Handlebar suggestion for long legs?

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Aug 19, 2024, 9:03:32 PM8/19/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
So I have ordered my Appaloosa and am trying to get my parts in order. I plan on making the purchase of the "you pick the fun stuff, we pick the rest" to go along with the Appaloosa. My biggest conundrum is the handlebars. I have 91.5 PBH and have concerns with kneeing my hands or the handlebars. Originally I was thinking the Billie bar because I like the option of gripping next to the stem but looking at whatbars.com, comparing to other riv handlebars, they seem to sweep back a bit more than others. I have never used swept back bars before and have no option to view these bars in person so here I am yet again looking for some insights! Basically, I'd like a bar that comes back to a comfortable position without me having to lean too far forward and allows me to get a tight grip when I want to. Just dont want to get a setup that causes me to get too close to the handlebars is all. I plan on going with thumb shifters if that helps to know.

David Ross

Aug 19, 2024, 9:43:55 PM8/19/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
The Riv bars are really narrow in my opinion. Depending on your shoulders you can go a lot wider. Hope Cyclery sells some 787mm sweeps and you can have anything you want made at Doom. I have some Albatross inspired bars from them that are 707mm wide. 

On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 5:03 PM Dan <dandu...@gmail.com> wrote:
So I have ordered my Appaloosa and am trying to get my parts in order. I plan on making the purchase of the "you pick the fun stuff, we pick the rest" to go along with the Appaloosa. My biggest conundrum is the handlebars. I have 91.5 PBH and have concerns with kneeing my hands or the handlebars. Originally I was thinking the Billie bar because I like the option of gripping next to the stem but looking at whatbars.com, comparing to other riv handlebars, they seem to sweep back a bit more than others. I have never used swept back bars before and have no option to view these bars in person so here I am yet again looking for some insights! Basically, I'd like a bar that comes back to a comfortable position without me having to lean too far forward and allows me to get a tight grip when I want to. Just dont want to get a setup that causes me to get too close to the handlebars is all. I plan on going with thumb shifters if that helps to know.

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Richard Rose

Aug 19, 2024, 10:03:00 PM8/19/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Wow. I own two Riv’s and have two similar but quite different handlebar / stem combinations. Still, I can think of no reliable advice to help steer (pun not intended) you in the right direction. I had to experiment a little bit to get my Clem setup just perfect. That at least gave me a blueprint for my Gus when it arrived. But, starting from scratch? I think I would rely heavily on the folks at Riv.
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 19, 2024, at 5:43 PM, David Ross <dros...@gmail.com> wrote:

Jay Lonner

Aug 19, 2024, 10:06:48 PM8/19/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
The Jones Loop H-Bar in 710mm are my favorite all-around handlebar. If I could only have one this would be it. 

Jay Lonner
Bellingham, WA

Sent from my Atari 400

On Aug 19, 2024, at 14:43, David Ross <dros...@gmail.com> wrote:

Richard Rose

Aug 19, 2024, 10:24:08 PM8/19/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
To clarify; 580 wide Bosco with 135 FacePlater on my Clem. 785 wide Hope Cyclery Albacore (50degree sweep) with 35mm Paul Boxcar stem on Gus. Believe it or not these combinations put me in very similar positions with the biggest difference being the width. Fore/aft they are really close with both being very upright & relaxed. The Gus is just better for trail use. Note; both bikes never give me issues with knee contact or otherwise being too close. I hope this helps.
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 19, 2024, at 6:02 PM, Richard Rose <rmro...@gmail.com> wrote:

Wow. I own two Riv’s and have two similar but quite different handlebar / stem combinations. Still, I can think of no reliable advice to help steer (pun not intended) you in the right direction. I had to experiment a little bit to get my Clem setup just perfect. That at least gave me a blueprint for my Gus when it arrived. But, starting from scratch? I think I would rely heavily on the folks at Riv.

David Ross

Aug 20, 2024, 12:08:43 AM8/20/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I’d agree with this. I think the only reason more people don’t ride them is based on looks. My daughter and fiancé won’t touch anything else. 


Aug 20, 2024, 10:18:08 AM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Dan, what type of riding will you do predominately?  

An Albatross doesn't come back as far as a Bosco, has a wider angle, and when you want to stomp on it you can put your hands up in the 'hooks' and its comfortable.  Great for general more roadish riding.

Another one to look at is the Ahearne+Map, an awesome bar, doesn't come back too far, can get in 575 or 610 widths, silver or black.  Perfect angles, great for anything, and more substantial/suitable than Albatross if you're going on gravel or light singletrack occasionally, but primarily roads/packed/paved riding.  Similar to this is the Jitensha, which has a wider flare that the Ahearne+Map, which might work better if you like narrower bars, need more reach, and need to clear paths with tight trees (or cars, etc) on either side.

I agree with others that the Jones H bar is a super bar, esp if you're going onto rougher stuff or loose gravel a lot.  Certainly wider than any of the above.  I've personally not preferred the look of it on lighter bikes, but that's me.  I had it on my first 59 Clem, which was suitably beefy with knobbies ... it was a super gravel setup.

Here's a pic I did 5 or so yrs ago comparing an Albastache, Ahearne+Map, Jitensha, and Bosco 55.



Aug 20, 2024, 10:28:50 AM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Billies apparently work very well with a long stem (130mm+). I have the Ortho bars and a 120mm stem on my Appaloosa because I wanted something wider. I could even go a longer stem though! If you're sticking with Riv, maybe the 65cm Tosco bars and take their recommendation on stem length?


Aug 20, 2024, 12:37:25 PM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
In my experience Albatross bars with bar end brake levers and the shifters mounted just over the apex of the curve the most versatle as you have the entire length of the bar to place you hands. As noted, use a long stem, at least 130mm and you'll have no issues with hitting the ends, even with bar end levers. I wrap it with padded bar tape. I doubt Riv would do that for you though as that would seem to be out of the realm of ideas for bar usage. I did this because I find for large hands mtb levers are too restrictive in that the mount is always in the way and thus it takes up usable hand space forward. The middle of the bars is not stable btw. You can easliy tuck in bewteen the bar ends on downhills with your hands placed forward on the bars near the curve. Totally stable. I ran them about 2" above the saddle at the apex of the curve, the highest point, in relation to the middle of the saddle height. Billie bars get too narrow and less stable the more forward your hands are placed. I used a 4 bolt mtb positive rise threadless stem and a VO stem quill adpater. Holds the bars tight. I never considerd a Bosco as it's too far back and too tall, as for me that position is not efficient to apply force in pedalling or in handling. I also found much wider bars like a Tosco unfavorable and unnecessary for my type of non-technical riding. Persoanl preferences and all that jazz. I'm about 74.5" tall with a typical inseam to go along with it. 


Aug 20, 2024, 2:01:11 PM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks for all of your replies! Tom, yes I failed to mention it but I will be primarily be riding paved surfaces with a dash of crushed gravel where I can find it. I'm in Philadelphia so most of the local trail systems are either paved or in the process of maybe one day being paved. Nothing technical but I'll be trying to get on the dirt when possible. Realistically 90/10 road and gravel with the hopes for more gravel if I can find it. That Ahearne Map is nice looking. If I had the ability to get that in with my build, I would. I'll keep that one in mind though in case whatever I get from Riv is too tight for me.

Justin Kennedy

Aug 20, 2024, 2:10:31 PM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have a 91 pbh and like the feel of the Wavie bars (66cm) with a stubby stem on my 64 Clem. I also have a 60 Platy and use a 90mm faceplater with 60cm Toscos. Anything wider than about 70cm feels too wide to me but I'm usually riding in NYC traffic and bringing bikes in and out of my apartment so that's a consideration too. 


Aug 20, 2024, 2:18:32 PM8/20/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Dan Ive had components shipped to Riv in time for a build. Worth asking if that’s what you really want.  Regardless enjoy your new bike, whenever it arrives. 

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Kiley Demond

Aug 20, 2024, 3:52:07 PM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Dan,

This is my wheelhouse, so to speak. I am 5'10" with a 91 PBH. (Juxtapose that to my 6'7" beau with a PBH of 94. He has a much longer body and longer arms.) Clearly, the issue is really the ratio between leg length and arm length, with body length thrown in for good measure. I have had the Albatross, on a Cheviot that I swapped out for Boscos, and Boscos on a Clem L that I swapped in from Toscos, which did not provide enough back sweep to be comfortable because my arms aren't that long for how far back my seat needs to be (my femurs are crazy long). I compare that to where the car seat is when I drive: I have the seat all the way back (except in European autos were it is almost all the way back) and need a telescoping steering wheel to have an even remotely comfortable reach. I sit very upright in a car. Compare that to the beau, who has the seat all the way back (has even re-seated seats back in prior vehicles), but sits so reclined, it feels like nap time to me, but not to him.

But I digress. The other variable is width. I don't find the Riv bars narrow. Just wait until you try to go through someplace narrow and you will see they aren't narrow at all. My shoulder width is approximately 16" so I can go narrow; stability wants wider, so the choice is from there. I suppose body width plays for knees. I can't speak to that as we are both slender so our legs are in a straight line from our hips. 

Now for the best news of all: if the back sweep is too much, you can saw off the excess. I used gloves instead of grips until I figured out my shifters, brakes, etc., and then made the arrangement "permanent" with cork grips; you could do same for adjusting the back sweep.


Jay Lonner

Aug 20, 2024, 5:12:57 PM8/20/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
More Jones bars proselytizing — here’s a photo of how I have them set up on my Hunq. OP mentioned a desire to use thumbshifters and they work well here. OP also mentioned wanting to be able to grip close to the stem and these bars offer a range of options for hand positions in that region. I probably spend most of my time with my hands choked up near the confluence of the loop, shifters, and brake levers — lots of space to spread out the pressure on my ulnar neuropathy-prone hands. I’ve had different flavors of Bosco bars on this bike before, and the non-moose version was way too flexy. The loop adds a lot of torsional rigidity, and also provides plenty of real estate for mounting gadgets.


Jay Lonner
Bellingham, WA

Sent from my Atari 400

On Aug 20, 2024, at 8:52 AM, Kiley Demond <khde...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Dan,
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Aug 20, 2024, 5:39:11 PM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hey Dan - 

You may want to check out the Soma Oxford. A little shorter than the Billie I believe. I run it on my 61cm Surly Crosscheck. I'm a tall wind catcher but find the bars super comfortable for upright riding. Very stable. My knees don't hit and I have a 93.5 PBH, but I don't know what your TT or stem measure. Good luck.

On Monday, August 19, 2024 at 2:03:32 PM UTC-7 Dan wrote:

John Johnson

Aug 20, 2024, 7:34:00 PM8/20/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
A couple other options to throw out there...

Riv Wavie bars (close to Jones in width and sweep)
Soma Portmann bars (like wider, 31.8 clamp albatross)
Nitto Kite bars
Nitto Heron bars (close to Ahearne MAP)
And +1 for Leker Leks Albacore bars (I have some Alba-lites that are the bees knees)


John (in Turkey, for the moment)

Nick Payne

Aug 21, 2024, 6:42:26 AM8/21/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
My PBH is 88cm. On my 57cm Appaloosa, with 70mm Nitto stem and Nitto drop handlebars (can't remember the exact model of bar), I have no problem with my legs getting anywhere near the handlebars when pedalling while standing out of the saddle.

Nick Payne

Brent Eastman

Aug 22, 2024, 1:46:59 AM8/22/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have a 57 Hillborne that is by Riv standards 'too small' for me, with Billie bars on a stem that is 'too short for billie bars', so my grips start behind the stem, super relaxed. I have never hit my knees on the bars, riding, mounting, dismounting, climbing, seated, or standing.

The only thing I would caution against is bar end shifters with Billie or Albatross bars.

I also had Ahearne MAP bars in 610 on the same bike and liked them a lot, but I gave them to my girlfriend to fancy-up her Surly, and so could try Billies.

On Monday, August 19, 2024 at 2:03:32 PM UTC-7 Dan wrote:

John Bokman

Aug 22, 2024, 4:57:26 PM8/22/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jay, maybe you can post a smaller picture? Can't see what you want to show. Thank you!

Patrick Moore

Aug 22, 2024, 6:02:13 PM8/22/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
The photo far overflows the window but clicking on it reduces it to full view within the window.

But yes, +1 for photo sizing.


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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When thou didst not, savage, know thine own meaning,

But wouldst gabble like a thing most brutish,

I endowed thy purposes with words that made them known.

Tim Tetrault

Aug 23, 2024, 6:00:18 PM8/23/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Nick, kudos on the Schwalbe rear/RH front tire combo, I've long wanted to try this for longevity/best of both worlds. Have you liked the setup?

John Bokman

Aug 24, 2024, 3:32:47 PM8/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jay, maybe I missed it, but on what bike are you using the Jones? Can't quite make out the picture...And what is the rack you are using for the front basket, if I may ask? 

I suppose if I went to a Jones on my Sam, I'd need to get a face plater stem. What are you using?


On Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 10:12:57 AM UTC-7 Jay Lonner wrote:

Jay Lonner

Aug 24, 2024, 4:03:13 PM8/24/24
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
This is on my 62cm Hunq. The stem is a filleted Faceplater 8.5cm, the rack is a Pass and Stow 5-rail.

Jay Lonner
Bellingham, WA

Sent from my Atari 400

On Aug 24, 2024, at 8:32 AM, John Bokman <jpbc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Jay, maybe I missed it, but on what bike are you using the Jones? Can't quite make out the picture...And what is the rack you are using for the front basket, if I may ask? 

John Bokman

Aug 24, 2024, 7:26:40 PM8/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks for the deetsJay.


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