Windows vm ctl+alt+del

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Ronald Duncan

Dec 9, 2016, 6:43:04 AM12/9/16
to qubes-users
Any update on

I could not get the work arounds to work.

Situation, could use sticky keys to get into vm and install qubes-windows-tools

Having installed qubes-tools sticky keys, onboard keyboard, and direct sending of ctl+alt+del and ctl+alt+home do not work??

Looks like qubes-windows-tools makes the situation worse for ctl+alt+del and so work around appreciated.

PS Need to access a windows domain account:)

Ronald Duncan

Dec 13, 2016, 12:38:55 PM12/13/16
to qubes-users
On Friday, 9 December 2016 11:43:04 UTC, Ronald Duncan wrote:
> Any update on
It looks like qubes-windows-tools breaks the ctl+alt+del and stops it going to the VM along with any alternative.

I copied over the VM again, and having turned off the xfce intercept it is sending the ctl+alt+del straight to the VM fine. It was only after the qubes-windows-tools were installed that all ways to send ctl+alt+del stopped working.

The work around is probably to set up auto login prior to installing qubes-windows-tools however this is unlikely to work with a domain.

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