Fwd: Webinar on COVID 19 pandemic by ZDM - Mathematics Education

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Marcelo de Carvalho Borba

2023/01/31 10:14:272023/01/31
To: Lista PPGEM、Expgem、gpim...@listas.rc.unesp.br、pro...@googlegroups.com
Webinar gratuito em inglês, 15 de Fevereiro! 
Abraços democráticos, 
marcelo c. borba

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Gabriele <gabriel...@uni-hamburg.de>
Date: seg., 30 de jan. de 2023 às 14:33
Subject: Webinar on COVID 19 pandemic by ZDM - Mathematics Education
To: Puja Dayal <puja....@biomedcentral.com>
Cc: S. Schukajlow <schuk...@uni-muenster.de>, Johann Engelbrecht <johann.en...@up.ac.za>, Marcelo Borba <mbo...@rc.unesp.br>

Dear Puja,


At PME in Alicante we discussed the possibility to run Webinars on special issues of ZDM – Mathematics Education.

I am now organising a Webinar on “COVID 19 pandemic – its mathematical background, social and educational consequences” together with  the other guest editors Marcelo Borba and Johann Engelbrecht. Stanislaw Schukajlow will serve as moderator.


The Webinar will take place at Wednesday, 15th Februar 2023, 2.00-3.30 pm UTC, no registration is needed.

LINK:  https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/69348602899?pwd=VEc0NmllUmhla2kreTc2Qk1FN2Ezdz09

Meeting-ID: 693 4860 2899 / Code: 64718961

More information can be found in the attached flyer. Is it possible for you to distribute the information about the channels of Springer.


With best wishes






*  Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser

*  University of Hamburg /   Faculty of Education /  Didactics of Mathematics

*  Von-Melle-Park 8 / 20146 Hamburg  (Germany)

* Nord University Bodø, Norway


* Editor-in-Chief of ZDM – Mathematics Education

* Head of Research Project Professional teachers´ actions to promote subject-based learning (ProfaLe) within Teacher

   Education Quality Campaign (QLB)

* President of International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications

* Honorary Professor at the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University

* Honorary Professor at the Educational University of Hong Kong


* Phone: (+49) 040 42838-5320 (secretary -5321) /  Fax: (+49) 040 42838-4459

* e-mail: gabriel...@uni-hamburg.de

* Homepage: www.dr-gabriele-kaiser.de





Webinar on Covid-19.pdf

Marcelo de Carvalho Borba

2023/02/05 5:08:582023/02/05
To: Lista PPGEM、Expgem、gpim...@listas.rc.unesp.br、pro...@googlegroups.com
falando em internacionalização.. .eis um webinar fácil e grátis.... o tema é de interesse de todos  Alguns dos nomes grandes da EM, como Gabriele Kaiser, estarão presentes, junto com outros mortais. 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: ICTMA list <ictma...@ictma.net>
Date: ter., 31 de jan. de 2023 às 16:47
Subject: [ICTMA_list] Webinar on COVID 19 pandemic by ZDM - Mathematics Education
To: ictma...@ictma.net <ictma...@ictma.net>

Dear all,


I am currently organising a Webinar on “COVID 19 pandemic – its mathematical background, social and educational consequences” together with  the other guest editors Marcelo Borba and Johann Engelbrecht. Stanislaw Schukajlow will serve as moderator.


The Webinar will take place at Wednesday, 15th Februar 2023, 2.00-3.30 pm UTC, no registration is needed.

LINK:  https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/69348602899?pwd=VEc0NmllUmhla2kreTc2Qk1FN2Ezdz09

Meeting-ID: 693 4860 2899 / Code: 64718961

More information can be found in the attached flyer. I am certain that this theme will be of interest for the ICTMA community.


With best wishes






*  Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaiser

*  University of Hamburg /   Faculty of Education /  Didactics of Mathematics

*  Von-Melle-Park 8 / 20146 Hamburg  (Germany)

* Nord University Bodø, Norway


* Editor-in-Chief of ZDM – Mathematics Education

* Head of Research Project Professional teachers´ actions to promote subject-based learning (ProfaLe) within Teacher

   Education Quality Campaign (QLB)

* President of International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications

* Honorary Professor at the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University

* Honorary Professor at the Educational University of Hong Kong


* Phone: (+49) 040 42838-5320 (secretary -5321) /  Fax: (+49) 040 42838-4459

* e-mail: gabriel...@uni-hamburg.de

* Homepage: www.dr-gabriele-kaiser.de





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