Mysqldump using puppet

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Md Juyel Haque

Jul 31, 2020, 1:17:22 PM7/31/20
to Puppet Users
Please help me.I want to create  script database backup. This should be deployed with the puppet scripts on the Tomcat server.
Errors from the dump should be noted and an email sent to particular email address in case of errors/failure.
The script should also take the IP addresses from the Cloudformation template specified and SCP the backup to each of these servers.


Jul 31, 2020, 4:09:10 PM7/31/20
I use this as my mysql backup script:

It expects that the credentials for the database are in ~/.my.cnf for the user running the script.  If you are using puppetlabs/mysql to manage your mysql database then this is already set up for you and you just need to run your cron job as root.  Right now it assumes it is running on the DB server itself, but the ParseMyCnf function could be easily tweaked to read the server address from ~/.my.cnf if it exists and only default to localhost if a host isn't specified.

It doesn't currently send emails on errors, but you can fork the repo and submit a PR and I'd be happy to merge.


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Md Juyel Haque

Jul 31, 2020, 5:31:28 PM7/31/20
if I write this code how will I run it from puppet


Thanks & Regards,
Md Juyel Haque | Sr. DevOps Engineer 
Phone No: 7047906982 


Jul 31, 2020, 5:47:50 PM7/31/20
You put the perl script and backup scripts in a module, and deploy as files.  In my case, they are part of a private module called bayhosting:

file {
      ensure  => directory,
      mode  =>  '0700',
      owner  =>  'root',
      group  =>  'root',
      require => File['/var/local/backups'];

      source => "puppet:///modules/bayhosting/opt/bin/",
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'root',
      mode    => '0555';

      source => "puppet:///modules/bayhosting/root/",
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'root',
      mode    => '0555';

And then you set up a cron job:

cron {
      command  =>  "/root/",
      user  =>  root,
      hour  => 0,
      minute  => 0,
      require => File['/opt/bin/',"/var/local/backups/mysql", "/root/"];

Md Juyel Haque

Jul 31, 2020, 6:09:12 PM7/31/20

Md Juyel Haque

Aug 2, 2020, 9:30:41 AM8/2/20
Hi y tickets are these
I am struggling with to write scripts

another two scripts I need please 
1 )
In the Puppet scripts, create a script which is active on every environment except for prod and is only installed on the SSH servers. This script should run via cron every 5 minutes, which can be installed via Puppet (see common::cronjob).  

2) Create a script in Puppet which is installed in the Tomcat servers only for non-production environments and is not available in production and runs via cron every 5 minutes. The script will install the DB backup when it is found in the IAM user’s directory  

Michael Watters

Aug 3, 2020, 10:31:49 AM8/3/20
to Puppet Users

Why do these feel like homework questions?  :D

You can add logic to your manifest  based on what environment the agent is running under using simple if statements.  For example:

if $facts['environment'] != 'production' {

    notify { 'This is a non-production node!': }


If you're not familiar with writing puppet manifests the Puppet Learning VM would be a good place to start.

okay Thank You 

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Thanks & Regards,
Md Juyel Haque | Sr. DevOps Engineer 
Phone No: 7047906982 

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Thanks & Regards,
Md Juyel Haque | Sr. DevOps Engineer 
Phone No: 7047906982 
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