I've been thinking a lot about saddles since yesterday's experiment. I was reading the articles on
bike.bikegremlin.com and I had some good take-away's.
For one, I re-measured my sit bone width, and it was 115mm (I'm 155 pounds, 32" waist and 6'0, so I have a skinny butt!).
Two: I think what's always been odd about me is how I sit on a saddle. Although I'm flexible (can easily bend over and touch the floor, almost palms on the floor), I don't like an aero position because I have a long-term issue with my cervical spine. It's much better, but I just prefer more upright than your typical roadie (I would think I'm around 55 degree spine angle). I can't explain how I sit on the saddle but a couple of bike fitters have made general comments (that I can't recall).
Third and key for me, is saddle shape. I've had the best luck on flat saddles tail to tip (not wavy), t-shaped, and flat curvature from side to side. And if they have a cut out, it needs to be very small and not have edges that can dig into me.
When I sit on a saddle that is too wide (I think my 147mm is too wide), I'm sitting forward, because my legs can't clear at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Add a wide cut out to that (that is widest in the middle of the saddle) and I'm sitting on the widest part of the cut-out, which may dig into me. Basically, I want my sit bones on the widest/flattest part of the saddle.
If I was very upright, a B17 might work, but that's not how I ride (in particular with drop bars). In the drops (love flared drops) I'm probably 45-50 spine angle, on the tops maybe 60.
I'm now going on the hunt for a saddle around 140mm wide, and relatively flat in both directions. I'll give that a shot and see how it goes!