racks bags and a saddle fs

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jamison brosseau

Dec 12, 2020, 7:24:22 PM12/12/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have a variety of items for sale CONUSA shipping included, PayPal fees are not included. New Items have been marked as new.  Photos on request.

Brooks B67 lightly used $80.00
Sackville saddle sack medium grid grey great shape.$150.00
I have two of the Sackville Shopsack Medium military green with side clips $45.00 each
Sackville shopsack  Grid Grey ( invisible grid) large $52.00 I also Have a Blue version also $52.00
Nitto Big Back Rack 33R the larger size New $185.00
Nitto Big Front rack.  Used Great shape no hardware $170.00
Nitto RBW 51 front or rear rack New $140.00 
MKS tourist pedals with cages and straps.  $15.00
Unknown nitto rack, looks like a marks rack with a longer top platform.
Nitto type r bottle cage New $40.00
Nitto type T bottle cage New $40.00
Hands On Wheels, synergy and XT Wheelset.  Great Shape.  True when removed from Bike about 2 years ago.  No Skewer $250.00 Pretty sure they are 36 hole.

jeff b.

Dec 12, 2020, 7:41:04 PM12/12/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Sent PM about the shopsacks

Andrew Casler

Dec 12, 2020, 8:05:05 PM12/12/20
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jamison:
I worked like the Nitto bottle cages if still available.

—Andy C.

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jamison brosseau

Dec 12, 2020, 8:27:50 PM12/12/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Wheels are 700c

jamison brosseau

Dec 12, 2020, 9:07:12 PM12/12/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
RBW51 rack sold
Both shopsack mediums sold
pedals sold
Bottle cages sold

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jamison brosseau

Dec 13, 2020, 4:33:39 PM12/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

Brooks B67 lightly used $80.00
Sackville saddle sack medium grid grey great shape.$150.00 
I have two of the Sackville Shopsack Medium military green with side clips $45.00 each Both are sold
Sackville shopsack  Grid Grey ( invisible grid) large $52.00 I also Have a Blue version also $52.00 Both Sold
Nitto Big Back Rack 33R the larger size New $185.00 Pending
Nitto Big Front rack.  Used Great shape no hardware $170.00
Nitto RBW 51 front or rear rack New $140.00 Sold
MKS tourist pedals with cages and straps.  $15.00 Sold
Unknown nitto rack, looks like a marks rack with a longer top platform.
Nitto type r bottle cage New $40.00 Sold
Nitto type T bottle cage New $40.00 Sold
Hands On Wheels, synergy and XT Wheelset.  Great Shape.  True when removed from Bike about 2 years ago.  No Skewer $250.00 Pretty sure they are 36 hole 700c

Matthew P

Dec 17, 2020, 2:47:14 AM12/17/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'd like dibs on the wheels - and pics and any relevant info. But sounds like a great deal.
Unable to reply directly to the poster (I click button, code flashes in the bottom bar, but nothing happens, I scrunch my face, repeat 5x)...
I sent an email to  jamison dot brosseau overat gmail dot com and got no response.
Sorry to bother. I could use these and don't want to miss them for fear of replying all.
making progress on an Atlantis build, with another build lined up, in San Diego
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