Keeping destination in OsmAnd

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Mar 19, 2019, 9:09:23 PM3/19/19
to Osmand
With latest 3.3.6 OsmAnd I've noticed, that app stopped using the last used destination point I used before I close it. Why is that? I always use my "Home" as my final destination. Driving to work, then returning to home. Driving to shop, than returning to home again... All of my navigation are around the "home".  Now, when I launch OsmAnd, I noticed that it doesn't offer that old destination and I have to set new destination all the time  :( This becomes a big inconvenience for me comparing to the old versions of the program.
How to make OsmAnd to keep destination from the previous sessions?
If there is no way to do so, where I can find old versions of OsmAnd? I'm willing to return back to some old version if it's what I need to do to get this convenient functionality back...

Mar 19, 2019, 11:05:07 PM3/19/19
to Osmand
The last destination is now at the top of the "History" list in the new directions menu. It's just a press away. This has at least one advantage. Before, you could never fully clear a route to start over. Pressing the directions button would automatically start navigation to the most recent destination, whether you wanted to do that or not. Which could be confusing, especially if the destination wasn't nearby.


Mar 20, 2019, 5:26:26 PM3/20/19
to Osmand

On Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 8:05:07 PM UTC-7, wrote:
The last destination is now at the top of the "History" list in the new directions menu. It's just a press away. This has at least one advantage. Before, you could never fully clear a route to start over. Pressing the directions button would automatically start navigation to the most recent destination, whether you wanted to do that or not. Which could be confusing, especially if the destination wasn't nearby.
Pressing the direction button asks me to "Start" the navigation immediately. And because I'm starting it at home, I always hear announcement: "You have reached your destination home" (which is obvious and completely useless). Then I have to add my actual intermediate destination...
Do you know where I can find previous versions of OsmAnd to download? 

Peter B

Mar 21, 2019, 3:59:51 AM3/21/19
to Osmand


Mar 21, 2019, 8:54:24 PM3/21/19
to Osmand
On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 12:59:51 AM UTC-7, Peter B wrote:
Thanks a lot @Peter B. I don't have paid version. I suppose, that all apps in that list are free versions. Am I wrong?

Today I've encountered (a second day in a row, BTW) the problem with setting destination in OsmAnd. When I set destination to my home and try to set intermediate destinations, I'm always end up with getting one way trip :(. WTF? I did it very carefully. But when I try to set next intermediate destination, it always resets my "home" destination to that intermediate point. This functionality is completely broken now...

Mar 21, 2019, 10:37:46 PM3/21/19
to Osmand
Using 3.3.6, I'm unable to duplicate the two problems you describe. Earlier versions of 3.3.x were more buggy when it came to specifying routes, but the latest version seems have fixed many of the issues, and from what I can see on GitHub (not that I'm an experienced observer), more fixes are on the way. 
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Apr 7, 2019, 2:48:15 PM4/7/19
to Osmand
OK, today I had bad experience with latest 3.3.7. When I opened my old GPX file, highlighted it on map and asked it to use it as my new route, it demanded (it's not just insisting, there is no way to bypass it) to set my destination. BTW, that old GPX truck (I used it many times to navigate with my bike) knows very well where the destination is... Now I have to set a new destination to my home. But then, when I started it, it immediately says: "You have reached your destination - home" :( 
I tried to use it when I've moved away from my home, but it always tried to navigate me back to the home. I had to completely stop my navigation, because it just wasted my phone battery and use my notes, that I've made a day before as my new navigation...

This makes OsmAnd 3.3.7 COMPLETE USELESS as a navigation tool!

I tried to install and use prior version too. I've installed OsmAnd 3.2.1 and tried to use it. At it installation it removed:
*.odb         -- all map files
rendering     -- folder with my rendering (except default.render.xml)
tracks        -- folder with my tracks (copy whole folder)
OA            -- my folder with my rendering styles
And then I had to copy of those files back to its folder :(

When I tried to use it, 3.2.1 was waking up at every announcement (can't keep screen off) and crashed, when I tried to make a route for bike...

That's when I decided to update it to the latest 3.3.7. But then I can't use it neither (see above)...

As I've said, I used OsmAnd as my primary navigation tool for many years and it's been working well (I just load my old GPX file and just use it), but not anymore. It's become impossible to use it now :(

To developers - please, please fix that navigation problem with resetting destination!


Apr 18, 2019, 11:44:46 PM4/18/19
to Osmand
Today I've got yet another "Resetting destination" accident. I've created route, that included 2 intermediate destinations. I closed OsmAnd. Then I reopened it again and it showed that the track is just fine. I repeated it several times.

But when I tried to start navigation, it asked me to set "destination"... WTF? It already knows my destination (home). I had to repeat setting the track again from the scratch. But then, when I started using it, I've got one way route to the second "intermediate destination".

Why is that? There was no dialog asking to reset destination. It just did it by itself :(

So, why the latest OsmAnd 3.3.7 is resetting my destination by itself?

Is there any way to make it to ask me before it changes destination?
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Apr 29, 2019, 9:33:05 PM4/29/19
to Osmand
Today (April, 29) I've got precisely the same case. After creating route with several (3) intermediate destinations, OsmAnd asked me to set destination again :(

What about this new obsession - to reset destination every time possible? Did I asked for it? Of cause not... Then why it tries to reset my destination every time I start it?

This time I'm using OsmAnd v.3.3.8. My destination is always my home! Please stop asking for resetting all the times. Is there any way to make it happen?


Jul 11, 2019, 4:33:04 PM7/11/19
to Osmand
Today is June, 11.
What is the point of setting destination for every route? As I've said earlier, I always start my trip from home and and it at home. In the latest version of OsmAnd I have to add this destination all the times I start it. It works this way:
1. Start OsmAnd and click on Navigate button
2. In history tap on Home
3. It immediately starts creating new route, offering "Dismiss" or "Start" buttons
4. If I press on "Start" button, it announces - "You have reached your destination Home"
5. I have to click on "Back" button in Android to continue making my route
6. Then tap on Menu button (left bottom corner) and choose "My Places" button
7. Then I have to choose my first intermediate destination
And OsmAnd sets new destination without offering any menu to set first intermediate destination :(
8. I have to click on Menu button again, go to "My Places" and at the bottom right corner tap on "Directions" button. Then I have to choose "Replace the destination" button again :( WTF?
9. Then the story continues again (see p.4)
10. And again, it resets the destination and I have to repeat from 4 to 9...
11. Only after I have repeated from 4 to 9 five times it finally offered me menu to set first intermediate destination as it should...
What is the point of this dumb design???
Developers, I'm begging you, please return back to old fashioned design, when I can set my destination once and for all my trips. As I mentioned earlier, I always start my trip from home and and it at my home (don't you do the same?). There is no need to reset my destination all the times I start OsmAnd...


Jul 12, 2019, 1:38:02 AM7/12/19
to Osmand
This story has continuation... After setting the route I exited OsmAnd by pressing "Back" button on my phone. Then, when I was sitting in the car and ready to start my trip, I opened OsmAnd and it asked me to set my destination... I thought, that I was already prepared my route. No, not at all. And I had to repeat all the steps (see my post above) again.
But this time, OsmAnd ALWAYS set destination to my first intermediate waypoint, resetting my actual destination (Home). Sitting in my car, I tried it again and again. Perhaps after 20th attempt I gave up, ending without any route... I drove my car without OsmAnd instructions :(
So, the lesson from this experience:
1. OsmAnd can't keep its old route, created just a moment ago
2. OsmAnd is unreliable as a navigation tool. It may reset my actual destination (in most cases it's Home) to an intermediate waypoint every time I try to add it. And it repeats doing it again and again and again... As a result you may end up driving without any instructions, coming from OsmAnd :(

Martin Trautmann

Jul 12, 2019, 6:53:50 AM7/12/19
My observation was that the destination is gone when I stop/pause the
routing - because I prepared it earlier, but did not want the lady talk
to me all the time with "gps signal lost", while I did not start yet.

Personally, I'm glad to see a search history - and I am disappointed
that the actual search is lost from the history. I did not understand
yet what is kept as history, but the results appear incomplete.

- Martin


Harry van der Wolf

Jul 12, 2019, 7:13:32 AM7/12/19
to osmand

Op do 11 jul. 2019 om 22:33 schreef OA <>:

Developers, I'm begging you, please return back to old fashioned design, when I can set my destination once and for all my trips. As I mentioned earlier, I always start my trip from home and and it at my home (don't you do the same?). There is no need to reset my destination all the times I start OsmAnd...

About 3-5 years ago there has been  a survey whether users wanted OsmAnd to remember the destination or not, when exciting/restarting.
By far (and I really mean: by far) the survey response was that OsmAnd should NOT remember the last destination.

Now the other topic you mention is when planning a route and enter a destination that it immediately starts calculating the route. That is annoying when you plan a  "sight-seeing" tour with multiple intermediate waypoints. This is also what I do during holidays. One of the reasons why I prepare my routes on my "big screen, full size keyboard" laptop (in comparison with my 5.2" phone) in routeconverter and download the waypoint gpx or routepoint gpx to my phone (via Google drive in my case where I also store my planned routes).

However, in my normal (!) cases I simply have to go somewhere where I have not been before (or not too often), so I only enter a destination, and then it is very convenient that it immediately starts the calculation.

Your approach actually asks for another  "preparation". You should first make your first route point your destination, and then add your home address again as subsequent destination (whatever that is in your language). Then continue with the intermediate points.

Bart Eisenberg makes excellent OsmAnd videos on Youtube . He focuses on hiking, but the preparation is actually the same. Please watch this video: (and the others for better understanding of OsmAnd).



Jul 12, 2019, 9:15:00 AM7/12/19
to Osmand
On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:38:02PM -0700, OA wrote:
>This story has continuation... After setting the route I exited OsmAnd by
>pressing "Back" button on my phone. Then, when I was sitting in the car and
>ready to start my trip, I opened OsmAnd and it asked me to set my

What instead happens if you substitute the "show home screen" button
for the "back" button above?

Many non-browser apps interpret the "back" button as an "undo" or
"cancel" command. Maybe OsmAnd is also doing the same.

For myself, I've prepared routes in OsmAnd ahead of time, and when I've
used the "show home screen" button (or the "show running apps" button
and then picking another running app) I've never experienced the
prepared route disappearing in OsmAnd.

> I thought, that I was already prepared my route. No, not at
>all. And I had to repeat all the steps (see my post above) again.

There is no "post above" for those of us reading this as a mailing
list. Each post is a separate email with no view of any prior emails.

>But this time, OsmAnd ALWAYS set destination to my first intermediate
>waypoint, resetting my actual destination (Home).

This is the part where you are performing a very unique method of

When I am home, and want to navigate to "location X" using OsmAnd, I do
not think of "home" as my "destination". My "destination" at that time
is "location X". So I put "location X" into OsmAnd as destination, it
finds a route, and it takes me there.

Then, once I am done at "location X", if where I want to go is now
"home", only then do I consider "home" as my "destination".

But never once have I ever considered "home" as a "destination" when I
am presently at home and wishing to route to one or more other locations.
My "destination" is always a different location from where I am
presently positioned, even if, ultimately, in the end, I perform a
giant loop and do, in fact, end up back at home once all the other
destinations are complete.

>Sitting in my car, I tried it again and again. Perhaps after 20th
>attempt I gave up, ending without any route... I drove my car without
>OsmAnd instructions :(

But, could you not have simply routed to each end point as a
"destination", then at the last end point, asked OsmAnd to route you
home from that location?

>So, the lesson from this experience: 1. OsmAnd can't keep its old
>route, created just a moment ago

I suspect this is due to the "back" button, as it has not been my
experience when using the "show home screen" button.

>2. OsmAnd is unreliable as a navigation tool. It may reset my actual
>destination (in most cases it's Home) to an intermediate waypoint
>every time I try to add it.

This is very likely because you are performing a very unique type of
routing. I can certianly see the developers considering this

1) GPS position is at "home" location
2) User requests to be routed to "home" as the destination

And creating the code to simply decide "you are presently positioned
exactly where it is you want to go, so there is nothing for us to do".

Maybe try inputting the final 'stop' just prior to returning home as
your initial destination, then adding additional waypoints if you are
setting up a route through several stops, then inserting 'home' as an
absolute final destination last. That way at least OsmAnd always has
at least one location that is away from your present location ('home')
so it will not think the route is over before it has begun.

Bart Eisenberg

Jul 12, 2019, 11:27:32 AM7/12/19
to Osmand
Thanks Harry. For an update showing v.3.3 route prep and analysis, see 

On Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 6:09:23 PM UTC-7, OA wrote:


Jul 12, 2019, 10:25:19 PM7/12/19
to Osmand

On Friday, July 12, 2019 at 6:15:00 AM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
For myself, I've prepared routes in OsmAnd ahead of time, and when I've
used the "show home screen" button (or the "show running apps" button
and then picking another running app) I've never experienced the
prepared route disappearing in OsmAnd.

That;s a good advice. Thanks! I'll keep that in mine next time :)
>But this time, OsmAnd ALWAYS set destination to my first intermediate
>waypoint, resetting my actual destination (Home).

Today OsmAnd has updated itself to 3.4.2 (released 2019-07-10). Unfortunately this version is worse, than its predecessor... As usual, I set destination - Home. Then no matter what I do, it always reset its destination from Home to my first intermediate destination as my actual destination. :(  And no matter what I do, the result is ALWAYS the same - it changes destination... WTF??? 

This is the part where you are performing a very unique method of
What's unique about it? I did it many times before and it always worked well. But now, when I tap on "DIRECTIONS" button (right bottom corner) there is no any menu asking to set is it as "first intermediate destination" or "last intermediate destination". Now, it sets destination to that waypoint all the time...
Do you know how to get that menu back?
>Sitting in my car, I tried it again and again.  Perhaps after 20th
>attempt I gave up, ending without any route...  I drove my car without
>OsmAnd instructions :(
And now it's even worse. I can't get to menu offering  "first intermediate destination" or "last intermediate destination". 
But, could you not have simply routed to each end point as a
"destination", then at the last end point, asked OsmAnd to route you
home from that location? 
 There is no way to do it. It always sets new destination to intermediate destination...
Maybe try inputting the final 'stop' just prior to returning home as
your initial destination, then adding additional waypoints if you are
setting up a route through several stops, then inserting 'home' as an
absolute final destination last.  That way at least OsmAnd always has
at least one location that is away from your present location ('home')
so it will not think the route is over before it has begun.
See my answer above. 


Jul 12, 2019, 11:02:58 PM7/12/19
to Osmand
On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 07:25:19PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Friday, July 12, 2019 at 6:15:00 AM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> For myself, I've prepared routes in OsmAnd ahead of time, and when I've
>> used the "show home screen" button (or the "show running apps" button
>> and then picking another running app) I've never experienced the
>> prepared route disappearing in OsmAnd.
> That;s a good advice. Thanks! I'll keep that in mine next time :)

>> >But this time, OsmAnd ALWAYS set destination to my first
>> >intermediate waypoint, resetting my actual destination (Home).
> Today OsmAnd has updated itself to 3.4.2 (released 2019-07-10).

I do not yet have that version, so I can't comment on what it is doing.

>Unfortunately this version is worse, than its predecessor... As usual, I
>set destination - Home. Then no matter what I do, it always reset its
>destination from Home to my first intermediate destination as my actual
>destination. :( And no matter what I do, the result is ALWAYS the same -
>it changes destination... WTF???
>>This is the part where you are performing a very unique method of

>What's unique about it?

Very few individuals would consider "home" to be a destination when
they are presently at the location of "home". A "destination" would be
a location other than the location where one is presently positioned.

>I did it many times before and it always worked well. But now, when I
>tap on "DIRECTIONS" button (right bottom corner) there is no any menu
>asking to set is it as "first intermediate destination" or "last
>intermediate destination". Now, it sets destination to that waypoint
>all the time... Do you know how to get that menu back?

No, but with 3.3.8 from f-droid, I can:

1) press the "begin route" button
2) tap the "from" area (which defaults to "my position") and pick
3) tap the "to: area which defaults to "select destination"
4) pick "home" (at which point both From and To say "Home"
5) Press the "+" symbol on the right most edge of the "To" area
6) Select "Favorites" (so I can pick a known location)
7) Pick a saved "favorite"

And when I pick a saved "favorite" I am returned to the route screen
with the "From" box holding "home", the "intermediate destination (1)" box
containing the favorite I selected, and the "To" box containing "home".

So both the "From" and "To" boxes held their original contents even
after I added an intermediate destination between "home" and "home".
So for what I can tell from 3.3.8. I can recreate what I believe you
are attempting to do, and everything seems to work properly (for

>> >Sitting in my car, I tried it again and again. Perhaps after 20th
>> >attempt I gave up, ending without any route... I drove my car without
>> >OsmAnd instructions :(
>And now it's even worse. I can't get to menu offering "first intermediate
>destination" or "last intermediate destination".

With 3.3.8 that menu seems to be behind the small pencil icon on the
far right of the "intermediate destinations" row. When I press that
small pencil, I get a full detail list of the "From", intermediates,
and the "To" positions, along with a "+ add" button on the bottom that
I remember from earlier versions.

>> But, could you not have simply routed to each end point as a
>> "destination", then at the last end point, asked OsmAnd to route you
>> home from that location?
> There is no way to do it. It always sets new destination to intermediate

When you tap the "To" row, the location you choose becomes an
"intermediate"? For me, with 3.3.8, if I press anywhere on the "To"
row, other than the plus on the far right, I can change the actual "To"
destination box contents. Only if I press the plus ("+") on the far
right do I add intermediate destinations (which is my expectation from
a "+" icon and the fact that the menu that appears after pressing the
plus icon says "Add intermediate". But pressing anywhere else lets me
change what is stored as the "To" destination.


Jul 15, 2019, 4:43:11 PM7/15/19
to Osmand
Yesterday I've installed the latest  3.4.3 (released 2019-07-12). And I can't use it at all. Every time I try to add a new intermediate destination (tap on "DIRECTION" button, at right bottom corner), it resets my own destination to that location and immediately starts calculate the route to it :(  I can not set any route, except just in one direction - from my home to that location WTF? Then, when I arrive to that location, I have to set to back it to home... C'mon guys, instead of fixing the obvious problem, you completely fuc**d up the whole navigation now :(

On Friday, July 12, 2019 at 8:02:58 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 07:25:19PM -0700, OA wrote:
> Today OsmAnd has updated itself to 3.4.2 (released 2019-07-10).
I do not yet have that version, so I can't comment on what it is doing.  
>Unfortunately this version is worse, than its predecessor... As usual, I 
>set destination - Home. Then no matter what I do, it always reset its 
>destination from Home to my first intermediate destination as my actual 
>destination. :(  And no matter what I do, the result is ALWAYS the same - 
>it changes destination... WTF??? 

I suggest do not install any recent versions as it's impossible to use them at all. See the problem above...


Jul 15, 2019, 5:10:20 PM7/15/19
to Osmand
On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 01:43:10PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Friday, July 12, 2019 at 8:02:58 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 07:25:19PM -0700, OA wrote:
>> > Today OsmAnd has updated itself to 3.4.2 (released 2019-07-10).
>> I do not yet have that version, so I can't comment on what it is doing.
>>Unfortunately this version is worse, than its predecessor... As usual, I
>>set destination - Home. Then no matter what I do, it always reset its
>>destination from Home to my first intermediate destination as my actual
>>destination. :( And no matter what I do, the result is ALWAYS the same -
>>it changes destination... WTF???
>Yesterday I've installed the latest 3.4.3 (released 2019-07-12). And I
>can't use it at all. Every time I try to add a new intermediate destination
>(tap on "DIRECTION" button, at right bottom corner), it resets my own
>destination to that location and immediately starts calculate the route to

Can you possibly post somewhere (or attach to an email) one or more
screen shots of what you are seeing, preferably with an annotation
arrow pointing at the button you are referencing as the '"DIRECTION"

Several screen shots in sequence, showing each step along, would prove
helpful in us understanding what you are seeing and with annotation
arrows, exactly which button it is you are tapping.


Jul 16, 2019, 6:36:17 PM7/16/19
to Osmand
Today I've updated OsmAnd to 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). and it continues to be useless as all previous versions :( I can not add any intermediate destination without resetting my own destination (Home)...
As you've asked, I made 3 screenshots depicting how it works:
1. Image-1.png - in this screen I have to add my home address as my destination... Without this step I can't even start any navigation.
2. Image-2.png - you can see DIRECTIONS button (on bottom right corner of the screen), asking to set me destination. Tapping on that button DOES NOT open menu asking to add first intermediate destination or last intermediate destination . Instead, it will start navigation immediately (see next step).
3. Image-3.png - as you can see, OsmAnd sets new destination, instead of using my destination (see step 1)...
It's completely useless now :(

J Albrecht

Jul 16, 2019, 7:01:49 PM7/16/19
Works like a proverbial charm over here. As I expect if does for everybody else if they set intermediate and final destinations properly. This adverb does not seem to apply to you. Re-read the instructions and everything that has been posted here and try again. Eventually, regardless of how “useless” your current attempts have been, you should get it right!


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Jul 16, 2019, 9:55:14 PM7/16/19
to Osmand
On Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 4:01:49 PM UTC-7, J Albrecht wrote:
Works like a proverbial charm over here. As I expect if does for everybody else if they set intermediate and final destinations properly. This adverb does not seem to apply to you. Re-read the instructions and everything that has been posted here and try again. Eventually, regardless of how “useless” your current attempts have been, you should get it right!

@J Albrecht,  thank you for your completely "useless" reply :(
Instead of helping, you're referring to an instruction... And your advice to try it again doesn't hold the water. I've tried it many, many times with exactly the same result. Instead of telling us how to set intermediate destinations (first and last one), you're just telling - try it again...


Jul 16, 2019, 9:56:56 PM7/16/19
to Osmand
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 03:36:17PM -0700, OA wrote:
>Today I've updated OsmAnd to 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). and it continues
>to be useless as all previous versions :( I can not add any intermediate
>destination without resetting my own destination (Home)...
>As you've asked, I made 3 screenshots depicting how it works:
>It's completely useless now :(

I have attached four images.

Image-1.png shows some basic instructions, and is the initial starting
setup for adding destinations and intermediate destinations.

The pale yellow highlight shows the areas of the user interface to
touch to activate the various portions, and the black text and black
lines defines what each of the three pale yellow areas performs.

So, starting from Image-1.png, I first touch "From: My Postion" area,
and pick a starting location (in this case, it is a map marker that I
have named "Start".

Second, I then touch the "To: Select Destination" yellow area, and pick
the same map marker (Start) a second time. These two selections result
in Image-2.png, where both the From and To locations are the same spot
on the map (the "Start" map marker).

Third, to add an intermediate destination, I touch the "+" area (the
pale yellow area labeled "Touch here to add intermediate destinations"
in Image-1.png). I then select another map marker that I named
"Intermediate 1". The result is shown in Image-3.png. Please note
that both the "From" and "To" areas are still set to "Start", i.e.,
OsmAnd did not reset my destination when I added "Intermediate 1" as an
intermediate destination.

Fourth, I again touch the "+" area highlighted on Image-1.png, and pick
a second map marker named "Intermediate 2". The result is shown in
Image-4.png. Note, I now have two intermediate destinations, and
OsmAnd has not reset my final destination (it remains "Start", exactly
where I had initially set it when first reaching Image-2.png).

How do these steps differ from how you have been attempting to add
intermediate destinations and finding your final destination reset?


Jul 17, 2019, 5:24:32 PM7/17/19
to Osmand
On Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 6:56:56 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 03:36:17PM -0700, OA wrote:
>Today I've updated OsmAnd to 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). and it continues
>to be useless as all previous versions :( I can not add any intermediate
>destination without resetting my own destination (Home)...
>As you've asked, I made 3 screenshots depicting how it works:
>It's completely useless now :(

I have attached four images.

Thank you for your 4 images!
Image-1.png shows some basic instructions, and is the initial starting
setup for adding destinations and intermediate destinations.

The pale yellow highlight shows the areas of the user interface to
touch to activate the various portions, and the black text and black
lines defines what each of the three pale yellow areas performs.

So, starting from Image-1.png, I first touch "From: My Postion" area,
and pick a starting location (in this case, it is a map marker that I
have named "Start".

I do not add intermediate destination every time I use OsmAnd. I always use my Favorites to set intermediate destinations. I keep set of my favorite destinations in one place. When I need to set a new route, I go there, tap on the destination and ... OsmAnd immediately starts navigation, replacing my destination with that one taken from Favorites... :( That's completely different from what I used before.
Second, I then touch the "To: Select Destination" yellow area, and pick
the same map marker (Start) a second time.  These two selections result
in Image-2.png, where both the From and To locations are the same spot
on the map (the "Start" map marker).

As I've mentioned above, there is no way for me to see "first or last" intermediate destinations in menu. OsmAnd starts navigation right away...
Fourth, I again touch the "+" area highlighted on Image-1.png, and pick 
a second map marker named "Intermediate 2".  The result is shown in
Image-4.png.  Note, I now have two intermediate destinations, and
OsmAnd has not reset my final destination (it remains "Start", exactly
where I had initially set it when first reaching Image-2.png).

How do these steps differ from how you have been attempting to add
intermediate destinations and finding your final destination reset?

Why I have to add a second map marker? I always use my Favorites to add (and keep) all my intermediate destinations. But OsmAnd has stopped offering menu, where I can set intermediate destinations (first and last one).  It just starts navigation immediately :(


Jul 17, 2019, 5:47:18 PM7/17/19
to Osmand
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 02:24:32PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 6:56:56 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 03:36:17PM -0700, OA wrote:
>> >Today I've updated OsmAnd to 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). and it
>> continues
>> >It's completely useless now :(
>> I have attached four images.
> Thank you for your 4 images!

You are welcome.

>I do not add intermediate destination every time I use OsmAnd. I
>always use my Favorites to set intermediate destinations. I keep set
>of my favorite destinations in one place. When I need to set a new
>route, I go there, tap on the destination and ... OsmAnd immediately
>starts navigation, replacing my destination with that one taken from
>Favorites... :( That's completely different from what I used before.

I do not see that behavior with the slightly older version that is
still on F-Droid. Going to favorites and picking one takes me to the
location of the favorite, but does not start a navigation. I have to
tab a "directions" button to begin a navigation to the selected

>As I've mentioned above, there is no way for me to see "first or last"
>intermediate destinations in menu. OsmAnd starts navigation right away...

Then don't try to set an intermediate destination via that method
anymore. Use the method of going to favorites and tapping a favorite
as a quick way to set a final destination.

>>Fourth, I again touch the "+" area highlighted on Image-1.png, and pick
>> a second map marker named "Intermediate 2". The result is shown in
>> Image-4.png. Note, I now have two intermediate destinations, and
>> OsmAnd has not reset my final destination (it remains "Start", exactly
>> where I had initially set it when first reaching Image-2.png).
>> How do these steps differ from how you have been attempting to add
>> intermediate destinations and finding your final destination reset?
>Why I have to add a second map marker?

You do not. I only used map markers because they were the easiest and
fastest way for me to create a random route to demonstrate the steps
and button presses.

The dialog that appears from the "+" button from the images allows
selection from map markers, favorites, the default home and work
settings, selecting a position on the map directly, searching, and by
entering an address.

>I always use my Favorites to add (and keep) all my intermediate

Yes, this is (presumably) the intended use for favorites.

>But OsmAnd has stopped offering menu, where I can set intermediate
>destinations (first and last one).

Use the small "+" button I highlighted on Image-1.png to add
intermediate destinations now. Set your start and final to where-ever
you want them to be (home and home is always one possibility) then use
the "+" button to add intermediates.

Once you have one or more intermediates, a small pencil icon on the
right of the intermediates row in the navigation pane will take you to
a dialog where you can reorder the intermediates (touch and drag the
left edge icon of any to move it up/down in the list). You can also
add more intermediates from this dialog as well, using a "+ Add"

>It just starts navigation immediately :(

Given the changes made, it stands to reason that you'll need to change
slightly how you insert your destination and intermediate entries into

Pere Pujal i Carabantes

Jul 18, 2019, 1:11:24 AM7/18/19
Hi, to debug weird things like this, it would be useful if you do some tests:
If your version of osmand is the + one, then install the free one, download a small map and test the behavior you describe there.
If it performs right, then the problem must be somewere on your osmand+ installation(settings, maps, plugins, permissions...), instead, if the problem persists, then it points to some sort of problem between osmand and your phone or android version.=

If the version of osmand you have is the free one, you should be able to install the ~ one from the versions button on osmand or from f-droid.

The key is to have 2 different versions in paralel and be able to compare between them.

Note: I've tried to reproduce your problem on my phone but everything works fine here despite the different settings I've tried,
I allways get the dialog you miss where you offered to replace the destination, set the point as first waypoint, last waypoint or add as last destination. I have no clue on what can cause that dialog to be missed :(

Enviat des del meu dispositiu Android amb el K-9 Mail. Disculpeu la brevetat.

Martin Trautmann

Jul 18, 2019, 4:26:23 AM7/18/19
On 19-07-12 13:13, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> Your approach actually asks for another "preparation". You should first
> make your first route point your destination, and then add your home
> address again as subsequent destination (whatever that is in your
> language). Then continue with the intermediate points.

I do not understand why it would have to be that way.

Each of the approaches should work - otherwise it's a bug.
Maybe it's not the common approach to do it this way - but I do not see
any reason why it would be forbidden or unreasonable.

Personally, I do set a destination and do add intermediate points
interactively from the map - but why not add them from favorites?

Schönen Gruß


Harry van der Wolf

Jul 18, 2019, 8:40:29 AM7/18/19
to osmand

Op do 18 jul. 2019 om 10:26 schreef Martin Trautmann <>:
On 19-07-12 13:13, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> Your approach actually asks for another  "preparation". You should first
> make your first route point your destination, and then add your home
> address again as subsequent destination (whatever that is in your
> language). Then continue with the intermediate points.

I do not understand why it would have to be that way.

It doesn't have to be that way. It is simply one of the multiple ways: using favorites, map markers, addresses, "search on map", shift every possible (intermediate) point to another location or do it automatically (salesman algorithm).
And who cares that it also calculates a new route immediately? You can just continue adding/shifting points.

It is just that this QA is so enormously stubborn that he only wants it to work the old way. So I showed him one other way which I thought would be most simple to him.


Jul 18, 2019, 6:18:30 PM7/18/19
to Osmand
On Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 10:11:24 PM UTC-7, Pere Pujal i Carabantes wrote:
Hi, to debug weird things like this, it would be useful if you do some tests:
If your version of osmand is the + one, then install the free one, download a small map and test the behavior you describe there.
If it performs right, then the problem must be somewere on your osmand+ installation(settings, maps, plugins, permissions...), instead, if the problem persists, then it points to some sort of problem between osmand and your phone or android version.=

If the version of osmand you have is the free one, you should be able to install the ~ one from the versions button on osmand or from f-droid.

The key is to have 2 different versions in paralel and be able to compare between them.

@Pere Pujal, thank you!
Perhaps it's a good way to debug the problem. But I don't have OsmAnd+ and I don't have F-Droid installed too. So, I can't use this method to find out if current version of OsmAnd has a bug or not... 
Note: I've tried to reproduce your problem on my phone but everything works fine here despite the different settings I've tried,
I allways get the dialog you miss where you offered to replace the destination, set the point as first waypoint, last waypoint or add as last destination. I have no clue on what can cause that dialog to be missed :(

Well, good for you :)
I don't see any dialog for setting first or last intermediate destinations. My OsmAnd has version 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). And in this version, it starts routing immediately when I press on DIRECTIONS button (on right bottom corner) :( So, I don't even have a chance to set an intermediate destination anymore...
As a result I stopped using my OsmAnd as a navigation tool :(


Jul 18, 2019, 6:37:13 PM7/18/19
to Osmand

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 2:47:18 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 02:24:32PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 6:56:56 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 03:36:17PM -0700, OA wrote:
>> >Today I've updated OsmAnd to 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). and it
>> continues
>> >It's completely useless now :(
>> I have attached four images.
> Thank you for your 4 images!

You are welcome.

>I do not add intermediate destination every time I use OsmAnd.  I
>always use my Favorites to set intermediate destinations.  I keep set
>of my favorite destinations in one place.  When I need to set a new
>route, I go there, tap on the destination and ...  OsmAnd immediately
>starts navigation, replacing my destination with that one taken from
>Favorites...  :( That's completely different from what I used before.

I do not see that behavior with the slightly older version that is
still on F-Droid.  Going to favorites and picking one takes me to the
location of the favorite, but does not start a navigation.  I have to
tab a "directions" button to begin a navigation to the selected

Good for you! I don't have F-Droid to install the old version of OsmAnd.
You are the second (actually, the first one) poster, who recommends to use F-Droid to install an old version of OsmAnd in parallel to my existing version (3.4.4, released 2019-07-15). How does this work? Will it interfere with my old version? Where it will be installed now? If in the same location, then it will definitely brake my existing installation... And I don't want that to happened.
>As I've mentioned above, there is no way for me to see "first or last"
>intermediate destinations in menu. OsmAnd starts navigation right away...

Then don't try to set an intermediate destination via that method
anymore.  Use the method of going to favorites and tapping a favorite
as a quick way to set a final destination. 
>It just starts navigation immediately :(

Given the changes made, it stands to reason that you'll need to change
slightly how you insert your destination and intermediate entries into

 I don't see any dialog for setting first or last intermediate destinations. My OsmAnd has version 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). And in this version, it starts routing immediately when I press on DIRECTIONS button (on right bottom corner) :( So, I don't even have a chance to set an intermediate destination anymore... Be careful and do not update to that version, unless you want to experience my problem too...
As a result I stopped using my OsmAnd as my navigation tool :(


Jul 18, 2019, 10:25:50 PM7/18/19
to Osmand
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 03:18:29PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 10:11:24 PM UTC-7, Pere Pujal i Carabantes
>> Hi, to debug weird things like this, it would be useful if you do some
>> tests:
>> If your version of osmand is the + one, then install the free one,
>> ...
>> The key is to have 2 different versions in paralel and be able to compare
>> between them.
>> @Pere Pujal, thank you!
>Perhaps it's a good way to debug the problem. But I don't have OsmAnd+ and
>I don't have F-Droid installed too. So, I can't use this method to find out
>if current version of OsmAnd has a bug or not...

But you can install the F-Droid store app from here:

Then you can install various versions that are available from f-droid.

>> Note: I've tried to reproduce your problem on my phone but
>> everything works fine here despite the different settings I've
>> tried,
>I don't see any dialog for setting first or last intermediate

I will post another image for you shortly, an annotated version of the
image you posted the other day. The button for adding an intermediate
destination is present on that image. It no longer asks "first" or
"last" but simply adds the location as a new "last" intermediate
destination. So either add the intermediate destinations in the order
you wish to visit them, or reorder them after you have added them.

>My OsmAnd has version 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). And in this
>version, it starts routing immediately when I press on DIRECTIONS
>button (on right bottom corner) :( So, I don't even have a chance to
>set an intermediate destination anymore...

If you are referring to the button from my images labeled "start", then
that is the intent of that button, to begin routing.


Jul 18, 2019, 10:57:10 PM7/18/19
to Osmand
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 03:37:13PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 2:47:18 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> I do not see that behavior with the slightly older version that is
>> still on F-Droid. Going to favorites and picking one takes me to
>> the location of the favorite, but does not start a navigation. I
>> have to tab a "directions" button to begin a navigation to the
>> selected favorite.
>Good for you! I don't have F-Droid to install the old version of
>OsmAnd. You are the second (actually, the first one) poster, who
>recommends to use F-Droid to install an old version of OsmAnd in
>parallel to my existing version (3.4.4, released 2019-07-15).

Actually, I have never recommended you install an alternate version, I
have merely indicated that my copy is from the F-Droid store and as
such, is lagging behind the most current published version by a short
time. Eventually your 3.4.4 version will make its way into the F-Droid
store, at which point I will upgrade.

>How does this work? Will it interfere with my old version?

On this I can not say. It may interfere, it may not, I simply do not

>Where it will be installed now? If in the same location, then it will
>definitely brake my existing installation... And I don't want that to

It is possible that attempting to install an alternate version will
wipe away your current settings and favorites. So I recommend you
exercise caution and unless you are sure doing so will not break
things, I'd recommend you not try.

>> Given the changes made, it stands to reason that you'll need to change
>> slightly how you insert your destination and intermediate entries into
>> OsmAnd.
>I don't see any dialog for setting first or last intermediate

You have to first touch the "+" icon (green area in the attached
Image-1-annotated.png file) to get to the dialog where you can set an
intermediate destination.

>My OsmAnd has version 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). And in
>this version, it starts routing immediately when I press on DIRECTIONS
>button (on right bottom corner)

See the annotation in Image-1-annotated.png. If by "bottom right
corner" you refer to the button labeled "Start", then the action you
are seeing is exactly the intent. That button is the "Start
navigation" button (which is why the label is "Start").

>:( So, I don't even have a chance to set an intermediate destination

You have to do one of two things:

1) Add your intermediate destinations before you touch the "Start"

2) After you touch start and have started navigation, touch the
"navigation" button (bottom left, icon is a blue arrow that looks
much like the "your present position" arrow on the map when
navigation. A dialog will then open, which contains an identical
"+" button as highlighted in green on Image-1-annotated.png.
Touching that "+" button brings up the "add intermediate" dialog

>Be careful and do not update to that version, unless you want to
>experience my problem too...

I won't be experiencing the problem, because I'm telling you exactly
how to fix the problem. Touch the correct control button, and you will
no longer have this problem. That correct control button being the
one highlighted in green on the attached Image-1-annotated.png.

Note that Image-1-annotated.png is an annotated copy of the image you
posted a few days ago (the only difference is I cropped and color
limited it to reduce its size significantly). The interface you
captured in your screen shot is identical to the interface I see on my
slightly older version from the F-Droid store. I expect it will work
exactly as I've detailed for you in the annotations. Please try what
is shown in the annotated image.



Jul 19, 2019, 5:27:33 PM7/19/19
to Osmand
On Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 7:57:10 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>My OsmAnd has version 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). And in 
>this version, it starts routing immediately when I press on DIRECTIONS
>button (on right bottom corner)

No, I'm referring to DIRECTIONS (which is on the right bottom corner, see my picture Image-2.png) posted earlier. The "Start" button in my version of OsmAnd is located as second button from the left after Menu button. The "Start" button has an black arrow directed to the right. As I mentioned earlier, I have to tap on "Start" just to set my destination (Home). The problem occurs when I try to add intermediate destinations taken from Favorites menu. Instead of offering menu to set first or last intermediate destination, it immediately starts navigation to that point. I do not even have a chance to set any intermediate destination at all :(
See the annotation in Image-1-annotated.png.  If by "bottom right
corner" you refer to the button labeled "Start", then the action you
are seeing is exactly the intent.  That button is the "Start
navigation" button (which is why the label is "Start").
See my explanation a couple of lines above.
>:( So, I don't even have a chance to set an intermediate destination 
1) Add your intermediate destinations before you touch the "Start" 

2) After you touch start and have started navigation, touch the 
   "navigation" button (bottom left, icon is a blue arrow that looks 
   much like the "your present position" arrow on the map when 
   navigation.  A dialog will then open, which contains an identical 
   "+" button as highlighted in green on Image-1-annotated.png.   
   Touching that "+" button brings up the "add intermediate" dialog 

Thanks for Image-1-annotated.png image :) I don't have any chance to see it. Navigation starts immediately after I press DIRECTIONS button, replacing my actual destination to that specific point. No menu to set any intermediate destinations  :(
You have to do one of two things:

>Be careful and do not update to that version, unless you want to
>experience my problem too...

I won't be experiencing the problem, because I'm telling you exactly
how to fix the problem.  Touch the correct control button, and you will
no longer have this problem.  That correct control button being the
one highlighted in green on the attached Image-1-annotated.png.

Don't have a chance to see this picture... Navigation starts immediately.

So, now it's just one way navigation by OsmAnd. And it doesn't work at all! 
I used to prepare my route (including multiple destinations) at home. Then drive to those points, pressing Pause button and, after I'm done there, continue the rest of the trip as planned. Now I have to set one way destination, then sit in my car and set another destination. Then repeat this process again and again. Frankly I don't have time or will to do so. That's why I've said  - I stopped using OsmAnd as my navigation tool :(

Pere Pujal i Carabantes

Jul 19, 2019, 5:43:26 PM7/19/19
El dj. 18 de 07 de 2019 a les 15:18 -0700, en/na OA va escriure:
Well, osmand free 3.4.4 is what I installed to test and performs right here, so currently I am convinced there is something on your phone that somehow
breaks osmand.

As last resource, I would try to complete uninstall osmand, of course after creating the backups you need(POIs, tracks, maps, whatever...), then
install osmand fresh and test it before restoring any backup.

> As a result I stopped using my OsmAnd as a navigation tool :(

So you don't lose anything to do this test



Jul 19, 2019, 6:58:00 PM7/19/19
to Osmand
On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 02:27:33PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 7:57:10 PM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> >My OsmAnd has version 3.4.4 (released 2019-07-15). And in
>>this version, it starts routing immediately when I press on DIRECTIONS
>> >button (on right bottom corner)
> No, I'm referring to DIRECTIONS (which is on the right bottom corner,
>see my picture Image-2.png) posted earlier.

Ah, I see, you are first going to the 'favorites' listing, then picking
a favorite. I always added intermediate destinations by beginning
route planning, then adding favorites to the route being planned.

>Instead of offering menu to set first or last intermediate
>destination, it immediately starts navigation to that point. I do not
>even have a chance to set any intermediate destination at all :(

Yes, it seems that when in the "favorites list" the "directions" button
is interpreted to mean "take me here".

Instead, can you try the steps detailed on the attached image. It
shows how to set a route, including intermediate destinations. Each
time you press the "+" button that is highlighted, you will have a
dialog that allows you to select from any possible method of picking a
point, including favorites. To use favorites as intermediate
destinations, this seems to be how they have to be inserted into the
current route.

So, can you at least try the directions in the attached image once?


Martin Trautmann

Jul 21, 2019, 4:13:04 AM7/21/19
On 19-07-18 14:40, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> Op do 18 jul. 2019 om 10:26 schreef Martin Trautmann <
> <>>:

> I do not understand why it would have to be that way.
> It doesn't have to be that way. It is simply one of the multiple ways:
> using favorites, map markers, addresses, "search on map", shift every
> possible (intermediate) point to another location or do it automatically
> (salesman algorithm).
> And who cares that it also calculates a new route immediately? You can
> just continue adding/shifting points.
> It is just that this QA is so enormously stubborn that he only wants it
> to work the old way. So I showed him one other way which I thought would
> be most simple to him.

It's good to learn about an alternative, if the old version does not
work any longer.

But to imply that you have to think and work in a certain way, for no
other reason than a design flaw (?) that broke the other way - I do not
agree here.

Personally, I have my own problems with osmand, not keeping its destination.

Whenever I enter a destination, but do not start immediately, the
destination is gone and not even visible within the history - which
would be the least where it should be kept.

It happend both by leaving osmand with the back button, the home button
or the jump to another app, but it did not happen every time. However,
when I started the track and did any of those, the destination was kept,
as expected.

- Martin


Harry van der Wolf

Jul 21, 2019, 4:40:13 AM7/21/19
to osmand

Op zo 21 jul. 2019 om 10:13 schreef Martin Trautmann <>:
On 19-07-18 14:40, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> Op do 18 jul. 2019 om 10:26 schreef Martin Trautmann <
> <>>:

But to imply that you have to think and work in a certain way, for no
other reason than a design flaw (?) that broke the other way - I do not
agree here.

Personally, I have my own problems with osmand, not keeping its destination.

Whenever I enter a destination, but do not start immediately, the
destination is gone and not even visible within the history - which
would be the least where it should be kept.

OK, you have valid arguments. So we all have our own ways to do "something" in OsmAnd. So many users, so many tastes.

OsmAnd has the most  functionality I know of any Nav app. That might mean that some design decisions are considered as design flaws to others.
(Personally I still think that the "double-layer" rendering implemented after version 1.3 (yes, really that old) is a design flaw as since then screen rendering is much slower.)

If users consider some "way of working" as a design flaw or bug, please file an issue in the tracker:
If enough users think that way and the developers are convinced by "your" explanation how it should work, it might be implemented/changed.
This mailing list is really an "end users helping each other" list. The devs hardly look at it. For them the issue tracker is their communication channel.

So please file a ticket (first search if it already has been filed), and maybe your wishes will be implemented.



Jul 29, 2019, 3:56:02 PM7/29/19
to Osmand
I have yet another problem with OsmAnd (3.4.4, released 2019-07-15).
Yesterday I tried to set one direction (to home) route and when I started it, I did not have any prompt... I had to drive with left hand on the wheel, while keeping smart phone in the right to turn it on, off, on, off just to see my next direction. While I can do it while sitting in my car, I certainly can't do it while riding my bike :(
So, with the latest OsmAnd I have several major problems:
• I can't set intermediate destinations (all of them replaces my actual destination, see lot of examples above)
• I can't hear its prompts at all, making it impossible to use while I'm riding my bike
This is completely unadaptable and must be fixed ASAP, or I can't use it anymore.

In the past, I used to recommend OsmAnd to my friends and other people around. Not anymore... Until I see if those two problems are getting fixed, I can't use it at all. Perhaps I should consider looking for another navigation app to replace OsmAnd.

Can someone can recommend a free navigation tool, that doesn't require data connection while navigating? I'd appreciate your advice :)


Jul 30, 2019, 7:53:23 AM7/30/19
to Osmand
On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 12:56:02PM -0700, OA wrote:
>??? I can't set intermediate destinations (all of them replaces my actual
>destination, see lot of examples above)

You've been shown, in great detail, in this list, with annotated
images, how to add an intermediate destination in Osmand. Most
recently in this post:!msg/osmand/8FXPXP0Ik5w/gJxsvEhlBwAJ
and yet you continue to complain that it does not work for you.

The fact that you still can't do this, even after being shown how in
step by step detail, implies that the problem is with you, and not

>??? I can't hear its prompts at all, making it impossible to use while I'm
>riding my bike

Make certian that voice prompts are turned on in the route display screen.
If I remember correctly, the upgrade to either 3.4.3 or 3.4.4 via. F-Droid
turned voice prompting off, and I had to turn them back on again.
There was also a post in this group not long ago about changes in
preferences storage and needing to verify that settings were migrated


Jul 30, 2019, 5:06:47 PM7/30/19
to Osmand

On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 4:53:23 AM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 12:56:02PM -0700, OA wrote:
>??? I can't set intermediate destinations (all of them replaces my actual
>destination, see lot of examples above)

You've been shown, in great detail, in this list, with annotated
images, how to add an intermediate destination in Osmand.  Most
recently in this post:!msg/osmand/8FXPXP0Ik5w/gJxsvEhlBwAJ
and yet you continue to complain that it does not work for you.

The fact that you still can't do this, even after being shown how in
step by step detail, implies that the problem is with you, and not

Oh, really? You did not say how to make route using favorites from "My Places". And that's where I keep all my intermediate destinations. It's much more convenient to keep all of them in one place rather than adding it one by tapping on '+' sign... But that's exactly when the problem happens - tapping on DIRECTIONS button taken from my favorites waypoint replaces my actual destination with that point :( Try it and let me know how it work (or not) for you.

>??? I can't hear its prompts at all, making it impossible to use while I'm
>riding my bike

Make certian that voice prompts are turned on in the route display screen.  
If I remember correctly, the upgrade to either 3.4.3 or 3.4.4 via. F-Droid
turned voice prompting off, and I had to turn them back on again.  
There was also a post in this group not long ago about changes in
preferences storage and needing to verify that settings were migrated

Preferences storage now is by default located on my phone, not on SD card (as it was before). So, is it correct place of what?

And how you do set your voice prompts on?

My way is - go to "Settings | Navigation settings | Driving | Navigation preferences | Announce.."
And there I have all of these checked:
• Street names
• Traffic warnings
• Speed limit
• Track waypoints
and some others too.

And in "Arrival announcement" it's set to "Normal".
Neither of those prompts I can hear...

So my question to you - how did you do "turn them back on again"?


Jul 31, 2019, 10:54:37 AM7/31/19
to Osmand
On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 02:06:47PM -0700, OA wrote:
>On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 4:53:23 AM UTC-7, Xavier wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 12:56:02PM -0700, OA wrote:
>> >??? I can't set intermediate destinations (all of them replaces my
>> >actual destination, see lot of examples above)
>> You've been shown, in great detail, in this list, with annotated
>> images, how to add an intermediate destination in Osmand. Most
>> recently in this post:
>> and yet you continue to complain that it does not work for you.
>> The fact that you still can't do this, even after being shown how in
>> step by step detail, implies that the problem is with you, and not
>> Osmand.
>> Oh, really?

Yes really. Your complaint was:

Can not set intermediate destination without resetting final

You were shown how, with increasing detail, over several messages,
culminating with the one referenced above that contained a very
detailed, step-by-step, image, how to set an intermediate destination
without resetting the final destination. Therefore your problem was
solved and my statement is factually correct.

>You did not say how to make route using favorites from "My

Now you move the goalposts from your initial complaint to a different
complaint, how to setup a route, presumably including intermediate
destinations, from "My Places". So, I have prepared yet another
detailed, step-by-step, instructional image for you, this time showing
how to add intermediate destinations via "My Places". That image is

However, I predict, based upon your prior postings, that you will have
some issue or complaint with this method as well, and I further predict
that the issue will be that the method detailed is not identical to
whatever method you previously used. Unfortunately being stubborn and
insisting on the exact same method you previously used is not going to
get you anywhere. You either need to change to accommodate the changed
way of setting up a route, or you need to move on.

>But that's exactly when the problem happens - tapping on DIRECTIONS
>button taken from my favorites waypoint replaces my actual destination
>with that point :( Try it and let me know how it work (or not) for

I did try it, the attached image shows step-by-step instructions on
exactly how to set intermediate destinations from My Places, including
what appears to be the dialog you have alluded to using in the past
where you can insert a favorite as first intermediate, or last
intermediate, or even choose to replace the final destination if you
choose. But at no time during my setting up of this route to capture
these images did Osmand automatically replace the final destination
with the favorite I choose.

Therefore, if you follow these steps, you will get to the state you
desire. But if you refuse to change, and insist that whatever old way
you used to use be present, well then that problem falls back to being
a problem with you, not with Osmand.

>> >??? I can't hear its prompts at all, making it impossible to use
>> >while I'm riding my bike
>> Make certain that voice prompts are turned on in the route display screen.
>> If I remember correctly, the upgrade to either 3.4.3 or 3.4.4 via. F-Droid
>> turned voice prompting off, and I had to turn them back on again.
>> There was also a post in this group not long ago about changes in
>> preferences storage and needing to verify that settings were migrated
>> properly.
>Preferences storage now is by default located on my phone, not on SD card
>(as it was before). So, is it correct place of what?

I have no idea. I have not changed my OsmAnd's preference storage

>And how you do set your voice prompts on?

See the very bottom of the instructional image. The very last
annotation points to the icon that was "off" after my OsmAnd upgraded
to either 3.4.3 or 3.4.4 and that I had to toggle back "on" to have
voice prompts reappear.

>My way is - go to "Settings | Navigation settings | Driving | Navigation
>preferences | Announce.."
>And there I have all of these checked:
>??? Street names
>??? Traffic warnings
>??? Speed limit
>??? Track waypoints
>and some others too.

That chooses *what* to announce, but not whether announcements in total
are on/off. The "on/off" switch is referenced at the bottom of the
attached image. And after one of the recent upgrades, that "on/off"
switch was "off".

>So my question to you - how did you do "turn them back on again"?

See above.

Note, the attached image is quite large (in pixel size). I have
converted it to be only 16 colors to keep the file size down to a
manageable level, but you will need to view it in a viewer that allows
you to zoom and pan around the zoomed image to be able to read the
annotations. I can not offer any suggestions on appropriate viewers.
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