Next turn feature

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Erez Nahum

2020年5月31日 08:52:082020/5/31
收件人 OsmAnd

I'm using OsmAnd to navigate MTB. When the GPX is on small area with many repetition on the same junction it is hard to tell the next turned direction.
I'm looking for feature that in addition to the arrow that show my current position will have one more arrow moving 50-200 meter (configurable) to the coming direction. 
(Please see below example for such gpx)
I tried the next turn arrow that already include, it confusing and change a lot when the track has angle with no track crossed.



2020年5月31日 10:03:032020/5/31
收件人 OsmAnd
always keep eyes open and brain switched on. even with osmand.   ;-)

Erez Nahum

2020年6月2日 02:01:572020/6/2
收件人 OsmAnd
:-) I asked for this feature in order to avoid stopping in each turn and to try to figure out where to turn....

Poutnik Fornntp

2020年6月2日 02:52:412020/6/2
收件人、Erez Nahum
You may then want to try GPX files generated for OSMand by BRouter ( = bicycle Router ).

With LocusMap, it is easily done in the application, as it communicate with the local BRouter application via API.

OSMAnd does not support BRouter navigation hints through API interface yet ( AFAIK ), so it is best to do in , with application hint option set to OSMAnd.

OSMAnd would then give you visual or voice hint only before crossing/junction, and only if brouter think it is necessary due geometry or calculated way priorities.

Dne 2. června 2020 8:02:04 Erez Nahum <> napsal:

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2020年6月2日 08:41:242020/6/2
收件人 OsmAnd
Poutnik says:

You may then want to try GPX files generated for OSMand by BRouter ( = bicycle Router ).

...  it is best to do in , with application hint option set to OSMAnd.

OSMAnd would then give you visual or voice hint only before crossing/junction, and only if brouter think it is necessary due geometry or calculated way priorities. 

I have recently tried this combination of route planner (web version of BRouter) and voice navigation with OSMAND. It is the best combination I have run across so far. The planning tool is pretty easy to use, and the OSMAND hint option seems to work as advertised.

My set up is to run OSMAND on a tablet running android, with voice prompts at highest volume I can. Tablet is in a pannier. I actually never look at the screen unless I get off course and want to figure out where I am. (Sometimes I do not hear the prompt correctly due to ambient noise -- and had of hearing!) I am still experimenting with this but so far I have found no better combination of route planning and navigation. 

Poutnik Fornntp

2020年6月2日 09:03:082020/6/2
Personally, I do the same, but having a phone in by jersey back pocket. 
I use LocusMap, so I can plan the route directly in the application route planner or just set the destination using local offline BRouter routing provider, without intermediate GPX file ( that can be used as well )

Dne 2. června 2020 14:41:30 rjgambrel <> napsal:


2020年6月3日 02:37:182020/6/3
收件人 OsmAnd
Refering to the original post...if you go to Settings, select cycling, Configure Screen, scroll down to Left Panel and select all the Turn options. 
The effect will be a dialog box will be present showing the next turns... which is what you were asking for.

Erez Nahum

2020年6月4日 10:03:202020/6/4
收件人 OsmAnd
I tried that, the problem is that each time the gpx as a curve (not tracks cross) the arrow show turn.

Erez Nahum

2020年6月4日 10:07:252020/6/4
收件人 OsmAnd

The problem is when the source of the GPX is riding record (like in the picture I attached)
Each time the gpx as a curve (not tracks cross) the arrow show turn.

On Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 9:52:41 AM UTC+3, Poutnik wrote:
You may then want to try GPX files generated for OSMand by BRouter ( = bicycle Router ).

With LocusMap, it is easily done in the application, as it communicate with the local BRouter application via API.

OSMAnd does not support BRouter navigation hints through API interface yet ( AFAIK ), so it is best to do in , with application hint option set to OSMAnd.

OSMAnd would then give you visual or voice hint only before crossing/junction, and only if brouter think it is necessary due geometry or calculated way priorities.

Dne 2. června 2020 8:02:04 Erez Nahum <> napsal:

:-) I asked for this feature in order to avoid stopping in each turn and to try to figure out where to turn....

On Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 5:03:03 PM UTC+3, ra wrote:
always keep eyes open and brain switched on. even with osmand.   ;-)

Am Sonntag, 31. Mai 2020 14:52:08 UTC+2 schrieb Erez Nahum:

I'm using OsmAnd to navigate MTB. When the GPX is on small area with many repetition on the same junction it is hard to tell the next turned direction.
I'm looking for feature that in addition to the arrow that show my current position will have one more arrow moving 50-200 meter (configurable) to the coming direction. 
(Please see below example for such gpx)
I tried the next turn arrow that already include, it confusing and change a lot when the track has angle with no track crossed.


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Bart Eisenberg

2020年6月4日 10:18:182020/6/4
收件人 OsmAnd
For GPXs created on OsmAnd, I'm not seeing that on 3.7 even for a winding route.  I get true turn-by-turn directions at the appropriate intersections.  For GPXs not created on OsmAnd (with the exception of BRouter as Poutnik notes above), that's not going to be the case because OsmAnd is following the GPX, not the underlying map.  

Poutnik Fornntp

2020年6月4日 10:56:482020/6/4
收件人、Erez Nahum
One more reason to use recorded track merely just for indpiration.

The best way is probably side2side displaying of the original track in some gpx viewer and the track generated interactively by BRouter-web with just few route shaping points.

 It can be done quickly by setting the route start and end, and then several route mouse dragging to clip the route along those OSM ways as the original track used.

For obvious reasons, it does not work for off-road tracks, i.e those not following OSM ways.

Dne 4. června 2020 16:07:31 Erez Nahum <> napsal:

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Erez Nahum

2020年6月11日 02:30:252020/6/11
收件人 OsmAnd


This is why I thought it worst adding to OsmAnd next turn feature option to track color changing or point on the map that advance ~50 meter ahead of your current position on the gpx. 
(Where is the best place to send this request to OsmAnd developers?)

On Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 5:56:48 PM UTC+3, Poutnik wrote:
One more reason to use recorded track merely just for indpiration.

The best way is probably side2side displaying of the original track in some gpx viewer and the track generated interactively by BRouter-web with just few route shaping points.

 It can be done quickly by setting the route start and end, and then several route mouse dragging to clip the route along those OSM ways as the original track used.

For obvious reasons, it does not work for off-road tracks, i.e those not following OSM ways.

Dne 4. června 2020 16:07:31 Erez Nahum <> napsal:

Poutnik Fornntp

2020年6月11日 02:50:102020/6/11
收件人、Erez Nahum
Good luck, as you may not know, 
what you ask for.

Try issues section in the osmandapp/OSMAnd repository on GitHub.
But you need an account there.

Dne 11. června 2020 8:30:31 Erez Nahum <> napsal:

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