Changing request timeout

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Adrian Lynch

Nov 25, 2015, 12:47:01 PM11/25/15
Running an application on Railo 4.2.1 and testing locally on the Express version (Jetty).

I can't seem to increase or decrease the request timeout from it's current 50 seconds.

It's set to 50 in the server admin.

I change it, restart Railo, restart Jetty but still it times out at 50 seconds.

I started off trying to set the request timeout in a script component, read around that if wasn't suuported, moved to a tag based component, moved to setting it in App.cfc, then went to Railo admin. None seem to have changed the timeout.

Am I missing something?

Any pointers to bugs I might not be finding on the googles?

I won't be able to move this app to a newer Railo or Lucee.



Kolbenschlag, Clemens

Nov 26, 2015, 2:18:33 AM11/26/15



Did you set it only in server admin or in the web-admin too?

I change the value always in web-admin.




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Adrian Lynch

Nov 26, 2015, 4:12:21 AM11/26/15
I tried both.

It's got to the point where I can't cause a timeout to happen now.

I'm starting with fresh code to see where I'm going wrong.


Denard Springle

Nov 26, 2015, 8:27:12 AM11/26/15
to Railo
Hey Adrian,

   Couple of thoughts on this..

   First, if you have code that is generally taking more than 50 seconds to execute, unless it is a known long running process (like a scheduled task), then your best bet is to figure out why it takes that long to process and optimize the code (and possibly the database and query if those are involved).

   Second, are you saying that something along the lines of

setting requesttimeout="999";

is not working within the code that is giving you the timeout issue? If so, I don't know of any bugs that might cause that, but you could try dropping down into Java and setting it there:

createObject( "java", "coldfusion.tagext.lang.SettingTag" ).setRequestTimeout(javaCast( "double", 999 ));

Can't remember if 'coldfusion' needs to be changed to 'railo' or not tbh... haven't had to drop into Java for this since ACF9 and don't have the time to go through the Railo source atm ;)

And, lastly, you can do an in-place upgrade of Railo 4.2 to Lucee 4.5 (see: - no reinstall needed, just a few simple steps. Unless you have made some specific modifications to the way Railo operates, I'd suggest going the upgrade path to be on a supported platform. There are already several security issues that have been fixed in Lucee but still affect Railo servers in the wild - this alone should be reason enough to migrate :)

Hope that helps!

-- Denny
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