EARTH ACTION IN THE NEWS - December 21, 2017

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2017年12月21日 06:11:122017/12/21
收件人 OSC - Earth Action Campaign
Occupy Sonoma County

Welcome to the people who have joined recently.  This is a simple weekly newsletter.  Your participation is encouraged.  Please share information and actions about climate change, climate justice, GMOs, toxic chemicals, and Earth-related topics.  Please refrain from posting petitions or donation requests without OSC approval.  Thank you for joining us.

Go to our Facebook and Twitter pages to share these articles already posted there.

If you are uncomfortable clicking on links in an email you can cut and paste the link into your browser.

1) European Commission Issues Formal Objections to $66 Billion Bayer-Monsanto Mega Merger​
Sustainable Pulse: "The European Commission issued formal objections Friday to Bayer’s planned $66 billion takeover of Monsanto, according to two people briefed on the case, signaling the deal may be blocked unless the German company makes more significant concessions."

2) Your Food Has a Climate Footprint: Here’s What You Can Do About It (video)
Conservation International: "About a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to food in some way. So what you put on your plate actually matters a lot more than you think... the climate impact of meat gets plenty of attention—but it doesn't mean we all have to go vegan."
How Cities Can Meat the Climate Challenge
Friends Of The Earth: "Compared to other climate mitigation strategies, shifting how institutions buy food can be a relatively simple, cost-effective way to downsize our carbon footprint while improving access to healthy food. A case study from the Oakland Unified School District in California shows how successful this can be, slashing the school's food service carbon footprint 14 percent by buying less meat and dairy and offering more plant-based proteins, fruits and vegetables. This not only saved the carbon emissions equivalent to driving 1.5 million fewer miles annually, it also trimmed food service costs and earned high marks from the kids."

3) Rooftop Solar and EVs Save Water and Cut Pollution: Better Use of Data Will Optimize the Benefits ​
Environmental Defense Fund: "Solar panels and electric vehicles will help pave the way to a cleaner future, but we must dig into the details to ensure we maximize the environmental benefits. The more data we have and examine, the better that decision-makers can design energy programs and incentives to improve our environmental footprint."
World's Largest Solar-Wind-Storage Plant Planned for India

4) Netherlands Launches Landmark Zero-Subsidy Wind Power Auction
Reuters: "At the Netherlands' two previous auctions for offshore wind power last year, subsidies granted fell by a quarter, as a combination of surging demand for wind energy, low interest rates, technological progress and competition among turbine makers made it considerably cheaper to build wind farms."

5) Cell Phone Radiation Risks: California Issues Groundbreaking Guidelines
Environmental Working Group: "This week, California officially issued groundbreaking guidelines advising cell phone users to keep phones away from their bodies and limit use when reception is weak. State officials caution that studies link radiation from long-term cell phone use to an increased risk of brain cancer, lower sperm counts and other health problems, and note that children's developing brains could be at greater risk."

6) One Planet Summit: World Bank to Stop Financing Oil, Gas Projects
"In effort to bolster a global shift to clean energy, the World Bank—which provides financial, advisory and technical support to developing countries—announced it will “no longer finance upstream oil and gas, after 2019."

7) While America Focuses on Tax Bill, Congress Quietly Tries to Open Arctic Refuge to Oil Drilling
Mercury From Industrialized Nations Is Polluting the Arctic—Here’s How It Gets There
The Conversation: "In the Arctic, high levels of mercury are found in beluga whales, polar bears, seals, fish, eagles and other birds. This means that humans are also affected, particularly the Inuit, who rely on traditional hunting and fishing for food. Exposure to high levels of mercury over long periods can lead to neurological and cardiovascular problems. Scientists have been working for more than two decades to determine how mercury makes its way from industrialized countries to the Arctic."

8) What a failed civil rights campaign can teach climate activists trying to stop Kinder Morgan
Waging Nonviolence: "The fight against Kinder Morgan needs to be more than just a series of actions against a single pipeline. Kinder Morgan was approved without adequate climate considerations and against the opposition of indigenous peoples and communities. We have to demonstrate that, in the era of climate change, this cannot happen without facing mass civil disobedience."
How Bill McKibben’s Radical Idea of Fossil-Fuel Divestment Transformed the Climate Debate

9) Amazon Reef: BP Drilling Plans Dealt Another Blow by Brazilian Regulator ​
Greenpeace: "BP's plans to drill for oil near a huge coral reef in the mouth of Amazon river have been dealt a further blow after a regulator questioned the company's environmental risk assessment."

10) Record 129 Million Dead Trees in California
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Monday announced that "the total number of trees that have died due to drought and bark beetles to an historic 129 million on 8.9 million acres. The dead trees continue to pose a hazard to people and critical infrastructure, mostly centered in the central and southern Sierra Nevada region of the state."

11) This App Donates Excess Food to New York’s Most Vulnerable
Global Citizen: "Transfernation, which brands itself as "NYC's first tech-based, on demand food redistribution system," has been making significant strides to tackle the pernicious issue of food insecurity—by taking it online. Their online platform allows corporate and social institutions to easily donate excess food from large events to local feeding programs."

12) Atlantic Coast Pipeline Opponents Down But Not Out After Conditional Approval
Climate Nexus: "A Virginia panel of regulators granted a conditional approval for a controversial gas pipeline Tuesday, saying that more information on environmental impact is needed before the project can proceed."

13) Electronic Waste Study Finds $65 Billion in Raw Materials Discarded in Just One Year
"The weight of last year's e-waste was equivalent to about 4,500 Eiffel Towers, according to the study by the UN university, the International Telecommunication Union and the International Solid Waste Association."

14) Extreme Storms to Multiply, Intensify Across U.S., New Simulations Suggest
Climate News Network: "For the U.S., harder rain is on the way: America's summer thunderstorms are about to get stormier. Later this century, the notorious mesoscale convective storms of middle America will not just darken skies—they will also dump as much as 80 percent more water on the farms, highways and cities of the 48 contiguous states."
Climate Change ‘Tripled Chances’ of Hurricane Harvey’s Record Rain

15) USDA Gives in to Big 'Organic' Poultry, Moves to Withdraw New Animal Welfare Rules
The egg and chicken industry spends more money blocking animal welfare legislation that it would cost to make humane improvements.  The treatment of chickens is deplorable and highly deceptive to consumers.  'Cage-free' and 'Free Range' is a hoax.  For a more healthy and humane option get eggs that are 'Pasture Raised' and look for 'organic', 'non-GMO', 'certified humane', and 'vegetarian feed' on the label.  Pasture raised, organic eggs are the most expensive in the store so if the price is high for you eat fewer and go for quality.  There are 1/2 dozen options to save money. 

16) California Wildfires: Thomas Fire Could Become Largest in State History

17) Most Censored Stories of 2017, Honduras v. Venezuela, Local Level Corruption (video)
Redacted Tonight: "Lee Camp covers what were some of the most censored stories this year, according to the media watchdog site “Project Censored.”
CAUTION: adult language

18) China on Track to Establish Carbon Market as U.S. Withdraws From Climate Stage
Chinese City to Become World's First to Switch Entire Bus Fleet to Electric

Call To Action!
We urge all groups including schools, neighborhood associations, organizations, clubs and groups of any kind to adopt a Climate Declaration.  Adopt ours or write your own.  Share your Climate Declaration with local governments, the media, write articles, and share information.
Occupy Sonoma County Climate Declaration

Occupy Sonoma County, along with concerned, forward thinking people all over the world, declares that climate change has reached catastrophic proportions as evidenced by the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the melting of polar ice caps, and the continual rising of global temperatures.  This is a global emergency, and we must act immediately.​  We invite all forces of life to join together for our survival.  We stand up for life.

We recognize that the root of climate change is a capitalist system run by money greedy corporations and the governments that they control.  We actively oppose greenhouse gas producers, nuclear power investors, and fossil fuel companies by boycotting their products, developing alternatives, divesting from corporations that endorse them and insisting that governments at all levels take action.  We call on all governments and corporations to adopt life-sustaining practices immediately.

The people must act now to stop this destruction from continuing and reverse the damage this has caused​.  The future is in our hands.  We are the 99%!


Take Action - Get Involved!

Mark Z. Jacobson speaking on Transitioning Countries, States, and Cities to 100% Renewable Energy For All Purposes As Soon As Possible!
Thursday, January 4, 7 PM
Praxis Peace Project, $20 ($50 with reception) at Vintage House, Sonoma
Tickets online at or contact, 707-939-2973

Sonoma Solidarity with Standing Rock Meeting
Saturday, January 13, 2-5 PM

2nd Saturday of each month:
2-3:30 pm Divestment & Public Banking
3:30-5 pm Main Meeting
Peace & Justice Center - 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa
For more info:, Email
Attend our next Earth Action Campaign meeting

Monday, January 15, 7-9 PM
Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa
This campaign meets monthly on the 3rd Mondays. Meet in person or call in from home.

For more information go to or call 707-877-6650.

Sonoma County Climate Change Activists Meeting
Monday,  January 28​, 7-9 PM, Peace & Justice Center
Climate change groups and individuals working together to coordinate efforts and make action plans.
At the last meeting we all agreed to support the 350 Sonoma Green Rebuild Campaign.  We encourage you to get involved.  Contact or to endorse their proposal and support their work.


Look for Public Bank Santa Rosa on Facebook or email them at  Be sure to read and endorse their new resolution.


Volunteer Opportunities

• Shopper's Guide Research

We are updating our shopper's guide this month. If you use a product that is not in our shopper's guide you can help research it or send us the name for us to scrutinize. We are expanding to include more categories. What pet foods and beer do you buy? If they are not on the list let us know.
• Adopt-A-Bulletin Board

What locations do you already go to that have bulletin boards?  Where can you easily go to in your own neighborhood to help us publicize teach-ins and events?  Download our latest flyer from our website and let us know where you are posting.

• Graphic Artist Needed For Converting Our New Logo To Vector Art

We have a logo design that is 8-10".  We would like to be able to scale it up to 3-4'.

• Video editing help is always needed - even one hour would help

We are behind in our video projects and could use some help in getting caught up.

Can you help us upload some video clips to our Youtube page?

What Earth Actions are you taking?

(en español)

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing county-wide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.

Kamal Prasad

2017年12月21日 10:09:322017/12/21
收件人 OSC - Earth Action Campaign
The problem with meat reduction plans is that it counts on everyone reducing their meat (including fish), dairy, and eggs consumption equally. How many SUV driving, fossil fuel promoting and people who just generally don't give a damn will do this?

We are all in the same sinking boat. If someone in the boat isn't contributing to removing water from the boat, the rest who care about the sinking boat need to work harder. Vegan foods have the least environmental impact, there is no argument about that. We can't just reduce our personal meat consumption and hope that others will do the same. We have to do all we can and more because others aren't doing enough, while we wait for others to get on board, if they ever will.

This (false) reduction plan could equally apply to fossil fuels. If only everyone reduced their fossil fuel consumption, we could bring about some sort of balance of emissions and sequestration. But this is not what the environmental movement is about. People who care about the environment don't just seek to reduce their fossil fuel consumption, they seek to eliminate it.

Unfortunately, fossil fuels are so ingrained in our day to day lives that even the most well meaning person cannot (yet) eliminate it completely from their lives.

The same is not true of the consumption of animals products. Anyone can eliminate their consumption of animal products starting right away. We are lucky to live in an area where we can choose the most sustainable foods.

Are we going to make that choice?



'Live Long and Prosper,' as a Vulcan would say.

Do you know someone who has or is transitioning to a more compassionate and sustainable plant-based lifestyle. Share this "Welcome to the Community" video with them:

Do we really need GMOs to feed a growing population, or is there another, simpler solution.

Human population may be a problem but there is a bigger population problem that anyone can do something about:

C. Hoex

2017年12月30日 02:57:382017/12/30
收件人 Kamal Prasad、OSC - Earth Action Campaign
    I say Yes, we need to make this choice. The amazing secret is that a whole foods plant based diet is also the healthiest you can choose. Read the China Study, by T. Colin Campbell . 
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Dave Molidor

2017年12月30日 12:41:432017/12/30
收件人 C. Hoex、Kamal Prasad、OSC - Earth Action Campaign
Bravo Kamal. Vegan diet is the answer. Growing our own food again and being more self sustainable is also the answer but until we all can do that, the best we can do is create less demand for animal agriculture and thus GMOs, antibiotics (big pharma) and essentially, the federal government (subsidizing meat and dairy). 
There is no greater form of revolution than becoming vegan and not supporting these evil industries with our dollar. 

Not suggestions of switching to "grass-fed beef" (actually takes more land, water, resources etc), not "just eat fish" (scientists say our oceans will be void of fish by 2048 at our current rate), not "reducing our meat consumption" (still creates demand for the barbaric slaughter and short miserable lives of sentient beings that feel pain), no suggestions will work other than refusing to support big pharma and GMO, ocean acidification, waterway pollution, Amazon deforestation and greenhouse gases that are worse than all forms of transportation combined.
Ethical veganism is the answer, just like buying local organic fruits and veggies is. 
Just be sure to cleanse your fruits and veggies with some sort of cleansing agent (trader Joe's provides one) because despite being organic they are still absorbing the toxic chemicals and metals from stratospheric geoengineering aerosols that we see lining our skies daily and creating fake clouds (that I have 18 rainwater analysis' showing evidence of abnormally high levels of barium salts, strontium, aluminum oxide, manganese, titanium, iron oxide, etc). 

For the animals, the environment and human health. Choose and promote veganism. 

Molidor, David Lawrence 
business entity ID#875120400020
Minnesota Secretary of State
The Orgonized Earth

Veronica Jacobi

2017年12月30日 16:17:562017/12/30
收件人 Dave Molidor、C. Hoex、Kamal Prasad、Osc_earth Action

And anyone interested in growing more food and acquiring land together please contact me.

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