Starting to work with pulsewaves

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Yaron Addar

Oct 31, 2019, 8:21:53 AM10/31/19
to PulseWaves - no pulse left behind

Hello everyone,

I am now at my first steps of working with the LiDAR data and need some help.

I understand that LiDAR generated raw data are pulse waves, which are full return data of each pulse fired by the laser. These raw data is then analysed and by using different algorithms and methods a 3D point cloud can be created.


To start I wanted to get some raw pulse wave data samples and to use library like python pyLidar to create a point cloud in a LAS or other format.

My question is from where to get the data? and what are  the most common formats for raw data and point clods data.



Martin Isenburg

Oct 31, 2019, 1:50:33 PM10/31/19
to PulseWaves - no pulse left behind

according to these earlier discussions the NEON data should be available in PulseWaves format for download:

also the data from a high density aerial scan of the downtown of Dublin, Ireland is available both in LAZ and PulseWaves:


Martin @rapidlasso 

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Chris Crosby

Oct 31, 2019, 2:55:48 PM10/31/19
to PulseWaves - no pulse left behind
The San Joaquin Experiment Range (SJER) portion of the NEON D17 Pacific Southwest-California dataset in OpenTopography includes full waveform data in PulseWaves format: 

The files can be bulk downloaded from our cloud storage:



Christopher Crosby
Geodetic Imaging & OpenTopography Project Manager
UNAVCO, Inc. 6350 Nautilus Dr., Suite B/C, Boulder, CO 80301

On Thursday, October 31, 2019 at 11:50:33 AM UTC-6, Martin Isenburg wrote:

according to these earlier discussions the NEON data should be available in PulseWaves format for download:

also the data from a high density aerial scan of the downtown of Dublin, Ireland is available both in LAZ and PulseWaves:


Martin @rapidlasso 

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 1:22 PM Yaron Addar <> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am now at my first steps of working with the LiDAR data and need some help.

I understand that LiDAR generated raw data are pulse waves, which are full return data of each pulse fired by the laser. These raw data is then analysed and by using different algorithms and methods a 3D point cloud can be created.


To start I wanted to get some raw pulse wave data samples and to use library like python pyLidar to create a point cloud in a LAS or other format.

My question is from where to get the data? and what are  the most common formats for raw data and point clods data.



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Anh Vu Vo

Oct 31, 2019, 3:35:51 PM10/31/19

Here is another group in the US using PulseWaves. I have not really dived deep into what they do. But they seem to use high-performance computing clusters for processing full waveform LiDAR data in PusleWaves format. Their code is on Github.

Anh Vu Vo

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