Could Racket be used as a "frontend" for a non-Racket language?

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Ryan Kramer

Jun 6, 2021, 10:01:59 PM6/6/21
to Racket Users
I have no plans to work on this, but I am curious if this has been discussed or attempted...

Motivation: My job has been C# for many years and while C# is very appropriate for most of the problems I encounter at work, sometimes a problem comes along that makes me want more power. In those situations, I think the language I want is "C# except now it's S-expressions and it has Racket's macro system."

And then I wonder if an alternate version of C# could be implemented this way:
1) Create a new grammar for what a fully-expanded C# AST is. This will be in terms of Racket syntax objects, just like Racket's definition of a Fully Expanded Program.
2) Write a compiler that generates CIL (the bytecode) given a fully-expanded C# AST.
3) Use Racket's #lang mechanism and macro system to implement the surface language.

Now this new C# could borrow a lot of power from Racket, right? For example, I could make all of Racket available during expansion! Even if I don't want C#-the-surface-language to have macros at all, why shouldn't I keep the Racket-powered backdoor open? As long as you generate a valid C# AST, I should be able to compile it for you.

The #lang mechanism and Scribble are two other nice things that could probably be adapted into the new C# if desired.

I can understand why Microsoft wouldn't do this. But I've seen enough hobby languages, and I'm surprised that none of them do this. Reusing a backend (like dotnet or the JVM) is common, reusing a "frontend" is something I've never seen. Is Racket's macro system too specific to Racket's definition of a fully-expanded program? (The little bit I've done with local-expand and stop-ids makes me think it would work fine.) Is there something else that would make this approach more trouble than it's worth?

Raoul Duke

Jun 6, 2021, 10:30:19 PM6/6/21
to Racket Users
nice, yes, I've long wanted that, in general. Like, I want to use
{erlang,ADA,haskell,typescript,go,...} but with s-expr's and macros.

One could instead perhaps leverage Graal and things like ABCL or
Clojure? You could in theory use something like XMLVM and Clojure to
at least cover C#/.net and Java. (because another layer of indirection
in a programming tool chain is never a problem, nope.) Or one could
perhaps make a gcc s-expr front end
and somehow leverage gcc's RTL to intermix-ffi with other languages?
no idea. in this day and age i guess llvm is better? i'm a static
typing lover, and some of the languages I'd like to see targeted are
statically typed, so ideally it would be maybe something like TR
supporting the target language type system, which probably is too much
like square peg round hole -> unless one falls back to Xtend-esque
approach which would compile to source code in Java/C# and then use
the "native" compiler to type check.


Robert Calco

Jun 6, 2021, 11:35:39 PM6/6/21
to Ryan Kramer, Racket Users
Check out IronScheme... it may be just what you're looking for.

- Bob

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Bob Calco

813-997-3583 (work mobile)
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"But you can catch yourself entertaining habitually certain ideas and setting others aside; and this, I think, is where our personal destinies are largely decided." -- Alfred North Whitehead

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Philip McGrath

Jun 7, 2021, 12:47:38 AM6/7/21
to Robert Calco, Ryan Kramer, Racket Users
I haven't done much with this personally, but a few pointers in Racket:

Stephen Foster

Jun 7, 2021, 11:07:56 AM6/7/21
to Racket Users
This is one of the main ways I use Racket -- but as a front-end for JavaScript, not C#.

Ryan Kramer

Jun 20, 2021, 2:13:39 PM6/20/21
to Racket Users
Thanks everyone for the good reading. I haven't fully digested it all yet, but Alexis' blog is extremely relevant and shows that this approach is not as close to a "free lunch" as I thought it might be.

D. Ben Knoble

Jun 22, 2021, 10:50:02 AM6/22/21
to Racket Users
No idea if this is what you're looking for, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be terribly difficult to design a #lang where modules were programs that, when run, output C# code (kind of like how scribble & pollen can output HTML). Then you could have a language (w/ or w/o) macros that gets run down to C# and let the C# compiler and project toolchain take care of the rest? Essentially it's only a syntax—the semantics is "turn it into this C# code."

Sage Gerard

Jun 22, 2021, 10:58:17 AM6/22/21

Short answer: Yes...ish. I wrote a few code generation programs.

It can happen, but the Racket program would be dependent on the target language's toolchain and standard library. Before we get to that, note that not all languages cleanly translate into one another (Some scripting languages actually have features that introduce forward-compatibility problems, see JS and with).

The standard library issues become more apparent when you realize that Racket programs have defined value types where other languages don't bother (e.g. complex numbers and path types).

If your goal is to generate a few well-defined programs its fine, but if you want a completely correct model for translations with a DSL as a front-end, then that can be a pretty large undertaking. And that's not saying anything about your performance expectations, since Racket's reader/expander probably won't be able to compete with a native compiler.

On 6/22/21 10:50 AM, D. Ben Knoble wrote:
No idea if this is what you're looking for, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be terribly difficult to design a #lang where modules were programs that, when run, output C# code (kind of like how scribble & pollen can output HTML). Then you could have a language (w/ or w/o) macros that gets run down to C# and let the C# compiler and project toolchain take care of the rest? Essentially it's only a syntax—the semantics is "turn it into this C# code." --
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