z3py issue

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Ipsita Koley

no llegida,
30 d’ag. 2019, 1:05:4430/8/19
a pySMT
File "understeerSlow_withCriteria.py", line 5782, in <module>
    m = s.model()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/z3/z3.py", line 6547, in model
    raise Z3Exception("model is not available")

This error is coming however s.check() returns "sat"

Andrea Micheli

no llegida,
30 d’ag. 2019, 3:35:5230/8/19
a Ipsita Koley,pySMT
Dear Ipsita,

this seems a problem with z3py, not pysmt (http://pysmt.org).

Anyhow, it's hard to suggest for solutions without seeing your code, but here are a few tips:
- You NEED to call s.check() BEFORE you can call s.model()
- check that model-generation is enabled  (e.g. if you are parsing an SMT2 file check is the option produce-models is set to true)



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