Riseup Services Likely Compromised

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Dec 11, 2016, 9:07:19 AM12/11/16
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
Qubes users beware. Riseup Services (including email)are likely
compromised by State actors.
For more info and to verify above statement visit
https://riseup.net/canary {here you'll see that the canary statement
hasn't been updated quarterly as promised} and here
Google the topic and you'll see lots of other statements that Riseup is
no longer trusted.
Stay Safe

Michael Carbone

Dec 11, 2016, 9:38:36 AM12/11/16
to qubes...@googlegroups.com

which includes statements from the Riseup team.

It sounds like they were served with something boring, but because of
how they defined their warrant canary they had to not update it.
Removing a warrant canary does not mean compromise, which is one of the
weaknesses of poorly defined (and followed) warrant canaries.

Michael Carbone

Qubes OS | https://www.qubes-os.org
@QubesOS <https://www.twitter.com/QubesOS>

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Dec 12, 2016, 4:04:14 AM12/12/16
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
Michael Carbone:
> Me:
>> Qubes users beware. Riseup Services (including email)are likely
>> compromised by State actors.
>> For more info and to verify above statement visit
>> https://riseup.net/canary {here you'll see that the canary statement
>> hasn't been updated quarterly as promised} and here
>> https://www.whonix.org/blog/riseup.
>> Google the topic and you'll see lots of other statements that Riseup is
>> no longer trusted.
>> Stay Safe
> https://theintercept.com/2016/11/29/something-happened-to-activist-email-provider-riseup-but-it-hasnt-been-compromised/
> which includes statements from the Riseup team.
> It sounds like they were served with something boring, but because of
> how they defined their warrant canary they had to not update it.
> Removing a warrant canary does not mean compromise, which is one of the
> weaknesses of poorly defined (and followed) warrant canaries.
The Intercept may be correct. However they do not publish this tweet
from Riseup "listen to the hummingbird, whose wings you cannot see,
listen to the hummingbird, don't listen to me." It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to intepret this. In any case, I have my doubts about the
integrity of The Intercept; which is funded by the owner of PAYPAL; that
well known privacy activist! who in the past hast blocked donations to
Wikileaks et al

Michael Carbone

Feb 17, 2017, 8:21:21 AM2/17/17
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
and riseup has been ungaged regarding their court order:


"After exhausting our legal options, Riseup recently chose to comply
with two sealed warrants from the FBI, rather than facing contempt of
court (which would have resulted in jail time for Riseup birds and/or
termination of the Riseup organization). The first concerned the public
contact address for an international DDoS extortion ring. The second
concerned an account using ransomware to extort money from people."

Oleg Artemiev

Feb 19, 2017, 6:18:12 AM2/19/17
to Michael Carbone, qubes...@googlegroups.com
Unrelated to the possible compromize due to your notice I've found technical
details page on the bitmask vpn (I've posted offtopic question relaated bitmask
here why people are asking for invite). Now will look about tech details on
how them pretend to technically prove bitmask is better than other vpn
I'm surprised that direct link to
is not near of those market claims.

BTW: I'm 1st time realized a canary being a little helpful. :)
BTW2: 've reviewed qubes os dox due to upgrade in progress and amused that
project is moving to distributed state. Perfect!

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Key fingerprint = 9901 6808 768C 8B89 544C 9BE0 49F9 5A46 2B98 147E
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