Wash 0.18.0 now available

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Puppet Product Updates

Jan 15, 2020, 4:29:23 PM1/15/20
to internal-puppet...@puppet.com, puppet-...@googlegroups.com, puppet...@googlegroups.com
Wash 01.8.0 is now available. This release is focused on clarifying some of the initial interactions with Wash.

The 'docs' command has been augmented so it's the primary method to discover how to interact with different parts of Wash.

We also have worked to clarify the difference between partial (or preliminary) and full metadata. This is a breaking change for external plugin authors.

See v0.18.0 for detailed release notes.

Michael Smith

Jan 15, 2020, 4:35:10 PM1/15/20
to puppet...@googlegroups.com
If you noticed the (very obvious) typo, it's definitely 0.18.0. Oops.
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