scriptJob for change in optionVar values

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Oct 29, 2019, 12:20:36 PM10/29/19
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hi all, I am trying to write a custom scriptJob that will activates when it detects a change in an `optionVar` value.

Initially, I was using `RecentCommandChanged` as the event name, which seemingly have work, but however, it calls everything I navigate to another (new) tool command.
Is there a better event name/ create a personal event that I can adopt?

P.S: The current code I am working on uses MEL and hence unable to use the ones within OpenMaya.

Appreciate in advance for any replies.


Tim Fowler

Oct 29, 2019, 3:34:21 PM10/29/19
global proc MyOptionVarCallback()
    int $val = `optionVar -q createPolyPrimitiveAsTool`;
    print ("Create polys with tool: " + $val + "\n");

scriptJob -optionVarChange "createPolyPrimitiveAsTool" "MyOptionVarCallback";

I think there's a flag for that, although the doc's might have it spelled incorrectly for some reason.  This code will run whenever you change the "Interactive Creation" option.


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Oct 29, 2019, 3:39:22 PM10/29/19
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hey Tim, thanks for getting back.

I am not seeing -optionVarChange within the docs of `scriptJob` command though (I'm looking at the 2018 documentation). 


Oct 29, 2019, 3:41:48 PM10/29/19
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Okay, my bad, it seems that this command is only available in Maya 2019. Unfortunately I am using an earlier version, Maya 2018 though.
any other alternatives?

Tim Fowler

Oct 29, 2019, 6:23:58 PM10/29/19
Ah, well that's unfortunate.  I'm not aware of another way off the top of my head.  Is there something specific you're trying to do that you can share?  Maybe there's an alternative approach...


On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 3:41 PM kiteh <> wrote:
Okay, my bad, it seems that this command is only available in Maya 2019. Unfortunately I am using an earlier version, Maya 2018 though.
any other alternatives?

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Oct 30, 2019, 2:27:13 PM10/30/19
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hi Tim, 

Thanks for the info, nonetheless! Glad to know that the scriptJob command gets updated with new args in Maya 2019.

I have this tool written in PyQt Gui (accessed by clicking on the shelf button icon), in which it has a checkbox within that allows/ tells user whether the "Auto" mode is enabled or not.
Checked means enabled, unchecked means disabled.

Because this checkbox can only be navigate only when the UI is open (it uses an optionVar, eg. `myToolMode`), and so I thought it may be easier if I either:
  • Create a right click menu where the sub-menu (aka menuItem) will have a checkbox functionality so that it associates with the state of the optionVar.
  • Or, change the shelf icon image, eg. bg color of the icon will be colored red to signify that the mode is enabled.
As mentioned, the shelf + its icons are generated by mel code, initially I tried the first approach (menuItem with checkbox), unfortunately it fails, as it does not works in the manner I had wanted to.
And so, I tried out the second method, changing of the shelf icon where part of the mel code goes as:
global proc myToolButton(string $parent)
    string  $parentLayout = `setParent -q`,
            $shelfButtons[] = `layout -q -childArray $parentLayout`,
            $autoMode = $shelfButtons[`size $shelfButtons` - 1];

    // Script Job creation
    scriptJob -parent $autoMode -event "RecentCommandChanged" ("myToolIconChange(\"" + $autoMode + "\")");

global proc myToolIconChange(string $shelfButton)
    string  $image = "myToolIconDisabled.png",
            $autoMode = `optionVar -q "myToolMode"`;
    int $myMode = 0;

    if ($autoMode == 1){
        $image = ("myToolIconEnabled.png"); // this will have a red bg color
        $myMode = 1;

        $image = ("myToolIconDisabled.png");
        $myMode = 0;
    if(`shelfButton -q -exists $shelfButton`)
        // Update the button with the image we chose.
        catchQuiet(`shelfButton -edit -image $image $shelfButton`);

By default, the optionVar/ the tool mode is in disabled state in first maya session. Currently the issue I had is:
  • I enabled the mode via the popup menu (shelf icon with red bg color)
  • Launch the tool (the pyqt checkbox is checked, which is correct)
  • Disabled the mode within the pyqt tool but the shelf icon did not gets updated
  • Shelf icon only gets updated (to non-red bg) unless I perform other actions within Maya context itself eg. creating a new locator 

Apologize for the long list of details.

Justin Israel

Oct 30, 2019, 2:57:09 PM10/30/19
Could you just set a callback for your shelf buttons popupMenu postMenuCommand to update the check state from the optionVar? Then it would be accurate every time you show the menu. 

Apologize for the long list of details.

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