In a word, Clem-dilly-icious. Of course, I'm not one for one word, so more to come on ride experience once it passes my Stable of Bicycles Entry Requirement (SOBER), the Mt. Beacon Hill Climb.

The OC, passing the strict SOBER test.
I will say this. Every person who has seen the bike in the past couple days has commented on its aura of fabulousness. Even my hard-bitten friend who owns the little bike shop in town and is always making asides about my "girls bikes" was suitably impressed.
It's like a mash up of a 1969 Schwinn Collegiate (those chrome for miles fenders, classic Pletcher rack, and the step-through design; Campus Green of course), a vintage early eighties mountain bike (Dia Compe 980 cantis and big ol' levers, "bear-trap" pedals), a Cruiser (
Hunt-Wilde finger grips, paired with Boscos, baby.) and a Big Dummy ("The chain, boss. The chain.") But really, it's a Clem Smith Jr. in all its bronzey-green genius. (Blue is True, but Bronze Green is Keen!)

I've seen 'em with black grips and saddle, too!
After riding my stock '80s mountain bikes all winter, I thought I might need to re-acclimate to the Boscos, and the Clem's overall high reading on the Cruise-o-Matic scale, but no. Just boom, dialed. I can understand your initial fitting tweaks (as I mentioned in one of your Clemthreads, I think more to do with the front center than the chainstays, but that's just a visual on my part and could be completely incorrect) but for me, whatever magical Elrond dust got sprinkled on the new version works for me out of the box. Feelin' Groovy on my Clem, that's what I'm talkin' about!
Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy