My profuse apology guys: I got ProTools working

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Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 5:47:482023. 03. 15.
Boy, this just hasn't been my night!

Turns out, I have a few theories why I probably got the error I did, now, I can't really speak for the error Martin is getting, but at least for me, I think I know what happened, and it shouldn't happen to any of you. It was due to something ridiculously stupid I did totally unrelated to ProTools, but as a side-effect, it didn't play nicely with the upgrade to 2022.12.

I'm just glad I can sleep easy now knowing it's pretty much fixed. I gotta reconfigure some things, but whatever. I definitely made this way harder on myself than it needed to be, and frankly, I feel like an idiot!


Martin (Punky) Sopart

2023. márc. 15. 5:53:132023. 03. 15.

What did you do to fix it?
Because... After trashing my Pro Tools prefs, I get the error you got.

Best! / Martin
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Rocco Fiorentino

2023. márc. 15. 10:59:022023. 03. 15.
– Pro Tools Accessibility List
Hi Chris and Martin,

I’ve seen this error before when Pro Tools tries to default to an incorrectly configured playback engine (such as choosing pro tools aggregate with no devices inside, etc.). Holding down the “n” key while launching Pro Tools should force you too choose a new playback engine, which should resolve it.
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Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 11:13:132023. 03. 15.
Warning, long mail and long rant ahead, so if you don't have time to read a 10 page on and on tirade, then stop reading now. I dont' wanna waist your time. LOL!

This is gonna sound really really stupid, and if you're like me, you're gonna be like G? D it, why didn't you think of this, Chris!

This is so obvious, it's not! obvious. Basically, what I wound up having to do was, I had to literally go to /Applications/Avid Uninstallers, and run the Pro Tools uninstaller shell script, and literally say yes to everything, and yes, I do mean everything it asks, no exception. Don't worry. It won't delete your /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plugins folder if you have anything in it not directly installed as a part of ProTools, like the Air stuff etcetera. That said however, I won't be responsible for any loss of data! Back up, back up, back? up! And oh, did I mention back, up!

Next, I went back and again in the Avid uninstallers folder in Applications, I ran all the other uninstalls. Note that if like me, you have ProTools Audio bridge as one of the things to uninstall, I diddit, but I lost all sound temporarily. After about 3 minutes, I unloaded Voiceover, waited about 10 seconds to be safe, then reloaded it, and sound eventually returned. Also, and though I don't know this for sure, it's my theory this may be where I went wrong initially that broke it.

It seems like, though you don't have to actually use it, you do! have to at least have Avid Link installed. Slau probably is gonna correct me here, but what I can tell you is this:

I had Avid Link 2022.9 installed. Just installing PT 2022.12 wasn't enough. Doing that alone freaked things out badly. So, Yeah, in the uninstallers, I removed Avid Link. Then I went up to my Avid account at:

I logged in, and under my products>View my products, I hit the down pointing triangle with VO+Space to the right of where it said Avid Link, then downloaded the actual dmg for Avid Link, ran it, and installed the updated version 2022.12. Evidently, it coincides the same version number as ProTools.

Once this was done, I ran the installer from the mounted ProTools 2022.12 dmg. Then, though not prompted to do so, I rebooted anyway, just to be safe.

Finally, I ran ProTools. Now, here's something to be mindful also of. When I did this, I still had some old AAX plugins lying around that I had installed from PT 2022.9. I dont' know what Avid has done, but apparently something. I say this as, PT came up and scanned/loaded plugins, even my 3rd party stuff, which by the way did not get deactivated thank God! Oh man that would a been a disaster! Eventually, PT got to, I believe if I remember correctly, vacuum, then it basically hung, and wouldn't continue loading anything nor taking me to the dash. I litewrally had to command tab out of the window, then do command+Option+Escape to force quit, and do so on ProTools. I finally got PT launched where vacuum passed with no issue, however, eventually, PT totally unexpectedly closed/crashed. This was 100 percent the time consistent over and over. So, that's when I finally chose to go back, log in to my Avid account and just redownload those installers which came with ProTools plus all the extra 3rd party stuff it let me redeem for free back in the days. None of it had to be reactivated. Just reinstalled. I think probably it needed some of those plugins to be updated, as I saw that they had versions 2022.12, so though I didn't look, my guess is probably that 2022.9 was probably the version of the plugins I had previously installed, and being those are not technically probably Ventura supported, it wouldn't work. The only reason I think it worked before is I didn't do a clean install of Ventura. I upgraded my system from MOnterey without wiping the drive and restoring from Time Machine.

So basically, I know God, all, mighty! I went way out of my way making that harder than it had to be, but you did ask, so there you go! Honestly, had I just simply started to begin with by updating Avid link before installing ProTools, I probably wouldn't have had this issue. But as usual, I'm stubborn as a mule, and always take the hard way out. Slau, I feel your pain. You have every bit my permission to shoot me for this! LOL! I'd not blame him for being pissed for me being so damn stupid! I should have honestly known better. Uaaag!

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Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 11:21:342023. 03. 15.
Are you talking about the error I got when trying to create a new session, or do you mean the error that Martin got which is slightly different than the issue I had.

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Martin (Punky) Sopart

2023. márc. 15. 12:10:232023. 03. 15.
Hello Rocco!

The error:
Could not create a new document because Assertion in
line 1189

occurs after the playback engine dialog.

I got that error after backing up and then trashing the prevs.
So I restored the prevs and got back the initial situation as follows:

I'm running the latest Pro Tools 2022.12 under Ventura 13.2.1.
Pro Tools opens without any message or warning and I'm able to create new sessions.
I'm further able to open decent existing sessions without any issue.
But when I try to open e.g. the current Pro Tools demo session or some of mine, the following error appears and I have to restart Pro Tools to be able
to open any session again.

Could not complete your request because Assertion in
line 2814.

Any ideas where I could start to search?
Both of my Macs do behave the same.
What does this UGridView.cpp file...
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Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 12:50:452023. 03. 15.
You wanna know what is really funny, well, OK, not funny, but, interesting about all of this? Look again at the path to the first error message in Martin's response.

Part of the path says something about "color". What in the world does color have to do with creating a new session?

This is why I was initially mislead to thinking it was some sort of a flo tools screw up. My logic, no pun intented, of thinking was, OK, color, so, maybe Flo tools is trying to query some sort of colors on the screen, and can't find them for some odd reason, therefore, it's crashing things.

Anyway, alas, who knows!

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Martin (Punky) Sopart

2023. márc. 15. 13:41:142023. 03. 15.
Hello Chris!

Could you try to open the pro Tools 2022 demo session?
You should find it in your documents folder under Pro Tools/Demo Sessions.
It's called "Can't get enough...".
Could you open it without any error?

Thanks and best! / Martin
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Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 13:52:462023. 03. 15.
Yeah, that isn't opening for me either. I'm getting the same error as you.

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Martin (Punky) Sopart

2023. márc. 15. 14:03:522023. 03. 15.

Fantastic, isn't it?!
Avid's own demo session from February 2022 is not compatible with the current version of Pro Tools.

Thanks for confirming that! / Martin
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Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 14:19:382023. 03. 15.
Changing the subject line to better reflect the topic.

I normally don't use the demo sessions but, yeah.

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Ignasi Cambra

2023. márc. 15. 15:09:122023. 03. 15.
I have often seen these errors when running PT in an unsupported OS. If I had to guess I would say that's the problem. Is Ventura officially supported by Avid yet?

Sent from my iPhone

> On 15 Mar 2023, at 16:50, Chris Gilland <> wrote:
> You wanna know what is really funny, well, OK, not funny, but, interesting about all of this? Look again at the path to the first error message in Martin's response.
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Martin (Punky) Sopart

2023. márc. 15. 15:13:292023. 03. 15.

Chris Gilland

2023. márc. 15. 15:53:312023. 03. 15.
Yes. It is according to what I found on Avid force.

I'm not sure when that happened, but boy am I glad it now is.

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