Happy Retirement Bob!

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Bill Lindsay

Nov 22, 2019, 6:16:56 PM11/22/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
I noticed on Riv Instagram they showed a video announcing that Bob (the artist formerly known as Pineapple Bob) is retiring.  Congrats, Bob!  Thanks for everything, tailwinds, etc.

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Joe Bernard

Nov 22, 2019, 8:27:04 PM11/22/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
How did I get old enough to see Pineapple Bob (Bridgestone catalogue cover model) retire?? Enjoy, Bob! 🙋‍♂️


Nov 25, 2019, 10:25:02 AM11/25/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Another reminder that I am slipping into decrepitude. I remember getting Bridgestone catalogs with him modeling. I had a Pineapple Bob t-shirt!!
I have been feeling rather nostalgic lately; missing the 80s; the magic's been slowly diminishing since then.
Good luck to him; I hope he's retiring early enough that he can still enjoy it.

Jim M.

Nov 25, 2019, 3:47:15 PM11/25/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

One of my favorite ads from back in the day:

Message has been deleted

Rob Kristoff

Nov 26, 2019, 9:32:13 AM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
If I remember correctly from the blahg, PB actually goes by Robert, right? (sorry to nerd out, I think as a Robert myself, I may be more aware of this than average)

masmojo, surely you at least feel there was some magic in the 90s, since RBW wasn't even in existence until 94? As a roadie who started in 87, I know what you mean, but I'm sure the kids on the radavist will say the same in 30 years---about the present moment.

Joe Bernard

Nov 26, 2019, 10:28:50 AM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
The announcement on Riv's Instagram said Bob. I presume he answers to either.


Nov 26, 2019, 11:34:27 AM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Rob, my wistfulness for the 80s is rather broad, encompassing not only bikes, but music and culture as well as my young adult years.
This period would probably extend into the early 90s.
I had Bridgestone XO-1 I bought new and owned up until a few years ago. I've followed Rivendell for some time, but the cost was always a bit of a barrier to me buying one until recently. My memories of Robert were strictly pre-internet. I know he's sort of a fixture @ Rivendell, but he's sort of behind the scenes, so I don't really associate him with Rivendell as much as I do Bridgestone. Not sure how he would feel about that? But, my impression is that he's sort of a reluctant celebrity anyway.

Jock Dewey

Nov 26, 2019, 12:41:59 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here's a little 80s nostalgia for you, I bet some others also feel it on occasion. When I do, I hop on this and recall those times...and even further back. It's all good.

Patrick Moore

Nov 26, 2019, 1:24:08 PM11/26/19
to rbw-owners-bunch
Jock: Very nice!

What is the crank?

And: How do y'all keep your bikes so damned clean?

Patrick "got 'seriously' interested in bikes the year Eddy went pro" Moore

George Schick

Nov 26, 2019, 1:28:43 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
JD - I still have a road bike that's set up just about like that purple one, except that the frame and a few of the drive train components are all from the early 70's.  That's my particular nostalgia period and I still ride the bike occasionally and love the way it handles.

Patrick Moore

Nov 26, 2019, 1:37:49 PM11/26/19
to rbw-owners-bunch
I recall the Bridgestone catalogue (aside: I assert that those BBUSA catalogues were among the best ever, across -- bidniss-speak term -- all industries and periods) with Robert and an Asian or Hispanic or Mestizo white/other -- she looked half Asian -- woman on the cover. (It's fine, I can use these terms, I'm lily white/Filipino mestizo, and therefore not subject to the usual scruples.) Who was she, and where did she go?

Patrick Moore, who wishes he'd kept his Bridgestone Bicycles USA catalogues.

Joe Bernard

Nov 26, 2019, 1:47:07 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Dig around in the Blahg archives and you'll find some outtakes from that shoot and a mention of who she is. I'll try to find it later today if you don't get there first.

Joe Bernard

Nov 26, 2019, 1:50:54 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Actually, it may have been in an email newsletter. I think it was one of Will's 'old photos' discoveries, he's been posting them in emails and on Instagram.

Joe Bernard

Nov 26, 2019, 1:57:34 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
...which btw is quite a shock for me. He keeps finding pics I remember from Riv catalogues, and it's from the perspective of a young man finding old artifacts and wondering who those people were. I knew all those people, I can't believe it was 15-20 years ago!

Jock Dewey

Nov 26, 2019, 5:08:47 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hey, Patrick:

Thanks! I've been riding this bike, mostly as it is, for 34 years or so now. And it brings me as much joy now, maybe more, than it ever has. That's a great gift and I'm thankful for the gifts (of any kind actually).

The crank is what makes this thing possible just now. I built this frame up with mostly Campy bits, save for some Suntour I thought worked better, like Superbe Pro rear derailed, aero levers (even back that far) but the rest is all Campy, brakes, seat post, C-Record hubs. Did have Cinelli stem and bars, but alas, need a little higher now so beautiful Nitto fills the bill. Actually, Nitto so much prettier than Cinelli anyway, haha!

Crank is IRD Campy copy, but 94 BCD which allows 30 inner and in the North Georgia mountains, I need every gear-inch I can get!! BTW, the dearly departed and sorely missed Jon Williams (RIP) MR. DRILLIUM REVIVAL, often used these for his creations. It is beautifully finished out of the box, as nice as any you've seen, and he then tuned them into exquisite rolling works of metallic art. He's got plenty of FLIKR images, treat yourself sometime when you're not too busy.

And last but not least, I've been fussing over and cleaning bikes for a long time. It's quite the habit, probably not one a normal person would want to cultivate. I vividly recall polishing the chrome chainring on my first bike, a second-hand 20"er, until I could see myself in it like a mirror. I must have been about 5 years old. All these years later, I'm still at it. BTW, I'm no longer embarrassed and certainly not apologetic as I have been in the past. I am what I am.

A well-bred race bike, a stage race bike like one is, is a joy to ride. It goes straight down the road and the harder you push and stomp on it, the straighter it goes. (I've often thought I could easily ride this bike no-handed with my eyes closed.) Of course, in its day, Paramount was as fine a racing bicycle as any in the world. Probably at the very top of its game, if you consider fit and finish, e.g. paint, chrome. Here it is 35 years later, and not a spot of decay or tarnish or blemish of any kind. And it has been ridden, not a garage queen. That what my little obsessions get me and for that I'm also grateful.

It is Thanksgiving time, right?

BEST / Jock Dewey / Athens, GA


Jock Dewey

Nov 26, 2019, 5:20:05 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

I still have mine, right on top of my pile. They look like they're just having so much fun -- who wouldn't like to be in that picture?


Jock Dewey

Nov 26, 2019, 7:08:42 PM11/26/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

Lucky YOU, sir! 

I loved 70s maybe best in many ways. Not least of those, the glory days of Campagnolo RECORD. Oh, my. I have my very first Campy bit, year 73 stamped on top, a beautiful Record rear derailer. It's always nearby, in the night stand beside our bed (just kidding). The most elegant, ornate, functional (tho some disagree), rebuild-able, artful chunk of ALU ever created! No argument will convice me otherwise. And I damn near wore the thing out. Not scratch on it, and if you've ever seen these for sale, they are almost always really scuffed up as the result of careless 'tip overs'. I bought the thing before I even had a frame suitable, its equal so to speak. When I built my first really nice bike, an Eisentraut, that derailed was the first thing I mounted. 

What's yours? My guess is either Brit or French.

I love mystifying the carbons -- once I grab a wheel, I don't let go, haha! I think it annoys them, an old guy on an old steel bicycle. An antique in many ways. Most don't know really what it is, and they don't care. 

I've been riding the Paramount quite a bit lately. Totally dialed, you should ride yours more often!

We are a wonderful, different bunch to be sure. What fun.

BEST / Jock Dewey 

Rob Kristoff

Nov 27, 2019, 9:13:42 AM11/27/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
I worked at a Schwinn shop in 1987 and the mentor who got me started road riding had a Paramount that (at least in memory) was similar to yours.

So, needless to say, I LOVE your bike.

Such timeless beauty.


George Schick

Nov 27, 2019, 10:22:24 AM11/27/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
JD - neither.  It's Japanese, a '71 or '72 Fuji Finest.  It was a "rescue" bike.  The fork was trashed, I got a replacement, aligned the frame, re-spaced the rear dropouts from 126mm to 120 so I could use a Phil hub I had in the parts box, and repainted it.  It now bears Resurrectio decals for a good reason.  The RD is the original Shimano Crane (the predecessor to Dura-Ace) that was on the bike, but the FD is a period Campy Record and so are the DT shift levers.  Everything else on the bike is newer.

Jock Dewey

Nov 27, 2019, 4:06:28 PM11/27/19
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks, Rob, appreciate the nod!

I was the Waterford marketing guy (catalogs, newsletters, flyers, etc.) from 2002 / 2004 -- this was a joyful and important time in my life. Richard and I were / are good pals, with bikes and music in common, all wonderful stuff.

After I took these photos, I sent him the link. He wrote back to say that this mid-80s Paramount was among his favorites and 'finally beginning to get the recognition it deserves.' Well, I sure do agree. 



Nov 30, 2019, 12:58:12 PM11/30/19
to RBW Owners Bunch

If you’re on your Paramount the next time we do a ride, I’m
going to have a hard time keeping up with you. My “heavy”
Rivs are no match for your sleek and gorgeous racer:-)))

A beautiful Georgia weekend to ride!
Rich in ATL
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