Padstow & river Camel flooded?

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Chris M Martin

Mar 26, 2020, 3:03:14 PM3/26/20
to OsmAnd
I'm a long time user of Osmand for all my travels around the UK and have made contributions to the map data in my local area.
I have been aware of a display problem around the Camel estuary in Cornwall UK for some time but it doesn't appear to get fixed. Can someone please advise me whether it is my device (Moto G5 Plus), the underlying map data or Osmand itself that is causing the errors. to see what I mean, search by Address for the town 'Padstow' (in Cornwall, UK) and display it on the map. When zoomed in, the town and harbour look OK but at lower zoom levels some of the town is flooded. If you now wander up the Camel estuary towards Wadebridge the river is not clearly defined at all. Follow the river out to sea - Stepper Point is in the sea!
Thanks for any help...

A Thompson

Mar 26, 2020, 11:50:20 PM3/26/20
to OsmAnd
I can replicate the Stepper Point flooding (50.56905,-4.9451456). For me it happens only at zoom level 12. (OsmAnd + 3.6.3, latest maps)

From previous discussions, flooding can be caused by OSM coastline errors. I'm no expert, but I don't see any coastline warnings here with "OSM Inspector".

Since we're talking about the UK, the island of Anglesey was flooded in OsmAnd at some zoom levels for a long time, and similarly I couldn't find anything wrong in OSM. But your message prompted me to check, and it seems to be fixed now.

Sorry I don't have any further knowledge!

Dmitry Prodchenko

Mar 27, 2020, 11:08:12 AM3/27/20
to OsmAnd
Hello! Thank you for the feedback.
Could you please provide screenshots and coordinates of the place so we can test it.

A Thompson

Mar 28, 2020, 12:11:39 AM3/28/20
to OsmAnd
I don't want to step on your toes, Chris, but here's what I see:

Zoom level 13 looks OK:


But water floods several headlands and an area north of Padstow at zoom level 12 (if you flick between the two images in a viewer, or just zoom in and out in OsmAnd, it's easy to see):


Padstow is at 50.54049, -4.93673

My details:

Default renderer, map magnifier 150%

Osmand+ 3.6.3

Map: United Kingdom England 1 Mar 2020

Samsung Galaxy Tab A SM-T510, Android 9

I don't see the problem if I choose the map source as OsmAnd online tiles..

Thanks for your attention, Dmitry!

Chris M Martin

Mar 28, 2020, 12:02:08 PM3/28/20
to OsmAnd

Don't worry about my toes - I have my industrial safety boots on!

I'd figured out how to take screenshots (never done it before and this is my first time posting here) and had a couple ready but you've saved me the trouble, thanks, that's exactly what I see.

If I zoom in to the harbour at Padstow, it appears correctly at a reported level of 16.3. Strangely, as I now pan slowly right and left, the areas of sand appear and disappear.

I tried the Osmand online tiles and although the river looked OK the sandy areas were not shown. is this a clue?

A further observation is that the outline of the river is still shown in the right place as a line on the map but the blue areas extend beyond it.

My details:
Default renderer. map magnifier 100%
Osmand 3.6.3
Map: United Kingdom England 1 Mar 2020
Motorola Moto G5 Plus, Android 9

Thanks for your help.

A Thompson

Mar 29, 2020, 12:52:50 AM3/29/20
to OsmAnd
If I zoom in to the harbour at Padstow, it appears correctly at a reported level of 16.3. Strangely, as I now pan slowly right and left, the areas of sand appear and disappear. 

Same for me. 

P Wat

Mar 30, 2020, 6:58:53 PM3/30/20
to OsmAnd
Hi Chris
My Motorola shows the same problem at Padstow.
A similar problem existed over large areas of the Isle of Wight for quite a long time, a year or so back. Now resolved. At the time there were conflicting opinions as to the cause, but IIRC is was cured by some changes to the OSM data.. There may also have been adjustments to OsmAnd.
Incidentally the opposite phenomenon is now visible at Cowes, IoW, but it is an erroneous "bar" across the harbour mouth!
Paul W
(Fellow Motorola user - Formerly G (1st edition) now Moto X force)
Running Osmand+ 3.6.3 on Android 7.0

Chris M Martin

Mar 31, 2020, 3:19:34 PM3/31/20
to OsmAnd

I was watching a program on BBC Four on Sunday night. Alice Roberts and Dick Strawbridge were exploring locations that inspired Arthur Ransome to write his Swallows and Amazons books. I was following the places they visited with Osmand. One of the last places they called at was Harwich on the East coast. My view in Osmand showed more flooded areas!

This is again at zoom 16.3


Harry van der Wolf

Apr 2, 2020, 5:40:39 AM4/2/20
to osmand
Most of the times this is due to multi-polygons and their relations. Either because they are broken or because they are so big and having so many relations that OsmAnd, due to its bordering in the regions "cuts" these multi-polygons incorrectly.
For Harwich I can't find it.

For Padstow, I see that the multi-polygon has been changed 20 days ago. So before creating the March maps.
The previous modification was 6 years ago. 
I assume that the latest modification by UniEagle has broken the multipolygon or one its relations.

Feel free to contact him.


Op di 31 mrt. 2020 om 21:19 schreef Chris M Martin <>:
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