Checking order of list items in 2 lists

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Oct 10, 2018, 3:32:41 PM10/10/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hi everyone,

I have 2 list items which contains the same amount of items, and I am trying to check the order of one list to another.

# This is derived from maya.cmds
list01 = ['cleve', 'adam', 'yuno', 'pete'] 

# This is derived from dictionary keys in a way it is capturing the same info from the scene but derived very differently
list02 = ['pete', 'yuno', 'cleve', 'adam'] 

I am unable to use `list01 = list02` or something similar, because both lists are called from different applications and hence this question of mine.
And the reason I had wanted to the order to be the same is so that the application that uses `list02` will populate in the same hierarchical manner as in `list01` (outliner).

And neither would I want to/ can use `sorted` as this will mess up my order. What is the best way to go about this?

P.S: Sorry in advance if this sounds like a very noob question...

Justin Israel

Oct 10, 2018, 4:36:26 PM10/10/18
There is no need to apologize for the perceived value of your question.

Can you please expand on your goal? I am confused between the part where you want to  "check the order of one list to another" vs "unable to use `list01 = list02`" vs "neither would I want to/ can use `sorted`".

Are you trying to check if list02 is the same order as list01 in terms of True or False? If you hadn't said list01 and list02 are the same length, then I would have thought you were trying to iterate list02 sorted by the order of items in list01. But that doesn't make sense if they both contain the same items. Testing "==" between the two lists would tell you if they are sorted the same way or not. Testing sorted(list02) == list01 would tell you if they contain the same items. 

Maybe you can illustrate your expected behaviour with a little more detail?

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Oct 10, 2018, 5:31:25 PM10/10/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hi Justin, sorry that I may have made my question confusing/ I was babbling, typing away of the way I am trying to phrase my question.
Let me try again :)

1. Deriving the hierarchy from Outliner
 Eg. This is the hierarchical level as seen in my Outliner

|-- base
|--|-- names
|--|--|-- cleve
|--|--|-- adam
|--|--|-- yuno
|--|--|-- pete

If I run a cmds command as follows, note that the result is as what I will be seeing in the Outliner.

list01 = cmds.listRelatives('base', ad=True, f=True)[:-1]
print all_items
Result :

2. As mentioned, list02 is derived from dictionary keys from a custom module, but the result/ order from the dictionary's keys does not follows any orders etc.
list02 = ['pete', 'yuno', 'cleve', 'adam']

And so, I am trying to check the ordering between 2 lists, one from Outliner, the other from a custom iterator, where list01 is the main list to be check.
In this case, what I am trying to achieve is:
  • if the order of list02 is different from list01, re-order the items in list02 such that it follows the same hierarchical level in list01

About the part that I say I cannot use `list01 = list02` is because I will be making use of the other values within that dicitonary (where it derive the list02) in a different application, and sorry that I mentioned about `sorted`, ignore it as I seems to have make the question more confusing.

Kurian O.S

Oct 10, 2018, 5:44:56 PM10/10/18
Sort can do that 

In [2]: list01=['cleve', 'adam', 'yuno', 'pete']

In [3]: list02 = ['pete', 'yuno', 'cleve', 'adam']

In [4]: list02 = sorted(list2, key=list01.index)

In [5]: list02
Out[5]: ['cleve', 'adam', 'yuno', 'pete']

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--:: Kurian ::--

Justin Israel

Oct 10, 2018, 8:37:12 PM10/10/18
On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 10:44 AM Kurian O.S <> wrote:
Sort can do that 

In [2]: list01=['cleve', 'adam', 'yuno', 'pete']

In [3]: list02 = ['pete', 'yuno', 'cleve', 'adam']

In [4]: list02 = sorted(list2, key=list01.index)

In [5]: list02
Out[5]: ['cleve', 'adam', 'yuno', 'pete']

Nice example.

 I was thrown by the original question that had said the two lists contain the same items. But as it turns out from the revised question, the two lists contain different number of items and one needs to be sorted by the other.

I noticed the example is using listRelatives() with all descendants. Not sure what this looks like if there are children at different levels. Maybe they are all normalized to just single words. 


Oct 11, 2018, 12:33:06 AM10/11/18
to Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Hi Kiteh,

Why not use `OrderedDict` in the first place ?
Seems like `list01` and `list02` both from the same scene, if you are able to use `OrderedDict` instead of `dict`, you can save the order.
Or, just iterating `list01` and use as key to access the `dict` value, isn't that also guaranty the order of the *value* you retrieved, which I assume is the final goal ?

kiteh於 2018年10月11日星期四 UTC+8上午3時32分41秒寫道:
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