Pro Tools and different audio interfaces

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Martin (Punky) Sopart

May 13, 2019, 6:34:15 AM5/13/19
Hi all!

I'm just setting up my new Mac mini 2018.
For mobile purposes I want to use my Focusrite Scarlett 2I4 and at home my
MBox Pro.

When now changing the audio interface...
First, after starting Pro Tools I have to set the audio engine correctly.
Does it further make sense to store an empty session per audio interface
including the i/o settings?
Or what's the best way to have the correct in- and outputs when working on
the same session with more than one audio interfaces?

Thank you and best! / Martin

Michael Holmes

May 13, 2019, 10:37:41 AM5/13/19
Exporting settings from the I/O window and importing after switching interfaces works well for me. I use 3 interfaces, by different companies, and this seems to work.

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Steve Sparrow

May 13, 2019, 3:04:55 PM5/13/19
to 'Joy Bausch' via Pro Tools Accessibility
i use three audio interfaces myself. It seems quite easy for my work flo to connect the interface I want to use and go to to the set up menu then playback engine, and select my interface from the list, and i’m in business. There is probably a more streamlined way of doing this..but this metherd works ok for me.
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John André Lium-Netland

May 16, 2019, 11:44:47 AM5/16/19
to PT access group
Hi Martin,

Curious about your new Mac Mini 2018, I’m just about to choose either this one or a iMac. My considerations are simple but hard; I like the form factor and mobility of the Mac Mini, but sceptical to the lack of the need for an external eGPU for some kind of work. I’m not a gamer, I’m not a video editor, but still I would like a machine that’s capable of what the iMac can do.

What type of Mac Mini did you buy, what configuration did you choose, and what are your experiences so far when it comes to work with Pro Tools? I’ll run it both headless and with my existing monitor.

I’ll appreciate any feedback, and I’m sure some others on the list are curious as well! ;)

John André

Martin (Punky) Sopart

May 17, 2019, 4:44:15 AM5/17/19
Hi John!

OK, I'll post my first experience as soon as everything is set up.
At the moment I'm still downloading all my plugs etc.

But I can tell you, that I bought the Mac mini 2018 with the 6 core I7, 64 gb ram and 2 tb ssd.
First impressions regarding speed are very good.
And for those who didn't know, the Mac mini has an internal loudspeaker, very cool :-)

Regards! / Martin

John André Lium-Netland

May 19, 2019, 10:01:36 PM5/19/19
Cool, that’s the optimal configuration, absolutely on the top of my list if I can make up my mind… ;)

Looking forward to hear your feedback…..
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