Upload local data to own website

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Apr 13, 2019, 1:21:34 PM4/13/19
to RaspberryShake
I am new to this and just successfully did setup my shake&boom.

My question would be how can I upload data (current Helicorder page and boom data) to my website?

Thanks a lot for your help


Apr 14, 2019, 11:47:28 AM4/14/19
to RaspberryShake
Welcome to this. Its a lot of fun.

You seem to be asking two different questions.
1. How to get the current helicorder page on your website.
2. How to get boom data on your website.

If you do a bit of a search, you can find the answer to 1.
Here it is here;
From SSH;
sudo su 
(Only sudo has privileges to write to the required directory).
crontab -e
(Vi editor, so hit :i to get into insert mode)
*/2 * * * * cp `ls /opt/data/gifs/R7EE4_SHZ_AM_00.2* -1t | head -1` /opt/data/gifs/latest.gif
(Swap out the R7EE etc for your station ID)
(To save and exit in Vi, hit :x enter)
(To get out of sudo).

Now you find your latest helicorder display at the IPaddressofYourPi:5000/heli/latest.gif
That is a valid URL on the local LAN, so if your webserver is also on your lan, you can just link to that URL and the image will show up on the webpage.
(If not, you can set up an FTP or scp etc to copy it over the Internet).

As for your second question....
The boom is the same as the shake, so the same deal should work.
My boom has been down due to reasons, I plan to get it going again today.
Will check that the same process will work for it.



Paweł Wiejacz

Apr 14, 2019, 12:15:49 PM4/14/19
to raspber...@googlegroups.com
If your website accepts ssh login, then set up rsa/dsa identification and invoke sftp by cron on the shake.
This might be somewhat tricky because you usually need to transfer the last file but sometimes you need to transfer the last and previous-to-the-last files. Your cron must first perform some scripts so that sftp knows what it is to transfer.
Pawel R9F13

Some useful links:
Manual: http://manual.raspberryshake.org/
Do It YourSelf Page: http://raspberryshake.org/do-it-yourself
Shop: https://shop.raspberryshake.org/
Website: http://raspberryshake.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raspishake/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raspishake/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/raspishake/
Hashtag: #rasperryshake, @raspishake
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7914/SN/AM
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