Northern Hemisphere Fall / Autumn Riding Photos 2023

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Oct 5, 2023, 7:34:53 PM10/5/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Carrying on with Ted's seasonal riding photos threads, it's now fall.

Around here the leaves are starting to change, but today was summer-like in temperature; a beautiful day for a mostly roadish ride on a singlespeed.




Looking forward to seeing where you all are riding this season.

-Dave (near Boston)

Keith Paugh

Oct 7, 2023, 4:16:21 PM10/7/23
Beautiful ride Dave. What incredible trees. Must have been a hoot!


I had a pretty good one the other day before a heatwave switched us back to summer for another week or two.


Final count: 11 deer, 6 bluejays, 2 Egret & 1 Tai Chi’ist in the middle of the road, around a blind corner. 


No brilliant leaf colors yet. Anything red in these photos is poison oak. Wall-to-wall poison oak, raising the stakes on unfamiliar single track decents.


Keep the colorful ride coverage coming! Us west-coasters are dying to peep them leaves.

- Keith
Southern California (visiting his Northern California parents in these pictures)

On Oct 5, 2023, at 12:35 PM, DavidP <> wrote:

Carrying on with Ted's seasonal riding photos threads, it's now fall.

Around here the leaves are starting to change, but today was summer-like in temperature; a beautiful day for a mostly roadish ride on a singlespeed.




Looking forward to seeing where you all are riding this season.

-Dave (near Boston)

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Oct 8, 2023, 12:48:44 PM10/8/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Dave, thank you for starting the thread.
Beautiful pictures as always. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos when leaves get more colorful.

Keith, that looks like a wonderful place to ride around. And you silver Sam is so beautiful.

Half month ago everyone around here was complaining about how hot it was, and now we're all complaining about how cold it is.
Leaves aren't changing yet, but the top of Mt. Ontake is covered with snow now.



2023年10月8日日曜日 1:16:21 UTC+9 Keith P.:

Eric Marth

Oct 8, 2023, 2:42:04 PM10/8/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Nice pictures David, Ted and Takashi! 

After a week of temps in the mid 80s we had perfect clear weather in the mid 60s yesterday. Just the first touch of rusting foliage down here in Virginia. I haven't been doing any of my nice mountain rides this summer and have been laid up for the past two weeks with shingles!! Yesterday was my first substantial outing in weeks, it was quite good. 

231007 10 Sillhouette.jpg

231007 07 Appa fence.jpg

231007 05 Appa Pipsi.jpg

Keith Paugh

Oct 8, 2023, 5:51:43 PM10/8/23
Beautiful wildflowers Eric.
You look like you were moving at a good a pretty good clip in that first shot.
Glad to see you are feeling better!

On Oct 8, 2023, at 7:42 AM, Eric Marth <> wrote:

Nice pictures David, Ted and Takashi! 

After a week of temps in the mid 80s we had perfect clear weather in the mid 60s yesterday. Just the first touch of rusting foliage down here in Virginia. I haven't been doing any of my nice mountain rides this summer and have been laid up for the past two weeks with shingles!! Yesterday was my first substantial outing in weeks, it was quite good. 

<231007 10 Sillhouette.jpg>

<231007 07 Appa fence.jpg>
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Oct 8, 2023, 11:26:54 PM10/8/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Just back from five days in the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan. Beautiful Fall colors and rugged landscapes.
Randy in WI
Fish Cove Appaloosa 100523WEB.jpgBare Bluff #1WEB.jpgEagle Harbor Lighthouse Rainbow #2WEB.jpgRiding Hoar Lake RoadWEB.jpg

John Rinker

Oct 9, 2023, 1:44:38 AM10/9/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I really enjoy the Autumn photos on these boards- always neat places with beautiful colors and cool bicycles. Takashi's photos in any season make me pine for Japan.

Spent the weekend at a Mushroom Festival and got a few nice rides in here in BC! Along the Kootenay Lake waterfront in Kaslo...

And in the forest among the happy, generous Stonefolk...
They even bicycle parking!
Cheers, John
Message has been deleted

Allan McLane

Oct 10, 2023, 11:50:00 AM10/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Great pictures, everyone, thank you!

My wife and I took our last ride of the season on Mt Desert Island yesterday. This is looking south over Eagle Lake towards Pemetic, the Bubbles, and Sargent mountains.The leaves seem a bit drab this fall but the riding on the carriage roads never disappoints. Bikes are a Roscoe Platy and an Yves Gomez.

Allan, on the road back to Marlboro, Vt


Oct 10, 2023, 2:02:15 PM10/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here are a few from last week in Leverett MA. I really need to find a good point-and-shoot camera, I've found the iPhone can't do things justice.


Frank Burkybile

Oct 10, 2023, 3:40:02 PM10/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Just finished a week of riding 460-ish miles through North Carolina as part of the CycleNC Mountains to Coast ride. Great ride and great weather. I was the only Rivendell rider out of the 900 or so participants and got a lot of questions and comments on the bike. I rode my early Sam Hillborne in green and gold. It was the perfect choice for this type of riding. I didn't get that many pictures of the bike but I included a few here of your review. Happy Fall everyone!


Christian B-H

Oct 10, 2023, 5:31:55 PM10/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
IMG_4854.jpeg@Frank congrats on the ride and kudos to all the finishers. In a crowd of lycra, clip-in shoes and and generic “go-fast” bikes, the Sam Hillborne + T Shirt + Bedrocks is a winning and unique combination! Love it. 

Here in Colorado’s front range, the color of the season, yellow, is entering its fullest stage. Pardon the mixed tires as the platypus sheds it’s mountain biking Maxxis Rambler 50mm’s and adopts it’s Rene Herse slick hand-me-down 44mm’s. 

Eric Norris

Oct 10, 2023, 6:02:17 PM10/10/23
to Eric Norris
Wait … what? The bikes and riders in the photo from the finish are dominated by casual wear, tank tops, flat pedals and comfy shoes, and equipment that doesn’t look very “go-fast.” Most of the riders are wearing cycling jerseys, but they’re certainly not the skin-tight style I would associate with the term “Lycra.” The group in the photo, judging by bikes, shoes, and their choice of clothing, seem like they’re more focused on having fun than going fast. 

So, why tar them with the ”crowd of lycra” pejorative? Are we so far down the Rivendell rabbit hole that wearing colorful clothing that isn’t a cotton T-shirt means you’re an “other” and worthy of scorn?

My personal experience as I’ve been in the cycling milieu for many decades is that the longer I do this the less I care what other people wear or ride. Just have fun, and say hello to that other rider on a different bike. You might be surprised. 


--Eric Norris
Insta: @CampyOnlyGuy

Christian B-H

Oct 10, 2023, 6:11:18 PM10/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
No slights or harm intended…As I said, “congrats to all the finishers.” Simply trying to give Frank a compliment for having a bike and style that I admire, which in this case stands out as unique from more standard “cycling attire and equipment.” My apologies if my comment seemed derisive or divisive or derogatory. I also wear Lycra and cycling jerseys and clip-in shoes and ride a racing bike quite frequently…just saying that on this occasion, Frank stood out as unique in his equipment choice and looked cool!

Brian Turner

Oct 10, 2023, 6:42:58 PM10/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I didn't read that as a slight. I think we can all agree that it's the norm for just about any sort of organized ride, that the overwhelming majority of riders are wearing some sort of "kit", and that usually entails brightly colored, often logo / graphic heavy, form-fitting attire. Says nothing about the riders themselves, but I think there's a certain amount of refreshing individuality that's lacking in situations like that. When you choose to dress differently, especially when you ride a classically styled steel, lugged bicycle, you tend to stand out from the crowd. Sometimes, you may even get comments that seem condescending or back-handed because you are obviously "different" or simply because the commenter lacks a certain amount of social tact. Surely, as Rivendell enthusiasts, we've all experienced this to some extent. This reality is also the basis for Leah's posts about participating in her group rides, or the recent thread about style on the bike. I doubt any of us would be here if there wasn't just a bit of a nonconformist, "outside the mainstream" spirit in us.


Oct 11, 2023, 1:52:05 AM10/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Nice Hillborne Frank, my mom and her pals did the first couple days to Mebane.

I had a much needed escape from brooklyn long bike ride this past weekend. Took the train to Croton, road along the reservoir and then back home. Starting to feel crispy here..


In case anybodys wondering, I finally installed the rear fender monday evening. Metal fender installs are indeed not for the faint of heart, at least when you're going for max tire size.



Jay Lonner

Oct 11, 2023, 1:46:14 PM10/11/23
Croatia is in the Northern Hemisphere… This was taken earlier today on the island of Hvar, looking north to the island of Brač. Looking forward to some riding on Korčula tomorrow. Incredible terrain, fantastic weather, indulgent food, and the company of my delightful wife.

The generic Trek rental bike in the photo works just fine, and is a good reminder to me that while it’s fun to geek out over gear, in the end it’s all about just getting out there and riding.

Jay Lonner
Bellingham, WA


Sent from my Atari 400

On Oct 10, 2023, at 5:40 PM, Frank Burkybile <> wrote:

Just finished a week of riding 460-ish miles through North Carolina as part of the CycleNC Mountains to Coast ride. Great ride and great weather. I was the only Rivendell rider out of the 900 or so participants and got a lot of questions and comments on the bike. I rode my early Sam Hillborne in green and gold. It was the perfect choice for this type of riding. I didn't get that many pictures of the bike but I included a few here of your review. Happy Fall everyone!


On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 10:02:15 AM UTC-4 greenteadrinkers wrote:
Here are a few from last week in Leverett MA. I really need to find a good point-and-shoot camera, I've found the iPhone can't do things justice.


On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7:50:00 AM UTC-4 wrote:
Great pictures, everyone, thank you!

My wife and I took our last ride of the season on Mt Desert Island yesterday. This is looking south over Eagle Lake towards Pemetic, the Bubbles, and Sargent mountains.The leaves seem a bit drab this fall but the riding on the carriage roads never disappoints. Bikes are a Roscoe Platy and an Yves Gomez.

Allan, on the road back to Marlboro, Vt
On Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 3:34:53 PM UTC-4 DavidP wrote:
Carrying on with Ted's seasonal riding photos threads, it's now fall.

Around here the leaves are starting to change, but today was summer-like in temperature; a beautiful day for a mostly roadish ride on a singlespeed.




Looking forward to seeing where you all are riding this season.

-Dave (near Boston)

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Oct 18, 2023, 7:02:31 PM10/18/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanks for sharing, everyone. Great to see so many different places!

Here are a couple from a shakedown ride this afternoon (hence no bar tape yet):




Eric Marth

Oct 19, 2023, 9:20:39 PM10/19/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
231015 Ride 03.jpg
One from this evening!

Josh (BertoBerg)

Oct 19, 2023, 9:25:44 PM10/19/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Absolutely gorgeous, Eric! Thanks for sharing.

Josh Youngberg

Keith Paugh

Oct 19, 2023, 10:08:11 PM10/19/23

On Oct 19, 2023, at 2:25 PM, Josh (BertoBerg) <> wrote:

Absolutely gorgeous, Eric! Thanks for sharing.

Josh Youngberg

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Oct 20, 2023, 6:39:08 AM10/20/23
So good!

On Oct 19, 2023, at 2:20 PM, Eric Marth <> wrote:

John Rinker

Oct 20, 2023, 11:47:28 PM10/20/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
One from today on my way home from Nelson, BC:
Cheers, John

Keith Paugh

Oct 21, 2023, 3:13:52 AM10/21/23
Love it. 🍁
Thanks John.


On Oct 20, 2023, at 4:47 PM, John Rinker <> wrote:

One from today on my way home from Nelson, BC:


Oct 21, 2023, 3:01:16 PM10/21/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Randy's Michigan photos are just stunning. Appaloosa must have been a perfect bike for such terrain.

Eric's and John's photos are also gorgeous. Makes me want to go there, sit, and enjoy the view for an hour or so.

Here are couple of photos from today's ride.
Leaves are starting to change, and they'll be more colorful in a week, I expect.

Looked like leaves were in full colors in the mountains.


2023年10月21日土曜日 12:13:52 UTC+9 Keith P.:

Oct 21, 2023, 9:36:02 PM10/21/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thank you for the compliment. Yes, the Appaloosa was perfect for the terrain. Keep posting pictures of your part of the world, much more beautiful than I knew! Hope you have great Fall color.
Randy in WI

Ted Durant

Oct 22, 2023, 4:55:44 PM10/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi All -

LOVING the photos and stories that have been posted. Today I did my loop around the north half of Milwaukee. It's not as spectacular as Holy Hill, which I did last week and, alas, took no photos (they couldn't have done it justice, anyway). We're having a beautiful fall here. The city started closing various roads during COVID, as an encouragement to get people out walking. This parkway is still closed to cars. The road is so awful I think they might just leave it closed until they have the money to repave it. 50mm tires at 28psi were barely enough.
The Oak Leaf trail does a full loop around the city. This is in the northwest quadrant.


West of the city I pick up the Hank Aaron trail and head east toward downtown. Downhill and downwind today.


Hammerin' Hank didn't play in this ballpark, but it's in basically the same location as old County Stadium. 


And, speaking of famous Milwaukee icons ... Arthur Fonzarelli gives my Breadwinner two thumbs up.


The boats are gradually coming out of the marina. Mine came out two days ago :-(


For those in the SW Michigan / SE Wisconsin / NE Illinois area, I've been talking with Leah about having a meetup here next year, and I'm thinking this will be the loop.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI USA

Patrick Moore

Oct 22, 2023, 7:38:03 PM10/22/23
People have posted many beautiful landscapes with beautiful bikes. Here in ABQ, NM Fall is strugging against near-record highs -- very low 80s last week and forecast 79*F today; about 71 just now when I took the photo. But early morning temps have dropped to 39*F outside my door right in the river valley and trees are beginning to turn. This is pretty but otherwise forlorn instance taken just now a little after 1 pm MDST on the way home from church on the canal frontage rode alongside the dry acequia just North of the open space center a block or so East of Coors NW. I hope I'll find more colorful trees in prettier terrain shortly.

Sorry, the bike didn't make it into the photo; it was the Matthews #1.


Brian Turner

Oct 22, 2023, 8:13:23 PM10/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I pedaled out to a park in a neighboring county that I'd never been to. It was a nice creekside view with a picturesque dam, and I enjoyed watching a heron fish right below the dam. 40 mi ride on a perfect fall day.

Richard Rose

Oct 22, 2023, 9:42:27 PM10/22/23
Hello Brian. Lexington area I presume. I once did a ride (quite the adventure!) from Lexington airport to Frankfort & back. I remember stone walls like this one. It was a beautiful ride, a long time ago.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2023, at 4:13 PM, Brian Turner <> wrote:

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Brian Turner

Oct 23, 2023, 12:10:34 AM10/23/23
Yes, Richard! I’m in Lexington. I’ve just recently begun to do road rides here again after a long hiatus. I’d forgotten how incredibly pretty riding in horse country can be. 

On Oct 22, 2023, at 5:42 PM, Richard Rose <> wrote:

Hello Brian. Lexington area I presume. I once did a ride (quite the adventure!) from Lexington airport to Frankfort & back. I remember stone walls like this one. It was a beautiful ride, a long time ago.

Piaw Na

Oct 23, 2023, 12:54:32 AM10/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
It rained today for the first time in a while in the San Francisco Bay Area. I took my Roadini out to do a dirt loop that will soon be closed to bikes if we get more rain, and got a couple of rainbows and one very dirty roadini at the end of the ride.

Josh C

Oct 23, 2023, 2:44:06 PM10/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
On Saturday I got out with my wife and daughter for a spin to look at the beautiful fall colors here in central IN. We took mostly bike paths including the central canal towpath out to the 100 acres Art and Nature Park. The views, trail conditions, and weather were all perfect. Here's a few shots. 
IMG_3641 Large.jpegIMG_0786 Large.jpegIMG_0784 Large.jpegIMG_0797 Large.jpegIMG_0793 Large.jpegIMG_0794 Large.jpeg

Ryan Frahm

Oct 23, 2023, 3:43:24 PM10/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Great photos everyone! Makes me feel like I need to stop for pictures more often. Or get something other than my iPhone to take them with!

Brady Smith

Oct 23, 2023, 6:18:14 PM10/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Not as obviously autumnal as some of the above shots, but here's two pics from a weekend of exploring the San Rafael Swell in central Utah. My La Cabra in its element!

Brady in SLC 

IMG_1418 Medium.jpeg


Chris Chen

Oct 24, 2023, 4:08:24 PM10/24/23
Long time, no write.

We moved to Vancouver BC five years ago. Wet coast fall colours are usually straight-to-compost, but hey, at least the leaves are big.

We had a kid, well, actually two, so it's CETMA cargo all the time these days. Last time I tried to ride my Homer I almost fell off.


Ted Durant

Oct 27, 2023, 6:46:42 PM10/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Back in LA for a week, and the locals tell me it's lovely fall weather here. It was in the 90's last week, and this morning was in the upper 50's and cloudy. The clouds cleared out some as the morning warmed up. West Coast Sam waited patiently and rewarded me with a lovely ride up and down Cherry Canyon Motorway, with some bonus time in the hills above the Rose Bowl.


Ted Durant
Alhambra, CA USA


Oct 27, 2023, 8:10:05 PM10/27/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Ted - that looks like an amazing ride.

Here in Massachusetts we are having an unseasonably warm spell (high-70s). This afternoon's road ride was delightful.



Marc Irwin

Oct 28, 2023, 2:51:33 PM10/28/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I can't believe Leah Peterson hasn't contributed
Oh there she is gushing over the Michigan fall capturing one of her thousands of leaf photos.

On Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 12:16:21 PM UTC-4 Keith P. wrote:
Beautiful ride Dave. What incredible trees. Must have been a hoot!


I had a pretty good one the other day before a heatwave switched us back to summer for another week or two.


Final count: 11 deer, 6 bluejays, 2 Egret & 1 Tai Chi’ist in the middle of the road, around a blind corner. 


No brilliant leaf colors yet. Anything red in these photos is poison oak. Wall-to-wall poison oak, raising the stakes on unfamiliar single track decents.


Keep the colorful ride coverage coming! Us west-coasters are dying to peep them leaves.

- Keith
Southern California (visiting his Northern California parents in these pictures)

On Oct 5, 2023, at 12:35 PM, DavidP <> wrote:

Carrying on with Ted's seasonal riding photos threads, it's now fall.

Around here the leaves are starting to change, but today was summer-like in temperature; a beautiful day for a mostly roadish ride on a singlespeed.




Looking forward to seeing where you all are riding this season.

-Dave (near Boston)

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Oct 28, 2023, 3:23:49 PM10/28/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
IMG_2533.jpegIMG_2550.jpegA couple of images from the last few days in Iowa County, Wisconsin. We had good Fall color, but short-lived because of rain and wind this week. Randy in WI

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Oct 28, 2023, 8:24:31 PM10/28/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Marc! 🤣 It’s true. I begged him to wait a half an hour for me so I could ride his fall color ride last weekend. And he found it in his heart to wait, even though he knew I would be like this.

I’m all up in these leaves over here. Loving it. Loving every darn second.


Piaw Na

Oct 29, 2023, 1:13:13 AM10/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here are my photos from today:

Ran into an A Homer Hilsen rider (one of the tall ones, because his Homer had a double top tube) while descending to Stevens Canyon Road on the trail. Didn't get a picture, but nice to see other Rivendells out there!


Oct 29, 2023, 7:43:42 PM10/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Made it out for a ride today. Here are some fun foliage fotos from the garden state.



Oct 29, 2023, 8:45:24 PM10/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I may be fudging a bit here, but the pics were shot today on a ride in the Pisgah National F.orest, though. my Riv was sitting in the garage back home (sulking, no doubt).     Steve



Eric Marth

Oct 31, 2023, 5:49:39 AM10/31/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here are a few from my ride yesterday :o) 

231028 Ride 09 Estes.jpg
231028 Ride 04 Estes.jpg

231028 Ride 10 Woodward.jpg

Nov 1, 2023, 1:16:47 AM11/1/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Spectacular Fall scenery, Eric.
Randy in WI (where falling snow mixed with falling leaves today)


Nov 1, 2023, 2:58:54 PM11/1/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I agree with Randy; Eric's photos are spectacular.

Here are some photos from Saturday's ride.
Climbed up a mountain pass, overlooking Mt. Ontake and Kaida Plateau.




A couple of scarecrows were enjoying majestic view of Mt. Ontake.
(Yes, they're scarecrows.)


2023年11月1日水曜日 10:16:47 UTC+9

Eric Marth

Nov 2, 2023, 2:58:13 AM11/2/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thank you Randy and Takashi!  

Takashi, always love when you share a set with us! Third photo is my fave from this batch! 


Nov 2, 2023, 9:26:11 AM11/2/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
In the places bikes take us thread I posted some shots of my Monday-Tuesday ride, being fall and the foliage as it was I thought I'd add some here too. 
The GAP is about 20 minutes from my door in town and it provides a lot of riding scenery and seclusion. I decided on short notice to use last Monday and Tuesday's wonderful forecast to ride down to Ohiopyle for the night. Seemed like the swan song for leaves around these parts. Not disappointing.

The trail is always near the Youghiogheny River once you reach its mouth on the Monongaghela River.
Morning in Ohiopyle.
Eighty miles of mostly this
Very different scnery when nearing home. 
Always a good ride.

Andy Cheatham

On Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 3:34:53 PM UTC-4 DavidP wrote:
Carrying on with Ted's seasonal riding photos threads, it's now fall.

Around here the leaves are starting to change, but today was summer-like in temperature; a beautiful day for a mostly roadish ride on a singlespeed.




Jason Fuller

Nov 5, 2023, 2:26:33 AM11/5/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
This year's foliage has been particularly great owing to the sudden cold snap a couple weeks ago. From today's adventure - I have many more photos of the foliage but I think the size of this thread is stopping me from being able to share more 


Eric Marth

Nov 5, 2023, 4:50:01 PM11/5/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
When fall rolls around you can count on Jason to have the goods! 

Here are a few more from one of my favorite loops in Virginia's Northern Piedmont.
231028 Ride 05 Sycamore ridge.jpg

231028 Ride 14 Woodward.jpg
231028 Ride 15 Yancey Red Oak.jpg

Calvin Yolo

Nov 8, 2023, 2:57:55 PM11/8/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Not as pretty as everyone else but here's Roman's Legolas and my Roadeo


Beth Hamon

Nov 8, 2023, 9:59:51 PM11/8/23
to RBW Owners Bunch



Lots of shorter Coffeeneuring rides in Portland this fall.
Happy riding!
Beth H in PDX

matt miller

Nov 10, 2023, 1:12:32 AM11/10/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Still a lot of leaves on trees here in STL. Take my daughter to the nearby park a lot (hence the bottles). Probably putting more miles/hours on my BMC Road+, but always love taking the Homer out, even if the bars don't quite "feel" right, yet. Looking forward to riding around the city for Cranksgiving this weekend.
Matt in STL
IMG_4197 Large.jpeg

Patrick Moore

Nov 10, 2023, 4:02:37 AM11/10/23
Welcome back, Beth and a prize for the most badges and stickers on a bike. Do I see Tarik Saleh? I remember the All Rounder (I think it's an AR.)

Patrick Moore, whose stickers are all on his car (I once had exactly 144 on a much-missed Plymouth minivan).

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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing services.


When thou didst not, savage,

Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like

A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes

With words that made them known.


Nov 11, 2023, 2:18:13 AM11/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Some pictures from last Sunday's ride. There was a heavy rainfall since then, and leaves are mostly fallen by now.





2023年11月10日金曜日 13:02:37 UTC+9 Patrick Moore:

Matt Miller

Nov 11, 2023, 2:22:02 AM11/11/23
Wow, Takashi, that first frame is beautiful. Well done.
Matt in STL.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 10, 2023, at 8:18 PM, Takashi <> wrote:

Some pictures from last Sunday's ride. There was a heavy rainfall since then, and leaves are mostly fallen by now.



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Piaw Na

Nov 11, 2023, 3:35:15 PM11/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Here are my contributions this week. Dappled light in the forest with leaves crunching under my tires and dappled light everywhere. Single-tracking with the Roadini is great. 


Mark C

Nov 11, 2023, 4:49:17 PM11/11/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
The leaves are mostly on the ground now, but still pretty. Plus great November weather for West Virginia.

Rambouillet Tuesday on the Deckers Creek Trail

And Rosco yesterday at White Park


Coal Bee Rye Anne

Nov 11, 2023, 7:32:03 PM11/11/23
Same spot, same week, different day, different bike, different view.  These would equally apply to the places our bikes take us discussion as this is a midpoint and short detour off a regular loop that serves as a much needed reprieve from the typical home based workday.  I always tell myself I’ll do more brookside picnic lunches but more often than not my rides are unplanned and opportunistic quick escapes at various midday periods so this more or less serves as a brief hydration and contemplative rest stop before returning.

Brian Cole 
Lawrenceville NJ
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Jason Fuller

Nov 12, 2023, 12:40:29 AM11/12/23
We had quite a lot of wind and rain last night, which left the ground properly covered in leaves (as well as branches and some fallen trees) today. PXL_20231111_204040330.jpg

On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 11:32 AM Coal Bee Rye Anne <> wrote:
Same spot, same week, different day, different bike, different view.  These would equally apply to the places our bikes take us discussion as this is a midpoint and short detour off a regular loop that serves as a much needed reprieve from the typical home based workday.  I always tell myself I’ll do more brookside picnic lunches but more often than not my rides are unplanned and opportunistic quick escapes at various midday periods so this more or less serves as a brief hydration and contemplative rest stop before returning.

Brian Cole 
Lawrenceville NJ

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, Mark C <> wrote:
The leaves are mostly on the ground now, but still pretty. Plus great November weather for West Virginia.

Rambouillet Tuesday on the Deckers Creek Trail

And Rosco yesterday at White Park


On Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 10:35:15 AM UTC-5 wrote:
Here are my contributions this week. Dappled light in the forest with leaves crunching under my tires and dappled light everywhere. Single-tracking with the Roadini is great. 

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Eric Marth

Nov 12, 2023, 2:35:31 AM11/12/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I want to visit Jason and Takashi! 

Here are a few from my ride this afternoon.





Nov 12, 2023, 10:04:55 PM11/12/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Many of my rides take place in urban Atlanta so my contribution isn't of the pretty, leafy variety. 70 degrees, lower humidity, clear blue sky and sharp light doesn't happen in the summer so it's pretty sweet when days like this happen. Sam Hillborne on Nov. 5 at Inman Rail Yards.

IMG_0697 (1).jpg 
Rich in ATL

Patrick Moore

Nov 12, 2023, 10:53:28 PM11/12/23
Rich: It has been decades since I was last in Atlanta, and I've never cycled there, but I recall that, at least 20 years ago when I last visited my sister and bro-in-law (they took to coming out here instead), it did not look to be a very cycling-friendly city. I also recall the area from even earlier visits to my grandmother who lived in Decatur, and these even more distant memories also are of a poor cycling environment in the Decatur/Emory area. Have things changed?

Aside: do you know the Gilbert house? I see it's now a city-owned landmark. It belonged to family-by-second-marriage: a paternal great-uncle and widower married one of the Gilbert sisters and I recall visiting the Faulknerian remnants of the (I think) 2d-gen Gilbert siblings about 1964, all living there together, all well over 100 years old (exaggeration), including Aunt Gus who boasted that she hadn't been outside of the house for 13 years (not exaggeration) and Hattie who had been bedridden for years. They had a cook (I recall playing with her son) who from a detached kitchen with covered walkway to the house made wonderful 18-course meals 4 or 5 times a day; between courses they ate biscuits with butter and honey, like sopapillas in NM. All as distant culturally from my WDC-suburban upbringing as my mother's family in Sorosogon, Sorsogon. Bike content: cook's son had a bike which even back circa 1964 interested me rather greatly and which I mentally compared to my entry-level fff24"-wheel JC Higgins.

Eric: Where is that horse country?


Jason Fuller

Nov 13, 2023, 12:56:13 AM11/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Some more .. I've been riding the Bombadil pretty much exclusively lately, after riding it very little all summer. 

Eric - please do visit!  Late March thru late April is when the best display of cherry/plum blossoms outside Japan are in full swing. 

PXL_20231104_211128475 (1).jpg

Jacob Tobey

Nov 13, 2023, 1:16:46 AM11/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

I enjoyed some fall colors on the Bleriot this weekend

Mark C

Nov 13, 2023, 3:10:00 AM11/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

I road my old Ritchey to nearby White Park just over a week ago and there was still some color, but the leaves fell fast after that.


Eric Marth

Nov 13, 2023, 1:36:32 PM11/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Great pics everyone!

Patrick: That's Caroline County, Virginia, about 12 miles from home.

Richard Rose

Nov 13, 2023, 2:57:56 PM11/13/23
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 12, 2023, at 7:56 PM, Jason Fuller <> wrote:

Some more .. I've been riding the Bombadil pretty much exclusively lately, after riding it very little all summer. 

Eric - please do visit!  Late March thru late April is when the best display of cherry/plum blossoms outside Japan are in full swing. 

<PXL_20231104_211128475 (1).jpg>

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<PXL_20231104_211128475 (1).jpg>

R Shannon

Nov 13, 2023, 3:49:22 PM11/13/23
Hello Patrick,

Thanks for the introduction and background regarding the Gilbert House. I had not heard of it but you always have a good story to tell and this is certainly one.
Here is a link to the Gilbert House:

Regarding the cycling environment here: I'm seeing more cyclists, many group ride opportunities, some infrastructure improvements like lanes (still not enough). The ongoing construction of the Beltline; the Path Foundation continues its efforts to expand the trail system with the goal of connecting to the Silver Comet. Unfortunately, the volume of traffic has exploded and with that speeds to match; likely the same in many large cities. However, if you know when and where to ride there are plenty of options for year round riding. Oh, and hills. Lots of those to get your heart rate up.

I should add, if you don't mind driving an hour or two in any direction from the city there are pleasant low traffic rolling country roads like this to ride.

Rich in ATL

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Jason R.

Nov 13, 2023, 7:16:32 PM11/13/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
A few photos from a weekend ride on the Salt Creek Trail west of Chicago. Peak leaf season has passed here, but a good number of sparsely populated trees with leaves of varying colors keep it going.


Brady Smith

Nov 13, 2023, 7:35:47 PM11/13/23
IMG_1509 Medium.jpeg

Fall is slowly transitioning to winter in the Wasatch, though perhaps not as quickly as we'd like. Here's a
shot from my favorite cycling grounds, Big Mountain Pass, from last Saturday. Not pictured, but I was on 
my 2020 Roadini, which makes big, twisty descents a blast, even in the cold. 

R Shannon

Nov 13, 2023, 8:39:28 PM11/13/23
Jason, you have good looking Atlantis!

Rich in ATL


Nov 14, 2023, 12:44:33 PM11/14/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Joined a fun ride up the OCA trail north of NYC this past weekend. Super nice late fall day, thanks for the intel Justin.




Eric Marth

Nov 14, 2023, 10:03:59 PM11/14/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Stephen: Two things, 1) Hi Dan! 2) Nice Stan Rays 😎 3) Oops that's three, nice pics! 

Eric Marth

Nov 14, 2023, 10:08:08 PM11/14/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jason R: Nice shots & Hillborne!

John Dewey

Nov 15, 2023, 4:36:02 PM11/15/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Jason R.

Nov 15, 2023, 8:29:32 PM11/15/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Eric - Nice of you to say. In addition to the little shiny sardine, I've probably taken in some influence of yours somewhere along the way given all your thoughtful contributions and videos. Cheers.

And Rich - I'm unsure if there's another Atlantis'd Jason in the thread here that I missed (apologies if that's the case) or if my light-blue Sam came off looking sub-green from the surrounding leaves. But thanks so much if your comment was meant for my Riv!

Beautiful photos and bicycles all around on this thread.

R Shannon

Nov 15, 2023, 9:28:59 PM11/15/23
Hello JasonR,

Apologies if I confused your Sam with an Atlantis. Not a bad thing I guess:-) Must have looked at your post on my phone. Anyway, from one Sam owner to another yours does look really sharp! Enjoy the fall riding.

Rich in ATL

John Rinker

Nov 16, 2023, 5:53:07 PM11/16/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Not too many colorful or falling leaves here: 
But about every 200 years, one of these guys falls over. 
Cheers, John

Eric Marth

Nov 17, 2023, 12:10:17 AM11/17/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Love it, John! 

Here's one from today. Not pictured: noxious smoky air from either wildfires in Madison, VA or a tractor trailer fire on 1-95. 



Nov 17, 2023, 3:57:24 AM11/17/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
John Rinker,  nice photos!    I want to ride that trail !!! (or one like it).   Southern Arizona?

Steve (in the leafy North Carolina Appalachians)

John Rinker

Nov 17, 2023, 4:47:56 PM11/17/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hey Steve,

Yes, this is near Usrey Mountain in Mesa, AZ. That's Superstition Mountian off in the distance. Great riding, beautiful desert!

Cheers, John

Eric Marth

Nov 18, 2023, 11:10:55 PM11/18/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Ride 231118 08.jpg

Ride 231117 02.jpg.jpeg

One from today, one from yesterday.


Nov 19, 2023, 4:09:28 PM11/19/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Platypus cruise along the Swamp Rabbit Rail Trail.  We've had a string of gorgeous November days in the Southeast. Gotta love it!


WAIT A MINUTE!!!    How did that guy get there?

Ted Durant

Nov 19, 2023, 6:52:24 PM11/19/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Sunday morning traffic jam in SE Wisconsin

Ted Durant
Milwaukee, WI USA


Sally Bidleman

Nov 19, 2023, 8:04:53 PM11/19/23
Turkeys .jpg
                    Thanksgiving Holiday Traffic!

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Ted Durant

Nov 19, 2023, 10:04:39 PM11/19/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 2:04:53 PM UTC-6 SallyG wrote:
                    Thanksgiving Holiday Traffic!

Hah, that's great! I also had a few turkeys cross in front of me on my ride today. I rang my bell at them but they paid zero attention.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI USA 

Eric Marth

Nov 19, 2023, 10:05:38 PM11/19/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
SallyG: Where is this scene? Palmated trees and wild turkeys. Looks like the guy in back has a pretty long beard! 

Sally Bidleman

Nov 20, 2023, 2:35:52 AM11/20/23

Bustling Morro Bay on the central coast of CA!

Jason Fuller

Nov 20, 2023, 2:39:50 AM11/20/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
A windy morning re-blanketed this section of sidewalk for probably the last time this year, since there's not a lot left in the trees.  Plus I rebuilt the Hillborne with Albatross (again) and a few new tweaks. 



Nov 20, 2023, 3:19:37 AM11/20/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
SallyG and Eric
I remember my first week in the bay area after when I didn't yet have the confidence to ride far from the house, I ran into two turkeys having a dance off. I should've been entranced by their hypnotic circling of each other but all I could think was TURKEYS IN CALIFORNIA?!? I'd lived my whole live in WV and had no idea those big birds would be there. 


Nov 23, 2023, 5:35:51 PM11/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jason, nice build - and a nice pic too. I'm starting to lust after those Moto-Lites.

Greg Lamont

Nov 23, 2023, 10:59:16 PM11/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Thanksgiving morning ride! I had the trail all to myself. This was probably my last ride on this loop for the season. We'll see if the snow holds off for any longer, but it will be unrideable, and probably remain that way through the winter, with one heavy storm. IMG_3534.jpeg

Greg Lamont

Nov 23, 2023, 11:01:00 PM11/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Greg Lamont

Nov 23, 2023, 11:02:28 PM11/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch

Wrongway Pete

Nov 25, 2023, 5:33:53 PM11/25/23

An early test run of my nearly-new (and absolutely new-to-me) 62cm 2018 Rivendell Joe Appaloosa. The bike provides a super stable and cushy ride, which I relish, but currently is a slight "work in progress" in terms of bars, racks, and other fitments. To be deployed in the future, some first generation Crust Towel Rack bars, Shimano bar-end shifters, Tektro brake levers, a rear Nitto Campee rack, and various tire packages. 

This particular ride was along the White River State Trail, a section of the former Milwaukee Road rail corridor in southeast Wisconsin, which runs from Elkhorn in Walworth County, 19 miles eastward to Dover in Racine County, with a gap at Burlington. A section of the trail sits due north of the Wisconsin resort community of Lake Geneva ("Chicagoland's playground"). The first image was taken about a mile west of the Burlington trailhead, on the utility bridge a tad off the trail and perpendicular to it. The bridge spans the White River and allows the farm in the northern distance to trundle its vehicles across the river and the east-west running trail itself and so to access the fields on the southern side of the trail. It is a peaceful spot from which to watch the river meander and to espy Johnny and Mary Muskrat as they sally forth from their watery den.

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The next three photos were taken in tiny and bucolic Springfield, approximately six miles from the western start of the trail in Elkhorn, along State Trunk Road 120 and Depot Street. The old Springfield Lumber, Feed & Fuel Co. buildings along the former railbed now serve as Pedal & Cup's bike rental depot. Note the bicycle shadow cast from the sign in the upper-right hand side of the image.

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Across the road from the Lumber Company resides the former Milwaukee Road train depot, preserved pretty much in its original 1911 livery, but now used not to sell tickets and ship steamer trunks but to purvey Pedal & Cup's delicious ice cream and coffee (alas, closed for the season).

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Should any leisurely-minded and lollygagging-inclined fellow Rivendell enthusiasts within reach wish to come together for a party-paced ride some uncharacteristically balmy autumn day or sometime come Spring, do let me know. Cheese-and-watercress sandwiches and bergamot-infused tea shall be on the menu. 


Peter (aka "Wrongway Pete")
Whitewater, Wisconsin

"For here is entertainment in excelsis, the sight, the sound and the scent of things....Why cycling for joy is not the most popular passtime on earth is still a mystery to me." ---Frank J. Urry, "SALUTE TO CYCLING"
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Coco Menk

Nov 28, 2023, 6:04:55 PM11/28/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Some from October in Squamish BC!

Eric Marth

Nov 29, 2023, 7:09:18 PM11/29/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Love those fendered fat tires, Coco!  :o) 
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