Problem with Puppet reinstalling Windows APPs

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Dec 8, 2016, 5:01:37 PM12/8/16
to Puppet Users
Hi everyone! new puppet user and i'm still learning, doing good atm but having a small issue

I have a package that install Adobe Reader DC on my nodes, the issue is that each time i run puppet agent -t it always reinstall Adobe Reader.

Is there any way to tell puppet to ignore if program is already installed?

Dirk Heinrichs

Dec 9, 2016, 1:31:29 AM12/9/16
Am 08.12.2016 um 20:09 schrieb ratatapa:

I have a package that install Adobe Reader DC on my nodes, the issue is that each time i run puppet agent -t it always reinstall Adobe Reader.

Is there any way to tell puppet to ignore if program is already installed?

Yes. On Windows (and only on Windows), the resource title of a package resource must match exactly what Windows shows in the "Name" column when you open "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features". So in your case, it should look like

    package { 'Adobe Acrobat Reader DC':


Dirk Heinrichs | Senior Systems Engineer, Delivery Pipeline
Tel: +49 2226 159666 (Ansage) 1149
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Dec 9, 2016, 8:05:36 AM12/9/16
to Puppet Users,
Thanks, but that would seem to be an issue for updates then

Dirk Heinrichs

Dec 9, 2016, 8:15:37 AM12/9/16
to Puppet Users
Am 09.12.2016 um 14:05 schrieb ratatapa:

Thanks, but that would seem to be an issue for updates then

No, that would be the version, not the name. Just read the docs:

"The title (or name) of the package must match the value of the package’s DisplayName property in the registry, which is also the value displayed in the “Add/Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” control panel.
If the provided name and the installed name don’t match, Puppet will believe the package is not installed and try to install it again."

Rob Nelson

Dec 9, 2016, 9:35:58 AM12/9/16
I think in this case it's an issue because Adobe puts version numbers in the product name - it's not Acrobat Reader anymore, it's Acrobat Reader DC or Acrobat Reader X, which leads to having to change two strings. Definitely not a fan of their versioning scheme.


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Rob Nelson

Dirk Heinrichs

Dec 9, 2016, 10:07:47 AM12/9/16
Am 09.12.2016 um 15:35 schrieb Rob Nelson:

I think in this case it's an issue because Adobe puts version numbers in the product name - it's not Acrobat Reader anymore, it's Acrobat Reader DC or Acrobat Reader X, which leads to having to change two strings. Definitely not a fan of their versioning scheme.

Nope. At least on my system, the name is "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" and the version is "15.020.20042". However, you're right in that some packages add the version to the name, for example Git for Windows, where the name looks like "Git version 2.11.0". In that case, one can either do:

class git ($version = undef) {
    package { "Git version ${version}":

or use the chocolatey package provider from PuppetForge, like

class git {
    package { 'git':
        provider => 'chocolatey',
        ensure => latest,

Note that in the 2nd example, one could also add the $version paramater and use that instead of latest. Depends on your needs.


Rob Nelson

Dec 9, 2016, 10:20:36 AM12/9/16
What I meant is that it was just 'Acrobat Reader' in v1-9, then it was 'Acrobat Reader X', then a series of other names before v15 became 'Acrobat Reader DC'. It's a crapshoot every time they release a new version. This is not fun when there isn't a chocolate package to use instead.


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Rob Nelson

Dirk Heinrichs

Dec 9, 2016, 10:55:26 AM12/9/16
Am 09.12.2016 um 16:20 schrieb Rob Nelson:

This is not fun when there isn't a chocolate package to use instead.

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