SOS recoding Emergency Transmitter

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belum dibaca,
16 Mei 2022, 07.54.3416/05/22, Finbar O 'Connor

Attached  is a recording I made of  an emergency  transmitter
running  on battery power  ( complete blackout) , QTH North Atlantic.

Involves   GLD   EJK  and  OXF  and the  ship.

Note the  tone of the  signal  varying,  seemingly  with the changing
emergency  antenna  (  weather ? )  and  load on the battery supply.

This is an extract  from a longer recording  I   have just   re-found.

My  filing system  is rather suspect, what with all the changes of
PC machines,  over the years.

Kind regards
Finbar     EJM  retired    EI0CF  GI4DPE
Last SOS GLD EJK.eml


belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 00.45.3817/05/22,,
First attachment wouldn't open, second one did and is very interesting because of its slow speed and
poor quality. I positively would need a recorder. Even you high speed R/Os I should think could
use a recorder to be safe and sure? 


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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 03.14.4417/05/22
kepadaRadio Officers Google Group, Finbar O'Conner

Obviously a tape recorder was in use; that's why we have this recording.

The decoding of the message was easy as was copying all the coast stations.

If I needed a tape recorder to copy Morse, I'd be incompetent. 

Our certificates showed we passed at least one minute perfect copy at 20 words per minute English and 16 cipher code groups a minute. If you held a first class license, as many of did, the test was 25 WPM English and 20 cipher code groups per minute. I had to use a Vibroplex and typewriter on the 25 WPM test as the exception in FCC regulations allowed.

On ship, I learned to back roll my radio log, insert a message blank already preloaded with carbons to make original (Sender of Message) and two copies one for ship's radio accounting agency, one for ship's files. I could copy a message, peel it off the typewriter and resume my logging.  TTT, XXX and SOS were copied directly in the log, I'd make a copy if needed for the Bridge and Master.

Is that what others did?



John Bell

belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 07.53.5117/05/22
Had the authorities deemed it necessary they would surely have provided a tape recorder. Our training made us professional enough to be able to do our job without one. That was certainly the aim.
Regards = John f5vhc/g0cmm

John Bell

belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 07.56.0217/05/22
Yes to everything.......
John f5vhc/g0cmm


belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 08.57.5317/05/22,,
With my variable speed tape recorder I felt as competent as all you high speed R/Os since my
Captains all got error free msgs. which is required.


Radio KH6O

belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 09.44.3817/05/22, Finbar O'Conner

In the USCG we had two mills at each CW position -- one for keeping
the log and one for message traffic (OBS, AMVERS, etc.).

Each COMMSTA typically had three CW positions: 500, HF CW low bands
(4/6/8 MHz), and HF CW high bands (12/16/22 MHz). For HF CW, our
Collins 651S-1 receivers had a scanning mode so as to scan the calling

Jeff KH6O

John Bell

belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 10.04.2617/05/22

Yes they all did....... Only once could I not fix something, when the Oceanspan completely blew up due to a lightning strike. I had to get the shore-siders because I didn't have the spares to rebuild it. You could either do the job or not with all it's facets. I like to think I could do it.

On Tue, 17 May 2022 at 15:13, using <> wrote:
John Bell
Bottom line, did the Captain get his error free msgs? Do you think I should have quit going to sea with
all that fun fixing things? How good were you at fixing equipment? Morse code wasn't the only requirement.


D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
17 Mei 2022, 21.43.3617/05/22
How deluxe!  That's the way to go.

I loved the sound of NMO's MCW signal, of all the USCG stations, NMO was the ONLY one I'd ever heard using A2/MCW and it was a beautiful sound.

To the USCG RM's in the group:  Did the other USCG Coast Statons have MCW, if not all, which ones didn't have it?

I remember WCC and KPH didn't have MCW, but they didn't officially do DISTRESS ether, they would have relayed it to USCG if they heard something on medium wave (500 kHz) or HF (MCW wasn't used on HF - except it "could be used in distress - and the lifeboat transmitters used MCW on both 500 and 8364 kHz.)  I am guessing WSL and KFS didn't have MCW, nor WOE, WNU, WPA, and probably WPD, Surprisingly WSF DID have MCW and they ran it continuously on 500 kHz - I don't remember if they used it on their working frequency - was it 442 kHz? - or not.  It was a distinctive sound and you can hear it on the K2NP recordings. Soon after those recordings WSF was remoted to WSL at the eastern end of Long Island according to R/O Wen Benson, WW2G who worked at WSF for ITT/Mackay until the operators were laid off and the station remoted.

WW2G, Wen Benson with the top of his VWOA Marconi Award showing.





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belum dibaca,
18 Mei 2022, 00.29.0818/05/22,
John Bell
Bottom line, did the Captain get his error free msgs? Do you think I should have quit going to sea with
all that fun fixing things? How good were you at fixing equipment? Morse code wasn't the only requirement.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Bell <>
To: <>
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2022 7:53 am

Dr Jim Kennedy

belum dibaca,
18 Mei 2022, 08.26.4218/05/22
The only issue that I see in using a recorder is the possibility of too much reliance on it.
What if the recorder fails. “Murphy’s Law” presumes that the recorder failure will occur when a need to copy information is at its greatest.

When the weather report concerns ship safety and the recorder fails, what then.

To each his/her own, but does not seem safe to me.

73, Doc - K2PHD


Sent from my iPad

On May 18, 2022, at 12:29 AM, 'using' via Radio Officers <> wrote:


belum dibaca,
18 Mei 2022, 13.13.1118/05/22
I did not fix all but enough to feel that I was doing my job. On a few ships I was
assigned to the engine room which I liked as I enjoyed  working on problems of
which there always is down there..


Glenn VK4DU

belum dibaca,
18 Mei 2022, 17.55.3818/05/22



Sure, on a passenger ship, if you were busy…but on a cargo ship?


Very strange.


belum dibaca,
18 Mei 2022, 18.19.1618/05/22
False argument
No recorder is the same as a failed recorder, think it out.


D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
18 Mei 2022, 18.39.1018/05/22
kepadaRadio Officers Google Group
No, it's not, Stanley. If you have no recorder at all, you would never depend on a recorder at all. A failed recorder that you used as a crutch you depend on, so when it fails, you're unprepared to do your job. A passenger ship radio officer who runs a recorder to supplement his "live" copying of the PX didn't need the recorder to copy the WCC Press.  You needed it because it was your crutch because you depended on it to do your job and without it you couldn't do your job.

You might as well tell everyone the story of how American Radio Association (ARA) Technical Director Rae Echols had given you every chance to pass the Master Radio Electronic Officer written and practical (repairing) examinations, including giving you multiple chances to retake the exact same examination several times and how ARA Vice President William "Bill" Schumann ORDERED Rae Echols to pass you, which he refused to do, for which Mr. Schumann immediately fired Rae Echols (W7FFF).  I always wondered if Schumann doing that accelerated Rae's early death a few years later.

Rae was a good man, he didn't deserve what happened to him, maybe if you had studied and applied yourself to learning the theory and practical repairs of radio and navigation equipment, he'd still be around. 



belum dibaca,
19 Mei 2022, 13.08.3619/05/22
I remember all the ARA people you mentioned but I don't remember any of the actions you mentioned 
like Bill Schuman demanding Rae Echols pass me for the MREO rating which I held for almost my
whole career, firing Echols because he refused to give it to me causing him an early death, in fact I
don't remember Schuman who was popular like all the officials having the authority to fire anyone but 
maybe he did and I don't know? In fact all I remember is that I took and passed the ARA test without 
any fanfare so who did give me the MREO (Master Radio Electronics Officer) ratings and how did you 
a wimp at that time always complaining of severe unfair treatment get all this inside information and do
you have anyone to back you up? You are a big man now and I give you credit for it but you sure wasn't 
then. Think, think, think, why would Bill Schuman stick his neck out to do what you said and put a big 
black mark on the whole ARA administration if they let him get away with it? How big a bribe would it 
take? Sorry, my respect for you has dropped a notch.   

Stan the slow poke but still came up with error free msgs on freighters and tankers. 
I wouldn't take a passenger ship with high traffic for that reason

-----Original Message-----
From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <>

D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
19 Mei 2022, 14.30.3319/05/22

I never said ARA treated me unfairly, they never did, but William Steinberg, William Schuman and the other ARA officials engaged in election fraud.  One of the ways they did that was to give out membership books to 36 members including me without them having paid any initiation fees which is a violation of the ARA constitution, I have the paperwork showing that and the confidential MMP records from the MMP meeting about that given to me by Walter Halderman the New Orleans MMP Business Agent - he was aligned with the anti-corruption group that John Schalestock, John Vallis, and I believe Jay Mazure. (I'm only going from memory, I have records, but the one I rely on from the Internet from the United States Congress - even after the group lost their court case involving ARA election fraud, called the ARA the most corrupt union they had ever seen.  John Schalestock was there testifying against the ARA for racketeering election fraud.

I supported them because I saw parts of what the ARA leaders had done.

As for your being an MREO for your entire career, that's nonsense, you're a WWII Radio Officer, they didn't have that qualification then.  My records indicate that the Rae Echols firing happened in 1988, I bet if you look at your MREO credentials, you will see that the date is 1988.

We lost a very good man in Rae Echols, W7FFF.  What happened to him was cruel.

I know we have people on this list that witnessed what was done and that you were involved in it, and that it was because Rae Echols refused to lower the school's standards despite giving you every break to retake your theory and practical exams, you continued to fail each and every retest and that William Schuman  fired Rae for not passing you.  Rae had been early in his career as Director that he was only under the ARA president William Steinberg, so Bill Schuman in that case would not have the authority to fire him if he didn't comply with the order to pass you even though you weren't qualified.

Maybe someone remembers more.





R/O David Ring - N1EA

belum dibaca,
19 Mei 2022, 15.19.3819/05/22
kepadaRadio Officers
Amory "Al" Allen, K2LG of Belford, NJ was another of the pro-democracy group of the ARA.  He passed away around 2000.  I think Ken Welsh was another of the pro-democracy group trying to reform the ARA. They lost in Court, but succeeded in U.S. Congress, while Captain Tim Brown and his slate succeeded in Court, but by the time Captain Brown took over from Robert Lowen (previous  MMP president), ARA had illegally separated from MMP and affiliated with the ILA Longshoreman.

I found the U.S. House of Representatives documents on the corruption of the ARA elections here:

The article from a hearing of U.S. Congress has testimony from John Schalestock, Jan Leja, and Walter Schultz all of the ARA.

The illegal and anti-democratic doings of the ARA were the only things I complained about and I took a firm stand in favor of the reformers.  I also supported Tim Brown, who actually won in Court against the previously corrupt MMP union officials.  Arthur Holdeman also fought against the union corruption.  Tim Brown's radio officer was a member of this group.

Looking through my records, it was the Radar portion of the MREO examination that you failed repeatedly.  Without passing that, you shouldn't have gotten your MREO qualifications with which you beat out just regular REO qualified radio officers.  May of those REO's and just regular R/O's probably did better than you did but you trumped them by having Bill Schuman order Rae Echols give you a passing grade, which he refused to do.  Good for Rae, he had class and standards.



belum dibaca,
19 Mei 2022, 17.22.3219/05/22
You have awaken some memories. Your so called reform group was hell bent on ending the ARA  union on the basis
 GMDSS was going to do it and you stupid schmucks wanted to kill ARA and divvy up the treasury before the officials
 did. In fact all of you dummies took lump sum early retirement increasing your taxes. and then was sorry when
ARA didn't go down and is still operating today. That is when I worked in the engine room and liked it. The only one I 
remember being fired was someone who put out the  ARA Press regularly and he sued and I think won? Can't 
remember his name. I also remember John Shalestock talking about going down the gangway for the last time with 
his head held high with all on board cheering him. he had done his job. As far as using a tape recorder as a
crutch, Captains didn't know and didn't care all they wanted was error free messages which I gave them just like every
one else.


-----Original Message-----
From: R/O David Ring - N1EA <>
To: Radio Officers <>
Sent: Thu, May 19, 2022 3:19 pm
Subject: Re: [Radio Officers, &c] SOS recoding Emergency Transmitter

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belum dibaca,
19 Mei 2022, 17.39.2019/05/22
Rather a sad state of skill demonstrated…. and very few ships still on 500….  I was still using it in the channel till November or so of 1999,,, a bit scary to be one of the few still out there, but amazing how much better it worked with the few remaining having no interference.  Evidently the op thought people had DF units in the radio rooms, not common at least any ships I sailed on, somewhat strange how long he waited to send his position,,, suspect the bridge had not yet delivered that detail.   Did GLD/EJK have DF units near the operator position ?

Eric Weber
Last Telegraph Ship M/V Nedlloyd Holland KRHX December 1999
Last GMDSS Ship M/V Manulani WECH


belum dibaca,
20 Mei 2022, 15.02.1920/05/22
Your below lengthy testimony hides the truth that the whole bunch of democracy seekers all thought that GMDSS
was going to end the ship Morse code R/O industry but it didn't.  ARA is still providing good paying jobs. However
I do remember there were legitimate complaints on how dictator Bill Steinberg operated. In any event his son took
over and ran it right with no complaints and thank god your democratic gang lost out else ARA would have 
disappeared a long time ago. By the way ARA was originally ACA, American Communications Association which
some called American Communist Association because its President and Vice President were two brothers,
Murray and Jack Winocur, both communist, I know because I also was a communist. They hired Bill Steinberg
when he was an unemployed airlines radio operator all of whom were eliminated from passenger planes. Bill S. 
testified in congress against the Winocurs, changed the name to American Radio Association and ran it like a 
dictator would for his benefit.      

Stan who is old enough to remember

-----Original Message-----
From: R/O David Ring - N1EA <>
To: Radio Officers <>
Sent: Thu, May 19, 2022 3:19 pm
Subject: Re: [Radio Officers, &c] SOS recoding Emergency Transmitter

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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2022, 17.50.2125/05/22

I received confirmation off-list that indeed what I said about Bill Schuman ordering Rae Echols to pass you is true.
John Schalestock says he was an eye-witness to the event.  See below


Wed, May 18, 5:54 PM (7 days ago)

If there is any doubt, I was in that MERO class that Shuman ORDERED Echols to "pass" this guy.   Just  in case there is any doubt...

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2022, 19.14.0525/05/22
Look, don't want to beat a dead horse after all these years.  But Stanley was barley  able to change a fuse (if that.) Ask ANY captain he sailed with. He NEVER reached the honest level of an MREO that Rae Echols had strived for. And was fired for by the Steingang. Stanley. There are many good ARA men that still remember how you kissed Steinberg and Schuman's ass to keep your job (for which you were not qualified for.) And helped to prevent an honest ARA election. 
You are an ignorant hypocrite Stanley, under the illusion that the rest of us can't read or write.  F....u again. You have thrown a lot of good ARA Brothers under the bus with your self serving bullshit. 
Rest assured, YOU will never be on the  Battery Park monument, NOR in the hearts of all the good ARA men that fought the good fight for union justice. 
I don't dwell  about the past . But I will NOT allow you to re-write it. 
John Schalestock


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D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
25 Mei 2022, 20.43.0725/05/22
Thank you, JS.

I just wanted to set the record straight and also clarify any misunderstanding of why our friend and union brother, Rae Echols, suddenly left the ARA school where he was Director.

Rae Echols, W7FFF was a very good man and he was fired because he had integrity, that's what needs to be known and the knowledge of that preserved.

Stanley has been telling us how he was fixing all the equipment on modern ships, yet using a tape recorder to copy messages.  He wasn't alone in using a tape recorder, others did that too.  Before I went to sea I never used a tape recorder before except to record my own sending.  I had two Radio Officers on MEBA-D2/AMO ship
TT WILLIAMSBURGH/WGOA in June to December 1980, the first from June to September was Richard L. Bragg, N7NF of Scottsdale, AZ (he said he lived down the street from Rae Echols - he used to deliver the newspaper to Rae and was lucky enough to get the nearly impossible USCG  licensing requirement of a letter of commitment from William R. Steinberg, President of American Radio Association himself.) and the other was James N. Pfister, then N6CF, now NS1L.  I got my letter of commitment from AMO from their company, Point Shipping for the "Point Judith''.

Richard had a nice cassette recorder and he recorded messages he received from KFS (and any other coast staton with messages).  So I thought that was normal and I did it too - for a while.

In the end of September 1980 when Jim Pfister joined WGOA, he saw me receiving a message from KFS.  He told me "No more of that.  If you don't copy it when KFS sends it, break him and ask for a repeat because if you can't copy him live, what's to say what you heard wouldn't be recorded that way and it might be very important.  I agreed with him and never recorded a message again.  It also meant I rarely had to retype a message because I was copying live.  If I or the sending operator made an error and I typed it on the message blank - which we kept "loaded with two carbon copies" all prepared for use, I just retyped it for the Captain.  Since I was NOT using a crutch my ability to copy Morse accurately although I never mastered copying behind a word - all I could manage was three characters, my feeble brain could not remember five characters.

These days there's a better alternative than recording your selding with a tape recorder (or if you have the equipment an excellent Windows program called FIST Check which was written by by Ernst F. Schroeder DJ7HS which graphically records the key closures and helps you send better with a straight key or semi-automatic key.  I recommend it and it does a far better job than what I was doing with a tape recorder, it actually records the dot and dash lengths.similar to what some did with a "slip tape" recorder which was an ink pen recorder which was driven by the rectified output of a radio receiver tuned to a Morse signal.

Read the page because the author says that some anti-virus programs report a false positive for the program.  It's safe, I've used it and hundreds of users have.



belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2022, 12.30.0726/05/22,
DR & Schalestock
Frankly I don't remember my MREO class or anything unusual about it or who was in it and John S. and I have been dueling for years
so I don't trust him and I don't remember Schuman demanding Echols to pass  and so embarrass me and getting fired for not doing so
and do you have anyone besides J.S as a witness for this freaking obvious shameful crime which would endanger the respect ARAs
MREO rating for everyone and would have spread out as old lady gossip to most if not all of the ARA members? No use fighting over this 
monster BS. If you say I am so stupid what do you have to say about the 4 letters I got from the USAG I posted recently and my fight to
get mega Cruise Ships built in America? My respect for you and John Schalestock has dropped two notches.

Stan the fighter   

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belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2022, 12.41.3626/05/22
How tiresome is this guy. I'd plead alzheimers or senility if I were him. At least that would offer some explantion for his fantasy ramblings.

D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2022, 13.11.5126/05/22
kepadaRadio Officers Google Group
On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 12:19 PM using <> wrote:
DR & Schalestock
Frankly I don't remember my MREO class or anything unusual about it or who was in it and John S. and I have been dueling for years
so I don't trust him and I don't remember Schuman demanding Echols to pass  and so embarrass me and getting fired for not doing so
and do you have anyone besides J.S as a witness for this freaking obvious shameful crime which would endanger the respect ARAs
MREO rating for everyone and would have spread out as old lady gossip to most if not all of the ARA members? No use fighting over this 
monster BS. If you say I am so stupid what do you have to say about the 4 letters I got from the USAG I posted recently and my fight to
get mega Cruise Ships built in America? My respect for you and John Schalestock has dropped two notches.

Stan the fighter   


You might not trust, JS, but I don't trust communists like yourself, they are known - as you are - for clearly saying one thing then immediately denying they ever said it.  You've done this so many times before that it's a predictable character flaw, and when you denigrate my friends and our profession, I don't like it and I will respond and defend the truth.

I have reached out to Jeanne Echols, the wife of the late ARA School Director, Rae Echols and offered her the chance to comment on this.  

I know Ken Welsh might know something about this, but John Schalestock knows and he probably remembers who was in the class at that time when Bill Schuman threatened Rae that he "either pass you" or he would no longer be working for American Radio Association. According to what Rae told me, you were the only person who ever failed the MREO examination and you did so every time even if they made it very easy. This doesn't sit well with the bragging that you have done here and elsewhere.

I just want to set the record straight and defend Rae Echols who refused to be compromised by the very corrupt ARA officials who ran the ARA back then.  In my opinion, William R. Steinberg and the rest of the Stein-gang should have landed in prison, the United States Labor Department should have directly supervised an election - as they later did when they ensured that the IOMMP (Masters, Mates and Pilots) had a fair election.  Tim Brown went to Court and won his case, but by that time ARA had illegally broken off from MMP when their election shenanigans had been discovered and of course, under the new leadership of Captain Brown, he would have cleaned up the ARA which the U.S. Congress called "the most corrupt labor union they had ever seen.

And you, Stanley Blumenthal, were a part of it, you could have been a mensch, and said something like, "No, I have repeatedly failed the MREO test, I won't have Rae Echols be pressured to pass me when I am not qualified", instead you denigrate those like John Schalestock and Ken Welch, Norris Sapp, Jan Leja, the late Jeff Hutchenson, and Walter Schultz.  Ken Welsh told me that the two Steinbergs, Bill and his son the attorney, "Slick" Eddie Steinberg - never a radio officer and his father was a radiotelephone only radio officer - when Ken took out a tape recorder to record the meeting they had with the U.S. Congressional Committee, WRS and his son were pissed.   Even Captain Tim Brown came to that meeting.

Bad guys don't like tape recorders because they like to lie about the past, just like communists always do.



belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2022, 13.12.2426/05/22,
Ass hole
Are you blind? Didn't you see my shipping history, the 4 letters from the USCG, the documents relating to the Cape Texas? Didn't you see
the letter I got from President Biden about building mega cruise ships in America, dare me to post it again, I will. Are you so stupid that you 
don't realize the damage it would do to all those that got the ARA MREO certificate and what it would do when ARA is negotiating a contract 
with the Ship Owners? Name some schmuck that backs you up? Tell every one how you stupidly took a lump sum early retirement because
you were so certain that GMDSS was going to kill the profession and you was going to march down the gangway for the last time with your 
head held high while every one applauds you.

Stan the smart one who is a top notch expert in changing fuses    

-----Original Message-----
From: <>

Douglas L

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2022, 13.35.2926/05/22
Hey guys,
How about taking this personal feud off this list?

On May 26, 2022, at 1:12 PM, 'using' via Radio Officers <> wrote:

D.J.J. Ring, Jr.

belum dibaca,
26 Mei 2022, 13.42.4226/05/22

These guys got no gold medal, but they dedicated their lives to freedom and the end of union corruption.  They fight with the weapon of truth.

ARA Congressional hearing .jpg

This photo was taken after the 2nd meeting with the U.S. Congress Committee on Union Corruption.

On the far left is probably the Pro-Democracy Group's attorney, then there are: Kenneth G Welch; John Schalestock; Jan Leja; (the man in the khaki pants is UNKNOWN); Jeff Hutchinson; Name UNKNOWN but he was Radio Officer on Matson's flagship, "SS R J Peiffer" and finally Walter Shultz. 

If anyone can supply the names of those I cannot remember, let me know. 

Stanley you probably don't remember this, surprise me if you do:

Ruddy Radio Electronics Officer Defense Fund: Ruddy was a deceased radio operator who left the union approximately $500,000-$600,000 to defend a change in Federal law for the elimination of the radio operator on merchant ships. The membership at the union meetings demanded an accounting of funds spent. The officials refused to open the books. Furthermore, a $1,000 assessment was placed on the membership for the Radio Electronics Officers Defense Fund. The declarative statement by the ARA leadership was "you will not be allowed to sail unless you pay $1,000 to us." I recognized this to be extortion. The explicit threat was "you don't pay us, no job." Moreover, other statements by the leadership implied successful ownership of one U.S. Senator through use of money and power. They became very bold about this.

That's the kind of Jack-Assery that the ARA was about then, thank goodness it's changed.



belum dibaca,
27 Mei 2022, 12.48.1127/05/22,
There is a lot of doubt that you was in my MREO class so what proof do you have?


-----Original Message-----
From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <>
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belum dibaca,
27 Mei 2022, 12.48.3027/05/22,
I never said I fixed all the problems, I said I did some and some I didn't. If you want credibility stick to the truth, it is easy.


-----Original Message-----
From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <>
Sent: Wed, May 25, 2022 8:42 pm
Subject: Re: [Radio Officers, &c] SOS recoding Emergency Transmitter

Have your R/O friends join the group by visiting!forum/radio-officers and requesting membership. We'd love to have them.
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