Qubes OS 4.0-rc5 has been released!

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Andrew David Wong

2018年3月6日 20:03:052018/3/6
收件人 qubes...@googlegroups.com、qubes...@googlegroups.com
Hash: SHA512

Dear Qubes Community,

We're pleased to announce the fifth release candidate for Qubes 4.0!
This release contains bug fixes for the issues discovered in the
[previous release candidate][4.0-rc4]. A full list of the Qubes 4.0
issues closed so far is available [here][closed-issues]. Further
details about this release, including full installation instructions,
are available in the [Qubes 4.0 release notes][release-notes]. The new
installation image is available on the [Downloads] page.

As always, we're immensely grateful to our community of testers for
taking the time to [discover and report bugs]. Thanks to your efforts,
we're able to fix these bugs *before* the final release of Qubes 4.0. We
encourage you to continue diligently testing this fourth release
candidate so that we can work together to improve Qubes 4.0 before the
stable release.

The Qubes 4.0 stable release
- ----------------------------

If the testing of 4.0-rc5 does not reveal any major problems, we hope to
declare it the stable 4.0 release without any further significant
changes. In this scenario, any bugs discovered during the testing
process would be fixed in subsequent updates.

If, on the other hand, a major issue is discovered, we will continue
with the standard [release schedule], and Qubes 4.0 stable will be a
separate, later release.

Current Qubes 4.0 Users
- -----------------------

Current users of Qubes 4.0-rc4 can upgrade in-place by downloading the
latest updates from the testing repositories in both
[dom0][dom0-testing] and [TemplateVMs][domU-testing].

[4.0-rc4]: https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2018/01/31/qubes-40-rc4/
[closed-issues]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release+4.0%22+is%3Aclosed
[release-notes]: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/releases/4.0/release-notes/
[Downloads]: https://www.qubes-os.org/downloads/
[discover and report bugs]: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/reporting-bugs/
[release schedule]: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/version-scheme/#release-schedule
[dom0-testing]: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/software-update-dom0/#testing-repositories
[domU-testing]: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/software-update-vm/#testing-repositories

This announcement is also available on the Qubes website:

- --
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS




2018年3月7日 06:37:212018/3/7
收件人 qubes-users
Thanks for the great news Andrew.
Congratulations to the team.


2018年3月7日 15:21:582018/3/7
收件人 qubes-users
Whoo hoo!

I went to download qvm-dom0-update and it says no new updates available....


2018年3月8日 02:17:242018/3/8
收件人 qubes-users
Le mercredi 7 mars 2018 22:21:58 UTC+2, sevas a écrit :
> Whoo hoo!
> I went to download qvm-dom0-update and it says no new updates available....

Same thing for me ...


2018年3月8日 02:49:322018/3/8
收件人 qubes...@googlegroups.com
and sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes*testing ?


2018年3月8日 03:00:332018/3/8
收件人 qubes-users
lol My problem was that I didnt read the date on the paper which was yesterday. I had already downloaded and installed it before I realized that it was out.

Despite that the article came up on my phone and this post as well came up 24 hours later.


2018年3月8日 03:25:032018/3/8
收件人 qubes-users
On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 9:21:58 PM UTC+1, sevas wrote:
> Whoo hoo!
> I went to download qvm-dom0-update and it says no new updates available....

This is not an official response in anyway, but here's what I'd suggest to do.

Remember if you recently downloaded updates within 48 hours, then the cache on fedora systems (which includes dom0 as far as I know, though I'm still a bit unsure about dom0 my self, since it's Qubes specific, so while it works, but isn't perfect since it isn't light and cleans up more, I use --clean flag in dom0).

Anyway, you need to use the --refresh flag on fedora templates after the enable repository, in order to make it sync the cache list with the server within 48 hours since last update. If you're beyond the 48 hours since the cache was made, then you don't need the --refresh flag. Also as far as I know, debian does this automatically, so no action is needed beyond enabling the testing repository.

To sum up;
- Always use the same Qubes repositories across Qubes, be it dom0 or templates, it's important to keep them in sync.
- Use --refresh for fedora templates and --clean for dom0, if you updated within 48 hours or if you mistakenly only updated some VM''s/dom0 and need to update them all again. In which case, use the flags to sync.
- Debian/Whonix require no metadata sync as they do this automatically. But remember Debian/Whonix also require the dist-upgrade command in addition to update command.


2018年3月8日 03:26:282018/3/8
收件人 qubes-users
On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 9:00:33 AM UTC+1, sevas wrote:
> lol My problem was that I didnt read the date on the paper which was yesterday. I had already downloaded and installed it before I realized that it was out.
> Despite that the article came up on my phone and this post as well came up 24 hours later.

ah yes, you had already installed RC-5. But anyway, if others face the same problem then check flags/sync update commands across Qubes :)


2018年3月9日 15:14:432018/3/9
收件人 qubes-users
Can me someone explain which commands in which VM i have to use? I used the following ones but i'm not sure if they are right.

In dom0: sudo qubes-dom0-update --enable=qubes*testing

In Template Fedora-26: sudo dnf -y update && sudo dnf -y upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-current-testing

In Template Debian-9: apt update && apt dist-upgrade

What about the --refresh flags. Where i have to put them?



2018年3月9日 15:25:042018/3/9
收件人 qubes-users
PS: The Question is for the Upgrade von 4.0 RC4 to RC5!
How can i check if I'm on RC5?


2018年3月9日 15:40:152018/3/9
收件人 qubes-users

Don't use the --clean flag too often, but currently I'm not sure how --refresh works in dom0. If you didn't update within 48 hours previously, then you can ignore the use of --clean and --refresh altogether. Debian/Whonix doesn't need them. This should work if you updated recently;

sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing --clean
sudo dnf update --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-current-testing --refresh

You don't need to use upgrade for fedora, check

Since I unfortunately don't know how to include repositories in apt commands, I can only tell you the bit longer way to do it. For all debian/Whonix VM's, you need to edit this file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qubes-*.list I haven't found a way to just add it temporary in the command itself, so if you only need to temporarily access the current-testing, then you need to edit the files back again afterwards. For debian-9 it should be on the 6th line, the 'stretch-testing main' repository. I believe whonix is still on jessie, instead of stretch. Once you edited the file and removed the # blocking 'stretch-testing main', just update debian/whonix like you normally would. Debian/Whonix should also do the refresh correctly, I believe, so doesn't need a flag. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

After editing the debian/whonix files, run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Remember to revert back the edited files afterwards if you plan not to use current-testing repositories onwards, i.e. if you only want to upgrade to RC-5 and stop current-testing repository updates after that.

Be careful by using the -y flag, if by some chance the cache or --refresh doesn't work, errors appear in the update but it still continues, or something along to that, then it may be worth it to keep watch during the update. Although maybe I'm just being too careful.


2018年3月9日 16:36:492018/3/9
收件人 qubes-users
Thx for the great description and tips. I think I updated everything. Is there a way to check if rc5 is active?

One other thing:
When my system booted. TOR is connected but I get an gui error message from sys-whonix:

System clock check result
Unexpected result by timedatectl

Local time and universal time are the same
RTC time: n/a
Time zone: etc/utc ( utc, +0000)
NTP enabled: yes
NTP sychronized: no
Rtc in local TZ: no
DST active: N/A

Does someone has the same Issue?


2018年3月9日 16:50:542018/3/9
收件人 qubes-users

Your welcome :)

I have exactly that issue whonix as well, but it's the first time I've seen others having it. I haven't checked if it's on github yet though, but so far we both have it.

Also it seems some people have a graphical minor issue in the Qubes widget, where the update wheel for upstart/shutdown keeps spinning, and the log links stop working too. It doesn't seem to impact performance, but it can be a bit annoying having to use qvm-shutdown in dom0 to shutdown a VM properly, rather than pressing the kill command that appears in the widget bug. Well it works normally it seems, it's just a bit annoying bug. I think I've seen 4-5 people who is on RC-5 having it now, and it's also reported on github.

about checking if you're on RC-5, if you noticed during the update process which repository the updates came from (i.e. from current-testing in fedora updates), then you will know it pulled down the current-testing updates.

I'm not sure about a way to confirm it more directly though, that's actually an interesting question, I'd like to find a solution for that one as well.


2018年3月9日 16:55:162018/3/9
收件人 Yuraeitha、qubes-users
On Fri, March 9, 2018 9:50 pm, Yuraeitha wrote:
> On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 10:36:49 PM UTC+1, contact...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Thx for the great description and tips. I think I updated everything.
>> Is there a way to check if rc5 is active?
>> One other thing:
>> When my system booted. TOR is connected but I get an gui error message
>> from sys-whonix:
>> System clock check result
>> Unexpected result by timedatectl
>> Timedatectl_output_pretty:
>> Local time and universal time are the same
>> RTC time: n/a
>> Time zone: etc/utc ( utc, +0000)
>> NTP enabled: yes
>> NTP sychronized: no
>> Rtc in local TZ: no
>> DST active: N/A
>> Does someone has the same Issue?
> Your welcome :)
> I have exactly that issue whonix as well, but it's the first time I've
> seen others having it. I haven't checked if it's on github yet though,
> but so far we both have it.

It is in qubes-issues. Will be fixed with Whonix 14, which should be out


2018年3月9日 16:57:582018/3/9
收件人 qubes-users

That's good news, gonna have to keep track on when those new whonix updates are released then. Thanks awokd :)


2018年3月10日 09:02:202018/3/10
收件人 qubes-users
On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 10:36:49 PM UTC+1, contact...@gmail.com wrote:

I improved the update commands a bit after looking a bit around.

sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing --clean
(or --check-only instead for dom0).


sudo dnf update --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-current-testing --refresh

sudo apt-get update -t *-testing && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -t *-testing

This way, you don't need to edit any files for debian/whonix to get the testing.
If you also want to increase reliability further, you can make a dependency/cache check with "sudo apt-get check", which is normally very quick. For that do;

sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get update -t *-testing && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -t *-testing

It may be possible to further optimize the update commands, if anyone got suggestions, please feel free to opt-in so that we can recommend better update approaches in the future.


2018年3月10日 15:25:002018/3/10
收件人 qubes-users
Hey Guys,

thx for your Summary. Nice Work!


2018年3月11日 13:30:582018/3/11
收件人 qubes-users
I just used System Tools, Qubes Manager UPDATE (down arrow) for DOM0 and each template without keying terminal commands. It appears to have worked, so I assume that RC4 already included testing repo


2018年3月11日 14:59:182018/3/11
收件人 qubes-users
On Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 6:30:58 PM UTC+1, Dave wrote:
> I just used System Tools, Qubes Manager UPDATE (down arrow) for DOM0 and each template without keying terminal commands. It appears to have worked, so I assume that RC4 already included testing repo

yeah, if it's anything like it was back in Qubes 3.2. (I'd assume so), then these updates in the Qube Manager are stable updates. Once current-testing updates are deemed tested and stable after testers tried them out, they eventually migrate to stable repository. That's when you see them in the Qube Manager (or via normal update commands, not the current-testing ones).

So I assume they must have been moved from testing to stable now?

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