Profile settings export/import fiasco

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Aug 22, 2020, 9:35:10 AM8/22/20
to OsmAnd
It was very promising to learn that new version of Osmand have profile export/import feature. Finally I'm quite disappointed. Very important profile settings like: map style, map zoom behavior etc.are not exported at all. Looks like this feature exports successfully only profile name. All the rest you have to configure again.
I will explain why this is so important for me. I'm using Osmand for years on round Android watches. It works great while kayaking or cycling - really convenient. However, round screen has it's limitations so it's much easier to configure Osmand on my regular phone and later export them to the watch. Current Osmand version 3.7.4 has a bug that  doesn't allow me to see "Apply" button on my watch so I'm not able to configure settings mentioned above. And it's not that button is hidden under the screen. I tested it in various ways. It isn't generated. I see map style but nothing else below. It's a bug for 640X640 round screen. I can access all other buttons.
If anybody has any idea how to change map style on my watch (Lemfo LEMX) let me know. In return I can share cool Macrodroid macros to govern the watch. My piece is able to record/navigate contentiously for up to 7 hours.


Sep 4, 2020, 3:20:42 PM9/4/20
to OsmAnd
Finally I found the way of importing ALL settings. If you have a root go to the root/data/data/net.Osmand/sharedprefs

There you will find bunch of xml files where are settings. You can import and swap this folder form another device or you can edit xml files.


Sep 7, 2020, 3:44:41 AM9/7/20
to OsmAnd
Just 2 short notes:
1. The folder depends on your settings, you can check directly in the app where you have to look for it.
2. Do not edit the xml files directly (overwriting the default settings), make a copy and rename it (both the file and the profile within). Otherwise you might loose your changes on update.
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