Possible Racket2 ideas from other languages

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Jimmy Ruska

Aug 18, 2019, 11:32:48 AM8/18/19
to Racket Users
I've compiled a list of really nice features from other languages/applications

I have more ideas than time, and I'm sure some of these may sound ridiculous or be way too time consuming, but hopefully it might spark other ideas or thoughts that would be helpful for Racket2.

Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 19, 2019, 9:55:27 AM8/19/19
to Jimmy Ruska, Racket Users
Thanks Jimmy, 

This is a really interesting list. I think many of the items will interest others.

[I’m not part of the Racket team - so the following is my opinion]

I think it is important to remember open source project that runs on volunteer efforts of individual contributors building the packages that meet their own needs. 

Racket doesn't have paid developers working on it - it is a true community effort. So developers will only work on things that meet their needs. 

I understand the Racket2 initiative as being about changing the syntax to make Racket more accessible, while retaining the 'language orientated programming' aspects. (my apologies if I'm simplifying the goals too much - hopefully someone will correct me)

I think some of the items in your document are clearly syntax proposals for Racket2 (e.g. hash table syntax), and some others might be proposals for libraries or languages (e.g. 'Scheduler like mcron').

In this context, the best way to make your ideas reality is 
a) to build it yourself! (this is a pretty supportive community so keep asking question on the list and I'm sure people will respond)
b) use the racket2 RFC's process. (though I'm guessing proposals that include an implementation are more likely to be accepted)

I hope this helps. 

Kind regards,


There is a Racket2 RFC's repo https://github.com/racket/racket2-rfcs 

 This includes 
* issues as a way to organising the discussion by topic: https://github.com/racket/racket2-rfcs/issues

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Jimmy Ruska

Aug 19, 2019, 12:21:01 PM8/19/19
to Stephen De Gabrielle, Racket Users
Thanks Stephen,

I'm aware of the RFC page and that it's a community driven project. 
In terms of flexibility, racket feels like it is the most powerful language. I have written racket in production for Global Payments for a major data migration tool, although they made me rewrite it in python 3 after the application was accepted for prod, ha. 

It feels like Racket is the type of super hero that can kill it's competitors and absorb their powers. Since there is initiative in Racket2, I thought it would be a good time to post some language ideas and see if any resonate. I spent a decade working with Erlang and have some take-aways that I'd love in Racket. Because of its expressiveness, racket quickly becomes a language that can "make you feel at home", because it gives you the power to customize it against your ideals. For a long time people were quick to say Linux will never be popular because it never reached popularity as a home PC OS, but now it's majority market share on servers, and android based machines. I feel Racket has the same feeling I had as an early linux user, it's a very personalized experience, even if it as not reached wider popularity. Every time I see Kubernetes, Terraform or Cloudformation json, angular, or have to deal with macros in other languages, I'm reminded of how good Racket is, and how everyone is poorly re-implementing lisp.

I guess I had assumed Racket2 would also be an opportunity as a standard library upgrade, maybe take into account some of the "remix" library ideas, things like that. Is Racket2 not open to standard library changes? I apologize, I admit I have not read through all the Racket2 discussions.

I'd be happy to try to implement some ideas if I could get a better sense of what might have a chance at gaining some traction.


Stephen De Gabrielle

Aug 19, 2019, 9:42:09 PM8/19/19
to jimmy...@linux.com, Racket Users
Hi Jimmy 

I guess I had assumed Racket2 would also be an opportunity as a standard library upgrade, maybe take into account some of the "remix" library ideas, things like that. 

My understanding of the 'Racket2' RFC's process is it is about offering a new syntax to make Racket more accessible to new users. (but the existing syntax isn't going away)

Is Racket2 not open to standard library changes? I apologize, I admit I have not read through all the Racket2 discussions. 

My apologies - everything in Racket is a library, so anything you write in Racket will be available in Racket2, I't not something I'd wait for. 
You have great ideas and a wealth of experience I say 'go for it' now. Why wait :)

I'd be happy to try to implement some ideas if I could get a better sense of what might have a chance at gaining some traction.

I think there are a lot of things in your list that would interest a lot of people. If you have some favourites, but are having trouble deciding maybe put them to the racket-users mailing list or racket slack for opinions. 

I have written racket in production for Global Payments for a major data migration tool, although they made me rewrite it in python 3 after the application was accepted for prod, ha. 

Awesome! data migration is cool.

Welcome to the Racket Community!

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