ride a bike. Even
during intensive training periods, we intersperse zazen with walking
meditation, work practice, cooking, cleaning, meals, and other tasks.
Sitting practice is only one part of a larger whole and the constant is
the act of paying attention to whatever is in front of you at that moment.

But without going down a practice discussion rabbit hole, I would say that
riding a bike--particularly when I'm alone--requires attention that is akin
to zazen. It's one of the things that I have always loved about riding.
Zazen can be brutal. It's just you and the cushion and the wall and your
attention. Nothing to distract you, even though your brain desperately
wants something to feed it. And so the focus on breathing, dropping
thoughts, posture. The need for this sort of focus comes up a lot when I'm
Just today I was out riding and was climbing up a decent grade near my
house and had to keep reminding myself that the only thing I need to focus
on is the motion of my body and bike in each moment, THAT pedal stroke,
THAT revolution of the wheels, etc. My lungs were straining and I wanted
to stop, but once I got into the rhythm of just paying attention to one
moment at a time, my body settled down and I was able to keep climbing one
pedal stroke at a time. It's not much different from the experience of
sitting through what feels like the 100th hour of zazen on a hot afternoon
when your legs and back are aching, your arms feel like they are going to
drop off, your thoughts are popping off and you are convinced that the
timekeeper died or forgot to ring the bell...just returning your focus to
the present breath, over and over again and all of the discomfort, anxiety
and thinking will eventually go quiet and you can settle down into
something deeper. Nothing lasts, everything changes. It's a lot like
riding in that way.
I'll end my long response now, but thanks for the opportunity to consider
the connection between practice and biking again.
John Rinker <>: Feb 13 12:08AM -0800

What a pleasure it was to read of your experience, Erik! Much of what you
wrote resonates deeply with me. Perhaps this is because we share something
of a history with San Francisco Zen Center and a particular approach to
both Zen and riding a bike.
My formative experiences with Zen occurred when I lived in the City in the
late 80s/early 90s and sat at the Zen center regularly during this time.
This and S.Suzuki's 'beginner's mind' approach to Zen flavored my view of
the practice as a way to "engage with every activity with the same energy
as you do your sitting". I was a runner at the time, and my early morning
runs to the Zen center from my 16th/Guerrero place and home again were a
way to extend the practice beyond the zendo.
Your description of your ride today puts into words so clearly my own
experiences on rides that challenge me, and how I return to my breathing as
a method of focusing on the ways in which my body reacts to a tough hill,
frozen hands, thirst, or fatigue. There always seems to be another pedal
stroke at the bottom of that gaze. And, when the riding is easy, as I
mentioned above, breathing is a wonderful way to bring my attention to the
moment where brendanoid's 'constant birdsong' echos across Phillip's
'gritty industrial streets' as my wheels spin effortlessly.
On Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 4:07:55 PM UTC+9 Erik wrote:
Nikko Mendoza <>: Feb 12 09:48PM -0800

Hey y’all,
Got this Legolas from a list member here. I had it built very similarly to the previous owner initially, but made some small changes recently to differentiate it and I’m really happy with it.
I plan for this to be my gravel bike (loose segments are hard still). But I can throw the matching 38mm Barlow Pass tire on the front and have a plush rackless road rando rig. I have a bag coming in for that exact purpose.
Here it is.
Album here:
Collin A <>: Feb 12 11:30PM -0800

Ah man, I am jealous! I had to resort to a modern Ritchey Outback to get my
rackless-drit-rando-bike fix, but luckily that works well for my trips to
Salt Lake city.
[image: PXL_20210922_012843086.jpg]
I hope you enjoy the bike, from my time in the Oakland hills, there isn't
anything you can't do on 38 slicks.
Collin in Sactown
On Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 9:48:51 PM UTC-8 Nikko in Oakland wrote:
Nikko Mendoza <>: Feb 12 09:30PM -0800

Hey y’all,
I have a bud in Portland looking for either a single dyno hub or 700c wheelset, 28h preferred. SV8, SV9, or SONdelux.
Anybody holding?
Scott Calhoun <>: Feb 12 12:55PM -0800

I've been *that* guy more times than I'd care to count. If you are keeping
up with the group, someone always manages to say something like, "just
think how fast you'd be on XXXX kind of bike." Still, sometimes is nice
just to fit in and not have to explain yourself or answer the inevitable
"hey is that a really old bike?" question.
On Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 1:33:04 PM UTC-7 Fullylugged wrote:
John Hawrylak <>: Feb 12 01:06PM -0800

I agree with your observations about pre-2010. Personally, I do not care
for the 6deg upsloped TT. I think he did it to minimize the number of
different sizes for each model (inventory control) vs some inherent
superior design attribute. The AHH went from what 8 or 9 frame sizes when
it was MUSA to what 5 now (MIT)!! I'm sure the Taiwaneses would be happy
to copy the MUSA frame sizes & 2deg TT, just add the loooong stays
On the slack HT angles, I think GP had to do this to minimize or prevent
TCO and to bring the bars further back to maintain overall reach to the
bars. A slack STA requires longer TTL. I think all smaller Rivs pre 2010
had TCO
John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ
On Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 3:33:04 PM UTC-5 Fullylugged wrote:
John Rinker <>: Feb 12 08:14PM -0800

'Subvert the dominant paradigm'... in whoever's paradigm you happen to be
On Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 6:06:03 AM UTC+9 John Hawrylak wrote:
Robert Gardner <>: Feb 12 04:21PM -0500

Howdy friends --
Getting rid of some BoBy stuff as it is SPRING cleaning. Sorry for the
cross post y'all. I'm in DC, so I can do DMV meetings -- or I can ship it
to y'all.
MUSA USA Pants, Size L -- Basically new. I actually have two pairs bc I
thought I lost one. I didn't. They are in great shape. 50 bucks plus
Woolywarm sweatervest, Size L -- Brand new. Tried it on, just doesn't work
with my frame. 50 bucks plus shipping.
SFA Long Sleeve Shirt - XL / Camel Corduroy, Size XL -- Brand New. Doesn't
work with my frame as well. 100 bucks plus shipping. (Pic below)
[image: image.png]
SFA Long Sleeve Shirt - XL / Camel Corduroy
Joe Mullins <>: Feb 12 01:51PM -0800

I sent you a PM about the sweater vest!
Sent from my iPhone
Robert Gardner <>: Feb 12 04:52PM -0500

Sweatervest is gone!
Also, clarification -- the MUSA pants are the black/blue ones, not the tan
On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 4:21 PM Robert Gardner <
Robert Gardner <>: Feb 12 05:23PM -0500

Only the crust shirt remains, pants are gone.
Sent from my iPhone
Matthew Williams <>: Feb 12 12:34PM -0800

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