He Ain't Heavy, He's My Clem Smith L('il Missy)

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Mark Roland

Apr 13, 2020, 2:36:17 AM4/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
After much procrastination, my Clem L had a proper shakedown spin today. No Easter parade I'm afraid, but we made do. I'll keep it clear of luggage--back o bike bags and a front bag--for a day or two of tweaking. But it's still a bit on the light side, so I'm looking forward to throwing that extra weight on there to settle it down a bit!;^) More photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qc6rMfoke1P8X9Dj7



Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Apr 13, 2020, 5:06:34 AM4/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I thought this day would never come. Well? How do you like the Lil Missy?!

Mark Roland

Apr 13, 2020, 12:29:25 PM4/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
In a word, Clem-dilly-icious. Of course, I'm not one for one word, so more to come on ride experience once it passes my Stable of Bicycles Entry Requirement (SOBER), the Mt. Beacon Hill Climb.


The OC, passing the strict SOBER test.

I will say this. Every person who has seen the bike in the past couple days has commented on its aura of fabulousness. Even my hard-bitten friend who owns the little bike shop in town and is always making asides about my "girls bikes" was suitably impressed.

It's like a mash up of a 1969 Schwinn Collegiate (those chrome for miles fenders, classic Pletcher rack, and the step-through design; Campus Green of course), a vintage early eighties mountain bike (Dia Compe 980 cantis and big ol' levers, "bear-trap" pedals), a Cruiser (Hunt-Wilde finger grips, paired with Boscos, baby.) and a Big Dummy ("The chain, boss. The chain.") But really, it's a Clem Smith Jr. in all its bronzey-green genius. (Blue is True, but Bronze Green is Keen!)

campus green ladies collegiate.jpg

I've seen 'em with black grips and saddle, too!

After riding my stock '80s mountain bikes all winter, I thought I might need to re-acclimate to the Boscos, and the Clem's overall high reading on the Cruise-o-Matic scale, but no. Just boom, dialed. I can understand your initial fitting tweaks (as I mentioned in one of your Clemthreads, I think more to do with the front center than the chainstays, but that's just a visual on my part and could be completely incorrect) but for me, whatever magical Elrond dust got sprinkled on the new version works for me out of the box. Feelin' Groovy on my Clem, that's what I'm talkin' about!

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy


Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY

Apr 13, 2020, 1:05:41 PM4/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

Mark Roland

Apr 13, 2020, 1:55:57 PM4/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks, Kai. (I hope not too classy. I tend to think of the Clems as bikes for the [somewhat well to do, relatively speaking] proletariat. ;^) Looking forward to another ride with you some day soon. Really enjoyed our journey back from the East Coast Rivmeet last summer.

On Monday, April 13, 2020 at 9:05:41 AM UTC-4, Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY wrote:

in Dallas nick

Apr 13, 2020, 9:54:35 PM4/13/20
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
That's a sharp looking bike Mark!

I was trying to determine what you have clamped down on the rear rack?

What saddle?

Paul in Dallas 


Apr 13, 2020, 10:06:54 PM4/13/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Now, that is good-lookin'!  I didn't think you could top the tuxedo black, but you did it.

Happy riding.



Apr 14, 2020, 2:57:45 AM4/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Very nice Mark. Definitely looks like it would smooth out the cobblestones. Well done on the fender line too!

Rich in ATL


Apr 14, 2020, 2:58:00 AM4/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Very nice Mark. Definitely looks like it would smooth out the cobblestones. Well done on the fender line too!

Rich in ATL

On Monday, April 13, 2020 at 6:06:54 PM UTC-4, Roberta wrote:

Mark Roland

Apr 14, 2020, 3:25:01 AM4/14/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Paul. The thing clamped on the saddle is a  piece of fruit. A peach, actually, made of foam. Quite hideous, and quite well-liked by my ten-year-old. It does lend itself to being tossed around in almost any place you might end up without much fear of damage to itself or things it might come in contact with. The saddle is a discontinued VO model. Originally featured on my Clem L placeholder/simulacrum, a 1940 Bianchi 650B city bike:


Thank you Roberta and Rich. Fender installations are never my most favorite part of a build, and these presented an extra challenge, as they are re-radiused 700C to fit over 650B. The biggest VO 650b are the wavy design, and I wanted something more suitably Boomer biker Schwinn Cruiser guy, so I went with the fluted. Also gives me better coverage for the big 2.25" Thunder Burts. Now I just need a pinwheel and a siren with a flashing light.

Bob Ehrenbeck

Apr 15, 2020, 6:12:00 PM4/15/20
to RBW Owners Bunch

That Raleigh Bronze-Green-like color is gorgeous! I love all the retro touches on the build; your Clem just oozes conviviality!  : )

Bob E
Cranford, NJ

Jason Fuller

Apr 15, 2020, 6:25:31 PM4/15/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm one of those people who just can't get into the look of a step thru bike, with one exception, and that's the Clem L.  There is just something magical about its appearance; I expect it's the fact that it's the most practical bike geometry there is, which transcends previous concepts of beauty. Your build, with the dual racks, lovely fenders, dynamo light, and comfy looking tires just elevates this further. 

Tim Bantham

Apr 15, 2020, 11:54:11 PM4/15/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Very nice Clem build Mark! I love my Clem. I hope you enjoy yours as well. 


On Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 10:36:17 PM UTC-4, Mark Roland wrote:

Lyman Labry

Apr 16, 2020, 12:55:14 AM4/16/20
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

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Mark Roland

Apr 16, 2020, 1:23:17 AM4/16/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks guys.

Bob, yes,. convivial indeed, as Ivan would say. Hope we can have some East Coast convivial again this summer or fall!

Jason, when the Clementine was first unveiled, I thought, gadzooks, that is the ugliest bike I've ever seen. Somehow not a minute later I decided it was beautiful and I would buy one. I guess I had a conversion moment.

Tim, this is not my first time at the Clem Rodeo. It's like an old friend that you call up after a few years and pick up where you left off!

Leah Peterson

Apr 16, 2020, 2:26:49 AM4/16/20
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Please keep us updated on your thoughts and experiences with your new Clem L. Man, can we still call them Clementines? 

When I first saw that bike I had the opposite reaction - I thought it was so romantic. It was all sensuous and swoopy and it CALLED to me. But I had a Betty at the time, and it was inconceivable that I would ALSO have a Clementine. But my mother in law jumped at the chance to have a pretty Clementine of her own, and she rode it for a few summers before her health took her away from riding. Then it came to me, and imagine how sad I was when I began to favor it over the good old Betz. But there’s no two ways about it; Clementines have fairy dust in their DNA and have been known to upstage a “fancy” Rivendell and relegate it to the corner of the garage. The Betz is now sold, but I’ll get a Cheviot to replace it, and hopefully the longer chainstays and ability to take fatter tires will make it resemble what I have come to love in the Clem.

Now, since we both had OG Clementines, you will have to tell us if you noticed differences between this new Lil Missy and the old one. I found them to be VERY different. I had both in my possession for a couple months and the differences were obvious. 

One last thing, I’m changing parts on my Clem and fancying it up a bit; my sister got a 2019 Clem L (happy 10th anniversary to her from her husband) in chameleon green like yours. Hers is completely stock, stem and all. I will drive to Minnesota with mine in tow this summer and we will be able to compare both our Clems and see how different I’ve really made mine from hers. Or not.

I’d love to read all your many thoughts on all things Clementine, as you get acquainted.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 15, 2020, at 6:23 PM, Mark Roland <absolut...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Jason Fuller

Apr 16, 2020, 2:35:47 AM4/16/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, I've thought back to that sentiment that you've stated, about how Clems, despite being the most pedestrian of Rivs, manage to out-do their bejazzled counterparts quite a few times. I thought about it when reading that SF Craigslist ad of the 50cm Atlantis, and how it's for sale because the owner rides their Clem all the time instead. And I definitely think about it when I look at the "sale" Atlantis on the Riv website that happens to be my size. 

I do think you're right, but I don't really understand why. Maybe because it has all the DNA of a Rivendell but it has no ego; it just wants to be useful above all else.  


Leah Peterson

Apr 16, 2020, 2:41:31 AM4/16/20
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I honestly can’t tell you what it is. I was always hoping Lovely Bicycle would tell us - did you ever read her intro to the black and cream Clementine she got Rivendell to send her? She had a Betty Foy and didn’t like it. She had a Hillborne, too, that I think she liked better. But the Clementine? It was magic. She tried and failed to get the words to describe that bike, but she promised she would deliver them after further review of the bicycle. But then her personal life took her away from blogging and we never did get the full review. I *did* see in her new blog that she wrote in the comments that she rode the Clementine exclusively for all 9 months of her pregnancy. I’m sure she had quite lovely bicycles to choose from, but she chose the Clementine. 

I know you’re tempted by the traditional Rivs, but don’t be. The Clem has fairy dust in the frame! 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 15, 2020, at 7:35 PM, Jason Fuller <jtf.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

Leah, I've thought back to that sentiment that you've stated, about how Clems, despite being the most pedestrian of Rivs, manage to out-do their bejazzled counterparts quite a few times. I thought about it when reading that SF Craigslist ad of the 50cm Atlantis, and how it's for sale because the owner rides their Clem all the time instead. And I definitely think about it when I look at the "sale" Atlantis on the Riv website that happens to be my size. 

I do think you're right, but I don't really understand why. Maybe because it has all the DNA of a Rivendell but it has no ego; it just wants to be useful above all else.  


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Mark Roland

Apr 16, 2020, 2:46:05 AM4/16/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I may start calling mine Clemel. Say it fast, rhymes with dremel. Or no, El Clem! Si!

A fuller report to come, though as I say  above, my first impression is just more good. But two things. Except for a brief couple short neighborhood rides on an orange Clementine, it's been a few years since I've ridden the original geometry. And the other thing, I am likely not as discerning as you.

And I think perhaps the particular changes that occurred might have less impact on my body type, and my brain type. If a bike is a reasonable fit, I adapt the software. That said, I do note ride qualities, basic handling attributes, etc.It would have been neat to have them both at the same time to do a true head to head comparison, that's for sure.
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May 24, 2020, 2:24:07 AM5/24/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Which Dyno hub did you use and are those handlebars Bosco Bullmoose? If so, how’s the reach?

Mark Roland

May 24, 2020, 11:00:17 AM5/24/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Doug. It's a Shimano DH-3N80 I got from Riv a few years back and was sitting accusingly in my parts box all this time. Not sure what the current model is? The bars are indeed Bosco Bullmoose, from my original Clementine. If anything, they feel even more dialed on this newer geo Clem L.


May 24, 2020, 3:25:21 PM5/24/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
That's good to hear Mark. I wasn't a fan of the Bosco bars on my Clem H. Not sure why but they just seemed too upright and too swept back. And, I had to what seemed to me over-tighten the bar clamp to keep the bars from slipping. I think they just have so much leverage, a two bolt clamp might have been better. Anyway, I may go the Bosco Bullmoose route. Thanks for the feedback.

Jason Fuller

May 25, 2020, 10:07:02 PM5/25/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Do you find the knobby tires and metal fenders make for a loud combination on gravel / dirt?  I have just slightly knobby tires with mine and it's a constant symphony of "bzzzzt bzzzzt clack bzzzzt" as small pebbles travel through - and I can feel when a rock hits one of the bolts! My plan is to put some slicks (Rat Trap Pass endurance casing) ASAP so it won't be an issue for too long 

Mark Roland

May 26, 2020, 2:11:53 AM5/26/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
I haven't noticed it being so bad. It may be because there is a decent amount of clearance--these are 700C   63mm  fenders  over 650b tires, so extra width and depth. I guess it's also a matter of tread--maybe some patterns pull the pebbles up into the rotation more than others? If I could find a nice 650b that was 55-60 in a file tread I would be all for it, but Switchbacks are 47mm ish, and I am not fond of the G-One Speed. However, I impulsively ordered a Susie yesterday, so maybe I will go to something smoother for El Clem and get some big bad 700c knobbies for Susie.

Doug Hansford

May 26, 2020, 5:05:42 PM5/26/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
Are you within the recommended weight range for the Susie? Not trying to get personal! I'm just curious as I think a heavier rider would be just fine on a Susie but Riv is likely being as conservative here as with their racks. I'm just above at 175 lbs but would not hesitate to ride one.
Doug Hansford

Mark Roland

May 26, 2020, 7:58:53 PM5/26/20
to RBW Owners Bunch
If I leave my water bottles home I'll be good.
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