Looking for Feedback on This Face Selection Script

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Darby Edelen

Apr 4, 2018, 12:44:28 AM4/4/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya

I'm new to the list and relatively new to Maya.

I've been missing a tool in Cinema 4D that allows the user to select contiguous faces within boundaries defined by differences in polygon normal angles (boundaries = hard edges or an arbitrary angle), so I rolled my own Maya script.

It seems to be working well, but it gets quite slow as the number of faces to select increases.  For example, on my home PC it takes about 6 seconds to select 320 faces along the inside of a ring.

If you have any ideas on how I could implement this more efficiently I would love your input.  I've heard that PyMEL tends to be the slowest of options for scripting, but it's super convenient to work in a more 'pythonic' mode.  I started playing with the OpenMaya API but found that it doesn't seem to have a polyListComponentConversion equivalent and my brain is fried enough that I can't think about implementing my own version using the API.  I have a suspicion that the polyListComponentConversion function is one of those adding the most time to execution;  I'm using it to find the boundary edges of the faces currently marked for selection.

I've attached a .py file and pasted my code here as well:

import pymel.core as pm
import time
import itertools

def compare_normals(n1, n2):
    #Take dot product of normals and convert to degrees difference
    return 90.0 * (1.0 - n1*n2)

def check_angle(edge, angle, hard_edges=True):
    if edge.isOnBoundary():
        #Boundary reached; no need to continue!
        return False
    soft = True
    if hard_edges:
        #Check for hard or soft edge
        soft = edge.isSmooth()
    #Get all faces connected to this edge
    faces = pm.ls(edge.connectedFaces(), fl=True)
    #Compare the face normals between edges to determine if the face should be selected
    face_compare = {c for c in itertools.combinations(faces, 2) if compare_normals(c[0].getNormal(), c[1].getNormal()) > angle}
    #Returns True if the face should be selected
    return len(face_compare) == 0 and soft

def get_connected_faces(faces, angle=0.0, hard_edges=True):
    #Get edge boundary of current face selection
    boundary = pm.ls(pm.polyListComponentConversion(faces, bo=True, te=True), fl=True)
    #Combine currently selected faces with neighboring faces that pass the face normal test
    new_faces = faces | set(pm.ls([edge.connectedFaces() for edge in boundary if \
                                   check_angle(edge, angle, hard_edges)], fl=True))

    if new_faces != faces:
        #Yield the new faces to select for as long as we haven't exhausted our supply
        yield new_faces
    #Stop when there are no more faces to select
    raise StopIteration

t1 = time.clock()

angle_tolerance = 30.0
hard_edges = True

#Get the initial selection
selection = pm.ls(sl=True, fl=True)
#Filter the selection to face components
selected_faces = {face for face in selection if isinstance(face, pm.general.MeshFace)}

if selected_faces:
    #Since there are faces selected...
        while True:
            #Find new neighboring faces until no more meet the criteria
            selected_faces = get_connected_faces(selected_faces, angle_tolerance).next()
    except StopIteration:
        #Select all faces found
        t2 = time.clock()
        #Report our performance
        print("Selected {0} faces in {1:.2f} seconds.".format(len(selected_faces), t2-t1))


Justin Israel

Apr 4, 2018, 4:51:20 AM4/4/18
to python_in...@googlegroups.com
Did you do any profiling of your code to narrow down the hot spots?

You can also try maya.cmds as an alternative if you determine that any of the PyMel calls are slow. 

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justin hidair

Apr 4, 2018, 11:14:36 AM4/4/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
You don't need to use one workflow you can use maya.cmds it has polyListComponentConversion , and the maya python api 2.0 ( maya.api.OpenMaya , which is pythonic AF  ) , yeah I suggest you get rid of pymel you don't need it

Tim Fowler

Apr 4, 2018, 4:19:09 PM4/4/18
to python_in...@googlegroups.com
There's also a couple ways of doing this kind of thing in Maya...  

In the Modeling Toolkit panel you can set the "Selection Constraint" drop-down to "Angle" and then play with the value (which I think is the angle in degrees bewteen the face normals).  That will transform every selection you make to expand out based on the angle between the faces.  It works on faces/edges/vertices.  You'll also see it highlight what it will select when you have pre-select-highlight on, which can be usefull.

Then there's Select -> Similar.  Read the doc's on this one since it can do something similar to what yiou want for components, but it also does stuff for object selection.

The Select Similar component behaviour is based on selection constraints, so you can also read the docs on polySelectConstraint and look at the UI under Select -> Use Constraints.  That does have a lot of options, but -anglePropagation is probably the main one you're looking for.


Michael Boon

Apr 5, 2018, 1:51:55 AM4/5/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
It's a bit of a myth, or at least an over-simplification, to say that PyMel is slower and maya.cmds is faster. MEL and maya.cmds tend to be slow because they do string processing for almost everything (and for that reason they're also error-prone once you get into scenes with instances). PyMel tends to be slow because it often wraps maya.cmds, and then spends more time creating Python objects for things, but it can also be faster than cmds because it often wraps the API and sometimes you can get the API to do the work under the hood where cmds would be juggling strings.

So in general, like Justin suggested, profile your code (there's a profile module in Python) and look for hot spots.

In this case though, I have written a script using PyMel that I can't share, but it's only 8 simple lines and I think it does what you want, plenty fast for your needs. Sorry! That's rude I know, but I don't own it! Use the MeshFace class, and its methods connectedFaces and getNormal. Don't use ls or polyListComponentConversion at all in your loop - those can be pathological examples of PyMel slowness.

I hope that helps :)

Michael Boon

Apr 5, 2018, 1:54:47 AM4/5/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
(I got a little cocky there. My script doesn't do a check for hard edges!)

Darby Edelen

Apr 5, 2018, 2:29:06 AM4/5/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
There are definitely some intricacies of pymel that elude me. I don't know, for example, how to get a flattened list of connected faces without using ls. Or perhaps I don't need a flattened list? I assume that I need to getNormal on each face and compare against its connected faces in order to decide which faces to extend to on the next step. Can I do that if connectedFaces isn't giving me a flattened list?

As for the speed at which this script and the similar built-in selection constraints operate, they are woefully slow in comparison to the cinema 4d tool I'm trying to emulate. I think there must be some data built behind the scenes to accelerate this sort of selection.

Can you provide me with any further hints? Is your 8 line script able to select upwards of 100,000 faces within an arbitrary angle tolerance in under a second or should I adjust my expectations?

Michael Boon

Apr 5, 2018, 3:06:33 AM4/5/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
100,000 faces would take minutes. Growing a list one element at a time in Python gets very slow as your list gets big.

I start with a flattened list of faces, then I'm just looping on my list until I get to the end. Inside the loop looks a bit like this:
normal = face.getNormal()
= face.connectedFaces()
for f in connected:
# If f is already in my list, continue
# Test normal.dot(f.getNormal()) and add to the end of the list if it passes

That's pretty much it. I haven't needed to flatten any components (though if you find a case where you think you do, I'd advise you try to use them as they are, because a mesh component iterable is an API data structure, and flattening it into individual mesh components involves a lot of Python behind the scenes.

If you want to use it on 100,000 faces and you don't want to learn how to do it in C++ (which is fair enough), maybe try the Python API. One huge advantage of the API is the array types, which manage their memory very well and can be arbitrarily grown to 100,000 or even millions of elements without slowing everything horribly like Python lists would*. The logic would be very similar (using MItMeshPolygon instead of MeshFace) and I don't think it would be much faster for smaller selections, but it could handle larger ones better.

(*Alternatively you can pre-assign the size of your Python lists, and keep track of the number of used elements yourself. Sometimes that's easier.)

Honestly I'm really intrigued now. Hopefully I'll have time tonight to try to make a version that can handle big numbers.

Michael Boon

Apr 5, 2018, 7:52:15 AM4/5/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
OK I ran out of time but I do have something. The interface is very rough - it only uses the first selected component, and I don't have it selecting the result at the end. However, it does process 90,000 faces in under 1 second on my PC. So that's something :)

import math
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om

def getCoplanarFaceIds(fnMesh, ids, angle):
''' Accepts, and returns, a list of face IDs. '''
= math.cos(math.radians(angle))
= om.MItMeshPolygon(fnMesh.getPath())
# Keep track of ids both as a list and a set.
# Checking if an element is in a set is much faster than a list.
= set(ids)
= 0
while i < len(ids):
= itPoly.getNormal()
= itPoly.getConnectedFaces()
for c in connectedIds:
if c not in idSet:
if normal * itPoly.getNormal() > dot:
+= 1
return ids

# Here's a rough script to drive the function.
= om.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList()
for i in range(selList.length()):
, comp = selList.getComponent(i)
except TypeError:
continue # Probably a DG node, like a material.
if comp == om.MObject.kNullObj:
continue # Not a component
if dagPath.hasFn(om.MFn.kMesh):
# Just as a quick test, use the first component we find.
# TODO: At least check it's meant to be a face!
= om.MFnMesh(dagPath)
= om.MFnSingleIndexedComponent(comp)
= fnComp.element(0)
print 'Using {}.f[{}]'.format(fnMesh.partialPathName(), id)
= getCoplanarFaceIds(fnMesh, [id], 15)
print len(connectedFaceIds)

Incidentally here's some profile info. I was wrong about appending to the list taking significant time. The missing time here would be mostly used by the "if c not in idSet" line, I expect.
   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.003    0.003    0.663    0.663 <maya console>:2(<module>)
        1    0.208    0.208    0.659    0.659 <maya console>:2(getCoplanarFaceIds)
    90000    0.243    0.000    0.243    0.000 {method 'getConnectedFaces' of 'OpenMaya.MItMeshPolygon' objects}
   179999    0.175    0.000    0.175    0.000 {method 'getNormal' of 'OpenMaya.MItMeshPolygon' objects}
   179999    0.012    0.000    0.012    0.000 {method 'setIndex' of 'OpenMaya.MItMeshPolygon' objects}
    89999    0.009    0.000    0.009    0.000 {method 'add' of 'set' objects}
    89999    0.006    0.000    0.006    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
    90004    0.006    0.000    0.006    0.000 {len}
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