Streams and taps

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Ap Pieters

Aug 18, 2020, 12:49:13 PM8/18/20
We just finished a trekking trip in the mountains in the south of France. As the area was arid, it was important to know where we could expect water. I would have liked to know which creeks were seasonal and which flow year-round. We came across many streams running water, but not shown  on Osmand, and a few shown on Osmand but dried up. Perhaps the perenneal stream are shown different from the seasonal ones. If so, I haven't figured out the difference, because I didn't find a legend either.

There were quite a few water points on our path. These were usually captured from a spring for watering the cattle. These water points are marked as tap icons on Osmand, but only when zoomed in to 50 meters of more. At this scale it is hard to plan how much to fill up our water bottles. 

I suggest :
1. Adding water-points to the list of POIs that are shown even when zooming out.
2. Adding a legend for the elements visible on the screen at the current zoom level (maybe as a link in the top right corner of the screen). 
3. If possible, distinguish between seasonal and year-round streams.

Ap Pieters


Aug 18, 2020, 1:45:06 PM8/18/20
On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 06:43:37PM +0200, Ap Pieters wrote:
>I would have liked to know which creeks were seasonal and which flow

Have you checked to determine if OpenStreetMap contains tags to
differentiate seansonal from year-round flow for streams?

If OpenStreetMap has tags for such differentiation, have you checked,
in the OpenStreetMap data, whether the streams you encountered are
present and labeled with the proper tags?

Both of these are important checks, because if OpenStreetMap does not
have tags to label seasonal vs. year-round, or if it does but those
tags are not present on the streams you encountered, then OsmAnd can
not display such data.

If you find that OpenStreetMap has the appropriate tags, but they are
missing from the streams, then you can add the tags to the streams and
improve the OpenStreetMap data and the data OsmAnd has available to

> We came across many streams running water, but not shown on Osmand,

For the streams not shown, you should again check OpenStreetMap,
because if they are not yet present in OpenStreetMap, then that
explains why OsmAnd did not show them. And if so this is an
opportunity for you to add them to OpenStreetMap so they become
available to others later.

Everton Hermann

Aug 18, 2020, 1:47:51 PM8/18/20
You can create a POI category for water points, unfortunately it's quite hidden (as many osmand features). I just made a video showing how to create it :

Many potentially drinkable water are not classified as drinking water, but as long as you have a water filter (such as lifestraw)  you don't mind much about it.  For my last  trekking I created one poi category with:
- drinking water, water springs, water well, and even watering places (abreuvoir)
Finally, I enabled the osm editing plugin, and every time I found a spring or water fountain I added it so that other people can find it in the future (you can even create a quick action for that)
You can also click in the POI, go to details and you will have a link to osmand with all the labels, and if specified you will have the "seasonal" tag.
Best regards

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A Thompson

Aug 18, 2020, 11:21:09 PM8/18/20
to OsmAnd
I mapped a stream that often dries up in summer - you tag it as waterway=stream, intermittent=yes in OSM. But such "ephemeral" streams (some historically named "Winterbourne"s in the UK) depend on the weather from year to year for when they will flow.

In OsmAnd, I checked in both the OsmAnd and Touring-View map styles, and my intermittent stream is shown as a DASHED blue line rather than a solid one as for normal streams.

Good question - I hope that helps!

A Thompson

Aug 18, 2020, 11:49:29 PM8/18/20
to OsmAnd
P.S. This IS shown in the legend, but it's understandable that you didn't spot it. Swipe from the left, scroll to the bottom, Help>Map Legend>OsmAnd default map style and you can see "Intermittent stream" in the "Waterways, nature" section.

A Thompson

Aug 24, 2020, 12:48:33 AM8/24/20
to OsmAnd
P.P.S. You need an internet connection to see the map legend!

This is clearly bad for an app designed for offline use, but there must be a technical difficulty - the issue is only tagged as "nice to have" rather than being scheduled to be fixed. 
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