HCL - System76 Lemur8

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Scott Henry

May 17, 2018, 5:49:19 PM5/17/18
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
(I think this failed sending before, retrying. Pardon if

Everything works that I have tried -- USB keyboard& mouse,
external NFS mount, VPN, additional volumes, others. I can
successfully use VPN in some domains and no VPN in others at
the same time.

In order for networking to work, you need to do the following
steps as early as possible in the install/configure phase. This
laptop model still has the shared bus with the ethernet card.

1. blacklist the driver in both dom0 and sys-net:
1a: echo "blacklist rtsx_pci" | sudo
tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 1b: qvm-prefs -s sys-net
kernelopts "nopat iommu=soft swiotlb=8192
modprobe.blacklist=rtsx_pci" 2. Map the offending port into
sys-net also: 2a: qvm-device attach sys-net dom0:02_00.0

Now my sys-net can use the ethernet and the wifi just fine.

Even though the rtsx device is in sys-net, you still cannot
un-blacklist it.

-- scott henry
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