Style on the bike

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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Sep 9, 2023, 2:13:39 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
This might be a thread most of the guys scroll right on past. But where are my RivSisters? Are you here for this? Can we talk about fashion on the bike?

The 90s styles have come back this fall, and since the late 90s was my era, I am in raptures over here. Cargo pants and wide leg jeans are back, and better. High-waisted (instead of low-slung) and in every fabric you could dream up. I have thrown myself whole-heartedly onto this band wagon. I have a super wide leg denim trouser, a relaxed cargo pant in green, a charcoal cargo pant in straight leg, and a black corduroy wide leg trouser. 

But. Don’t we all know that the absolute zenith for bike style was the era of the skinny jean with tall boots? Skinny jeans tucked into tall riding boots never got caught in any drivetrains. You never, ever worried about getting grease on your pants legs in the skinny jean era. 

Yesterday I decided to cycle to downtown and meet my husband for lunch. I really wanted to wear my new pants but did some hand-wringing over getting them dirty. I remembered the reflective ankle strap buried in my Saddlesack for such a time as this, slapped it on and rode off. But those straps work better in theory than in real life because by the time I got home, well…here’s a photo. 

I thought about this. I don’t want to only dress for the bike. I want to have some cultural relevance and not be stuck in outdated clothes (ironic, since I’m trying to wear 90s, here) just because they are good for biking. My bike gives me freedom, not limits. My husband says, “You’re just going to have a grease spot on your pants. Accept it. It’s cute.”

My other concern is my boots. The spikes on my Spank Oozy pedals will mark up the toe of my Red Wing and Frye boots when I use the toe to move the pedal to 2:00. I buy shoes that are meant to last, and it does pain me that these are getting chewed up. But, I think I’ve decided to accept the damage to expensive boots, too. If I don’t, I’ll be stuck in Keens and sneakers year-round.

And then I wondered about all of you. Do you only dress for your bike? Do you wear what you want? Do you even care? 

Meanwhile, I did order more ankle straps, figuring more is more. While I’m not too distressed about my army green pants getting greasy, I might feel differently if the pants were a lighter color. 


Tom Goodmann

Sep 9, 2023, 2:44:06 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I empathize, Leah. Not being one for beausage in any area of life, I am okay with wear and character on boots, but not with chain grease on pants.  You might try various ankle straps; those with velcro seem to have limited effectiveness, as your experience suggest, and wear out over time. But there are many others out there that may be more effective, either with an extended strap mechanism or with a clip design (as seen in old British films).  I'm sure you can find a design that will have you rockin' the 90s grease-free!

Tom (who commuted to campus by bike for years, mostly grease-free)


Sep 9, 2023, 3:15:24 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
While I still kit up (to a lesser or greater extent) for bigger rides, I converged biking and daily wear about a dozen years ago.  Search and State and Mission Workshop on the kit end and brands like Outlier and Swrve along with Icebreaker and the original Ibex provided daily wear options that performed well on a bike.  Outlier generally leaning a bit more to the office friendly and fashion end and Swrve with more gussets and articulation leans to the all day on a bike side.  Added bonus is that both companies work with interesting high performance fabrics with Outlier having that at its core and Swrve generally doing special runs via their blk_label line.  Both companies also originally had all of their production in NYC and SF respectively and I try and support small businesses with sound ethics where I can.  Speaking of that, Kitsbow would be another mention as I really liked their wool Icon shirts, but they have recently gone under.  

Fashions change, style endures.  Keep wearing those skinny jeans and high boots if you like them.  Whatever gear makes a bike most accessible to you is the good stuff.

Mpls, MN

Bill Lindsay

Sep 9, 2023, 3:27:11 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Regarding keeping your pants grease free:  Rivendell sells the absolute best ankle strap for conspicuity.

That legband is lousy for keeping your pants out of the chain.  The far better ankle band for keeping your pants out of the chain is the Aardvark Ankle Biters: Every bike should have one of these wrapped around the handlebar for easy use.  It also doubles very well as a parking brake.  

Remember how we used to "peg" our jeans or trousers?  That's how you use an ankle strap.  Take a fold of fabric at your shin, fold it AWAY from the centerline of the bike and then strap that down with the ankle strap.  Don't just bunch up your pant leg and let it flare out like a tutu on the bottom.  That's still going to get into the chain.  Let me know if that's not clear, and I'll do a photo essay for you.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Leah Peterson

Sep 9, 2023, 3:37:28 PM9/9/23
Bill, I absolutely employed the 90s tactic of pegging those pants! And they managed to be bunched up under that Riv band anyway. I did NOT, however, do the peg and fold - remember that?! 

The Aardvark band looks promising, albeit ugly and expensive. I’m wondering if a stack of regular bands would accomplish the same. We’ll find out when my Amazon order arrives.

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On Sep 9, 2023, at 11:27 AM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

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Patrick Moore

Sep 9, 2023, 3:39:04 PM9/9/23
+1. This is also the easiest way to tuck pants into socks.

I have some neoprene "Leg Shield" cycling gaiters that cover the pants legs up to about an 11" height and close with velcro. I daresay too warm for summer but perhaps there are lightweight ones available?

Leg Shield suggests wearing their gaiters a bit loose in warm weather. Tip: buy a yellow one for the traffic side, and black on for the chain side.

I keep mine for wet and muddy weather but have to confess I've used them only a couple of times.

Leg Shield also makes neoprene reflective bands that are wider than many other bands and "stick" better to trousers than nylon bands.

Leah Peterson

Sep 9, 2023, 3:42:53 PM9/9/23
Justus, I had never heard of these brands and looked them up - I love them. They are for men, but I would encourage other men on this list to shop there because the clothes look fantastic. Jealous!

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On Sep 9, 2023, at 11:15 AM, J G <> wrote:

While I still kit up (to a lesser or greater extent) for bigger rides, I converged biking and daily wear about a dozen years ago.  Search and State and Mission Workshop on the kit end and brands like Outlier and Swrve along with Icebreaker and the original Ibex provided daily wear options that performed well on a bike.  Outlier generally leaning a bit more to the office friendly and fashion end and Swrve with more gussets and articulation leans to the all day on a bike side.  Added bonus is that both companies work with interesting high performance fabrics with Outlier having that at its core and Swrve generally doing special runs via their blk_label line.  Both companies also originally had all of their production in NYC and SF respectively and I try and support small businesses with sound ethics where I can.  Speaking of that, Kitsbow would be another mention as I really liked their wool Icon shirts, but they have recently gone under.  
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Bill Lindsay

Sep 9, 2023, 3:53:12 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
"the peg and fold - remember that?! "

I lived that!  I was class of '87.  We all did the peg and fold and had our bangs up high with hairspray like flock of seagulls.  

BL in EC

Sally Bidleman

Sep 9, 2023, 4:02:31 PM9/9/23
Leah and Company,

Excellent reading; thank you! As a new Riv Rider, I've been  remiss in considering legwear  (only sported old sweatpants that I can push up as necessary). I've concentrated more on tops....French-ish stripes and Kule-brand "Thank you, have a nice day" t-shirts, etc. And Birkenstocks or Hokas...Certainly, I aspire to being cuter, but have yet to find a fashion that will minimize incessant eye-rolling of 22-year-old daughter, ha!


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Richard Rose

Sep 9, 2023, 4:14:09 PM9/9/23
I am a Kitsbow devotee & their demise still hurts. Cycling specific garments equally at home off the bike are my go to’s. Search & State stuff is beautiful but most of their stuff is more road oriented. I really do like their few more casual offerings.

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On Sep 9, 2023, at 11:42 AM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

Justus, I had never heard of these brands and looked them up - I love them. They are for men, but I would encourage other men on this list to shop there because the clothes look fantastic. Jealous!
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Leah Peterson

Sep 9, 2023, 4:30:16 PM9/9/23
I feel like Sally has just given us all an invitation to post our cute bike outfits. 

You know what to do. Fine, me first.

1. This jumpsuit from LL Bean, which coordinated with my Platypus.

2. This New Bike Day photo of my raspberry Platypus in 2020 - see? Those were the boots-in-jeans days and weren’t they practical?

3. Summer in ‘23 on a Rivendell Ride; you can wear anything in summer and it works on the bike. Shorts and sun shirt with tank layered underneath.

4. Rare sighting of my neglected Clem. Linen shirt . Linen shirts forever!

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On Sep 9, 2023, at 12:02 PM, Sally Bidleman <> wrote:

Eric Marth

Sep 9, 2023, 10:16:30 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Leah,  I'm certain a lot of men on this forum and others who ride bikes think plenty about clothes that work for bike riding. Grant Petersen, who is a man, has had lots of clothing custom made for Rivendell during the entire run of the company. Wool layers, custom pants, shorts, hats. If you look at pictures Grant is pretty much always dressed 100% in clothing he designed himself. 

As much as non-bike clothing is espoused by Grant and Rivendell, when we wear clothes that are good for riding we are wearing bicycle-specific clothing at the end of the day. I do this as well and get dressed to be comfortable on my bike all the time. It's not a nylon jersey and clicky shoes but I make sure the stuff I wear is good on the bike. 

Most of my everyday clothes are good for errands. I do like to avoid stuff that looks like "bicycle kit", (don't like neon, don't like bright colors, don't like lots of logos) and I avoid lycra and nylon when I can. But I wear shoes, shorts, undies and shirts that I find comfy while riding. I change my clothes a lot. If it's 90º and I'm going on a thirty mile ride I'll grab my nylon bibs and a light wool shirt and put on a certain pair of socks and shoes. 

I really wish I could wear canvas shorts on summer rides. But I might be abnormally sweaty. The shorts just get soaked through with sweat, the fabric gets plastered to the leather Brooks beneath me and I can't slide around on my saddle. It's a chafing nightmare. Crust just came out with a new canvas short designed for riding with a 6" inseam. They look awesome! But at $155 I don't think I will throw down. I'm sure it's a fair price considering what they cost to manufacture, they are made in Los Angeles. On longer rides I prefer bibs when it's super hot & humid. This has been a real discovery and revelation for me this summer and has made hot rides way more tolerable for me. And I love my 100% wool Kucharik shorts that I tore the pad out from. 

Because I run errands on my bike almost every day, often short trips of less than two miles, I think about what clothing works well on the bike a lot. I run to the bank, my office, job sites,  the grocery, the post office, the hardware store. In the summer it's easy. Almost any shorts and some sandals. When it's cold pants can become a problem. I hate getting grease all over my pants! I also dislike leg bands, too much hassle for me.

One solution that works for me is "slim straight" pants like Stan Ray Easy Chinos or LL Bean chinos in a slim or straight fit. They're comfy enough for riding and slim enough that grease interference isn't a problem. I've retired entire groups of pants that I liked because I couldn't keep them away from grease. If I had a regular bicycle commute and had a job with a dress code I'd probably regularly wear some slim-straight pants with 2% spandex blended in and be sure to keep a few extra tees and button downs along with a stack of clean bandanas at the office. 

Here's a grease removal tip that worked for me: Take your greasy pants and clean them with Phil hand cleaner and a stiff brush in the sink before putting them in the washer. Scrub the Phil in dry, rinse in the sink. Then wash em. I get 98% of the grease out of my pants this way. 

I didn't learn about "tight rolling" jeans until I was in college circa 2004. Never heard it referred to as "pegging." 

I like linen quite a lot but when it's super hot and humid, as it has been for much of the summer here in Virginia, I sweat through the linen and it just sits on me like a big wet towel. I think 100% merino in different cuts like tees, sleeveless tees or singlets are great for hot weather. 

I like wool all year. When it's cooler I like a merino turtleneck, merino tights. Sometimes I wear big wool sweaters and get thoroughly overheated. 

As for bicycle style my personal favorite point of reference are classical French cyclotourists in short cotton shorts and cotton or wool tops, like this picture of Jean Dejeans and Paulette Porthault. Not sure how it looks to you but it is timeless to me.  


George Schick

Sep 9, 2023, 10:50:32 PM9/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Bill - "class of '87' ??  I never woulda guessed it.  I always figured you were an old fart like me - class of '67, who just a few years before the end of the .60's wore super-tapered jeans like the millennials a few decades or so ago from now wore..


Sep 10, 2023, 1:46:40 AM9/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Well hey, you can make your own pant leg keepers by purchasing some elastic bungee cord and a cord lock. Any camping/outdoor store sells it by the foot and cord locks come in a variety of shapes. That way you can get creative and wrap your leg as high or low as you like by criss-crossing or any other pattern you come up with ! I've even used good ol' bandanas in a pinch. With the cord your pants retain their color as all you see is the little black cord wrapped around your leg. Some places may have have colored cord. A sewing supplier might also.

I noticed in the photo Leah posted of her ankle with grease stain the cuff appears , how do I say ..... all flared out. I'd suggest when you wrap your leg,  pull your pants taught at the front, then fold the excess fabric around the outside of your leg so there's no excess fabric hanging out. Then put on your straps, leaving enough play for the knee to bend freely.

As for what I wear, since I've gone back to deep drop bar road bike setups, I'm more in to road wear than ever as it's very functional and serves a very specific purpose. I had already been wearing bib shorts for the last 5 years, but since going lower and lower in drop none of my previous clothing works, there's, there's too much bulk and zippers rubbing on shorts, none of which is any good !
I do have my own style and have a preference for certain color and combos. Even riding road clothes, you can dress "nice'. ..... as it's simply a mater of self respect. Most sold colors of subtle combos of complimentary colors, no silly patterns or other weird things some clothes designers come up with. Mostly it's European styles as I find their sense of function and style very relatable, unlike American stuff ! 

Luke Hendrickson

Sep 10, 2023, 3:27:14 AM9/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I rly like wearing all black for ease and cause I’m super lazy. My go to is Ben Davis pants cut into shorts (I like pants that sit at my true waist and have roomy thighs). I also love Vans since they grip flat pedals very, very well. I couple that fit with a WoolyWarm when it’s chillier. I live that sweater, but it’s not the most fashionable lol. I don’t have riding specific sunglasses so I just wear my JMMs and I also wear all of my jewelry bc rings are cool and men need accessories. 

Luke Hendrickson

Sep 10, 2023, 3:29:33 AM9/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
And here are the JMMs!

Leah Peterson

Sep 10, 2023, 12:03:42 PM9/10/23
What a delight to wake up to Luke’s post. I am completely charmed. I love these photos and that Luke has thought his style through and made very specific decisions about what to wear. I love black on black and the JMMs all the jewelry because “men need accessories”!  

You and the bike look awesome. This is so fun. 

On Sep 9, 2023, at 11:27 PM, Luke Hendrickson <> wrote:

I rly like wearing all black for ease and cause I’m super lazy. My go to is Ben Davis pants cut into shorts (I like pants that sit at my true waist and have roomy thighs). I also love Vans since they grip flat pedals very, very well. I couple that fit with a WoolyWarm when it’s chillier. I live that sweater, but it’s not the most fashionable lol. I don’t have riding specific sunglasses so I just wear my JMMs and I also wear all of my jewelry bc rings are cool and men need accessories. 
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Dorothy C

Sep 10, 2023, 4:47:44 PM9/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I can’t really advise on clothes, because I sew most of the clothes I wear, but unfortunately my hand made skirts and dresses don’t really work on the bike. I wore a handmade grey dress recently when I was using my Cheviot, which has an unguarded triple, on my car’s hitch mount rack, and I managed to plant a big chainring mark on the front of the skirt while lifting the bike onto the rack. Luckily I was able to get the stain out by rubbing it with Mexican Zote laundry soap and cold water, then laundering as normal. My favorite pants for bike riding were the sadly discontinued REI Kornati, which have a little horizontal loop at knee level on the outside of each side of the knee, and a vertical hanging strap on the insides of the legs, with two parts of plastic snap on the end of the strap. They are unnoticeable when then pants are worn unrolled, but gather up each side of the legs when the straps are snapped through the loop. My handmade jeans are all narrow enough legs that I just fold them up out of the way, but my company’s dress code only allows jeans on Fridays. 
For footwear I like Xero shoes, which are very thin soled. I have the Mesa Trail, Kelso and a knit slip on style called Oswego which I don’t think they carry any more. They work well for my small wide feet and have enough grip on the pedals. 

danielle da cruz

Sep 10, 2023, 4:54:03 PM9/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Love the topic, the pics, and stand with Bill on the peg and fold (and the hairsprayed bangs though I'm class of '96)! And Leah, I feel your pain having recently greased up the leg of my new so-pale-blue-they're-nearly-white wide leg overalls.

I ride to work and so don't dress only for my bike. In warmer weather I love a shorter dress (Cheviot rider here, though I'll rock a dress on the Roadini when it arrives) and love my sneaker pedals to bike in wooden clogs and wooden soled sandals. One of those probably saved my foot when I was hit on my way to work last summer. My ankle was broken, the shoe smashed to pieces, all foot bones intact :) I bought a second pair and wear them nearly every ride to work.

For the transition seasons when I'm not yet in socks I do love a good peg and fold on the wide leg pants, just have to roll them high enough. Otherwise I'd do a tuck into a high sock. Please keep the suggestions and photos coming! 


Brian Turner

Sep 10, 2023, 7:08:15 PM9/10/23
While I don’t consider myself the most stylish of dressers, what I wear daily is also what works for me well on the bike. I have never liked the idea of bike-specific clothing, so I’ve gravitated towards daily wear that also functions perfectly while riding. My bike friends have noted that I almost always wear some sort of button-up shirt, so I guess that is my “style”, for lack of a better word. In the summer, I prefer long-sleeve, roomy shirts that are lightweight and allow for venting or flapping in the breeze. My current favorite summer shirts are somewhat technical fabric (I think), and are various levels of UPF for that important sun protection. I have probably five shirts made by Howler Brothers, and specifically their “Matagorda” shirt. It’s kinda like those fishing shirts you see men wearing but a bit more stylish and without those beachy pastel colors. I find them ultra comfortable on hot days, and your body stays cooler with less exposed skin. For footwear, my summer choice is either Vans or Five Ten for that good grip on flat pedals. I haven’t really arrived at a preferred pair of shorts… usually whatever works fine for me.

For Fall and Winter, I’m either wearing my Kitsbow Icon or my Pendleton Canyon shirts (both are the same weight Pendleton wool). The Kitsbow is pricey and technical and you can no longer buy them unfortunately. I like the fit, but the Pendleton Canyon is more relaxed and casual (think old-school cowboy wear). Pair either of these shirts with a wool t-shirt or long-sleeve base layer and you are all set for cool weather riding. All of my pants are typically slim-cut, so I never have any issues with the cuff getting caught up in the drivetrain. My favorite riding pants are from when Levis used to make a line of “bike commuter” pants. They’re like heavy duty, gusseted-crotch chinos with a combination of cotton and spandex for a bit of stretch. I have two pair, but unfortunately they no longer make them… but they’re amazing. I also prefer to bike in Blundstone boots during the colder months of the year. They are actually quite nice for pedaling.

I should also note that I never wear chamois or bibs, ever. I sweat too much, and the thought of sitting on a wet sponge causing all that nasty friction kinda grosses me out. Just wool boxers, whatever pants I’m wearing, and a leather saddle. That combo has always treated my right, even on 100 mi rides.

Lexington, KY

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On Sep 10, 2023, at 12:54 PM, danielle da cruz <> wrote:

Love the topic, the pics, and stand with Bill on the peg and fold (and the hairsprayed bangs though I'm class of '96)! And Leah, I feel your pain having recently greased up the leg of my new so-pale-blue-they're-nearly-white wide leg overalls.
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Emily Guise

Sep 10, 2023, 7:31:39 PM9/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have been all about the coastal grandma trend this summer, so I've been wearing a lot of flowy wide-legged pants. All of my current bikes have exposed chains, so what I've been doing is the peg and fold (as mentioned above) to my knee on the drive side leg while riding, then a quick unfold upon arriving at my destination. Folding it at least 3 times seems to be the key for these kinds of fabrics, as folding it only once or twice has caused unfortunate mid-ride unfolds. For fall, I usually wear slightly stiffer fabrics like denim and twill, so even though they are wide-leg, if I roll them up a 1-2 times then they stay and I don't usually need to peg them as well. If I get grease on them, it is at least on the inside. I wear mid-calf or knee-high socks so my legs stay warm.

Leah, I think we are close to the same age, and while the skinny leg and boot trend was great for biking, the thigh constriction was not, IMO. So I too am loving the return of high waist wide legs and freer thigh movement! :)

Patrick Moore

Sep 10, 2023, 10:49:53 PM9/10/23
Someone should start a RBW-rider fashion plate collection.

I'm about to comment on bike clothing/fashion, and that makes me chuckle because my 22-year-old daughter often jokes about"Dad fashions" -- I still have baggy pleated khakis from the late 1980s or early '90s. OTOH, one of my daughter's currently fashionable pair of shoes is a pair of Addias Sambas.

I use my bike for getting to places and I don't like a baggy, untucked appearance, so I've worked out cycling-comfortable clothing that is sufficiently dignified for the mature rider (few things more contemptible than old people in 20-something deshabille).

Warm weather: I found trim but non-constricting, straight-bottom "bush" shirts made from synthetic wicking fabric and rear ventilation mesh and flap that does not easily wrinkle on remainder at Kohl's (also available elsewhere) in white taterstall-type check and pretty sky blue, and bought half a dozen. For church I pair these with 1 of 2 pairs of very light REI nylon pants in sage or sand with snaps for rolling up the legs to either knicker- or [long] shorts-lengths -- or, on sub-70* mornings, before 40* temp rise, tucking into socks. I bought a pair of Specialized black canvas flat-bottomed SPD cycling shoes that forgo any technical or roadie appearance -- one day hope God willing to replace these with better-looking leather Dromartis -- that let me stand during 2-hour Slavic Orthodox liturgies without undue foot pain. I wear lightweight black PI mid-calf socks, very amusingly labled "R" and "L."

Winter is easy. I have 8 or so dress-quality Merino wool pullovers, crew or faux-turtleneck or full turtleneck in heather browns, heather olives, dark reds, heather grays, and black -- all from Goodwill. Over these I wear a dark-sky-blue Leatt cycling jacket, light shell with light lining, to which which I had armpit zippers added -- the best upper-body clothing modification I've had done, and really useful on 20*F mornings when you ride back at 50+*. If it's cold enough outbound I'll add a charcoal Ibex mid-weight stretch wool vest with zip-up crew neck to which I had added a snap-fasten neck cinch. 

I pair these with either a pair of dark gray heather Osloh jeans (much modified to make them fit, g-dammit, because the were cut for 2016 hipster style and not cycling comfort; and I had tailor remove the stupidly useless "chain pad" on inside right bottom leg and some of the pocket complications while adding Velcro closure to the stupidly shallow and unprotected right hip key pocket); or with black syntho Endura cycling pants, also heavily modified from the original hipster waist, with legs pegged and ankle zippers added; or -- the acme of cycling fashion -- a pair of medium gray Nordstrom men's dress flannels tailored into cycling knickers with wind-blocking lining sewn into the front and matchin-color outer wear lining sewn into the seat.

Summer, dress or casual, I wear one of a much worn collection of stylish retro cycling caps that Nashbar was blowing out -- all teams at least 50 years defunct (latest? Mercier/BP? I've got a Legnano and 2 Moltenis), this collection augmented by a few remaining custom caps in old-fashioned fabrics and a recent collection of Rivendell cycling caps in various colors. In winter I have a well-used Walz wool cap with earflaps, a PI synthetic ditto, and various knit and padded headgear for even colder weather. Plush-lined leather surplus German polizei gauntlets from wonderful government surplus remainderer and cold weather sporting gear purveyor Verusteleka with a variety of wool and silk and nylon over- and under-layers.

Winter is wool and wool wicks, insulates when wet, and never stinks. The big defect of otherwise wonderfully Synthetic jerseys and shirt for hot weather riding is the stink. Tips for minimizing this: first, start clean. Secondly, as long as your wear has been riding and not standing around socially, upon return home rinse top -- knit jersey, woven bus shirt -- in 1 gallon of water, lightly press out water, and hang-drip-dry. I can get 8 hours out of a cycling top that without this would stink after a half-hour ride.

I tried 1 or 2 very nice Pendleton shirts, but the cut made them bind and the collars chafed.

I'd like to find trim -- no g-damned flapping! (but not binding in shoulders and armpits) -- bush shirts with ventilation flap in pure cotton, rayon, or linen; anyone have suggestions?

Leah Peterson

Sep 11, 2023, 9:31:15 AM9/11/23

Gosh, Danielle, I am so sorry to hear about you being hit by a car. So, so sorry. I would have never thought about wooden shoes but wow, I can see how they would have protected your foot. Were you hit on the Cheviot? And its still in working order? 

I was also wondering about the peg and fold because I was class of ‘99 - here I thought we had invented it but Bill’s generation had already been there done that!

Dorothy, I did not know that you sew your own clothes, but that elevates you to an even higher status now that I do!

Emily, yes, we are the same age! I love your ideas and will try the more aggressive folding. But I would love to see your wide-leg styles since I’m just getting into them.

You RivSisters should definitely send us some bike style portraits. Don’t leave Luke and I hanging out here by ourselves!

Off to work. Hope to see more in this thread when I get off at 2:30.

Johnny Alien

Sep 11, 2023, 12:17:31 PM9/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm firmly Gen X and we 100% were doing pegged pant legs in the 80's. Hip to do with a pair of Bugle Boys. 90's fashion is OK to make a comeback but 80's is not. Let's leave that were it was. :)

Johnny Alien

Sep 11, 2023, 12:18:12 PM9/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
*where. Man do I hate that there is no edit functionality

Doug H.

Sep 11, 2023, 12:41:28 PM9/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Johnny, fellow Gex Xer here. 80s fashion was something to behold indeed! I must say that I do miss my black Members Only jacket and wish I still had it. I'll leave the denim jean jacket in the past though along with the mullet haircut.


Sep 11, 2023, 6:31:11 PM9/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Okay...I'll risk the catcalls and cheap jokes - here's a glamour pic of my stylish riding kit. I say "function first & to each their own". 


Nick Payne

Sep 11, 2023, 9:43:23 PM9/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
This is my choice for style on a bike. Rudi Altig having a feed during a 1964 TdF stage, pedalling with one foot and steering with the other:


He died in 2016, but he was still riding a bike until shortly before then - he was one of the three cyclists in the series on the North Sea cycle route that that was broadcast about ten years ago.

Nick Payne

Steven Sweedler

Sep 12, 2023, 9:54:46 AM9/12/23
Here is the track for version of Nick’s picture, talk anout relaxed on a bike. Steve

Steven Sweedler
Plymouth, New Hampshire

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Patrick Moore

Sep 12, 2023, 2:04:37 PM9/12/23
If perfect form is perfect style, the first is a favorite but the second while much more relaxed is very close.
Natsuko Perfect Riding Position.jpeg


Sep 12, 2023, 2:08:41 PM9/12/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Demonstrating use of Poodle Sock to snug sweatpants  and prevent catastrophe. Note stylish contrasting colors of Raspberry (oh, Leah, do I need a Platypus to match??) and Clem Metallic Pea frame.

John Dewey

Sep 14, 2023, 5:48:38 PM9/14/23
Great photos, Patrick. Those De Vlaeminck brothers, oh my, such great memories and riding real bicycles.  Brian Chapman and a few others will still build you one of those gorgeous machines. I pine for those days we could walk into a good bike shop and grab one of those things off a hook on the ceiling.


On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 7:04 AM Patrick Moore <> wrote:
If perfect form is perfect style, the first is a favorite but the second while much more relaxed is very close.

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Sep 14, 2023, 7:35:10 PM9/14/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 8:37:28 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Bill, I absolutely employed the 90s tactic of pegging those pants! And they managed to be bunched up under that Riv band anyway. I did NOT, however, do the peg and fold - remember that?!

Wow, flashback to Bugle Boys. 

When I ride to/from work, I just roll up my pants (without pegging), and often just walk around all day with the one leg still rolled up.

For longer riding to ride, I don't wear kit any more. Might wear something with a chamois but underneath "regular" shorts. Otherwise am wearing pretty much whatever I'd normally wear off the bike.

For shoes, though, when riding to ride, I got some of those Adidas Velosambas. They've got a recessed spot for 2-bolt SPD cleats but I ride them without cleats, on pedals with clips and straps. So I don't have to swap pedals for when I don't want to wear the Velosambas, e.g. for work. The Velosambas would be fine for a normal day but are stiff enough that I wouldn't choose to wear them off the bike. Which makes them better than normal sneakers while riding. Stiffer than the Five Tens I have for flat pedal MTB.

SF Bay Area 

Sarah Carlson

Sep 15, 2023, 4:11:18 AM9/15/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
It's not very glamorous, but when I wear wide leg pants I just roll it up ridiculously high and take off. With the other stuff going on in the bay area I'm sure my rolled up pant leg is not going to catch anyone's attention. No bike grease yet!


Sep 15, 2023, 2:58:10 PM9/15/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
When I bike with long pants, I just clip up with one of these.
What is this “as seen in old British films” comment?  These are MUSA.


Caroline Golum

Sep 15, 2023, 6:30:22 PM9/15/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have a penchant for wide-legged pants and have yet to find a solution that works better than the sock tuck, just my two cents! 

Jason Fuller

Sep 15, 2023, 10:27:37 PM9/15/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
The late 90s were also my era. I was obsessed with mountain biking then as well, although I was less concerned about chain grease on my pants at the time. This old photo shows me riding pretty baggy jeans without a tucked cuff, but I recall I used to always wear longer socks and tuck my drive side pant leg in.  I also wore capri length baggy jeans in order to rectify this issue. 

However I will be skipping this wagon and sticking to snugger cuffed jeans so that I don't need to stress about this again. See you on the other side! 
Message has been deleted

Christian B-H

Sep 16, 2023, 5:21:05 PM9/16/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, this thread is an awesome idea and I want a men’s version of your LL Bean jumper. That thing is awesome!

Luke’s photos make me think that Rivendell should start selling turquoise jewelry under their “Silver” brand to accompany all Atlantises…men definitely need more accessories! 

My brother used to work at a local bike shop and got me hooked on wearing these “Resort Shirts” from Ostroy, which are great on warmer days and also really fun party shirts:

That, paired with some Jcrew Dock Shorts and a pair of Bedrock sandals is my go-to bike fit for May-September. 

Whenever I wear pants on the bike, the drive side pant leg is always folded over to take in slack and tucked into my sock. 

- Christian in Colorado, 
who just learned how to respond to this group on a cell phone…
On Saturday, September 16, 2023 at 5:24:38 AM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Steve - I love your style, both bike and outfit! How is that Platy treating you? 

Sally - great use of the poodle sock, and you know I fully support a matching Platypus! Though I do so love a Clem, too…

I’m going to put on a fall outfit today, but I haven’t decided if it will be my freshly-hemmed wide leg trousers yet. I shudder when I think of trying to keep them out of the chainrings of my mermaid Platy. After years of skinny jeans they just seem SO WIDE. I did get more leg straps (pink!) so we’ll see. I’ll post a photo later, if I can get one of these teenagers to help me.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 15, 2023, at 6:27 PM, Jason Fuller <> wrote:

The late 90s were also my era. I was obsessed with mountain biking then as well, although I was less concerned about chain grease on my pants at the time. This old photo shows me riding pretty baggy jeans without a tucked cuff, but I recall I used to always wear longer socks and tuck my drive side pant leg in.  I also wore capri length baggy jeans in order to rectify this issue. 
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Brian Turner

Sep 16, 2023, 5:56:27 PM9/16/23
I’m thinking about switching up my bike style. I’m thinking shirts by Dan Flashes, paired with Calico Cut pants. Maybe even one of those hats like Brian has.

*sorry this seemed like too good of an opportunity to fit in some “I Think You Should Leave” references. Anyone?

On Sep 16, 2023, at 1:21 PM, Christian B-H <> wrote:

Leah, this thread is an awesome idea and I want a men’s version of your LL Bean jumper. That thing is awesome!

Luke’s photos make me think that Rivendell should start selling turquoise jewelry under their “Silver” brand to accompany all Atlantises…men definitely need more accessories! 

My brother used to work at a local bike shop and got me hooked on wearing these “Resort Shirts” from Ostroy, which are great on warmer days and also really fun party shirts:

That, paired with some Jcrew Dock Shorts and a pair of Bedrock sandals is my go-to bike fit for May-September. 
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Sep 16, 2023, 6:15:20 PM9/16/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Christian you'd fit right in in season 2 of white lotus.
Very stylin

Leah Peterson

Sep 16, 2023, 6:28:08 PM9/16/23
You look fantastic, Christian. And I’m not just saying it because you’re posing with my favorite bike. Those shirts look so cool and I am a huge J Crew fan. In fact, the wide leg trouser jeans I’m terrified to wear on the bike are J. Crew. They are REALLY wide leg. I’m scared to know what billowing denim will be like on the bike; we’ll see.

Meanwhile, I did get some cargo pants that are straight leg, not wide leg. Baby steps. I am so tickled that the cargo pant trend is back! I also got a pair of leg bands and I think they will do a better job of keeping pants out of the grease. Here’s today’s Style on the Bike Portrait.

But, I can’t just go out like this. No. Because I have these huge Oakley shades that I just cannot live without, and then there’s the issue of getting hair caught in the helmet, so I  must don a bandana. I never have less than 2 of these in each bike bag. I’m losing style points starting now:

And the progression is worse. Fully helmeted, and turning the bands so the pink is facing out. Because I love pink. 

Ok, yep, we’re ready.

Worked pretty good! 

Who else is posting their Bike Style Portraits today? I am thoroughly enjoying them.

On Sep 16, 2023, at 1:21 PM, Christian B-H <> wrote:

Leah, this thread is an awesome idea and I want a men’s version of your LL Bean jumper. That thing is awesome!

Luke’s photos make me think that Rivendell should start selling turquoise jewelry under their “Silver” brand to accompany all Atlantises…men definitely need more accessories! 

My brother used to work at a local bike shop and got me hooked on wearing these “Resort Shirts” from Ostroy, which are great on warmer days and also really fun party shirts:

That, paired with some Jcrew Dock Shorts and a pair of Bedrock sandals is my go-to bike fit for May-September. 

Leah Peterson

Sep 16, 2023, 7:44:40 PM9/16/23

(***I had to re-send because the images were huge. Sorry about that.)

You look fantastic, Christian. And I’m not just saying it because you’re posing with my favorite bike. Those shirts look so cool and I am a huge J Crew fan. In fact, the wide leg trouser jeans I’m terrified to wear on the bike are J. Crew. They are REALLY wide leg. I’m scared to know what billowing denim will be like on the bike; we’ll see.

Meanwhile, I did get some cargo pants that are straight leg, not wide leg. Baby steps. I am so tickled that the cargo pant trend is back! I also got a pair of leg bands and I think they will do a better job of keeping pants out of the grease. Here’s today’s Style on the Bike Portrait.


But, I can’t just go out like this. No. Because I have these huge Oakley shades that I just cannot live without, and then there’s the issue of getting hair caught in the helmet, so I  must don a bandana. I never have less than 2 of these in each bike bag. I’m losing style points starting now:


And the progression is worse. Fully helmeted, and turning the bands so the pink is facing out. Because I love pink. 


Ok, yep, we’re ready.


Worked pretty good!


Who else is posting their Bike Style Portraits today? I am thoroughly enjoying them.


On Sep 16, 2023, at 2:15 PM, Ryan <> wrote:

Christian you'd fit right in in season 2 of white lotus.


Sep 17, 2023, 2:02:26 PM9/17/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I think I've posted this picture before in another thread, but no "Style on the bike" thread is complete without a poncho selfie.



2023年9月17日日曜日 4:44:40 UTC+9 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!:

Bill Lindsay

Sep 17, 2023, 5:14:17 PM9/17/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've got three Ostroy resort shirts now... and two more in my "Cart". They are addictive.

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Leah Peterson

Sep 17, 2023, 5:45:48 PM9/17/23
See? Already my Bike Fashion Thread is changing the world. I’ll try to remain humble over here.

On Sep 17, 2023, at 1:14 PM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

I've got three Ostroy resort shirts now... and two more in my "Cart". They are addictive.

Bill Lindsay

Sep 17, 2023, 7:52:21 PM9/17/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

If you are claiming credit for turning me into a fop, then I'd dispute that claim
If you are claiming credit for helping make the RBW Group a more welcoming space for people like me to let their fop flag fly, then I'd definitely agree.


BL in EC

Coal Bee Rye Anne

Sep 18, 2023, 2:29:29 PM9/18/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I had a longer, rambling, draft response on this topic that is better left unread and may revisit to actually re-organize my thoughts at some point and maybe add to the discussion but had to at least come back to add one note:  With all the mention of WIDE legs and '90's attire returning... as another 90's (Gen. 'something or another' and class of '99!) member, I can't help but imagine someone attempting a tuck/peg & fold or ankle strapping on some of those ultra wide JNCO jeans for a ride.  Thanks for the much needed laughs!  The kind with deeeeeep pockets could even carry a pump, tube(s), toolkit, snacks, Hydroflasks, etc!  Who needs racks or bags or jersey pockets?!

Lawrence NJ

Davey Two Shoes

Sep 20, 2023, 6:30:26 PM9/20/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I usually wear a snap button down "fly fishing" shirt from Howler Bros. Long sleave whatever the temps. Popping the collar and leaving the sleaves down in the sun really does help. For bottoms I usually wear some sort of levis cut in to Bob Weir style shorts or "bobby's". Winter I tuck my pant leg into my sock if theres slack.

William Watson

Sep 27, 2023, 3:27:04 PM9/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
This fall/winter I am planning to knit my first bike sweater. It will be a green quarter zip with a yellow stripe on the body and arms to match my Goodrich. If the fit turns out right, I will make a few more to match other bikes. I don't use back pockets, so the zipper will be challenge on this project. 

As for pants, I roll my jeans up high. This morning I forgot to unroll my jeans; another teacher complimented the one rolled look because they knew I biked to work!

Will in Minneapolis

danielle da cruz

Sep 27, 2023, 3:30:43 PM9/27/23
Will, love everything thing about this! I got such a visual image of both the sweater(s) and the rolled jeans. As a fellow knitter I’m feeling inspired!

Danielle in Cambridge 

Patrick Moore

Sep 27, 2023, 5:42:17 PM9/27/23
But please consider button front breast pockets. For light things -- snack, phone, keys, wallet, they work wonderfully. I had just one jersey with them -- a retro-copy -- and I wish I'd kept it.

Me, I miss pockets (rear as well as front) when my top doesn't have them.

Peter Adler

Sep 27, 2023, 6:12:18 PM9/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Damn skippy. Breast pockets are awesome; I own one jersey with them (a San Pellegrino that’s probably a repopulate, but it’s old enough that maybe it’s original). In spite of the fact that the pockets are a little higher than I’d prefer, they’re invaluable for phone/keys/snacks.

Placement of pockets (both front and rear) are very personal; different heights work for different people. If I were making my own jersey, I’d ride it pocketless for a bit to figure out ideal placement before stitching the pocket panels on.

I find that bike-y sweaters typically don’t have pockets, as they’re more like apres-ski wear. The sweaters that do often have a single zippers pocket on the back. The big advantage of pockets is not having to carry an extraneous bag every time you mount up.I always need to carry stuff, but why should I pedal around huge bags if I only need stuff I can into pockets? Strip the bags off (or ride a bag less bike), and all of a sudden the collateral benefit of riding a heavy bike around becomes obvious: You get way faster when your bike gets lighter.

Peter “95% on the make you strong bike w/racks and panniers” Adler
Berkeley, CA

Bill Lindsay

Sep 27, 2023, 7:04:17 PM9/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
"You get way faster when your bike gets lighter."

Proven fact.  If you want to go 1 mile per hour faster, all you have to do is make your bike 12 pounds lighter.  This is known.  

BL in EC

Patrick Moore

Sep 27, 2023, 7:12:52 PM9/27/23
Rivendell's Wooly Warm sweater (and the vest too, I think) had 2 or 3 rear pockets with buttons; very convenient. I wish I'd kept my WW sweater; besides pockets it had a high, button-up neck which I do like.

Speaking of bike style and sweaters, feat your plural eyes on this ensemble ("ensemble:" both the group and their outfits). With pants legs that baggy you don't need any pockets for storage.


And front pockets:


On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 12:12 PM Peter Adler <> wrote:
... I find that bike-y sweaters typically don’t have pockets, as they’re more like apres-ski wear. The sweaters that do often have a single zippers pocket on the back.

Brian Turner

Sep 27, 2023, 7:24:50 PM9/27/23
That's probably cigarettes in the pockets of that jersey! Cool guy style.

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Sep 27, 2023, 10:32:09 PM9/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
For some British retro styling:

William Watson

Sep 27, 2023, 10:34:13 PM9/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've never had a breast pocket on a sweater to try, but thanks for the tip. I probably have my rando bag, frost river seat bag, or a pannier on 99% of my rides, but I see the appeal now. The new skill I'm learning on this sweater is adding in a quarter zipper, seems in my zone of proximal development so far. 

Leah Peterson

Sep 28, 2023, 5:51:32 PM9/28/23
It’s time for more style on the bike posts! It’s truly autumn now. What are you wearing, fellow Rivsters? 

I have fully embraced the high-waisted, wide leg pant trend and set out for downtown today in this ensemble.

Wide-leg, high-waisted cargo pants from J.Crew with a woven leather belt, paired with a soft cotton ivory waffle Henley and finished with Red Wing Iron Ranger boots. I’m happy to report that double ankle bands do the trick for keeping my pant legs out of the grease. Bonus: they are pink. Some might say they look dorky but I think they look cool.

Two fun facts:
1. At least three RivSisters have these exact boots and love to wear them on their Platy rides. (Girls, feel free to bless us with photos of your boots and bikes here.)

2. I kicked the top tube with those adorable boots today and scuffed my top tube. And I didn’t care.


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 27, 2023, at 6:34 PM, 'William Watson' via RBW Owners Bunch <> wrote:

I've never had a breast pocket on a sweater to try, but thanks for the tip. I probably have my rando bag, frost river seat bag, or a pannier on 99% of my rides, but I see the appeal now. The new skill I'm learning on this sweater is adding in a quarter zipper, seems in my zone of proximal development so far. 
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Patrick Moore

Sep 28, 2023, 7:08:35 PM9/28/23
Here's an elegant little number from Belgium by way of Finland:

Ditch the boots for a nice pair of Dromartis. You don't even need the shirt.

Some more serious possibilities here (men's page; I daresay they have a women's page too):

Varusteleka have all sorts of new and remaindered sportswear and military surplus (Euro-surplus) and camping things too. Good stuff, tho' not cheap.

Sorry, couldn't resist posting this one:  Keeps your face looking young and your Kalashnikov rust-free. Also available in 150-litre barrels.


Leah Peterson

Sep 28, 2023, 7:52:53 PM9/28/23
Gross! I am not wearing those boots or those…breeches. Or the menswear, but those sweaters are nice, and some of you would look nice in them. 

I propose that we keep the spirit of the thread going and post photos of us with our Rivs, showing off our bike style.


On Sep 28, 2023, at 3:08 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:


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Bill Lindsay

Sep 28, 2023, 10:36:56 PM9/28/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've bought a lot of nice cycling clothing this year.  One Fit I really like is my Nature Morte outfit by Ostroy.  I think it goes nicely with my Endo Customs brown bib shorts:

Not pictured: the matching VEST!  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Bill Lindsay

Sep 28, 2023, 10:48:09 PM9/28/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Purple Rivendell Legolas:

Purple Endo Customs Bib shorts:

Gravel jersey with earthtone plaid and purple stripes:

Earthtone gravel shoes with purple socks:

My terrible blue gloves do not match the outfit. :(

BL in EC

Leah Peterson

Sep 28, 2023, 11:36:25 PM9/28/23
Gravel jersey with earth tones and purple is my favorite. Very nice!

On Sep 28, 2023, at 6:48 PM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

Purple Rivendell Legolas:

Bill Lindsay

Sep 29, 2023, 12:49:06 PM9/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Extremely kind of you to withhold disapproval for my blue gloves.  Yuck!  Ruined the look.  I need to retire that cap also.  

BL in EC

Ted Durant

Sep 29, 2023, 9:28:05 PM9/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 12:51:32 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
It’s time for more style on the bike posts! It’s truly autumn now. What are you wearing, fellow Rivsters?

 Well, this was taken 11 years ago, but I'm sure I'll be wearing the same thing soon. Lycra shorts from Aerotech, Rivendell LS wool jersey. Socks these days are mostly from Bombas, not Smartwool. Shoes aren't shown ... for that bike, my Rivendell Road (Joe built/Joe painted), I still go with bindings, so shoes would be Lake MX-1. This photo was taken on an unusually warm Thanksgiving Day. In lower temps I'd probably wear my MUSA or Rene Herse knickers over the lycra shorts. The Riv Road doesn't have a handlebar bag so a jersey with rear pockets is usually needed. On a big with a handlebar bag I would just wear a Smartwool lightweight half-zip if it's not too cold. 

Sunny and upper 70's here this week ... I'll still be wearing SS polo shirts or LS seersucker.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI USA

Ted Durant

Sep 29, 2023, 9:29:02 PM9/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Argh. With Photo this time.

Leah Peterson

Sep 29, 2023, 9:30:25 PM9/29/23
Today I decided to really go for it and wear those trouser jeans I’ve been putting off wearing. They are fairly ridiculous as they have to be wound around my legs twice and Velcro-strapped into submission. But, I want to wear things that are on trend and not just stuff that’s for the bike. So, here it is:

Look at all that billowing denim.

Wrapped into submission.

Not really the look I was going for. But functional. 

That’s it for today.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 29, 2023, at 8:49 AM, Bill Lindsay <> wrote:

Extremely kind of you to withhold disapproval for my blue gloves.  Yuck!  Ruined the look.  I need to retire that cap also.  

Leah Peterson

Sep 29, 2023, 10:13:02 PM9/29/23
Ted, you look wonderful! I love that jersey and your shades. 

Tell me why Bombas and not Smartwool. I’ve never tried Bombas - should I?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 29, 2023, at 5:30 PM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

Today I decided to really go for it and wear those trouser jeans I’ve been putting off wearing. They are fairly ridiculous as they have to be wound around my legs twice and Velcro-strapped into submission. But, I want to wear things that are on trend and not just stuff that’s for the bike. So, here it is:

Look at all that billowing denim.

Wrapped into submission.

Not really the look I was going for. But functional. 

Ted Durant

Sep 30, 2023, 12:22:17 AM9/30/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Friday, September 29, 2023 at 5:13:02 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote: 
I love that jersey and your shades. 
Oops, missed the shades ... should have to do this fashion mag style ...
Glasses by Tifosi Optics. 
(I love Tifosi ... relatively inexpensive, durable, and reader lenses for the interchangeable style I like.)

Tell me why Bombas and not Smartwool. I’ve never tried Bombas - should I?
Smartwools never wore well, and would shrink up and the tightness in the forefoot aggravated my bunionettes. I also spent time in Darn Tough socks ... better than Smartwool, but Bombas are softer, looser knit, and the forefoot stays reasonably loose. Lately I've also been trying and liking Injinji socks with separate toes,  which are really good for keeping my forefoot from being overly constricted.

Nick Payne

Sep 30, 2023, 7:48:13 AM9/30/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Thursday, 28 September 2023 at 5:12:52 am UTC+10 Patrick Moore wrote:
And front pockets:


An older rider I used to sometimes train with in the early days of my cycling career in the 1970s had some of the old cycling jerseys with front pockets, and told an amusing story about them. He was out training by himself one day, and for sustenance during the ride had tucked a couple of chops into the jersey front pockets. He managed to ride into the back of a bus and knocked himself out. He came to lying on his back with the bus driver looking down at him with a horrified expression on his face - the chops were protruding from the pockets, and the driver thought they were part of his anatomy.

Nick Payne

Peter Adler

Sep 30, 2023, 8:19:41 AM9/30/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
In my case, stripping off the two Ortlieb PVC rolltop panniers with their ever-present load (2x Kryptonite New Yorks and about 15 lbs of accidentally hoarded tools/snacks/raingear/bungies/emergency glucose-boosting sodas etc.) drops the weight of my daily rider by at least 30 pounds. By your (presumably sarcastic) formula, that's 2.5 MPH faster right there.

And when I switch to a bike that's a scoshe smaller, with no racks/lights/generators and lighter tubing/components/rims/tires to get down to the low 20-pound range, that's when the benefits of putting 90%+ of your miles on a 55 pound RV of a bike really shows up.

Even though I realize these numbers in theory, it's always a surprise to me how much faster I am on the gofast bikes. Maybe I'm unteachable, or lack object persistence or something.

Thread relevance: Merino tops, jeans/chinos, Ankle Biter leg straps, almost all day almost every day. My old leather straps (Selle An-Atomica used to throw in a pair of matching leather leg straps when you ordered a saddle, if you told them you commuted on a bike) of I can't find the Ankle Biters; they're ancient, the velcro patches are coming loose, and no glue I've tried seems to hold them down.

Peter Adler
Berkeley, the geographically smaller but demographically larger CA

Bill Lindsay

Sep 30, 2023, 1:11:43 PM9/30/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Peter Adler said: "In my case, stripping off the two Ortlieb PVC rolltop panniers with their ever-present load (2x Kryptonite New Yorks and about 15 lbs of accidentally hoarded tools/snacks/raingear/bungies/emergency glucose-boosting sodas etc.) drops the weight of my daily rider by at least 30 pounds. By your (presumably sarcastic) formula, that's 2.5 MPH faster right there."

I was not being sarcastic at all.  Everybody knows a lighter bike is faster (all else being equal).  Many of us mathy types want to know how much bang for the buck one gets.  Several different people have done the math, and 1 mile per hour for every 12 pounds is in the ballpark of what these various modeling tools quantify.  Use the googler to test drive some of them, if you feel so inclined.  

In your case, a 30 pound reduction by dropping your Ortliebs would probably be even more than 2.5 mph, because you are also reducing your wind drag part.  You'd be way faster.  Maybe 3mph faster.  That's a lot.  

I get it that participants on these boards don't like these calculations, but their reasons for not liking it are all over the map.  

-Some math haters don't like it when people make calculations that they can't comprehend. "Pull out the slide rule all you like, if you actually ride a bike you can feel it"
-Some math lovers like to diss whatever model because it is incomplete in some way "Well actually, what about the surface roughness of the road?  What if the stripe was recently painted?  What about tree sap?  Have you ever ridden over tree sap?  That sticky sound?  Where's that in your model, huh?"
-Some want the pounds per mile per hour to be less, so their heavy bike carries less of a penalty
-Some want the pounds per mile per hour to be greater, so they have some objective reason to support why they just dropped $300 on a new rear derailleur that is 45 grams lighter.

The fact is lighter bikes are faster.  The fact is, if every bike had a gravity knob, most people would turn it down to feel how fast a light bike feels.  Among those who know and acknowledge that a lighter bike is only a small amount faster will still prefer a lighter bike.  Some (like Jan for instance) prefers to gram shave when possible for two reasons: 1. because it's more fun to "throw a light bike around", and 2. because it's just good-practice to not carry unnecessary weight if it can be avoided.  Jan knows bike weight doesn't make you much faster, but still chooses to gram shave when it's practical.  

Sorry about the fashion tangent.  Light bikes can be very fashionable.

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

Max S

Sep 30, 2023, 6:10:45 PM9/30/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I wish these fit my feet better... Now on their way to someone in Canada...

- Max "Tutto Italiano Classico" in A2

Dromarti Sportivo Touring Terra - Sz. 46 - Brown:Tan Leather.JPG

Pam Bikes

Oct 2, 2023, 1:41:19 AM10/2/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Love that you match your bike so well.  Great style for your bike and you!  You are a well-matched pair.

On Monday, September 11, 2023 at 2:31:11 PM UTC-4 wrote:
Okay...I'll risk the catcalls and cheap jokes - here's a glamour pic of my stylish riding kit. I say "function first & to each their own". 


On Monday, September 11, 2023 at 8:41:28 AM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:
Johnny, fellow Gex Xer here. 80s fashion was something to behold indeed! I must say that I do miss my black Members Only jacket and wish I still had it. I'll leave the denim jean jacket in the past though along with the mullet haircut.

On Monday, September 11, 2023 at 8:18:12 AM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
*where. Man do I hate that there is no edit functionality

On Monday, September 11, 2023 at 8:17:31 AM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
I'm firmly Gen X and we 100% were doing pegged pant legs in the 80's. Hip to do with a pair of Bugle Boys. 90's fashion is OK to make a comeback but 80's is not. Let's leave that were it was. :)

On Monday, September 11, 2023 at 5:31:15 AM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:

Gosh, Danielle, I am so sorry to hear about you being hit by a car. So, so sorry. I would have never thought about wooden shoes but wow, I can see how they would have protected your foot. Were you hit on the Cheviot? And its still in working order? 

I was also wondering about the peg and fold because I was class of ‘99 - here I thought we had invented it but Bill’s generation had already been there done that!

Dorothy, I did not know that you sew your own clothes, but that elevates you to an even higher status now that I do!

Emily, yes, we are the same age! I love your ideas and will try the more aggressive folding. But I would love to see your wide-leg styles since I’m just getting into them.

You RivSisters should definitely send us some bike style portraits. Don’t leave Luke and I hanging out here by ourselves!

Off to work. Hope to see more in this thread when I get off at 2:30.

On Sep 10, 2023, at 12:54 PM, danielle da cruz <> wrote:

Love the topic, the pics, and stand with Bill on the peg and fold (and the hairsprayed bangs though I'm class of '96)! And Leah, I feel your pain having recently greased up the leg of my new so-pale-blue-they're-nearly-white wide leg overalls.

I ride to work and so don't dress only for my bike. In warmer weather I love a shorter dress (Cheviot rider here, though I'll rock a dress on the Roadini when it arrives) and love my sneaker pedals to bike in wooden clogs and wooden soled sandals. One of those probably saved my foot when I was hit on my way to work last summer. My ankle was broken, the shoe smashed to pieces, all foot bones intact :) I bought a second pair and wear them nearly every ride to work.

For the transition seasons when I'm not yet in socks I do love a good peg and fold on the wide leg pants, just have to roll them high enough. Otherwise I'd do a tuck into a high sock. Please keep the suggestions and photos coming! 


On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 8:03:42 AM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
What a delight to wake up to Luke’s post. I am completely charmed. I love these photos and that Luke has thought his style through and made very specific decisions about what to wear. I love black on black and the JMMs all the jewelry because “men need accessories”!  

You and the bike look awesome. This is so fun. 

On Sep 9, 2023, at 11:27 PM, Luke Hendrickson <> wrote:

I rly like wearing all black for ease and cause I’m super lazy. My go to is Ben Davis pants cut into shorts (I like pants that sit at my true waist and have roomy thighs). I also love Vans since they grip flat pedals very, very well. I couple that fit with a WoolyWarm when it’s chillier. I live that sweater, but it’s not the most fashionable lol. I don’t have riding specific sunglasses so I just wear my JMMs and I also wear all of my jewelry bc rings are cool and men need accessories. 

On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 6:46:40 PM UTC-7 Garth wrote:
Well hey, you can make your own pant leg keepers by purchasing some elastic bungee cord and a cord lock. Any camping/outdoor store sells it by the foot and cord locks come in a variety of shapes. That way you can get creative and wrap your leg as high or low as you like by criss-crossing or any other pattern you come up with ! I've even used good ol' bandanas in a pinch. With the cord your pants retain their color as all you see is the little black cord wrapped around your leg. Some places may have have colored cord. A sewing supplier might also.

I noticed in the photo Leah posted of her ankle with grease stain the cuff appears , how do I say ..... all flared out. I'd suggest when you wrap your leg,  pull your pants taught at the front, then fold the excess fabric around the outside of your leg so there's no excess fabric hanging out. Then put on your straps, leaving enough play for the knee to bend freely.

As for what I wear, since I've gone back to deep drop bar road bike setups, I'm more in to road wear than ever as it's very functional and serves a very specific purpose. I had already been wearing bib shorts for the last 5 years, but since going lower and lower in drop none of my previous clothing works, there's, there's too much bulk and zippers rubbing on shorts, none of which is any good !
I do have my own style and have a preference for certain color and combos. Even riding road clothes, you can dress "nice'. ..... as it's simply a mater of self respect. Most sold colors of subtle combos of complimentary colors, no silly patterns or other weird things some clothes designers come up with. Mostly it's European styles as I find their sense of function and style very relatable, unlike American stuff ! 

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Oct 2, 2023, 4:27:02 AM10/2/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
That Coppi chest pocket shirt above was remade by Ostroy

Luke Hendrickson

Oct 2, 2023, 4:52:29 AM10/2/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Leah Peterson

Oct 2, 2023, 11:02:32 AM10/2/23
Max - I love the shoes. If those didn’t work out, you’ll grace us with a photo on the bike of their replacements, I just know it.

Luke - so good. Black on black with all the accessories (“cuz men gotta have their accessories”), looking fit and content on that Atlantis with the rainbow top tube. Love it. 
Goal: Find you a bike style photographer like Luke’s. 

On Oct 2, 2023, at 12:52 AM, Luke Hendrickson <> wrote:

Max S

Oct 3, 2023, 2:18:28 AM10/3/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
It's like my foot changed in the last year or two... All the shoes in the sizes I used to be able to wear no longer fit, and that goes for bike shoes, formal shoes, casual shoes... Bought a pair of those VeloSambas – in BLUE SUEDE, and TWO sizes larger than I used to wear, which now somehow fits – and am about to try them out on the bike.

- Max "if the shoe fits, wear it" in A2

best foot forward.jpg

Jason Fuller

Oct 4, 2023, 2:45:47 AM10/4/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I am not particularly stylish, but my cool but dry autumn day kit is extremely Vancouverite: 
- Du/er stretchy slim fit jeans
- Patagonia flannel shirt (absolutely the best quality flannel shirt I've ever touched) 
- Vessi waterproof sneakers 
- Arcteryx thin merino gloves (not pictured) 

I neglected to wear a cap today, so style points lost there. My helmet is just an old MTB hand-me-down .. I need to refresh that. 

Screen Shot 2023-10-03 at 7.39.23 PM.png

As it gets colder, I'll pull out the Randi Jo over-the-ear wool cap and wear the Ronnie leather gloves I recently purchased. 

Leah Peterson

Oct 4, 2023, 9:14:23 AM10/4/23
Awesome. Perfect fall outfit, and very reminiscent of our 90s days (like a polished grunge?) - bring it back! Also love the pants, a little bit of stretch is so great for riding. And your Sam is dressed in similar fashion and just looks like it goes with your ‘fit. Thanks for posting; I get no small amount of delight from these Bike Style posts!

On Oct 3, 2023, at 10:46 PM, Jason Fuller <> wrote:

I am not particularly stylish, but my cool but dry autumn day kit is extremely Vancouverite: 

- Du/er stretchy slim fit jeans
- Patagonia flannel shirt (absolutely the best quality flannel shirt I've ever touched) 
- Vessi waterproof sneakers 
- Arcteryx thin merino gloves (not pictured) 

I neglected to wear a cap today, so style points lost there. My helmet is just an old MTB hand-me-down .. I need to refresh that. 

Ben Adrian

Oct 4, 2023, 8:43:10 PM10/4/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I was in Portugal in May and got a pair of these capri-length shorts/knickers at Decathlon.
Now, I've always loved the "longer than shorts, shorter than pants" clothing. But sometimes people are less friendly to dudes who wear capris. Luckily, when I tried them on my wife thought that I looked super cute. So those short pants became the hit of the summer. They are by far my best short/pants for casual bike riding. They are my best non-lycra pant. I should have bought 4 of 'em. Next time I'm gonna stock up.


Piaw Na

Oct 4, 2023, 11:10:29 PM10/4/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I like capris for winter riding in the Bay Area (too hot for the other 3 seasons). I too, first found them in Europe, but earlier this year I discovered that the Germans call them 3/4 pants:


Nov 3, 2023, 10:16:57 PM11/3/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Another knickers fan for spring/fall riding. My outfit today was perfect for the cool, crisp temps and reasonably coordinated (merino sweater, Zoic Reign knickers, Vans checkerboard socks).



Patrick Moore

Nov 4, 2023, 3:28:12 AM11/4/23
I broke out my oh, so elegant! grey flannel cycling knickers* last Sunday for the ride to church, matched with Rick's (Reisemberg) medium-dark grey knee socks and a charcoal grey merino mock turtleneck pullover under a navy Wabi Woolen LS jersey cunningly made into a light cycling jacket with the (very professional) addition of a full-length zipper. Shoes should have been Dromartis, but I use plain black canvas Specialized SPD shoes because they have a wide toe box and a flat bottom, better for standing during 2+ hour liturgies. Topped off with ironically-retro, deliberately jarring green-and-red Legnano cycling cap; not quite cold enough for ear flaps. 

Only 1 person did a double take at the knickers.

Must take a fashion shot.

But temps have risen almost 20* this week, so it looks like I'll be back to the light nylon REI roll-up-legs-and-snap-in-place pants and cotton collared shirt this Sunday.

Much more casually, this afternoon, temp about 72* with moderate wind, wore a blue and white wool ss jersey with Italian lycra arm warmers over black Rapha Randonee shorts. Black ankle socks with catchy "Route 66" graphic and late 1980s/1990s Shimano 3-strap SPD shoes and custom cycling cap from Little Packet, no longer in business.

* Very tastefully converted from a very nice pair of Nordstrom wool dress flannels with nylon wind panels on inside front and replaceable matched-color wear panel on seat and crotch.

I have to say: I've spent considerable bucks on very many supposedly purpose-designed riding pants, knickers and long pants, and I have never had a pair of cycling pants that fit as well and are so well adapted to pedaling as converted dress pants, with the high waist and roomy -- not baggy; not 1950s -- cut. They come up high enough in back that you don't have that continual exposed skin anxiety, and they just feel much more comfortable. So many knickers and pants designed for cycling, so they say, are simply cut too low in the back and just feel uncomfortable, and I'm very trim. I've owned I think 4 pairs of dress-pant conversion cycling knickers and I wish I'd not sold 2 of the other 3 pairs. 

Patrick "not quite as serious as you might think" Moore

Keith Paugh

Nov 4, 2023, 5:18:01 AM11/4/23
Must take a fashion shot.”

I should say so!

I wouldn’t think they’d rise high enough in back as you describe. 


On Nov 3, 2023, at 8:28 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:


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Patrick Moore

Nov 4, 2023, 2:39:33 PM11/4/23
Fashion (well, civilian fashion) left me behind long ago; I forget that current men's dress pants are cut very tight and low. No, my pants are all dad pants from 20+ years ago; I guess that makes them grandad pants.

On Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 11:17 PM Keith Paugh <> wrote:
... I wouldn’t think they’d rise high enough in back as you describe. 


On Nov 3, 2023, at 8:28 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:
... I have never had a pair of cycling pants that fit as well and are so well adapted to pedaling as converted dress pants, with the high waist and roomy -- not baggy; not 1950s -- cut. They come up high enough in back


Nov 4, 2023, 4:20:48 PM11/4/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

+1 on your church going cycling attire. The description is vivid enough so I can clearly see it. Your warm weather sartorial choices are impressive as well.
I need to up my game and enhance my decade old Rivendell knickers. Thanks for the inspiration:-)

Rich in ATL 

Patrick Moore

Nov 5, 2023, 8:48:30 PM11/5/23
I'll try to remember to take a photo of the knickers (not of me) when it's next cold enough to wear them. They are very, very comfortable and nice looking.

Balmy upper 60s on today's ride home wearing my new (to me) bright green Cheviot cap while riding a forest green Matthews.

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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing services.


When thou didst not, savage,

Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like

A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes

With words that made them known.

Jason Fuller

Nov 20, 2023, 2:28:40 AM11/20/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Today's cool but not too cold ride was with Randi Jo wool cap, wool button up from Anian, and the buckskin gloves that Ron & Arya brand and resell - which, for the record, are awesome! All of this kit is excellent - warm and pretty water resistant as well. 


Leah Peterson

Nov 20, 2023, 3:28:46 AM11/20/23
Excellent kit and you look amazing. I love the bike style posts and am so tickled every time I get one!
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 19, 2023, at 9:29 PM, Jason Fuller <> wrote:

Today's cool but not too cold ride was with Randi Jo wool cap, wool button up from Anian, and the buckskin gloves that Ron & Arya brand and resell - which, for the record, are awesome! All of this kit is excellent - warm and pretty water resistant as well. 
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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

May 26, 2024, 12:41:36 PM5/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Time to revive this thread. Because…well, when you have the perfect shoes for your bike, you gotta let people know.

Sarah Carlson

May 26, 2024, 1:01:33 PM5/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Those ARE the perfect shoes that bike!!

Ted Durant

May 26, 2024, 3:44:35 PM5/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 7:41:36 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Time to revive this thread. Because…well, when you have the perfect shoes for your bike, you gotta let people know.

Now you'll have to answer the question ... did you get the bike to match the shoes, or the shoes to match the bike?

Armand Kizirian

May 26, 2024, 4:49:33 PM5/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Not necessarily "styling", but a lone picture of me on the Los Angeles invitational ride recently climbing up Mt Lowe.  Super stretchy ripton denim shorts are as close to lycra as denim can be, with a super thin icebreaker merino base layer. Sweat reflects about a 4000ft climb in less than 12 miles. :) New purple POC helmet happened to match the Platy, heavily discounted on right now. (Replace your helmet folks! I didn't have a good look at my ~8 year old Giro helmet and it was riddled with cracks in all the corners). I don't condone Rapha wear, but I have found their polycotton cycling caps to some of the best, which I'm wearing here. As a fully bald headed person a good cycling cap is critical.


Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

May 26, 2024, 5:00:51 PM5/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I think your ‘fit is definitely bike stylish! Those are great shorts and I like the helmet, too. Even the sweat is a good look - shows you REALLY DID IT out there!

ian m

May 26, 2024, 6:23:26 PM5/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

Not sure if you are or were looking for recommendations as much as just interested in a chat about cycling fashions, but either way my wife swears by Topo Designs for everyday cycle commuter wear. Judging from your pictures she has a similar style to you. She loves the Dirt pants and shorts especially. They're a thin cotton canvas with stretch, articulated knees, a gusset, and the freedom of an elastic waistband.

Meanwhile I'm over here waiting for men's shorts to go back to the days of a more reasonable inseam like 3-5", so like Armand generally wearing cut-offs

Leah Peterson

May 26, 2024, 7:03:18 PM5/26/24
Ian, I do so love a good recommendation. Let me go see what this Topo Designs is all about. Thanks!

On May 26, 2024, at 2:23 PM, ian m <> wrote:

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Leah Peterson

May 26, 2024, 7:08:44 PM5/26/24

Fact: I did have the shoes first. 🫣

On May 26, 2024, at 11:44 AM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

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Ted Durant

May 26, 2024, 7:30:37 PM5/26/24
to RBW List
On May 26, 2024, at 2:08 PM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:


Fact: I did have the shoes first. 🫣

On May 26, 2024, at 11:44 AM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 7:41:36 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Time to revive this thread. Because…well, when you have the perfect shoes for your bike, you gotta let people know.

Now you'll have to answer the question ... did you get the bike to match the shoes, or the shoes to match the bike?

No shame in that. Might be a better inspiration story than My Little Pony, but that’s just my opinion :-)

Leah Peterson

May 26, 2024, 7:35:56 PM5/26/24
Ted, NOTHING tops 1980s My Little Pony. 

On May 26, 2024, at 3:30 PM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

On May 26, 2024, at 2:08 PM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:


Fact: I did have the shoes first. 🫣

On May 26, 2024, at 11:44 AM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 7:41:36 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Time to revive this thread. Because…well, when you have the perfect shoes for your bike, you gotta let people know.

Now you'll have to answer the question ... did you get the bike to match the shoes, or the shoes to match the bike?

No shame in that. Might be a better inspiration story than My Little Pony, but that’s just my opinion :-)

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI USA

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Patrick Moore

May 26, 2024, 8:07:40 PM5/26/24
This is starting to remind me of the early '90s.

Patrick Moore, who once built a gofast '92 XO-1 with bright purple anodized Sun M14A "semi-aero" rims (and later ruined them with Easy Off -- left them at the curb for the recycling truck).

On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 6:41 AM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:
Time to revive this thread. Because…well, when you have the perfect shoes for your bike, you gotta let people know.

On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 10:28:46 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Excellent kit and you look amazing. I love the bike style posts and am so tickled every time I get one!
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 19, 2023, at 9:29 PM, Jason Fuller <> wrote:

Today's cool but not too cold ride was with Randi Jo wool cap, wool button up from Anian, and the buckskin gloves that Ron & Arya brand and resell - which, for the record, are awesome! All of this kit is excellent - warm and pretty water resistant as well. 


On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 12:48:30 UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
I'll try to remember to take a photo of the knickers (not of me) when it's next cold enough to wear them. They are very, very comfortable and nice looking.

Balmy upper 60s on today's ride home wearing my new (to me) bright green Cheviot cap while riding a forest green Matthews.

On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 10:20 AM RichS <> wrote:

+1 on your church going cycling attire. The description is vivid enough so I can clearly see it. Your warm weather sartorial choices are impressive as well.
I need to up my game and enhance my decade old Rivendell knickers. Thanks for the inspiration:-)

Rich in ATL 

On Friday, November 3, 2023 at 11:28:12 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
I broke out my oh, so elegant! grey flannel cycling knickers* last Sunday for the ride to church, matched with Rick's (Reisemberg) medium-dark grey knee socks and a charcoal grey merino mock turtleneck pullover under a navy Wabi Woolen LS jersey cunningly made into a light cycling jacket with the (very professional) addition of a full-length zipper. Shoes should have been Dromartis, but I use plain black canvas Specialized SPD shoes because they have a wide toe box and a flat bottom, better for standing during 2+ hour liturgies. Topped off with ironically-retro, deliberately jarring green-and-red Legnano cycling cap; not quite cold enough for ear flaps. 

Only 1 person did a double take at the knickers.

Must take a fashion shot.

But temps have risen almost 20* this week, so it looks like I'll be back to the light nylon REI roll-up-legs-and-snap-in-place pants and cotton collared shirt this Sunday.

Much more casually, this afternoon, temp about 72* with moderate wind, wore a blue and white wool ss jersey with Italian lycra arm warmers over black Rapha Randonee shorts. Black ankle socks with catchy "Route 66" graphic and late 1980s/1990s Shimano 3-strap SPD shoes and custom cycling cap from Little Packet, no longer in business.

* Very tastefully converted from a very nice pair of Nordstrom wool dress flannels with nylon wind panels on inside front and replaceable matched-color wear panel on seat and crotch.

I have to say: I've spent considerable bucks on very many supposedly purpose-designed riding pants, knickers and long pants, and I have never had a pair of cycling pants that fit as well and are so well adapted to pedaling as converted dress pants, with the high waist and roomy -- not baggy; not 1950s -- cut. They come up high enough in back that you don't have that continual exposed skin anxiety, and they just feel much more comfortable. So many knickers and pants designed for cycling, so they say, are simply cut too low in the back and just feel uncomfortable, and I'm very trim. I've owned I think 4 pairs of dress-pant conversion cycling knickers and I wish I'd not sold 2 of the other 3 pairs. 

Patrick "not quite as serious as you might think" Moore

On Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 4:17 PM DavidP <> wrote:
Another knickers fan for spring/fall riding. My outfit today was perfect for the cool, crisp temps and reasonably coordinated (merino sweater, Zoic Reign knickers, Vans checkerboard socks).


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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing services.


When thou didst not, savage,

Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like

A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes

With words that made them known.

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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing services


When thou didst not, savage, know thine own meaning,

But wouldst gabble like a thing most brutish,

I endowed thy purposes with words that made them known.

Nicholas A

May 27, 2024, 8:54:59 AM5/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
My new fave riding clothes, merino t-shirt, Amundsen shorts and the good old Eric Marth designed kerchief.


Sarah Carlson

May 27, 2024, 12:54:25 PM5/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I love seeing this thread come back. And I approve of coordinating bike bags to shorts! Love it!

Ted Durant

May 27, 2024, 1:17:30 PM5/27/24
to RBW List

On May 27, 2024, at 3:54 AM, Nicholas A <> wrote:

My new fave riding clothes, merino t-shirt, Amundsen shorts and the good old Eric Marth designed kerchief.

A picture-perfect example of harmonizing with your surroundings.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee, WI USA

Patrick Moore

May 27, 2024, 2:03:28 PM5/27/24
I'll recommend the REI "Sahara" cargo pants for occasions when you want to ride a bike to an event where shorts are inappropriate. They're on sale now, too:

Very light but densely woven and -- after several years of regular warm-weather Sunday use -- quite durable, decent colors (tho' only earth tones), well sewn with intelligently designed pockets.*

I used to use light nylon pants with zip-off legs, but the hassle of getting the legs off over cycling shoes (or removing the shoes to remove the unzipped legs, then putting them on again) was too much. The REI pants let you roll the legs to either knickers height or to shorts height.

My brother just gave one of his pairs of same, but oddly a bit too short -- he's 4" taller than I; he likes high water pants, I guess -- that I might have converted into knickers. If I do that, can anyone recommend a nice dark tan, khaki, light brown, or olive green cotton knee sock, with source?

As to style: Winter is easy: dark or neutrally colored cycling pants -- Endura, Osloh* for example -- or wool knickers with wool pullover + knee socks under Ibex wool vest and/or "light navy" cycling wind shell with pit zips. Summer: I used to ride in lycra and change in the bathroom, but the REI rollups paired with nice wicking ss bush shirts in heather sky blue or more-or-less tattersall that are trim but not tight (I like my civilian shirts baggy) works very well. These bush shirts, found on sale from Kohl's some years ago (I'd just written a resume for a Kohl's marketing exec) have the usual stink problem of synthetic fabrics but are good for a several-hour first wearing and, as I discovered last summer, if you swish such synthetics -- works for plastic jerseys too -- in a gallon or so of cold water when you get home and hang to drip dry you can wear them as long as you can wool.

As to wool, I have 2 remaining of a collection of 4-5 nice retro wool med weight ss jerseys; these are good up to the low 90s in low humidity but hotter and I accept synthetics. Light wool, including the Riv lightweight merino Woolywarms, IME aren't nearly as durable -- snags and moth holes. I gave my 2 pr away.

May 27, 2024, 4:55:05 PM5/27/24
I have a couple pairs of those Sahara pants as well and I love them.  These look like they got rid of the roll up legs with snaps and replaced them with zip off legs? I can’t find the roll up leg version on their site.

Robert Tilley
San Diego, CA

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On May 27, 2024, at 7:03 AM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:

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Patrick Moore

May 27, 2024, 6:37:04 PM5/27/24
Robert and everyone, I apologize; Robert is right, these are not the model I know and love.

Apparently, REI no longer carries these; too bad. If anyone knows of similar pants available from another source, I would be interested in hearing about them.

Ted Durant

Jun 14, 2024, 10:39:03 PM6/14/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Nobody was around to snap a photo so I had to get creative with selfies. It's meteorologically summer here now, and that means a long-sleeve seersucker shirt (J Crew slim ...keeps the flapping to a minimum), khaki colored Compass knickers over biking shorts, Bombas low running socks, and Lems Primal Zen shoes. Fifty mile ride through farm country followed by a coffee meetup with a former co-worker. Form and function. Helmet by POC. Cycling cap by Team Dream / Cub House. Glasses by Tifosi.

Leah Peterson

Jun 14, 2024, 10:45:45 PM6/14/24
And looking super fine, Ted!
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 14, 2024, at 5:39 PM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

Nobody was around to snap a photo so I had to get creative with selfies. It's meteorologically summer here now, and that means a long-sleeve seersucker shirt (J Crew slim ...keeps the flapping to a minimum), khaki colored Compass knickers over biking shorts, Bombas low running socks, and Lems Primal Zen shoes. Fifty mile ride through farm country followed by a coffee meetup with a former co-worker. Form and function. Helmet by POC. Cycling cap by Team Dream / Cub House. Glasses by Tifosi.


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Patrick Moore

Jun 16, 2024, 12:13:04 AM6/16/24
Ted: good balance between comfortable and civilized and civilian-friendly without being scruffy. Winter is easy since Wabi Woolen jerseys bought large for a looser fit and any decent, black or darkish gray cycling pant with zipped fly and belt loops and side pockets -- I have tailor-modified Enduras and ditto Osloh Jeans -- looks civilized. Summer is harder, but the aforesaid REI rollup (snap fasteners) and a slim but not tight, wicking ss* button up is good. Rapha Randonee shorts or, as I recently bought as-new but used on eBay, Giro sports cycling shorts, can substitute for the REIs when long pants aren't mandatory.

I just bought a Wabi Woolen Sports model all-merino jersey; chose XL reg instead of the L long that I choose for winter ls ones for a looser hot weather fit; this is as dressy as a good polo shirt, IMO. Wonderful. Teal-ish or slate gray, again, trim but not tight, exceptionally well sewn with excellent material and accoutrements; have worn it up to 90*F and will try it further in our mid '90s heat spurt.

* I'm half Filipino so I can get away with it.

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Ted Durant

Oct 23, 2024, 2:00:32 AM10/23/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
We've just had summer-in-October, but it's starting to cool down again. The Aerotech Designs wool jersey was a bit warmer than needed, and I probably didn't need the Compass knickers, but this is my fall style. And it matches my freshly painted Heron nicely, I think. New suede shoes from Lems aren't as airy as their mesh equivalent, so they keep my toes a bit warmer. RBW cycling cap (not as faded as Piaw's) under my POC helmet. Glasses by Tifosi - photochromic with readers. DeFeet Woolie Boolie socks.


Leah Peterson

Oct 23, 2024, 2:30:47 AM10/23/24
I love it. The whole look. Dashing! 

On Oct 22, 2024, at 10:00 PM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

We've just had summer-in-October, but it's starting to cool down again. The Aerotech Designs wool jersey was a bit warmer than needed, and I probably didn't need the Compass knickers, but this is my fall style. And it matches my freshly painted Heron nicely, I think. New suede shoes from Lems aren't as airy as their mesh equivalent, so they keep my toes a bit warmer. RBW cycling cap (not as faded as Piaw's) under my POC helmet. Glasses by Tifosi - photochromic with readers. DeFeet Woolie Boolie socks.


Ted Durant
Milwaukee, WI USA

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Patrick Moore

Oct 23, 2024, 2:38:53 AM10/23/24
If you take “style” to include an “effortless" riding position, these are my favorites. De Vlaemink, Jan’s friend Natsuko, and just because it’s a trike and trike’s are always and everywhere stylish, and 10X so when cornering, a trike from 50 years ago




Leah Peterson

Oct 23, 2024, 2:43:52 AM10/23/24
Patrick, this is a style thread! You can only post pictures in which someone is looking darling!


On Oct 22, 2024, at 10:38 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:

If you take “style” to include an “effortless" riding position, these are my favorites. De Vlaemink, Jan’s friend Natsuko, and just because it’s a trike and trike’s are always and everywhere stylish, and 10X so when cornering, a trike from 50 years ago




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Patrick Moore

Oct 23, 2024, 2:49:48 AM10/23/24
All trikes are darling by their very nature, and 10X so when cornering. (Trikes are a bit of a chore to ride in a straight line because you’re carrying ~25% more weight and 30% more tire and wheel bearing drag, but man, cornering on a trike is something everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime! Wonderful! I owned 2.)

More seriously, Natsuko is certainly stylish - and eminently sensible -- in her dress as well as her riding position.

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Keith Paugh

Oct 23, 2024, 3:53:15 AM10/23/24
Ted, 👌.

You're a shiny penny out on that bridge... someone's gonna toss you over the side, you don't watch out.


Leah Peterson

Oct 23, 2024, 2:37:53 PM10/23/24
Ted, you have motivated me to finally put some pants in the shopping cart. I am tired of leggings. They aren’t pants. But if you don’t want seams biting into you while riding, they make sense. But I’d rather have more appropriate clothing for when I’m biking to a business and not just heading to do a workout. I looked online and found 3 different pants on REI and will hopefully get to try them before the snow falls. Two of them are REI house brand pants and the other is Topo Designs Dirt pants. The former are nylon and the latter is cotton.

We’ll see.

If anyone else has great stylish but functional pant suggestions, I’m here for them.

On Oct 22, 2024, at 11:53 PM, Keith Paugh <> wrote:

Oct 23, 2024, 2:49:09 PM10/23/24
Wild Rye Freyah pants!! There were some on sale at Santa Cruz Bicycles online but more choices on Wild Rye website😀
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On Oct 23, 2024, at 7:37 AM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

Ted Durant

Oct 23, 2024, 4:52:33 PM10/23/24
to RBW List

On Oct 23, 2024, at 9:37 AM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

But if you don’t want seams biting into you while riding, they make sense.

It might be worth noting that I wear biking shorts under the knickers. Aerotech Designs thinnest pad. Or, sometimes, wool underwear.

Also, +1 for Natsuko. Fabulous form and style!

David Hays

Oct 23, 2024, 5:15:42 PM10/23/24
Natsuko definitely wins on form and style! 

David Hays
Williamsville, New York

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Patrick Moore

Oct 23, 2024, 8:55:34 PM10/23/24
And then on the other extreme …

Lovely Fall day: 70*F, just enough wind to make the ride a bit more interesting, out ’n’ back on the “Paseo del Bosque.” better known as the Rio Grande Bike Path, with a detour to Sprout’s at the end of the ride.

Patrick Moore, old, slow, and stylish in ABQ, NM (after a lovely ride on the IGH Matthews, with grocery load in the background), and the usual apology for my inveterately bad photography.

Patrick Moore

Oct 23, 2024, 9:03:17 PM10/23/24
Since that was a fashion shot, I should have described the ensemble: ss Wabi Woolen full zip jersey in fashionable teal (isn’t it? I’m sort of color blind), Giro shorts in complementary gray, chic Bianchi cap, cunning Smartwool merino sox in stylish heather blue over my favorite very late ‘80s (but obtained circa 2017 or so after my earlier pair from ~ 2003 wore out) Shimano SPD shoes. Would like to find another pair or 2 in 44.

Patrick “don’t you call me darling” Moore

R Shannon

Oct 24, 2024, 12:14:59 AM10/24/24
Ted, Natsuko and Patrick winning on style points. 10s all:-) Ted's classy Heron gets points too!

Rich in ATL (still using my vintage Riv knickers)

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Leah Peterson

Oct 24, 2024, 12:56:20 AM10/24/24
Patrick Moore, coming in with a real style pic! Very nice!!!

On Oct 23, 2024, at 8:15 PM, R Shannon <> wrote:

Richard Rose

Oct 24, 2024, 11:51:28 AM10/24/24
Good Morning Leah. I just got a pair of OrNot Mission Pants. They are fantastic. Really nice fabric & features. High quality garment made from recycled material & made in USA. The latter is not a huge thing for me but I do appreciate it. I was set to wear them on our ride but changed at the last second in the parking lot as it was warming up fast. If I were still working/commuting I would have several pair as I would never need to change clothes on arrival. OrNot is a very interesting company. I also use their merino boxers which are the best I’ve found. These have replaced my padded bike liners.
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 23, 2024, at 10:37 AM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

Doug H.

Oct 24, 2024, 3:12:16 PM10/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Patrick that looks like a big ole chainring on the bike behind you. Maybe it's just the angle. 

Bill Lindsay

Oct 24, 2024, 3:23:53 PM10/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Another photographic trick is that Patrick Moore's bike has 559mm wheels with skinny tires, which also makes the chainring look big.  If you gave me a +/- 1-tooth error window, I'd say it's a 50T.  Like a 50x17 or thereabouts.  Could be a 51, or a 49.  

BL in EC

Patrick Moore

Oct 24, 2024, 7:30:55 PM10/24/24
Bill is close: it’s 48 tooth and the wheels are 25.6” tall (559X42). With the 17 t cog direct drive is 72” (the underdrive gears are 65” and 54”).

On the Joe Starck custom fixed gofast I have a first or second gen Dura Ace crank with 52 t ring with a 17/19 Dingle, but those wheels have 559X28 mm tires and are only 24 .75” tall so the gears are 76” and 68”. 

Leah Peterson

Oct 24, 2024, 7:42:31 PM10/24/24
 I just looked at their offerings, Rich. Sadly, no pants, just legging-type stuff. Sigh.

On Oct 24, 2024, at 7:51 AM, Richard Rose <> wrote:

Good Morning Leah. I just got a pair of OrNot Mission Pants. They are fantastic. Really nice fabric & features. High quality garment made from recycled material & made in USA. The latter is not a huge thing for me but I do appreciate it. I was set to wear them on our ride but changed at the last second in the parking lot as it was warming up fast. If I were still working/commuting I would have several pair as I would never need to change clothes on arrival. OrNot is a very interesting company. I also use their merino boxers which are the best I’ve found. These have replaced my padded bike liners.

Ted Durant

Oct 24, 2024, 7:56:05 PM10/24/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
IMG_2468.jpegVariations on the theme. Ibis wool knickers (no longer made, of course), SmartWool ls tee, Rivendell PossumWool Vest, Walz wool cap, calf-length Bombas socks. It was quite cool this morning, but by the time I left the house it was warming up fast, and after I took this photo I stashed the vest into the Swift Paloma handlebar bag. I like how the shoes match Great Lakes Sam. (In the photo you can't see the light purple sock liner in the shoe.)

The wool knickers are, of course, a bit tighter and more racy look than the Compass knickers. I'd still wear them into a coffee shop. I typically wear a pair of wool briefs or lycra compression shorts under them, as a liner, so I don't have to wash them after every ride. I wear them a lot this time of year. It's going to be distressing when they die.

It's also disappointing that there's no more baseball being played this year in that building behind me. I really hoped the Brewers would make it to the World Series.

Patrick Moore

Oct 24, 2024, 8:03:00 PM10/24/24
Ted: Photography question: Did someone else take your photos or is there some magical way for one to take his own photos?

(Not that I plan to inflict many of myself on the list.)

I futzed for half an hour to take 3 bad photos of myself (reason setting is indoors; needed table to support phone) of which only the one was even marginally usable.

Others, please chime in too.

iPhone 8, in case info needed: my daughter gets the good ones.

Patrick Moore, about to pull out the wool, in ABQ, NM

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Ted Durant

Oct 24, 2024, 8:07:22 PM10/24/24
to RBW List

On Oct 24, 2024, at 3:02 PM, Patrick Moore <> wrote:

Ted: Photography question: Did someone else take your photos or is there some magical way for one to take his own photos?

There’s a reason both photos were taken on bridges. In both cases there are railings mounted inside of vertical posts, so my iPhone SE could sit on the railing and be supported by the vertical post. Then I started the self-timer, ran across and hopped on my bike.


Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Oct 25, 2024, 12:17:00 AM10/25/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Ted! Again, another winner. You are the dapper-est! This thread slays me. Love it, guys.

Jason Fuller

Oct 25, 2024, 1:43:41 AM10/25/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
That photo also makes me really wish I bought a periwinkle Sam even though I already have a Sam

Not a proper portrait, but this about covers the aesthetic from my ride yesterday on the new-Suze. Jacket is a lightly insulated Patagonia I've had for about 13 years, and I'm a buckskin glove convert for sure. Good down to freezing if dry, and down to 6-8C if wet.  Add some merino liners and you're set for just about anything.  Pants were Ornot, highly recommend, and shoes were Vessi waterproof high-tops because I spend a lot of time in the wet


Leah Peterson

Nov 14, 2024, 5:22:54 PM11/14/24
Who was it who recommended the Dirt Drop pants?

On Oct 24, 2024, at 7:51 AM, Richard Rose <> wrote:

Good Morning Leah. I just got a pair of OrNot Mission Pants. They are fantastic. Really nice fabric & features. High quality garment made from recycled material & made in USA. The latter is not a huge thing for me but I do appreciate it. I was set to wear them on our ride but changed at the last second in the parking lot as it was warming up fast. If I were still working/commuting I would have several pair as I would never need to change clothes on arrival. OrNot is a very interesting company. I also use their merino boxers which are the best I’ve found. These have replaced my padded bike liners.

Leah Peterson

Nov 14, 2024, 6:49:14 PM11/14/24
I took the ToPo Designs Dirt Drop pant suggestion and am wearing the pants today. I sized down as they are roomy, and I STILL have room in them. I’m tired of the leggings look for riding; real pants please, and these are. I have totally unrestricted movement in these. I think they are going to be great, but we’ll see after I get some miles in.
 I love the tie at the waist; it’s a fun, contrasting color. Not pictured: the ivory, quilted down vest I wore for warmth, because it covered up the pants!

And here are the pant cuffs - they cinch with a tie! This likely works better than the ankle straps I have that keep sliding off my pant legs. 

And peeking out are my Smartwool socks in a Christmas-y pattern. Anything Christmas is street-legal on Nov 1, you know. I paired them with Red Wing Iron Rangers, because I have Minnesota blood running through these veins. The toes are scuffed from my pedal pins but I stopped caring about that long ago. 

Lastly, I’m highlighting my J Crew headband in a Christmas tartan because it’s the best part. 

It started raining before I could even get out on the bike. Serves me right for being a priss. Will go out later! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2024, at 12:22 PM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

Patrick Moore

Nov 14, 2024, 10:02:31 PM11/14/24
Well within the limits of this thread about clothing fashion in cycling, can anyone recommend a “dressy casual” men’s oxford shoe suitable for cycling with a quill pedal and toe clips? That is, for the cycling part, it must have a slim shape both side to side and top to bottom, and it must have a sufficiently stiff but not overly stiff sole.

Besides that, I want leather, a Goodyear welt or other replaceable sole construction, a conservative design suitable for office wear but not at all for black tie (again, office casual), and of good quality leather and sewing. A vibram sole with no or very small lugs would probably be best.

I think a well made pair of chukka boots would work well. Anyone?

Long ago my brother thought seriously, but as an elaborate joke, of installing SPD cleats on an as-new pair of Florsheim Imperial brogues that he found at the thrift store. Me, after someone gave me a a pair of NIP “Anquetil” nail-on aluminum cleats, I thought seriously of attaching them to a nice pair of leather soled Bass Weejuns. It’s probably fortunate that neither project came to fruition.

Back to dressy-casual oxfords: all my non-cycling shoes are slip ons, boots, or high zoot dress shoes. The slip ons work fine but sometimes one wants a shoe that keeps in more heat and lets in less sand. I have ridden (briefly) in boots but it’s not nice. And Allen Edmonds and Church’s just look odd and don't work well with quill pedals.

Joe Bernard

Nov 14, 2024, 11:16:29 PM11/14/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I like the pants, Leah, ima get some. And a tartan headband! Can I sport a tartan headband? Let's find out. 

Joe "what, it's my tartan headband" Bernard 


Nov 15, 2024, 1:32:58 AM11/15/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 2:02:31 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
Well within the limits of this thread about clothing fashion in cycling, can anyone recommend a “dressy casual” men’s oxford shoe suitable for cycling with a quill pedal and toe clips? That is, for the cycling part, it must have a slim shape both side to side and top to bottom, and it must have a sufficiently stiff but not overly stiff sole.

I don't have any particular recommendations for specific shoes. I have ridden a bike with a kinds of shoes and they were all some variation of "fine" for cycling. But I wasn't being very discerning and wore what I wanted to wear without regard to pedaling efficiency, or even grip.

To me, the most important thing is to get a pair of clips with leather covers on them so that they don't dig into the toes and scratch/gouge the leather. MKS makes single strap toe clips, with a "deep" variation. Also half-clips that are strapless, in case you want to be able to wear boots with much bigger toe boxes.

SF Bay Area


Nov 15, 2024, 1:15:12 PM11/15/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have  a pair of pants from a mountaineering and climbing company, Mamut, that are just black and a jean, 5-pocket, cut I got years ago. I too peg the legs not from the Flock of Seagulls days but my coinciding military ones. It kept unnecessary noise from bloused pant legs brushing against each other when you walked in the woods attempting to be quiet. I use two 1.5" velcro leg straps with a reflective band to hold my peg folding and keep cuff from the chain and wind out of my pant legs.

The pants are of a fabric from Schoeller,, what we now refer to as "soft shell". A Google search of "soft shell pants" will cast a nice catch of shopping options. Mine were rare birds on an REI sale rack , both for being in my size and for the value of the fabric. I don't think I could've found the yardage of raw cloth for what I paid for the pants at the time. They turn spray, wind, have give and look refreshingly normal. 

re: your Iron Rangers. A nice trick to set lace tension around your foot with the vamp of taller laced footwear is when you first put on the boot press your foot back into the heel cup against the floor and pull the eyeletted laces snugly as you desire but before you start with the hooks, tie an overhand knot. That will isolate two areas of lace tension within the full pattern of your Red Wings. I have the same ones. My boots in the service were my office (dining room and sometimes bedroom) and I chose a pair of uniform-listed custom Danners in which I learned many tricks to keeping comfortable, warm, (or cool), and intact.  

I have but one distant observation for on the bike style: dark colors and lower color values shoes blend in more simply, colors and higher color values stand out and make feet look bigger. It's an ensemble effect. 

Andy Cheatham

Steven Seelig

Nov 15, 2024, 2:39:57 PM11/15/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
At the risk of being called an elitist, I am over the moon with my Dromartie clippy bike shoes.  I actually read about these from Jan Heine, who mentioned that he wears these for his over-the-top Paris-Brest races as his most comfortable multi-day shoes.  I concur.  These are my clipped in shoes for those type of rides on my road and Sam (gravel) bike, and they are the most comfortable shoes I own of any type.  I have the tan ones and am thinking that the black versions will be as dressy as any other oxford shoe, if not more so.

Steve Seelig, DC

R Shannon

Nov 15, 2024, 3:24:17 PM11/15/24
My British handmade William Lennon non-clip in shoes don’t have the cachet that the more sophisticated Dromartis have but for less money and a five month wait time they’re my ode to “foot style" on the bike. 


Rich in ATL


Nov 15, 2024, 3:43:13 PM11/15/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Those Dromarti shoes ARE very classy ...except I'm not jazzed by the $472 USD white ones with the golf-shoe vibe(you can wear them up until Labor Day :) ). But Rich, those William Lennon shoes are really elegant as well. Me, I am still using the Sidi touring shoes (toe clip and strap compatible) that RBW offered in the late 90s early 2000s , which are really durable (but not full leather and with the Sidi logo, not as understated)

Ted Durant

Nov 15, 2024, 7:41:02 PM11/15/24
to RBW List

On Nov 15, 2024, at 8:39 AM, 'Steven Seelig' via RBW Owners Bunch <> wrote:

At the risk of being called an elitist, I am over the moon with my Dromartie clippy bike shoes.  I actually read about these from Jan Heine, who mentioned that he wears these for his over-the-top Paris-Brest races as his most comfortable multi-day shoes.  I concur.  These are my clipped in shoes for those type of rides on my road and Sam (gravel) bike, and they are the most comfortable shoes I own of any type.  I have the tan ones and am thinking that the black versions will be as dressy as any other oxford shoe, if not more so.

I still have a pair of Dromarti Sportivo shoes in black, size 43, for sale. Unfortunately they’re too narrow in the forefoot for me.

Patrick Moore

Nov 15, 2024, 9:32:46 PM11/15/24
Thanks, Chester. I will use my MKS “Esprit” pedals with “deep” clips and not only leather covers but toe strap pads and buttons!

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Nov 16, 2024, 1:04:32 AM11/16/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Patrick Moore wrote:
Thanks, Chester. I will use my MKS “Esprit” pedals with “deep” clips and not only leather covers but toe strap pads and buttons!

So I think that the buttons are the...uh, buttons that clip onto the end of toe straps, but...what are toe strap pads?

SF Bay Area

Patrick Moore

Nov 16, 2024, 2:00:07 AM11/16/24
Oh, they’re so effetely stylish that only very superior riders know about them. They’re small leather pads slotted to fit onto the toe strap on the inside of the strap near the buckle to provide a bit of cushioning against pressure on your ballet-slipper-like Dettos or Rivats or Carnacs (I owned all 3, and 1 or 2 more brands I can’t now recall).

Seriously, I do find that toe strap buttons help during quick grabs to tighten the strap, and I anticipate that the leather covers over the front of the clips will protect leather shoes. I bought a few pairs when VO was remaindering their stock.

But despite using toe strap pads for years back when I commuted in clips and straps (my brother had given me a couple of pairs) I can’t really claim with confidence that they make a lot of difference. I daresay they might help if you wear leather cycling slippers, tighten your straps hard, and ride 100s of miles; I wore leather boat shoe slip-ons, kept my straps semi-tight, and rode only 10s of miles.

I installed them mainly for style, which makes them very suitable item for this thread.

VO used to sell toe straps with pads already installed:


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Ted Durant

Nov 17, 2024, 6:07:01 PM11/17/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Cloudy, cool (8C / 46F), and breezy today. Three hour steady pace ride. The hip kids call it a "Zone 2" ride. That calls for my Ibex knickers and SmartWool knee-high ski socks. The colors and argyle pattern call for my sedate black leather Lems, rather than the blingy suede ones. Not a toe clip or strap in sight.

I'm a fan of knickers and knee socks for cool temps. Can't wait to show you my Christmas version.

Sorry about the terrible photo.


R Shannon

Nov 18, 2024, 4:22:10 PM11/18/24
Looking good Ted. 100% approve of your kit. Your photo might initiate a slew of new posts showing off shoes, socks, knickers or trousers, shoes and pedals. I’ll jump in when it’s not 74 degrees - today’s high.

Rich in ATL

On Nov 17, 2024, at 1:07 PM, Ted Durant <> wrote:

Cloudy, cool (8C / 46F), and breezy today. Three hour steady pace ride. The hip kids call it a "Zone 2" ride. That calls for my Ibex knickers and SmartWool knee-high ski socks. The colors and argyle pattern call for my sedate black leather Lems, rather than the blingy suede ones. Not a toe clip or strap in sight.

I'm a fan of knickers and knee socks for cool temps. Can't wait to show you my Christmas version.

Sorry about the terrible photo.


Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI USA

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