A few Swift bags at Sierra.com

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Jun 12, 2023, 10:59:56 PM6/12/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
A heads-up to anyone who finds this attractive:

Kestrel handlebar bag in Coyote tan for $60. Anchor hip bag in Black and Coyote for $60. And the Vireo hip bag in Dark Green X-Pac for $50.

Sean McRobert

Jun 13, 2023, 2:24:06 PM6/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks for the heads up.  I need another bag like a need another hole in my head, but now I have two more.  I hate to pass up a good deal.


Jun 13, 2023, 6:15:52 PM6/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Cheers, Chester. I've been eyeing a Kestral bag for awhile and finally pulled the trigger thanks to your deal outing.

Oak Park, IL

Davey Two Shoes

Jun 14, 2023, 2:49:22 PM6/14/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Couldn't pass up that price on a Kestrel

Drew Saunders

Jun 24, 2023, 6:44:12 PM6/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Mine arrived from Sierra yesterday and I tried it on my Riv on a 24 mile ride this morning. I have a Candy Bar Bag, made for Riv by Duluth Pack, many years ago for comparison.

The volume is about the same. On cold rides that warm up, I’ve used the Candy Bar to carry my vest, wool “dotted” gloves and glove liners as I shed them. The Swift Kestrel can handle the same load, which surprised me, as it seems smaller.

I like the waterproof phone pocket in front, but doubt I’ll ever use the interior zipped pocket.

I think it will be a better fit for my Ibis with original WTB off road drop bars, as it’s narrower than the Candy Bar.

I should probably include photos…


Drew Saunders

Jun 24, 2023, 8:08:05 PM6/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
OK, as promised, photos of the new Swift Kestrel bag.

First, the payload: 

Now, all of that in the Candy Bar Bag (which they stopped selling years ago). Sometimes called a "handlebar tube." It originally had leather straps with buckles, but I preferred being able to get it tight to the handlebars with some Velcro straps instead:

Next, the same payload (vest, gloves, more gloves, phone) in the Swift Kestrel:

As you can see, it's deeper, so the volume is the same. If I had "slammed" my stem, it might get too close to the brakes, but I don't have the lower back flexibility of a 20 year old gymnast, so my handlebars are level with my saddle like a civilized old person. Yes, that's the Quickbeam in the background. No, I'm not 100% sure I like the red electrical tape with the bar tape, but I was out of blue. I did try twine, but this is the Newbaum's padded cotton tape, so I couldn't get the twine to work well.

With a load, it hangs just a bit lower than when empty (I just used it to carry my phone this morning), so doesn't block my little "be seen" headlight. Mostly empty, it was a bit too close to the headlight.

Here's the attachment straps, which might be a bit "hand pokey" with the points on the grey buckle that poke into the holes on the black plastic strap. Yes, I should polish my brass bell, and you can just barely see the new brass washers on the Silver bar-end shifters! I think I'll have to get good at making sure the grey buckles are away from my hands:

Next, same two bags on the Ibis with my WTB ORD bars, where the narrower Swift really works well. The jingle bells are from a Pow Wow, they're used on the ankles of the Jingle Dance, and do a great job of letting folks (and horses) know I'm approaching them on the trails.

Finally, I think the triple attachment system of the Swift (it also has an around-the-head-tube cord) might make me able to use it to take my Fuji X-E3 and 23/2 lens on some rides:


Patrick Moore

Jun 26, 2023, 1:08:14 AM6/26/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Drew: Eloquent and witty report; appreciated.

Patrick Moore, who now thinks of finding a Swift bar bag to replace the somewhat intrusive large "gas tank" bag on his Monocog 29er. (I'd also consider a Candy Bar bag or clone.)


Jun 26, 2023, 2:49:22 PM6/26/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Drew, you just raised the bar (no pun intended) on product reporting! Well done. Nice price on a compact bag that deceptively holds more than it looks like it would.
The Swift bar bag reminds me a little bit of the old (not waterproof) Riv Brand V handlebar bag shown below. Not wide like the Candybar bag but decent depth and in my experience good capacity. Enjoy your new bag.

Rich in ATL
BrandV bag.jpg


Jun 26, 2023, 3:50:53 PM6/26/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've had that Brand V bag since...2012 or so? It is a great bag...but the zippers(YKK I think)  aren't working as smoothly as I'd like and there is some fraying/unravelling of the fabric around the zipper track. Maybe operator error. I suspect maybe some beeswax or even a dry bar of soap along the teeth might help things along

Drew Saunders

Jun 26, 2023, 4:43:15 PM6/26/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Patrick, Rich, Ryan,

Thanks for the kind words. I was wondering if it was worth the review, on the assumption that this kind of deal wouldn't last, but I just checked and that bag is still in stock. I think I'll test it out with a camera this weekend.


Michael Moore, Jr.

Jun 26, 2023, 5:27:40 PM6/26/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Chester - Thanks for the heads up. Mine arrived the other day, and I can't wait to use it.

Michael Moore, Jr.
Arcata, California

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Jun 26, 2023, 9:58:11 PM6/26/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Glad this was a good deal for a few folks. I ordered one of the black Anchor Hip Packs, myself.

Already have a Dakine Hot Laps Stealth and EVOC Hip Pack Pro hip bags and the Swift Industries is a nice Goldilocks addition that is between the two of those, size-wise. It's very close in main section capacity, compared to the EVOC, but it has a much lower profile "regular" belt strap whereas the EVOC has a much wider belt that provides enough support for a pack much more laden down with a couple of water bottles and/or 1.5L hydration bladder. 

The Anchor has come in especially handy since I had to quit using my saddle bag (tube + levers + minitool) due to getting a Garmin Varia RCT715 radar/light/camera, the latter of which's field of view gets obscured by the saddle bag. So that stuff goes in my small handlebar bag and I've been using the Swift Anchor when riding around town. The 2.5L capacity is pretty perfect for a gilet-like vest, phone, and some other odds and ends. And the MOLLE straps on either side I've found have perfect spacing to slide through the two prongs of a Kryptonite Evolution Mini-9 u-lock. 

The 2.5L Swift Anchor could end up carrying a good deal more than the 3.0L EVOC Hip Pack Pro since the Anchor can take on two of Swift's accessory bags. And because items like jackets/vests and other larger stuff can be strapped in with the "Cargo Flap" with adjustable cinch straps. It's a cool flexible and modular design. Also totally low-key and sedate in styling. And, again, I really appreciate the low profile webbing belt when carrying a light load, when one really shouldn't feel the pack while riding.

Only slight gripe I have is that there should be a loop on the back to clip on a light. Not a big deal since I now always have the Varia mounted (and before would ride with at least one rear light), but I feel like all saddlebags and hip/fanny packs oughta have a rear loop.

SF Bay Area


Swift Anchor Hip Pack:

Dakine Hot Laps Stealth / EVOC Hip Pack Pro:

Krytpo Evo Mini-9:

Garmin Varia RCT715
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